It should be noted that all involuntary Controls can be resisted exactly like the Taint, because that's all that the Taint really is.
Going down the line
Chikushudo is safe enough as long as you don't willingly stick around.
Gaki-do won't exert any control as long as you don't interfere with its role. Interfere and it will drop the Control hammer, making you roll an ever increasing Willpower roll to resist every single minute. Luckily, the type of gaki you get turned into will quickly finish punishment and get reincarnated. That's still functional death for you. Also, the denizens of the realm are dangerous and disgusting.
Jigoku's Control, also known as the Taint, will fully corrupt you within seconds, jade or no. If you could somehow survive that, you'd find that the realm itself isn't actually that dangerous. It's formless and bland. Good luck actually doing that though.
Meido does not exert control on visitors, because anyone interfering with Emma-O's work gets ejected by him directly. It's boring, but you could hang around if you really wanted to. Nothing there but waiting souls and the big man himself though (And his little helpers in later eras).
Maigo-no-Musha has no functional control for outsiders, and is the waiting room's waiting room. Possibly even more boring than Meido.
Sakkaku's control starts up within the day and tries to make you more like the things that live there. Self-restraint and acting "appropriate" start to be less and less important as you get more and more influence in you. This doesn't last long once you leave the realm, although there can be permanent remnants.
Tengoku's Control is absolute and unresistable, but not exerted unless you cause trouble. If it wants you to do something while you are there, you do it. End of story.
Toshigoku is extremely dangerous, with a Control that starts to affect you within the hour. It can be resisted, but not for long. Goes away if you leave before getting fully corrupted.