There is a Snapchat story on Bitcoin... Get out while you can

There is a Snapchat story on Bitcoin... Get out while you can

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i wonder if i can buy those shitty plastic tokens and sell them to normies thinking its actually bitcoin

more like get in while it is still under 100K

You almost definitely can - but more importantly, stop trying to be a scam artist.

The normie piling his money in without any idea of how Bitcoin works will crash it. This is the final stage of Bitcoin

back when btc was ~300 usd i sold some of these copper coins for 150 usd each

worked fine until some kids mom knocked on my door and wanted her sons money back


should make them with a little usb plug on them
normies would never think twice

make a bunch of bitcoins with usb plugs
take them to a shit hole libtard city
put up sign 85% off bitcoins


The more people hear about bitcoin the higher the price will go. When it starts to flat line and the hype dies the bubble will burst.

So now explain to me how a bunch of people throwing money in a limited supply asset will decrease its value?

how exactly is it limited, when you can just move the decimal point

Wow this is embarassing for you. There are too many idiots on biz the past few weeks

Or the whole thing will come crashing down
when people start mortgaging their homes, and taking out huge loans just to make it in such a volitle market

I'll say it again: No matter how many of these posts reach normies, NORMIES AREN'T BUYING BITCOIN. They don't understand it, they don't know how to buy it, and they don't even know you can buy less than 1 at a time. They're just watching from the sidelines.

wait thats a female back there!?!?!?

I know at least 5 normies from work who have already bought bitcoin (and still don't understand it)

my mom read about bitcoin in the newspaper and asked me to buy some for her

This makes me phisically sick

This is really the end times

seems true enough. right now it's just the thing that their geeky friend might have bought but not yet registering as something that they can/should actually be buying. the shift will be very quick when it happens

>stop trying to be a scam artist
Please leave Veeky Forums and go back to where you came from.

dad's trying to hodl
mom's reeeeing to sell sell sell

What makes you think that?



Is it normal to feel sick when I see this shit?
The worst part is that BTC is shit as a technology.
Why are people investing in this lame elephant of a currency?

I feel bad for you, seriously.

>The worst part is that BTC is shit as a technology.
>Why are people investing in this lame elephant of a currency?
They don't know or care dude. They just see free money.

i have friends ask me "user, how do i buy bitcoin, or should i buy some other crypto" they don't even bother doing their own research

we are in the mania phase

Gahahah that fucker is reading the wallet serial outloud

You are both on par, you know?

Adress, whatever. I'm phoneposting at 2 am in the morning, cut me some slack. On the other hand, a normie asked me about bitcoins last week but without any serious intent to buy.

there sure is some top tier marketing for a cryptocurrency with a non-interventionist developer :^)