Do your RPG adventures ever feature a beach episode?
Do your RPG adventures ever feature a beach episode?
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Of course, each of our campaigns has the obligatory beach or hot springs session.
These are otherwise completely normal DnD campaigns, and even during the aforementioned sessions we do normal stuff rather than wacky anime hijinks. We just always include one of them for laughs.
I'm getting really tired of these retarded threads
We had one in the Nanoha game I'm playing in.
Of course, in addition to showing off swimsuits and relaxing on the beach, we also ended up investigating hidden ancient ruins and fighting/rescuing a slightly mad ancient AI. That was fun.
My last campaign started with one. It went pretty well.
>I'm getting really tired of these retarded threads
Great news! Thanks to recent innovations in Internet culture, you now have the option to "ignore" the threads that you dislike!
>But I'm just a regular Veeky Forums user, how can I "ignore" threads?
It's simple! When you see a thread you dislike, rather than opening the thread and posting an angry comment about its existence, just keep scrolling!
>But I can't help replying to threads that make me upset!
Sorry, there's still no cure for being a triggered faggot.
I want there to be porn of the big girl.
My current party visited the world's most relaxing beach inhabited by slacker orcs not too long ago. They had to make willpower checks to leave.
Yes, all the time.
Our group has "beach episodes" or analagous vacation-themed mini-adventures on a semi-regular basis. The mercenary/treasure-hunting company our PCs belong to throws a yearly summer founding party at a seaside resort town that often takes the form of shorter, light-hearted games between larger campaigns. It's pretty fun.
Would you settle for a picture of her riding a Dinosaur?
For this reason.
Sorta. We ended up on a beach after our vessel was sunk in a storm due to a genie wish, a Greater Daemon and a pissed off ocean god, which left us stranded, my character's adopted son dead, our crew missing and most of our possessions at the bottom of the sea. Turned out be an alternate timeline kind of deal after the last wish was made by another character, seconds before my sword would have split his head in two.
Isn't that from the third jurassic park movie?
Upboat le redit lel xdddd ;^)
I like this plot hook
Source on the art?
In one game I was in, we did have a hot spring session. It was pretty magic realmy, but the entire game was magic realmy (in fact, that was sort of the point.)
Isn't that just a do-over a classic Dragonball cover?
Yes, Several.
They can get dangerous when your employer is wheelchair bound.
Yes. Unironically yes.
A few years ago, some equally weeby friend and I ran a campaign that was meant to be a tropey anime campaign. So we legitimately had a beach episode. The party, a bunch of high school aged kids looking to become various kinds of magical knights got transported to a tropical island for some R&R.
Then our vacation was interrupted by pirates. And absurdity ensued.
What's so special about beaches anyway.
The sand feels hot under your feet, it gets into every nook and cranny and orifice of you and gets stuck to your skin if you're sweaty or have sun screen.
The sea is like a colossal swimming pool but the water is salty and probably polluted as fuck.
If you're not into getting tanned, don't feel like swimming and not into pretending the beach dunes are a desert for you to LARP in what's the appeal?
>exluding all potential social/human factors, like pretty women in swimwear wanting some sun screen on their back.
I'm more interested in the cute gorgon.
You've pretty much listed them all, and these things tend to be real draws for people.
I ran a bonus session for my players in D&D that had them relaxing with orcs in a sauna. They had alot of fun with it
>It's a beach episode session
>Except the villain is joining the party for some sun and fun
I want this to happen
Why not both?
>My BBEG is an autistic angry ghost king
>He can banish people to different planes
This is too perfect. Imminent banter while suntanning.
>DH campaign
>The team foil a plot by their nemesis
>Inquisitor rewards them with a 2 day R&R leave pass to a pleasure world
>Get half a session of anti-grav volleyball and expensive cocktails on the beach
>Guests start turning up dead
>Global comms and telepathy blackout
>Uncover a mysterious assassin
>It's an Eldar Ranger
>They're on a Maiden World
>There's enough spirit stones stashed away to build an army
>There's an Eldar invasion imminent
>They struggle to evacuate an entire planet of the Imperium's rich and powerful on scattered, isolated islands across the globe
>Last chopper out of Saigon shit
>Eldar swarm the planet
>Inquisitor picks them up
>They technically weren't on mission and exceeded their leave pass by 3 days while evacuating
>They get labour duty between missions to teach them responsibility for their actions
Bumping for ideas of feasible fantasy swimsuits
What is the name of this type of amphibious vehicle?
I was already intending for one of my campaign's villains to show up at times when the party can't do anything to them, but this would be even funnier.
I actually pulled that exact thing off on my campaign.
> Group is relaxing a last time before going to kill BBEG.
>BBEG shows up
>Group arms up.
>BBEG tell them he's not here to fight. He just wants to enjoy a talk with the people that are supposedly going to kill him. Tell them why he is doing all of that evil shit.
>They understand the reasons , yet they can't let him do it.
>He understands it.
>They leave in good terms after sharing a drink, a meal and even a hug
>then they proceed to the BBEG dungeon and rip is fucking shit off as usual.
To this day, players are still remembering that moment where they felt for the BBEG, and wonder if that wasn't a convoluted plot from my part to force them to let a BBEG finish his plan explanation without them melting his face before they let him finish.
What was the BBEG motivation and what he was planning to do?
That is the last thing I ever want to see.
He was basically trying to get his lover's soul out of an eternal curse laid on her by the gods by fucking up time and space which may or may have not destroyed the entire multiverse. He was willing to take the chance, but the PCs were not.
Wow. Why the fuck did the gods cursed his lover's soul?
Long story short she was an agent of evil gods whose job was to seduce BBEG which at the time was a good guy, to have him join them. Obviously she failed, and she joined the good side instead. But in the war that followed, she was manipulated by the evil gods to harm BBEG against her will, so good gods punished her, and evil gods cursed her some more to fuck shit up.
BBEG was not pleased.
You need to go back.
My group is the same, except we shamelessly engage in as much anime tomfoolery as possible whike we get drunk. Once, when we had an all male party, we just made them all anime girls for the session. They went back to normal the next week with little memory of the event and it was never spoken of in character again.
Shut up Annie. Don't you have younglings to kill?
There's another facet to that island, though.
The warlock got dragged there. barely made it out alive.
Weird, reminds me a bit of that voyager episode with the killer clown.