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>army builder
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Autistic Screeching Edition
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
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Posting this since someone was asking for it in the other thread and fuck, the guy worked hard on it and deserves the shilling.
Just "finished" my Ogroid from Silvertower thats going to be the start of my Tzeentch dudes.
I say he is finished .... he's painted and on a base. Having looked at the official gw one on the website i am now extremely unhappy with how he has turned out and will be going back to him to add more detail. I've already spent a week every night after work on this fucker so i feel like i need to get painting some other miniatures. I am never happy with my work, it is a curse.
What are you guys working on?
What was your first AoS purchase?
Show us what you have done, user
That's gonna be a lot of work but i think it'll look amazing in the end. Im still undecided on what scheme to do my SC. I was thinking a while marble look or go a crusading knight style.
Storm of sigmar.
I wanted to get into the game but hate never painting full starter kits. The SoS box was £14 with staff discount and i get to play small skirmish games at the pub with it.
I'm not ashamed to gush over how fucking wise that release was.
(now if they would only release warscroll cards like the ones in the box.)
A dickload of Sylvaneth.
Post pictures user, im sure it's not as bad as you think.
The secret is not to just compare your to the professional paint jobs. Go find one thats worse to even it out user.
The warband is for hinterlands so it won't be too bad, only ten or so models, mostly human followers of the crusading stormcast.
Marble looks great but you might get very sick of it after a few models. Crusading knight could be cool some BRIGHT silver armour with nice heraldry.
>now if they would only release warscroll cards like the ones in the box
That was the best fuckin thing they have made. IMO every start collecting should have cards like this. I could pay these 2-3$ more for something like this
Ive got over 20 of these guys painted like this that were my first major thing I had for my first army back in the day. Still love these guys even though they have that sad paint from when I was a kid but I'm attached to them anyways.
First purchase with AoS branding - Forest Spirit Warhost box set. I am set for Treemen for a while I think.
Pic related, though it was a gift.
>its been over a month
>completely untouched
>no one to play with
>no one interested
>cant find motivation
Then sell it ?
I like how everytime someone complain about nit being able to find a game they never told us where they live because google map would expose at least 10 flgs
I messed up. these guys are not my first AOS purchase they are my first GW purchase...
since AOS dropped my wife and I have bought 20 executioners, 20 phoenix guard, 60 dreadspears/darkshards, 30 witch elves, a black dragon, a high elf dragon, 10 sisters of avelorn, alarielle, handmaiden, loremaster, sisters of slaughter, cauldron of blood, and sisters of the thorn. I'm probably forgetting things in that list.
We also just bough most of a huge Tzeentch army.
Ill be buying more elves whenever they release new elves.
Besides, how is he expecting to find a game with an unopened box of minis
>Wanna have a game?
>Yeah sure thing
>Cool but first I just have assemble this real quick
Oh my, I would kidnap someone to play with me if I had box like this. There were no people interested in AoS in my area so I bought starter set and run few matches with my gf. After 3-4 weeks we had 6 new players and 3 old WHFB non-salty veterans
>skyfires are only $45 CAD
>kurnoths are $70 CAD
What the fuck is going on
Is gw LOWERING its prices for new releases??
trying to make a 2000 pts list of sylvaneth
Not sure if I should switch the treelord and a wych with durthu
they have been adjusting prices for the last year or so. afaik they arent allowed to reduce prices of already released boxes because of greedy stockholders but all the new Bargain-boxes they released seem to be an ongoing trend.
>Is gw LOWERING its prices for new releases??
The new LoC is $190 dollarydoos. There has been no change here.
joke don't freak out.
The limited edition version of the first book. If you mean models I'm not really sure, possibly Silver Tower unless some out of print Fantasy models or models I feared would go out of print count.
February's WD says that something like this is coming out alongside the Stormcast battletome. They look like the normal Warscroll entries however, though I wouldn't be surprised if they cut out the pictures.
Same price as a Bloodthirster, so the price on large models hasn't gone up at least
They could just put the pictures on the reverse side of card. I would like to buy a pack of cards like these for Skaven or Nurgle
Because I have other, older minis and other games? There are a few shops in my area, neither of which have had any success getting things off the ground that isn't MtG.
I ran a few 40k games with a friend of mine at the main store, and no one was interested. We even have the starter box for both games assembled. It's not EDH, so no one cares.
I don't plan on having a massive SC force, so i don't know if Marble would get that annoying but you might be right. If i were to do some knights type deal it's be very heavily inspired by Kingdom of Heaven style. Very lived in, not that shiny but clearly righteous like pic related
>Dead AoS and non-mtg games wasteland
Are you from Poland?
still no location because you know it will be easy for us to find a club.
Also dont bother now, you probably checked every location with a club and will post some shit tier nepal village.
Sell the box and never come back
yesterday 5 liberator was $40, tomorrow 10 liberator = $50..
so definetly something going on
I just bought 2 boxes of judicators, fuck
More grots
That's because I've ready posted my location in other threads. I'm in PA between Reading and KoP. Good luck. The last stuff I found online for either was from 5 years ago. There are 2 shops in my immediate area that have both failed. There's another an hour away that's all cards. They have a table setup, but the only people I've ever seen use it are me and my friend. We stopped going because it wasn't worth the trip. Everything else, including the nearest GW is nearly a two hour drive minimum.
I don't want to sell it. I want to use it.
Sadly, no, but I'm jealous when I read stories of people just walking into their LGS and people are just playing games. It blows my mind. Even years ago when we had a group, there was just a handful of us, but it was great.
>be me, years ago.
>start in 40k around the end of 3rd edition. Got the starter box with 10 Tacs, Land Speeder and Dark Eldar
>Collect off and on up until the beginning of 5th, amass a sizeable force ~3k points of SM
>Give up 'cause I can't stand most FLGS neckbeards, the GW store closed, nobody to play with regularly.
>Over a decade later. Friend is interested in getting into Fantasy. Has other friends also interested. Following the End Times and stuff
>Consider investing in a Khorne Daemons army to play both Fantasy and 40k
>AoS drops. Friends buy starter set. I see Stormcast Eternals. Lord-Castellant, Knight Azyros, Knight Heraldor, Paladin Protectors and Knights w/ Javelins fucking hit all of my weak spots
>Lanterns, Horns, Polearms.
>All of a sudden there's four of us building armies (Wanderers/Sylvanet, GA-Death, Fyreslayers/Nurgle/Stormcast Eternals/Skaven/Orruks and me with SE/Khorne Mortals-Daemons) as well as at least three more interested.
>Finally have a reason to buy, model and play even if I hate certain aspects of the over simplified rules.
Just pull the trigger and start building/painting them user. Eventually your friends will rise to the occasion if they like what they see.
you need to push, and hard.
AoS exists in my area because one guy pushed it.
A little back before TGH, but after it dropped he would bring in full armies for others to play demo games with him. He brought in terrain, he'd host game nights, set up a big event for people to start building up armies from scratch over 6 months.
We now have 12 players, we had 2 before he started the push.
Im ready for my Nurgle tome
I have, man. I've built and and painted models there plenty of time. The last time I did some work there, I was painting up a test model, and know what I was asked? One group of DnD players asked if I would paint character models for them (which I would. Practice is practice), and then I was more or less harassed to play EDH for 3 hours. My shop owner ordered a bunch of terrain, which I also assembled there. Same thing. Bugged to play magic. I have even played a few games there with a friend from back in the day. People thought it was cool, but when I tried to sway them into playing, "nah that's not for me" or the ever faithful "too expensive man. I don't know how you can afford that stuff". Hell, my shop owner is trying to. Liquidate his stock because the bill on it is due and none of it is selling. He can't get rid of it at 30%, which is insane.
I'm baffled.
My other store is going to be doing a painting demo some time next month. Another store gave him a bunch of primed models and paint to use because they couldn't do anything with it. I'm not expecting much, but I'm hoping for the best. I'll be bringing a daemon Prince I've been saving, and hope to get some people interested.
We are man. I don't know how much harder I can push. If people aren't interested, they're not interested.
>not touching a sylvaneth battlegroup box
>Went to warhammer world when these came out.
>Sylvaneth battlegroup sold out by the time I got out of the exhibit
My envy of your posession is transmuted to wrath at your lethargy.
you can't resell without loosing half value, if you JUST bought the you can return them
It's a curse. I don't pretend to enjoy it, but it's getting hard to find the motivation for any of my models. I'm legit considering just packing everything up at this point. It's a depressing kind of depressing.
I bought and built them in less than 2 days
yes everything is going to be half price
My poor lighting makes it look like there is a blob of white above the right arm just below the shoulder but it's just light reflecting off of glue I think. I need to work on his face, the hands, the gemstone on his belt, the tattoos. The more I look at him the more I want to change. Hope this picture isn't 3mb upside down, only got my phone for pictures.
I'll come back to him after I tried painting some of these pink horrors. They look like fun little fellows.
I am also incredibly slow, I was working on that ogroid every night for 2-3 hours for a week. It's been 10 years since I last painted anything.
Is there anything Kevin cannot do?
Looks really good dude.
Love the shades of color on the staff.
You're gonna get yours last. Slaanesh is most certainly up next since there's that whole 40k event going on and nurgle got their new set of models first
killing all WHFB fag, sadly.
I have another angle, it looks like the gem stone is just base coated green. In retrospect ... I think I may have actually forgot to do anything to it. I don't have a clue how to paint a gemstone.
I was following "the war gamer" guide on YouTube, I'm not sure he went over the gemstone now that I think on it.
e-even the stardrake?
I literally just complained to my friend yesterday that stormcast were too expensive for the lists I built. This is amazing news.
What are you working on /aosg/
I saw a vid of this guy painting and he used lahmian medium to thin down paints when he wanted smooth transitions in skin tone. You should give that a try.
deciding between painting up my Saurus Guard covenversion, painting up my trog, or doing the conversion of cold ones into salamanders.
Pic related was first gw mini i ever got. Box of dwarf warriors.
Forgive bad camera, i am drunk.
What is this shit? What's getting lowered why? I'm confused.
I have an extra ogre body from the battalion box since leadbelchers squad size is 3 not 4, should i make a tyrant or a butcher?
Not that the boxes pictured have more models in them than the current boxes.
Just finished a Bray-Shaman, now back to Gors.
I honestly glaze over anything and everything TOTALLY-NOT-SPACEMARINES, so I noticed nothing different.
Any know if there is a tutorial for this paint scheme?
Is it just me, or pink horrors are absolutely busted in Hitherlands? You're basically getting a full-fledged wizard just for 14 points, add a herald of tzeentch and now you have a troupe of assblasters extraordinare.
So, a list would look like this:
>Herald of tzeentch
>Pink horrors x6 ( + iridescent one and a hornblower)
And you still have 6 points left, so you can hold onto them to buy a new pink horror later or just get a blue horror right now because why the fuck not.
Moreover, you can cut one pink horror and add a chaos familiar for 20 which puts you right at 150 points. In the end you have a big guy with +1 to casting and 5 little assholes with +2.
What are your thoughts /aos/? Are pink horrors actually broken, and if so, then how can we fix this?
Hinterlands dudes, probably stormcast, but I have to strip them, and I'm scare I will fuck it up
For tzeentch chaos warrior user, this was my attempt. Hope it's some use as a reference. Hoods are just green stuff.
And yet no tome
And nurge daemins got shit all
I have like 15 hexwraiths without horses, so i'm working on a monty python-esque lot with either a person following them with coconuts on calv bases or just putting them on goofy flight stands.
When it comes to paladins should I max out on Starsoul Maces?
>GW states multiple times officially that Ynnead reborn mean slaanesh will die
>GW actually make Ynnead model so we know for a fact that he will win vs slaashit
>Slaanshitfag damage control hard
>completely deny all evidence and official GW statement that both in 40k and AoS elves will BTFO slaanesh beyond recovery
>mfw Slaanesh finally die
On Retributors, yes. On Decimators and Protectors, no.
Protectors, no because you're giving up your awesome 3 inch range.
Decimators, no because decimators are meant to deal with hordes.
Good point, thanks
Still a release. I honestly doubt GW cares that much about the difference.
Where'd the horses go?
Wasn't the "Birth" botched as fuck though?
Had a bunch of black knights built for a funsies everyone on a horse list.
Well at least you picked the right units to have randomly floating
Maybe try jetbike bases?
I'm gonna put them on proper Cavalry bases like they would be, i'm just either going to wire or flight stand them all.
What's the most essential lore to read(or watch or listen to) to get the Age of Sigmar setting?
the prebirth was tampered with
the prophesy says that all eldar have to die for this to work
Eldrad is fucking himself and his race over by tampering with this
the last time the eldar birthed a god it wrecked the entirety of their species and their own gods, why do they think this will end any better? I can't wait to see how they fuck this up too.
why did he tamper with it?
Nope, in the white dwarf previews they straight up say that slaanesh is going to suffer some huge loss thanks to the other chaos gods pretty much doing the same thing to him they did in AoS. I wouldn't be surprised if slaanesh goes missing/is diminished and the Aelves storyline ties in really soon with all this.
>wrath of magnus comes out dealing with tzeentch in 40k
>new tzeentch army a few weeks later for AoS
>fracture of Beil tan dealing with eldar and slaanesh
New aelves soon?
I don't understand why GW is making such a concerted effort to marginalize one of the big 4
To awaken Ynnead all Eldar needed to die. Eldrad did a ritual to awaken Ynnead sooner without the need for all Eldar to die.
A shard of Ynnead was born. The new Ynnari faction is trying to awaken the rest.
>>wrath of magnus comes out dealing with tzeentch in 40k
>>new tzeentch army a few weeks later for AoS
>>fracture of Beil tan dealing with eldar and slaanesh
>New aelves soon?
Seems likely. A friend and I think so too, given the Magnus/Tzeentch release schedule.
It could also just be coincidence, but themed releases aren't impossible.
There is nothing really saying that Slaanesh in 40k will suffer anywhere near the same fate as in AoS.
Slaanesh is intertwined with the Eldar and is their number one foe, so she has to suffer somewhat for Ynnead's premature birth to mean anything. There is also the possibility that GW will use this as an excuse for the 13th Black Crusade to run into unexpected hiccups as the various daemons and god aligned forces become more concerned with shitting on each other.
Sex is hard to sell in a children's game. Best to keep it swept under the rug and focus on the hyperviolence instead. It's a good, safe, managerial decision.
this is the most involved and relevant slaanesh has been to anything recently. If anything he's getting more exposure now than ever before.
>13th Black Crusade to run into unexpected hiccups
Probably, I think after the gathering storm trilogy, 40k is going to be more like AoS where the chaos gods are ascendant and likely going to win, but theres a chance for the other forces to push them back. Instead of 40k going the way of fantasy, i think its going the way of the mortal realms during the age of chaos. Pockets of resistance still holding out, and forces of various factions gathering fr a counter attack as the gods grow complacent and turn on each other.
theres like 10Hours of audiobooks in the ressoruce
Easy, to know who is going to win you just look at which one got massive resource and development time allowed to make new models and create molds....
So yeah, sorry Slaanehsfags
>this is the most involved and relevant slaanesh has been to anything recently. If anything he's getting more exposure now than ever before.
wow, damage control with no argument and ignoring thousands of proofs
Maybe the fact he is outsold 10:1 since ever ? No need to marginalized something when the last time you saw it on the tables was 1992
Which one do I start with?
From the top one to the last one in the folder
didn't they really fuck up the series and produce god awful models and all that?
Story is 50/50 with the community as far as I can tell.
Models are much better.
Unless I'm mistaken, they actually raised the prices on the Tzeentch Daemons. For example, I'm certain that Pink Horrors were $30 instead of the $35 on preorder. As far as I'm aware they're just being repackaged too. I'd be pleased if somebody proved me wrong, however.
even if it's the case it's a small change and they have been murdering the prices across all range since the new CEO.