Who are your favorite MtG artists and art?
Who are your favorite MtG artists and art?
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This Raymond fella, why? Some of his cards remind me of simpler times back when I started playing magic like 6 months ago.
Anson Maddocks forever
Not sure if this is funposting, but I really do enjoy Raymond Swanland. On the other end of the spectrum, Rebecca Guay is great.
If I had to go with favorite, I'm tempted to go with Mark Tedin. He's got a wide range, but his work is always distinctly his, with contrasting colors and rich textures. His cards are some of the first I remember taking real notice of in Magic.
i literally bought my first starter deck because i saw someone play this at the college
Terese Nielsen
Honorary mention to Christopher Moeller because Tragic Slip is a sick card.
In no particular order:
>Terese Nielsen
>Rebecca Guay
>Robert Bliss
>Christopher Rush
>Raymond Swanland
>Rob Alexander
>Seb McKinnon
>Quinton Hoover
Make up my Top 8 Magic Artist list. I'm a huge art fag and I studied Art History in college. I'm actually working on a series of articles looking at Magic art through the years with special highlights of certain artists.
it would be nice if we had a way to look at your articles
They're not finished yet, but once I've edited them and compiled them I'll drop a link. I like to write all at once and then release them piecemeal, because I keep a very busy schedule.
are you going to make a thread here? or do you have a blog?
I like peter Mohrbracher myself but I'm biased since I have a few signed prints of his works hanging on my wall (Only M:tG related one being erebos) and have talked to him for a bit.
He seems like a nice person
got a pic of the autograph?
I do now. Though if I had my cards with me I'd have just posted a few of them
>teeny,tiny graph
how considerate of him
It WAS at a convention. And I think it's intentional since he doesn't wanna cover up too much of the art. He did the same thing with cards too
I have a blog. I wrote an introduction really quickly, because I realized I hadn't yet done that.
>junkybrewstermtg dot blogspot dot com
I look forward to the articles!
Terese Nielsen, but Chippy is a close second for me.
Adam paquette
>No one for Based God Steve Argyle
Plebs, all of you.
That's great to know! Hopefully this gains traction, because every magic player has an opinion on the art but you see little focused discussion/large scale overlooks.
Chris Rahn is the best there is. rk post is a runner up.
anyone else think Theros and beyond just isn't as eye-pleasing as New Phyrexia?
There are two entire blocks in between you're forgetting about.
Innistrad and RTR were good to me but i think it was theros that i didn't really bother saving the art for the cards
>no matter how persuasive an essay is--or skilled its author
>it's very nature
user, please proofread your blog
I thought new Innistrad and Kaladesh are by and large really good looking.
Kaladesh has a fantastic style, for one thing. Blows anything they've done lately out of the water.
>disrespecting Khans
fucking fight me, cunt
For me, Raymond "Spiky Things on Fire" Swanland is really hit or miss. Thousand Winds is fucking gorgeous, probably my favorite piece out of Tarkir, but a lot of the time you wonder what the point was because the end result of his process is a mass of sharp angles and lighting effects that's harder to make heads or tails of than a Drew Tucker piece. Then again, It might just be scaling down to card size that butchers a significant fraction of his pieces, because whenever I see them at wallpaper size they look pretty awesome.
Pic related is a favorite of mine. For artists, I'd take Richard Kane Fergesun, DiTerlizzi, Terese Nielsen, Rebecca Guay, Quinton Hoover, Anson Maddocks, Pete Venters (I'm lucky enough to have an original sketch of his from an event run on the Wizards official forums when there was such a thing), Mark Zug, Chippy, and Susan Van Camp as my top 10, in no particular order. Sandra Everingham, Mark Poole, Mark Tendin, and Larry MacDougall get honorable mentions for having some REALLY GREAT pieces but their portfolio is a bit spottier one way or another.
Patrician taste, the lot of you.
I liked Kaladesh at first, but in the end it just felt... hollow. Superficial. It didn't hold up. Some of the individual pieces are great, but the overall effect just didn't do it for me. Which is weird, because I fucking loved Esper art
I think I finally worked out the problem: Kaladesh is too busy. With Esper, the intricacy of the filigree was contrasted with almost everything else being stark, cold, and featuring clean lines. Take a look at -- There's a lot going on but there's also a lot of clarity and precision, a contrast between black and white, that helps draw the eye to the neat bits. With Kaladesh, the style is based off India, where the art is intricate and colorful as fuck. And in their own way, with representational depictions of gods and monsters on almost every surface, it works. I mean, heck, look at Sultai's SE Asia stylings and it's not too far off. Kaladesh, though, stumbles by somehow distracting the eye a ton while also not giving you a lot to look at. Compared to Esper pieces the result is a lot less bold, and compared to real Indian art like Rani Ki Vav it's less interesting. The effect, and I'll say this again, can be pretty good on isolated pieces, but taken together it gets muddy very quickly.
For me, either Nils Hamm, Izzy and Johannes Voss are my favs.
Getting unofficially fired (i.e. no more commissions) for making Chandra/Liliana making out lesbian fanart doesn't help his cause.
It's been 1.5 years since he's had a significant art impact on a set. New players probably don't even know he ever existed.
Doesn't help that Wizards is anti-boob and anti-butts now.
Yo good catch, thanks user! I wrote that while incredibly tired. I'll go back fix the error asap.
You hit the nail on the head. That's my issue in generak with Kaladesh. That set got pretty art, but it's just too busy for me.
I think they went overboard with the filigree. Some otherwise amazing arts just come across as cluttered. That said, of the recent sets, KLD has some of the most beautiful lands.
how about set logos/symbols?
Good god, what weebshit is this from?
jap game logos
nothing wrong with variety
The Guay. All the new digital art looks the same, I honestly wouldn't know there's multiple artists involved if it weren't for the attributions.
I'm so fucking chafed they didn't get Guay to do the Freyalise Commander. There needs to be a reprint at some point so they can fix their error.
This is the first card I bought when I was like 10. Fucking love this thing.
Odd pick but floodbringer has always been top of my list. I'd track down and buy the original art if I could.
Second place would be pretty much anything by Steve Argyle
Kev Walker
Izzy and Karl Kopinski are the ones that come to mind first.
I too am biased towards Mohrbacher, but that's also because of the thing he did a couple months ago, where you could send in your cards for him to sign. I thought that was pretty cool.
I hope he gets a set in the future with some more prominent art, he did great for theros and innistrad. I mean just look at this thing.
Its the downright innistradiest!
>no Igor Kieryluk
I'm not angry at Veeky Forums, just disappointed
This is my favorite card art ever. The guy has some other good stuff too (Great Aurora, Supreme Verdict, and Perilous Vault).
They have their own lebian fanfiction now, can't have anyone getting in their turf
>John Avon
>no hits
Guay, Nielsen, Brom, Staples
I really like Rebecca.
Regenerate is one of my favourite arts.
Everyone on Kaladesh is so damn smug looking. There is a lack of beauty in the art due to how all the colors meld together, and stuff doesn't really pop. The golds, browns, and oranges just don't work together.
I understand its a busy city, but even Ravnica has less clutter in its artwork
Im pretty fond of Jason Chan. He has a lot of really iconic pieces imo
My single favorite MtG art would be Murder. The sheer frankness of the piece, combined also with the brevity of the card's text, makes for such a lovely aesthetic package.
I don't really keep track of artists in general though.
some of the blue foils are really fucking gorgeous like the one with the butterfly distraction and spelltwine
>brevity of the card's text
My brother.
Hellkite Overlord is my favorite card of all-time and I think the art is pretty sick, so I'm going to give a shout out to Justin Sweet.
My problem is that on the card the nostrils look like eyes and it makes what should be a fearsome beast look really doofy.
I can see that. But I can also see a hasty 8/8 flying trampler immolating you with dragon fire for not being able to look past that.
Richard Wright
Esper art, especially the basic lands.
Steve Prescott
jesper is dope
didn't mohrbacher quit with wizards? i remember reading a thing from him about how bad their system of paying artists was
Yeah he did. His last pieces were in RtZ I think.
At least a couple people remember Chippy.
bummer. i wish wizards treated their artists better
i feel like his esper lands are some of the best remembered basics
His last pieces that I know of were in DTK
RtZ doesn't exist
Steve Argyle
John Avon
Carl Critchlow
Kev Walker
Wesley Burt
Johannes Voss
Nils Hamm
Mark Zug
Honorable mention to Anthony Palumbo for Elgaud Shieldmate, which I absolutely adore.
I mention Drew Tucker, He may not be to liked by everybody but to me his art is stunning and distinctive,
Drew Tucker is my secret MTG artist crush. His style is so distinct and evocative of impressionism that it's hard not to love him.
Do you people think Magic will come back to its most "art"-sy and weird style choices some day?
Chippy's 3 alara esper sisters.
Never ever. The game is a vehicle for the planeswalker Saturday morning cartoon avengers plotline now.
I can't believe I forgot to mention the wonderfully wacky works of Phil Foglio!
I'm not this pessimistic. We'll get more artsy/weird pieces cropping up here and there. But as far as wide, sweeping changes, nah, WotC is sticking with its current safe house style.
fucking Based
>all this Esper love
Bant is love.
I hope Komarck does some Bant cards in Amonkhet. Absolutely glorious.
>EDH player plays sol ring on first turn
Anthony S. Waters has a p. nice style.
Busy, dense, thicc.