MTG Frontier

Scissors edition

In this thread, talk about things pertaining to the (experimental) Frontier format for MTG.

>Tier lists

Thread questions:
>What are some cards you think will be staples?
>Have you built a deck yet?
>Care to rate a deck? Check this:

On an unrelated note, what else should be put into the OP?

Other urls found in this thread:

>What are some cards you think will be staples?
Khans Fetches

>Have you built a deck yet?
Tried, but the cardpool is too shallow and broken for anything fun or original

>What are some cards you think will be staples?
Coco, fetches, and cryptolith rite: the format.

>Have you built a deck yet?
Every time I try to brew something for Frontier I just think of some card in Modern or Legacy that would make the deck ten times better and get distracted.

Any examples?

wow somebody made this thread for me. Need tips I can send you my general outline.

>I'm gonna go to bed so you get the outline anyway. I don't care about the space it takes up as these threads die pretty quick anyway.

What's Frontier?:
Frontier is a new non rotating format that begins at M15 till now. It has no bans and is currently not officially supported by Wizards.
Some of its current benefits is that is incredibly cheap to get into, you get to play with all your banned cards from standard, and that it's not yet been solved so it's a brewers Paradise.


Let's have some questions:

>Has your FLGS started doing Frontier tournaments?
>What are you playing?
>What are you hating?
>What are you brewing?
>What do you think of the format so far? Can it survive?

and from an earlier thread
>If you could ban one card which one would it be and why?

Best race will rise again

How does this look? I always wanted to play something like this.

// Deck: Frontier Waste Not (60)

// Lands
4 Bloodstained Mire
4 Foreboding Ruins
4 Geier Reach Sanitarium
2 Mountain
4 Smoldering Marsh
5 Swamp
1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

// Creatures
4 Risen Executioner
2 Goblin Dark-Dwellers

// Spells
3 Despise
3 Duress
2 Fatal Push
1 Grasp of Darkness
4 Waste Not
4 Dark Deal
2 Collective Defiance
3 Kolaghan's Command
4 Liliana, the Last Hope
2 Empty the Pits
2 Yahenni's Expertise

// Sideboard
SB: 2 Tormod's Crypt
SB: 1 Ultimate Price
SB: 1 Kolaghan's Command
SB: 3 Lost Legacy
SB: 1 Murder
SB: 3 Ruinous Path
SB: 2 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
SB: 1 Demon of Dark Schemes
SB: 1 Hedonist's Trove

Shit format

So wise
What is the deck designed to do?

>cardpool too broken

You mean bland and one-dimensional.


Dark Deal/Defiance my opponent while drawing/getting mana/Zombies off of Waste Not. Win with Zombies from WN, Lili Emblem, or delving everything out of my GY except for a single executioner for Empty the Pits.

>Has your FLGS started doing Frontier tournaments?
>What are you playing?
Standard, Modern, Legacy.
>What are you hating?
Khans block.
>What are you brewing?
Janky legacy mono red poisonless infect
>What do you think of the format so far? Can it survive?
If SCG shills it hard enough, yes.

>Jeskai Scissors
>price of flip jace
>Thinking either jeskai humans or some abzan coco abortion
>defs possible but hard to say at this stage

I'd ban Jace, Vryn's Prodigy. Next on the hit list would be the 5 fetches. The mana is too good relative to the rest of the format. Beyond that, I enjoy it, for the same reason I don't enjoy modern- the skews aren't as extreme. Nothing feels like a case of hit your hate and win, or don't and lose like several modern matchups do.

"legacy mono red poisonless infect"?

legit confused. Is that a pummeler or prowess style deck?

We get it, someone here is tired of their cards being worthless. Just fucking wait until wizards develops a card pool large enough to make this any fun whatsoever instead of coco 4c goodstuff and khans fetches, the format.

Immolating Soul Eater, Kiln Fiend and Temur Battle Rage (plus land destruction, removal, two more sets of creatures and fuck-you-blue counterspells)

Pumping Soul Eater to 10 and then giving it double strike is stupidly risky, but fun as hell.

You sound like an interesting person.


When will that be

Ive been playing a Bant Saheeli list I threw together that is all about digging to the combo, and it is pretty strong. Just casts Saheeli off Oath or one of the few red sources in the land base.

Posting it again. Any feedback?

Land (23)
1x Bloodstained Mire
4x Darksteel Citadel
1x Inventors' Fair
3x Island
1x Mountain
3x Polluted Delta
1x Smoldering Marsh
4x Spirebluff Canal
2x Sunken Hollow
1x Swamp
1x Tomb of the Spirit Dragon
1x Wandering Fumarole
Instant (17)
3x Anticipate
2x Artificer's Epiphany
2x Dispel
3x Negate
4x Shrapnel Blast
3x Unlicensed Disintegration
Creature (12)
4x Bomat Courier
2x Chief of the Foundry
2x Hangarback Walker
4x Thopter Engineer
Enchantment (4)
4x Ensoul Artifact
Artifact (4)
4x Ghostfire Blade
Sideboard (15)
2x Dispel
3x Horribly Awry
1x Negate
2x Rending Volley
2x Roast
2x Tormod's Crypt
1x Unlicensed Disintegration
2x Void Snare

A Frontier league will be starting at my lgs and everyone and their mothers are getting ready for Scissors the Scissoring; they are even calling it a "lesbo meta" since almost half the attendees will be scissoring. I was thinking of bringing meme red, but I'm not sure anymore. What would be a good strategy to wreck these silly cunts?

Enchantment and artifact hate

Play white and green midrange?

Check my sweet variant of the deck. Its equally as creature heavy as yours but uses different choices for control spells. Metallic rebuke is nearly a mana leak given that you can tap ghostfire blade to help pay its cost, and a few copies of Denial are used because the cost is really effective and ferocious isnt that hard to trigger. I dont see the need for anticipate though, I don't think you have much to search for.

4 Bomat Courier
4 Hangarback Walker
4 Chief of the Foundry
Spells (Instants and Sorceries):
1 Kari Zev’s Expertise
1 Disallow
2 Stubborn Denial
2 Built to Smash
2 Metallic Rebuke
4 Lightning Strike
4 Shrapnel Blast
1 Fleetwheel Cruiser
2 Smuggler’s Copter
3 Ghostfire Blade
4 Ensoul Artifact
1 Inventor’s Fair
1 Blighted Cataract
1 Wandering Fumarole
2 Island
2 Mountain
3 Spirebluff Canal
4 Shivan Reef
4 Spire of Industry
4 Darksteel Citadel
1 Tormod’s Crypt
1 Skysovereign, Consul Flagship
1 Fall of the Titans
1 Imprisoned in the Moon
2 Stubborn Denial
2 Rending Volley
2 Phyrexian Revoker
4 Smash to Smithereens

Alright guys, you can have either Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, a roughly $25 card, orrrrr a MYSTEY BOX, priced at $25 MSRP. Which do you want?
Keep in mind that the mystery box could have anything. It could even have a Gideon, Ally of Zendikar.

Obviously I take the mystery box, it's got 6 boosters with 15 cards each! That's potentially 90 Gideons!

I love mystery box but gids comes first.

Also, which is better: Vengeful Rebel, or Deadeye Harpooner?

I feel Anticipate is the frontier equivalent of Serum Visions.

If it´s not good enough I think I could try Lightning Strike in it´s place.

While we're all scissoring, here's the list I ran recently. Won the tournament without losing a game, but it was a small size tournament. I probably won't play it again as I imagine people will be bringing a lot of hate.

Thinking some variation of URW goodstuff. Like but a bit more aggressive.

//Artifact (4)
4 Ghostfire Blade

//Artifact Creature (11)
4 Bomat Courier
3 Ornithopter
4 Scrapheap Scrounger

//Creature (11)
4 Inventor's Apprentice
3 Thraben Inspector
4 Toolcraft Exemplar

//Enchantment (4)
4 Ensoul Artifact

//Instant (8)
4 Lightning Strike
4 Shrapnel Blast

//Sorcery (1)
1 Treasure Cruise

//Land (21)
4 Aether Hub
3 Darksteel Citadel
3 Flooded Strand
4 Inspiring Vantage
1 Island
2 Plains
4 Spirebluff Canal

SB: 4 Smash to Smithereens
SB: 3 Thunderbreak Regent
SB: 4 Tormod's Crypt
SB: 4 Wild Slash

Reminder that this will either wither off, or catch on and drive up the prices even more, just like Modern.
So either you lose, or everyone loses.

Why are Wizards so fucking retarded.

Mystery Box would be a pretty cool product if it was just priced appropriately.

Just set the price at 20 bucks, that way it's less expensive than buying single boosters but still more expensive than buying a Booster box.

It's not that hard Wizards, mein gott.

Can red white tokens with impact tremors be a thing? Anyone have a list?


I mean, it can be a thing. I don't know about lists but perhaps cards like hordeling outburst suit your needs.

It's already withering off. There is a reason these threads die at 50 replies. People just need to stop being impatient and wait for wizards to find a format that is actually a decent compromise of modern and standard

That's pretty fucking sick, I like the interaction between Dark Deal/Waste Not.

Sadly frontier can't be a real format till they ban the Khan's fetches to allow more color combos the flourish

I have a RW tokens I use, unfortunately there's so much good efficient board wipe in the format you have to run 3 selfless spirits and an avacyn mainboard.

>Has your FLGS started doing Frontier tournaments?
I'm LGS-less
>What are you playing?
Bant Company, snek dek, Abzan and various Reflector Mage brews.
>What are you hating?
Stoke the Flames
>What are you brewing?
Every kind of Reflector Mage deck. So far Rally, Bant Company and Jeskai aggro/flyers/tempo/whatever are the top 3/
>What do you think of the format so far?
>Can it survive?
If we get something like Ghost Quarter or Noble Hierarch
>If you could ban one card which one would it be and why?
Stoke the Flames. It's just annoying. It doesn't need a ban.
Maybe Shock. I've seen a bunch of people playing it over Wild Slash. Shock is strictly worse.

>>Has your FLGS started doing Frontier tournaments?
One of the stores tried but I haven't heard anything since then.
>>What are you playing?
Grixis Ensoul.
>>What are you hating?
I'm loving everything! I do have some trouble with decks that use Hardened Scales but so far they are fun games.
>>What are you brewing?
I just remembered I wanted to make a 5 color PW deck with Oath of Nissa and Ajani!
>>What do you think of the format so far? Can it survive?
It should be obvious I love this format. The format was created so I can play Ensoul Artifact in a competitive environment. As long as I keep playing the card the format will be around.

The Mystery box. Gideon looks like a mongoloid gorilla and it bugs me too much.

That makes sense I suppose. Have a list I can check out?

Has anyone tried the designated shitting elf over Thalia in any abzan list?

>inb4 WotC creates sanctioned Frontier starting from Origins and on

Sure. You probs want a backup plan for the games you don't hit tremors though.

Prowess creatures, copter and convoke go well in this style of deck. In other news, good cards are good. Chandra's parents fit well if you're going for an artifact subtheme.

The mana is good enough that you can get another colour easily enough. Black gives you Aristocrats style options and premium removal, blue gives more token producers. Either way, delve is a resource that you'd do well to make use of with all those token cards in the bin.

Vengeful, for sure

Deadass Harpooner has underperformed for me, it's great with Felidar Guardians or Whispweaver Angels, but those two are uncommon and it has an extra condition to trigger besides revolt. In a pack 1 pick 2 situation I would pick the Vengeful Rebel based on stats alone.

I thought Deadeye would be the lesser option as well. It can kill regardless of power but its pretty hard to trigger correctly.

I want someone to make an edit for deadass harpooner with timbs and new era hat

Well, I'd be sad, cause I wouldn't be able to play Temur flash, but that would save us from fetches

you had to fucking make me do it.

saved deadass b

embraal niggas gotta watch out now

The point of this is selling this product in places like Wal Mart.

Places like Wal Mart don't like single boosters, the point of the box is to just collect them all neatly together so Wal Mart can sell them without hassle.

There's even a good chance the mystery box isn't even really Wizard's idea.

This format is literally condensed collective butthurt over Dig Through Time and Treasure Cruise not being legal in any "affordable" format. Why not just bring back extended? People should know by now this format will be degenerate into Collected Company everywhere. Oops got 2 Reflector Mage off CoCo again GG scrub

This format should have restricted lists desu. Outright banning cards doesn't seem fun. Restrict the following and save the format:

>Khans fetches
>Reflector Mage
>AWX marvel

Nah, don't ban shit. Niggas want to dig through time, copt smuggly, drop memerkul on turn 4, collect their companies and shiet. Let them have their fun and let's see how this shitfest evolves for now.

>tfw forced to play ww humans instead of rhinos

Please no

Yea, it's pretty fucking radical.

>If you don't ban cards, the format will be awful!

The same applies to basically every single format besides vintage.

Shittiest format to date, but I am very happy it exists.

Keeps a lot of toxic and casuals out of Modern and Legacy and helps the market greatly, plus allows people to sell their drafted shit.

Never imagined there would be a way to make shit cards rise in price even after they rotate out - beautiful format.

Is this BOTTOM TEXT enough for you?

It includes Vintage. Ante cards would otherwise dominate.

bottom text should say "theres a lotta niggas down here b"