Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Has anyone seen the new blinklings in Bloodforge 1.5 yet? What are the new blinklings like? Are they cuter now? Less overpowered?

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Avowed Playtest 1:
Avowed Playtest 2:
Malefex Playtest:

Spheres of Might preview:

Other urls found in this thread:

And the old thread:

Not a witchhunt, merely friendly memery.

How would you rate DHB's characters out of 10, which do you think is the best? The worst? We have:
>Old Spy
>Punch Fattery
>Gun Monkey
>Moon Hopper

Which has the most meme potential? Punch Fatty top tier in my opinion, NToRacle bottom tier.

Would your character sell their soul to a Fey to get their spouse's memories back?

Serious question right here, I'm confused

I've never read any of them because jesus christ

So just want to ask.
Why is it that Pathfinder General always seems to come as close as possible to the red porn line?
Every time?
If not, outright crossing?
(and where are the images coming from, I'm a degenerate)

Never make a deal with the fey. NEVER MAKE A DEAL WITH THE FEY.

How bad is Con 12 for someone who switches between bows and two-handed swords/polearms? Can it be compwnsated with higher dext?

NToRacle is kind of creepy but seemed unintentionally so.
The hobgoblin is pretty cool, but the "HE'S SO COOL JUST LIKE JAMES BOND" defense his fans threw up was the millstone that killed it.
Punch fatty was pretty funny, as was gun monkey.
Moon hopper and NTR Dwarf are bottom tier.

what's your AC and what do you spend most of your time fighting

Do you include dismemberment rules in your games?

>but without the side effects of PoW I hated

Which side effects?

>moon hopper
>bottom tier
shit taste desu

>how bad is 12 con

You have a bonus, so its not bad. Could it be better? yes.

Since you are using 2-handed swords and polearms, i'm going to assume you attempt heavy damage or tripping. Which means you are fine depending on your class.

>can it be compensated with higher dex

Maybe. Dex means better AC. Better AC means taking less hits. In the long run, yes. On a fight to fight basis? maybe.

No, but he'd probably try to force said fey to give it back, and likely (gladly) die in the attempt.

People can lose limbs.

Our gunslinger lost an arm while our cavalier/medic is missing a leg. They both got clockwork prosthetic limbs courtesy of their employer.

Okay, what makes moon hopper good? The idea of "dude from the moon" sounds fine, but that backstory seemed weak to me.

Im in the planning phasr. Medium / light armour. 16/17 dext

Go medium if you can. If you're that worried about being flimsy, stack on as much AC as you possibly can.

I like the whole "stuck between conflicting interests and forming a third option" thing it had going. Stuck between the street gang and his assassination school, and ended up taking a bit from both and running away with it.

Also the idea that the symbiote is demon goo is cool.

Also I like the naming convention for the symbiotes. Toad, Weevil, and Leech.

>Closing applications to a game soon
>Still not sure who to pick for the party
Mostly casters and ninja/monk type characters, no real beefy martial to round them out. I'm surprised, given that I allowed PoW with no restrictions.

What game?

I didn't like the first of those, but the rest I'll give you. It was a cool idea, if not one I liked in its execution.

Because the alternative to animes/kitsunes are the deusvults and paladinfags and no one except them wants that.

Here, you can check out the applications:

First game to be run in a setting I'm working on. The setting still needs a lot of work, but the country they'll be playing in is the most fleshed out nation so it's not going to be one of those games that's really the party doing worldbuilding for me, but it's definitely not going to be a super long game either.

I think the moon thing isn't so wild, considering some of the other characters. I'll freely admit that I went off the wall with Neboa, but it was damn fun writing that whole thing and visualizing it.

He has an interesting dynamic going on, I just feel like it's one of those heavy backstories that will run the game if the GM tries to cater too much for it. I'm sure spider queen has enough experience to stop that from happening though, so why not?

And it's a classic type of Vigilante(Venom/Spiderman/Prototype stuff) and that's almost refreshing when most people ignore the flavor of Vigilante.

Is the time you have for sure?

Yeah, sadly, I am a college student (pre-law) so my schedule is very strict lately.

How much char should have the face of the party? How much should be invested in dipl, intimidate, bluff?

SoM looks good

>people say DHB has no sense of humor
>gun wielding monkey
>giant punching naked fat guy

>I'm sure spider queen has enough experience
>allowed Blood Money

What's Spider Queen's game again?

The one DHB made a guy from the moon for.

It's looking really good, scoundrel/open hand striker for life!

Because someone(s?) has a giantic folder of these things and keeps dropping the new thread when the old one's nowhere close to dead.

So Avowed is what I want to ask my DM about if I want to port my Warlock over when my group switches from 5e, right?

Reminder that if you want SoM to have nice things for martials at high levels, leave a note on the SoM 3 doc saying so.

You don't get to 3000 roll20 hours without seeing a few things, user.

Blood Money... It has problems but I can see how someone would have made it this far without seeing it in a game. I do think it's a shame, considering. It would be an awesomely flavorful spell for Neboa, but unbalanced spells are unbalanced spells.

This is an aside, but a lot of people ignore False Focus and how it could be applied in similar ways to Blood Money. I think that feat should go if Blood Money's going, but that's just me.

This. It is your patriotic duty as /pfg/ to ensure that SoM realises its full potential.

Nice things like Hercules? I thought they were doing that with legendary talents.


What if I don't want martials to have nice things?

they should have great and powerful things

but you can just do all the flavor stuff anyway

So creeping back into the degeneracy we go I see. Anyone want an update on that Onryou+Elsbeth thing?

Well too bad here you go anyway.

Shoo shoo
SoM is not meant to be PoW
And good for it


You oughta be canonized, dude.

I don't understand how "martials having nice things" means automatically PoW. Part of the problem with PoW is that it doesn't give martials nice things outside of combat!

SoM is already bursting with nice things for martials
You got whole nother agenda

>SoM is already bursting with nice things for martials

And how many of them keep up past level 10?

Why don't we talk about our fave things from SoM? I'm loving the scoundrel sphere and counter theft, it feels so stylish to steal someone's weapon while they're attacking you.

How does stuff like impaling and evasion drop off after 10th level? I'm not really sure what your problem is with it.

Don't forget the talent to steal the pants off people.

>SoM needs more nice things out of combat
>"here's some things they can do in combat!"

Try again.

The post I just quoted talked about dropping off, not out of combat stuff.

And what about distracting shot to stealth, verbal counter for speaking, steal charm for speaking, and tons of other stuff like that? Are we just ignoring the new content that was made specifically to address these concerns?

I am soon going to play Pathfinder for the first time. Used to ADD, 3.5, 5e.
Here is the wizard, and here is the arcanist. The latter seems fucking more OP than the former, because it looks like a well done mix between what is good in the wizard and what is good in the sorcerer.
What do you think about that /pfg/?

I'm still failing to see how that stuff is supposed to keep up with a level 10 or 15 spherecaster.

Also take note of the Potent Magic and Quick Study exploits.

That's not what's supposed to, legendary talents are, Jolly's been saying that constantly.

Because its not, the system is inherently unbalanced in favor of any sort of magic, and any other form of action is inherently lesser post level 6.

Is that the answer you want? The solution is to simply play something else that doesn't wank off to magic quite so hard.

Just play an Exploiter Wizard so you can do all the cool shit of both classes.

What's the point of even having a level scale on classes, if level 10 X and level 10 Y can't mean the same thing?

So as a Symbiotic Slayer using Signature Talent for Released Symbiote gives you, at level 20, +6 to your level to determine its powers and how your Symbiote powers work.

Then if your also have Signature Talent Symbiotic Empowerment, Armored Symbiote, and Bestial Symbiote.

This gives:
>+8 Strength
>+7 Natural Armor
>+12 Armor Bonus
>+6 bonus attack and damage for natural attacks

Pretty good!

Have you looked at Mutants & Masterminds and stuff like that, though? It's not like it's impossible to make impressive non-Vancian things in the bounds of d20, there's just this weird following of people who had D&D 3.x as their first RPG and internalized its weirdness so hard that they refuse to accept any other balance between classes.

It's why the old-school 2e grognards invented OSR, which harkens back to the older balance between classes where wizards were genuinely fragile and easy to interrupt and fighters had few abilities but were walking tanks.

>level 20

The spheres of might kickstarter video never said the following:

>SoM talents/classes = SoP talents/classes
>Out of combat versatility through spheres
>SoM talents/classes=casters at all

Hell, Jolly's been doing a LOT to give us some utility stuff despite that never being a stated design goal, so if you want a system that makes magic=martial, this isn't it. This never said it would be, it never made that promise. PoW didn't do it either, but at least SoM lets me do fun things in combat rather than just "Big numbers".

Getting the uncomfortable feeling that not only will the game have like 5 symbiote applicants, they'll all be doing the same thing I'm thinking of doing.

Veeky Forums should really stop holding up SoM as some panacea that will fix all of PoW's mistakes.

Hey, you can play that one miniseries with all the Venom babies!

But I love the sorcerer-like versatility of the arcanist. This is a little like the Beholder Mage. Learning spells like a wizard, calling them like a sorcerer.

Thank you!

What do you think of the White Mage Arcanist archetype?

>What do you think of the White Mage Arcanist archetype?

Don't use it. Healing in combat is for suckers, and for healing out of combat you can just get a bunch of wands of cure light wounds.

Is Hell Comes to Westcrown ever going to become available?

So do you advise me to go pure arcanist?

This is not about fixing pow
This purely style issue
Som presents completely different style compared to pow

oh, i'm not saying its impossible. I'm saying its impossible for 3./pf. Changing the massive amount of things that it would take to bring that balance between the two would basically mean creating another system entirely, and look where that actually got paizo. They fixed nothing and actually broke more shit.

First, there's the disparity in sheer volume of effects. For every one thing a martial can do, a caster can likely do 10. more if they are creative.

Then, there's the volume of rolls. martials make several more rolls on average than casters do per round, which leads to a sheer loss in effectiveness in comparison.

Then, there's range. The further the range for a martial, the worse the damage output, in general. where-as a caster at level 6 will literally never need to worry about it as their spells do the same thing at point blank range or a mile away.

Next is DR and energy resistance. Like i stated previously, martials make more rolls. More rolls means more resisted damage per hit. On top of this, you are extremely limited in your damage types. The caster can simply choose to use a different spell and cast it.

Next is the disparity in action economy. Martials need things like pounce to make full use of their action economy, but casters only need a standard action to be equally effective.

The only things that do not go solely to casters are sheer damage output (which doesn't matter because save or dies and CC), and the rare time when antimagic actually hinders you.

The entire system is built around the superiority of mages and the inferiority of martials. To actually rework the system would mean to make a new system entirely. While i agree that systems like Mutants and Masterminds have the right of it, 3./pf is too far down the rabbit hole.

Oh, don't worry. I will.

That's called Roleplaying though, not flavorful mechanics.

Magaambyan Initiate is pretty rad if you're willing to lose a bunch of talents. You get to pick extra spells off the druid and cleric lists, and it stacks with the Magaambyan Arcanist prestige class for even more pulling random spells out of your hat.

The variety of effects thing, I'll grant you that, but the rest just needs somebody willing to give fiat effects like "your range increments increase to 1 mile" or "all attacks you make treat DR and hardness as if they were with an adamantine weapon" or "multiply all your skill check results by 5".

That doesn't change the amount of rolls, for one. For every extra roll a martial makes, thats a chance to lose efficiency over the mages single damage roll if he throws a fireball, as an example.

For two, you may as well not have DR at that point.

And i don't see how skill check results even matter.

All these fixes are nice bandaids, but they don't fix the inherent disparity between the sheer amount of steps needed to actually be effective.

Mages can generally move better, regularly and with magic, since they only need a standard action to be fully effective. Martials either need to stand still, 5 foot step, or pounce to do their full range of damage. Mages will also do more things on average simply based on range and number of targets a single spell can hit.

There's so much simple quality of life shit they have over melee that its absurd. To trip, you need to make a roll to touch, an opposed roll, and hope to god that thing isn't stronger than you. God help you for grapple. For mages? cast one mass CC spell and you did the same thing over an entire group for 1 standard action, not to even mention simply altering the battlefield itself.

This also gave rise to the mass immunity issue the system has, and this hurts martials even more than casters because, once again, casters can simply find another way, where-as that rogue's sneak just ain't gonna work.

The entire system built itself around the power of mages, and changing it would take making a new system.

Is that assassin game going to have something in place to prevent the party from fucking each other over? It's a classic failing of evil games. Way of the Wicked for example, has that contract with Asmodeus that you all sign.

How much charisma do you need to be effective or good at diplomacy and other skills?


0 or less

move it over to Int

Ok then, how much int do you need for being good at diplomacy?

none if you wanna use int or wis to diplo with traits

>Spheres of Might preview

I'm actually kind of impressed with how garbage this is compared to Spheres of Power.

Half the talents are just "combat feat + scaling", focus and dedication both feel like arbitrary restrictions (and I don't remember spherecasters having to deal with anything like that), and way too many options are incredibly narrow.

>Animate Object
>"A ship under the control of a pilot cannot be animated with this spell without the pilot's consent."

Fucking why? For that matter, why can't I animate objects that are on people?

Why does consent or location matter when I'm taking control of the boat?

because you might be able to have fun

Then why not try to catch Jolly when they are around and give your feedback? I'm sure they'd appreciate a more scrutinizing viewpoint given the overflow of positivity I've seen thus far. It's good to compare contrasting views of things to get a good idea for a flexible middle ground.

Yesterday, in my Strange Aeons campaign, happened this:
-Party put to rest the soul of a 5 years old kid that was devoured by ghouls.
-Meet a new party member who is an oracle that is rotting alive.
-Killed a kleptomaniac and a traumatized teacher who had reality dissociation
-Party's cleric was kidnapped by a nightgaunt.

Enough to back up any outlandish bluffs or claims you make.

Generally speaking, +10 to the check in total is a good baseline. You will succeed more often than not.

Depending on level of course. So if you are level 3, put 3 in whatever diplo skills you think you need, and have approximately +3 to whatever stat you use for it, you should do fine, more often than not. with the added class skill bonus, that'd be around +9 i think, and only at level 3. As you get higher, it will get easier.

Well, there goes my dreams of taking control of a boat by animating it then animating all of the sailor's trousers, laughing as their own pants try to murder them.

Sure, I guess? I mean, pretty much every criticism would be either (a) just replicates a feat, and it's not like "needs more feats" was the thing holding martials back, or (b) does only one very specific thing, when "is good at doing the same thing all day every day" is already one of the biggest problems with martials, or (c) has a bunch of restrictions slapped on, when it would be fine to just let the guy do the cool thing he's already payed for without jumping through hoops, or (d) just doesn't do much at all until you've got like BAB 12 or some shit, at which point giving an enemy a whole -3 to attack rolls against your allies isn't really that impressive compared to whatever the real characters are up to at that level.

Attempting to clothes. Line soon maybe

I just wanna say, i love you man.

do the special armor qualities from magic armor and bracers of armor stack? Like if I have in a +3 glammered shadow breast plate and a +1 heavy fortification bracers of armor do I get shadow/glammered/heavy fortification or do the bracers shut off because my armor has a higher AC bonus and not give its special quality either?

Yeah! But the PrC Magaambyan Arcanist is also focused if giving spintaneous spells to preaparing-spells-arcane spellcasters, and an arcanist do not really need that. In character, getting hard to go into a PrC to just get a few levels seems not credible to me...

I can understand where you're coming from; we are doing plenty of 'feat subs', although what we're attempting to do with them is remove massive prereqs. There are talents which we're looking to expand as well, there'll probably be some combination of talents as well, but we're pre-alpha now and we're working things out. I mean just look how many comments on the preview doc I've been answering. I'm still trying to address concerns, and part of me wants to push for more talents, but it'll depend on the final product of talents. I do appreciate the feedback; I think one of the reasons it feels less versatile than SoP is because SoP was building off of nothing, while we're building off of the BAB system among others, giving us less overall freedom. We want this to be compatible with core (not balanced with core, just compatible), and that already puts us into some less than enviable situations. I believe others have said it above better about the inherent issues about how 3.5 hates martials, and we're not in an attempt to give the same level of versatility as SoP due to these restrictions.

We're doing our best without reinventing the wheel, which was far more feasible with SoP, but I appreciate the feedback regardless, as it's enough to tell us that we should be expanding the focus of our talents more (like with shield sled).

>I'm honestly kinda disappointed Rubio and Omza didn't end up getting in on the same party. Would have been fun to see the love triangle play out.

Well it looks like another triangle might be forming. Just based on dialogue, it seems we might have Essie-->Ozma-->Ameiko.