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First for best ship.

Second for you are wrong

Holy shit the perspective on that pic is awful.

I realized what bugs me about this, the far s-foil is larger than the close one.

That being said Citadel is pretty OP. Used one for some bounty hunters chasing the party and it thrashed their YT-2000

I was always a fan of the weapons blisters, and how they were mimicked for the various MC class designs.

Something about the Dauntless has always tickled my fancy, especially since i thought the Bulwark looked like ass and i loved playing the alliance in Star Wars Rebellion.

Any ideas what will be next for X-wing?

Huh. I genuinely assumed it was an asymetric design.


T-75 X-wing, looks more or less the same as the T-70 but slightly different engine shape
TIE/fo2, same as the TIE/fo but blacker

Is it still too soon for a PDF of No Disintegrations?

The book isn't even officially out yet. And the main scanner has disappeared, so it's basically luck of the draw how soon we get it and how high quality it is.

Yeah, just was hoping someone had broken street date, my group meets up tomorrow and wanted a take a look at it before hand.

The trees have leaked courtesy of someone on the forum but that's it unfortunately.

There's actually a lot of wings on the beasts-
2 side wings
Plus you've got a long one coming down from the rear of the fuselage and a shorter one above that

At least they aren't solar panels...

It's really not the wings, that are the issue. At least not mine. It's the cockpit area. Which looks like it's turned away from the lines of the fuselage. Like it's on a flexible neck like an AT-AT.

Handy for looking around corners.

>Somewhere Raith Sienar throws a desk ornament at someone

The old Thunderclap is a really neat design for engineering improbabilities that are asymmetric star wars ships

Oh yeah its all fucked up, but at least it looks friendly

I just watch the Plinkett vids on Rogue One, talk about clutching at straws.

He did a full Plinkett on that?
I saw most of their half in the bag on it and it was just Mike whining that a bunch of fans made a movie that was different than how he, as a fan, envisioned it should be.
Really pretty pedantic and petty.
His movies on the prequels and TFA were mostly pretty spot-on, but now that the original trilogy is being touched, his autism is starting to pique.

Anyone think Improved/Superior Precise Strike are a bit OP? I'm not sure if there's a catch not covered in the forum leak but they seem fairly ridiculous for dealing with bosses.

The worst Supreme can do is inflict staggered, and if PCs are reliably landing crits on your bosses something is probably wrong anyway.

Well, Staggered is pretty much 'you lose'.
Most PCs perhaps, but some PCs are crit-focused, and getting a Crit 2 or even Crit 1 weapon isn't that hard. Getting 1 Success 1 Advantage against, say, Adversary 3 with 2 Defence, is pretty reasonable.

Or getting a Triumph, ever, regardless of Crit rating.

>completely at a loss for where to take my campaign next

Triumphs don't auto-trigger crits though?

Where is your campaign at right now?

Yeah, you spend them on Crits. You have to hit, but getting 1 Success ever isn't that difficult. I understand that Critting a boss isn't strictly easy, but with these Talents you only have to do it once and now they're stunned for the rest of the encounter. There are very few ways around that and the GM would have to shoehorn them into each Nemesis he puts out.

Basically just wrapped up Trouble Brewing with my roommates. They killed Dobah, stole his YV-666 and sold the glitterstim to the Hutt. That's pretty much it, they don't have much in the way of outside connections/benefactors.

I can think of a handful of single-session type things (eg., someone comes looking for Dobah's ship, an obligation comes calling), but I can't think of a way to tie it into a longer-term story.

Crippling shot is about as broken. And a good technician can just say the BBEG's lightsaber is broken if they have their high end talents.

Although I'd probably houserule it so Staggering and Blinding aren't on the table, honestly. Or make it so you can only alter a hard crit into a different hard crit

What obligations do your players have?

One Nemesis is a boss-level challenge for a party of 4, right?

Obligations can fuel a pretty good set of longer term arcs. What are the obligations you have to work with?


One nemesis can be a huge range of things, it's not really a specific measure of power.

If you use a single boss against a whole party, give the boss two turns,

You've got the gang together, now you need to do some long term thinking
>What the characters are like
>Their obligations, ambitions and motivations
If you don't have the latter- GET THEM, if they're being coy or dicking about coming up with their characters ideas, slap their shit

Then there's the next step
Main body of the campaign, tailor it to what the characters like to do, then the 'bad guys' will shit all over their dreams and desires.
This is many adventures

Last step sometime down the track is to come to the conclusion, where they confront one another

The aggregated obligations are:
>Obsession (be the very best mechanic)
>Antagonist (Imperial officer)
>Antagonist (Former business partner)
>More debt

I have no idea how to work with exile/obsession for long term. Maybe something with the two Antagonists coming together?

Their characters are actually decently established. Maybe I'll just ask them what they'd like to see in the story?

At some point down the road, I want them to start working for the Rebellion.

>Maybe I'll just ask them what they'd like to see in the story?
This is always a solid idea. When I was floundering with direction for my campaign I talked to my players and they made it clear they wanted to establish their characters as career criminals and build a proper criminal empire. So I shifted gears to giving them the opportunity to do that, and made them work for it, and it's gone great so far.

I mean yeah, it can be pretty rough, but not relying just on the Martial Artist tree alone.

There isn't much in the way of survivability for somebody who has to get up next to people (only 2 Parry, only 2 Toughened, no Enduring, Coordination Dodge requires Destiny flips), there's nothing to up Brawl damage (like Feral Strength) to help actually ensure you deal that 1 point on Wound damage to crit. I mean sure, you can grab some equipment to help compensate, but you still need to get some decent progress in 2 different trees to get close to something that might be broken; and that's more xp for less pay-off than some other broken talent combos in the game.

Hey guys, I got this starter box and I'm gonna run it for some guys at my local store soon. I've been reading through and getting my head around the rules and stuff, and grabbed the extra pdf adventure and two more characters.

Question is, can I use those two other characters right from the start too if I want to have more folks at the table or give folks choices? Or are they only designed for the second half of the content?

>Question is, can I use those two other characters right from the start too if I want to have more folks at the table or give folks choices?
That's what they're for.

Reminder that the Confederacy of Independent Systems did nothing wrong, and were the subjects of Republic Oppression


Has anyone here watched these? Thoughts on potentially using this as canon instead of the real PT for an in-between Saga and OT game?

No, just no.

I can tell looking at this dude that his videos are going to be obnoxious.

I know that he's an obnoxious looking guy, and that his voice is kind of cloying, but what specifically didn't you agree with? I thought his adjustments were for the most part pretty well-reasoned.

>nothing to up Brawl damage

They can add Coordination to damage for only 2 strain I think.
But yeah, alright, I suppose it's not too bad. I'll concede.

are there stats for TR-8Rs stun baton in RPG?

If his points had real merits, more people here would use his points in their arguments, don't you think? I liked the prequels as they were, flaws and all, and despite those flaws i am not one for altering what's in the films to fit my headcanon, only using my headcanon to fix the flaws that have been identified.

And by flaws I mean plot-holes and issues with continuity.

Not the First Order model specifically, the RPG is set purely in the GCW era. There's a generic "Stun Baton" and a generic "Stun Club" which would work fine though.

I think the reason you don't see more people using his points here is that the sort of people who follow YouTube channels like BelatedMedia aren't generally the same sort that hang out on Veeky Forums. Most of my normie Star Wars friends bring him up constantly when talking about the prequels.

I'm personally also a fan of the prequel trilogy, Phantom was the first movie I ever owned and is definitely one of my top 5 most watched. I just think he offers a neat alternate-timeline that could be fun to explore.

Perhaps for a Tabletop game session yeah, I could see it. As far as I've seen most "normies" don't analyze star wars the way any in-depth fan does, so your friends aren't any more normal than you they're just not Veeky Forums users.

This said. Now having watched his videos, I really don't like his ideas. Some of them were an improvement, yeah, but most were him simply deciding to rewrite the whole thing rather than improve on what was already there flaws or not. He said in his hypothetical universe where he was a Fox exec, he acted like he would have actually said no to Lucas or that execs actually get that involved, especially where geniuses like Lucas are involved, they don't. That is precisely why he never got called on the flaws and continuity issues presented in the prequels. Most of the issues can be fixed with TV shows and other media, and I assume Lucasfilm under Disney is working on that.
The other thing I dislike with his ideas and story changes did not seem inspired or epic or legendary, simply mediocre ways to make the films more consistent with his previous alterations. Nothing he says seems better than what we got, only different, and his different is not my idea of whats better.

what about letting grievous run their army?

He was a necessary evil

How about letting Dooku be their leader with his known Sith affiliation? he was elected after all.

He was a Jedi once, and that made him have some moral high ground despite his sith affiliations

but it is a wrong thing the CIS did. for all his moral high ground and other bullshit, he masterminded the CIS as a Sith controlled movement to weaken the Republic and for a Sith Empire then once the Empire was formed discard them like trash.

Was Dooku a Sith pre-Phantom Menace? I mean, he supposedly started the separatist movement, which was around before the movie, but Darth Maul was still alive, so Palpatine's not following the Rule of Two.

Was Palpatine ever following the rule of two to the letter? he corrupted many a force sensitive in his time, and few ever gained the title of Darth, let alone Dark Lord of The Sith.

Vanguard-class Heavy Assault Gunship is a ship to be feared and great ship for a group of mercs to purchase or steal.

Would it be unreasonable for an old republic era ship to have survived and remained operable up to the galactic civil war?

The Old Republic era is a very, very large time frame. You'd need to be more specific.

KOTOR era, then

Probably. IIRC, one of WEG's splat books had a capital ship design that dated back to what would eventually become the KOTOR era. I'm not sure whether that meant it has been in production since then or old ships still remain in service. There's precedent for it, though.

All right. Thanks.

Would you a sterile selonian warrior woman? Corran Horn would.

I recently read Darth Plagueis, and no, Dooku wasn't Sith by the time of TPM. He doesn't even leave the Jedi Order until around the events of TPM (in fact, the events surrounding it are part of why he decides to leave, sort of the straw that broke the camel's back).

Dooku also wasn't the leader of the separatist movement, because there really wasn't a separatist movement yet.

Anyone managed to make out what the base says?

The Invincible class Dreadnought right?

Sliiiiighly newer than KotOR but still old as balls.

Aren't those crazy OP?

What's a good name for a corporate scouting company. I have a game set in the Old Republic, and one of my players is a scout for Czerka, and we're trying to come up with a name for the branch he works for that is subtly sinister.

Inalgra or Thalgra from what i can tell

Fug, spoiler tag didn't work right.
Czerka explo ration and facil itation


yeah, I've been on the internet long enough that I'd do it with a woman of just about any species in the Star Wars universe that both shows any interest in me and passes the harkness test.

and I mean any species

what's a great way to come up with ideas for planets that have unique and memorable feel to them?

You slut. I would never with a Sarlaac......Ok maybe I would.

>I would never with a Sarlaac
a Sarlaac would never pass the Harkness test, so neither would I.

Give them a reason to want to come back. It can be the sandiest Tatooine clone of all time, but if there's a junk dealer who owes your party money they'll remember it.

Travel. Bring a notepad and a camera. Alternately, start worldbuilding by using a particular quirk as a building block. For instance, the nature of a planet's main alcoholic beverage can say a lot about climate, geology, plant life, etc.

First and foremost a great name and cool wildlife.

How? We know it has the ability to communicate, and we know that they live thousands of years, and also it's reproduction cycle.

Wellll There's several stories that would disagree with you, they apparently leech minds through the force and become quite sapient.

>We know it has the ability to communicate
no it doesn't...


So apparently Hutts aren't hermaphrodites anymore.


How does he do squats with no legs though?

>I have no legs and I must squat

>Still attaching mysticism to light sabers.

It's just a magnetic field containing a stable plasma reaction.

I hope we get more non-force users having them just to open/cook beans right out of the can. Or at least have sith wannabes struggle to fight off more diversity hires.

The weapons mean nothing to the force. You might as well build a fanbase around a sharpened stick.

Definetly Inalgra

It's not really attaching mysticism, the hutt is just a massive jediboo that collects jedi relics.

>just a massive jediboo

So like 80% of StarWars fans?

I really hope the title to the new movie is correct and we have to redefine what makes someone a Jedi.

Does anyone have any suggestions one what kind of ship I should have my players operate from? System is Saga Edition, era is Old Republic circa 3500 BBY, and they're working for the Sith. Any help would be appreciated.

Dynamic-class freighter?

Doesn't seem to match any existing characters, so possibly someone FFG made up for the game?

So for AoR, what's a good way to hint to the players that they should try and assault an imperial position?

I really want to use of the mass combat rules from 'Friends Like These'

YT 1300 light freighter

Mass combat also shows up in Lead by Example, just sayin'.
Have something very bad happen if they don't start killing Imperials right now, like them calling in an orbital bombardment/reinforcements or leaking information on Rebel presence in the area. Or just have a higher-up order them to do it.