Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Drug-addled Cosmology edition:

What are some of your favorite parts of the Golarion cosmology, or any setting's cosmology? Are there any myths or legends you particularly like, or have even made yourself?

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Avowed Playtest 1:
Avowed Playtest 2:
Malefex Playtest:

Spheres of Might previews:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

I like the title of Golarion's cosmology. "The Great Beyond" sounds pretty cool, and I enjoy the battle between the Riftwardens and the Darkfire Adepts. Other than that it's just uninspired and lackluster.

The Elemental Planes are great.

reposting from the other thread
Hey /pfg/, have you ever played as one of a pair (or more) of siblings, with the other sibling(s) being in the same party?
>be me
>monk/warpriest who's adventurer father went missing and was raised alone in a monastery
>find out i have a half-sister and decide to start globe-trotting trying to find her
>sister is white-haired witch/magus
>she's the rape-baby of adventurer father when he was captured by white witches in irrisen
>she's looking for me
>campaign starts with us meeting up and finding out through plot-contrivance that we're the siblings the other was searching for
>now we're both looking for our dad whom we believe to be alive

I've got a soulknife who's brothers with another soulknife and we're going to be at the same table again soon

If I coup de grace as a rogue, does my sneak attack damage get added to the DC to save against dying?

Alternatively, what are some good x3/x4 crit range weapons for a rogue to use?

Yes it does.

CdGs use the total damage.

So I should be good no matter the weapon I use. Awesome.

Yes.unless you're actually pitiful damagewise, a CdG is very hard to resist.

Can we get links to all the pfg games recruiting?

Can stances be learned through Martial Training, or do they not count as "maneuvers" for the purpose of that feat?

I mean, if you really want, fuck it why not.

>x3 crit range

Martial Training 1 doesn't get you any stances. MT 2 specifically states you get a stance.

Stances aren't maneuvers ever.

Later iterations of martial training give stances

You get a stance from Martial Training II.

Are there any 1pp feats that help it out?

I once played as the youngest of three brothers-we were lawmen charged with keeping the peace and fighting off bandits on the frontier.

Bah, meant to reply to .

Throat Slicer?
It's not for you, but it makes you incredibly lethal when you're fighting alongside a Grapple specced character.

Throat Slicer+Greater Grapple allows you to do a pretty easy combo on anything you can grab.

Run up to enemy and grapple on round one. Round 2, use Greater Grapple to pin as a move action and Throat Slicer to CdG pinned enemies as a standard action.

Rouges are shite at grappling, though, and your GM might get pissy if you do that too often.

Alright, /pfg/.

What's that one setting you'd like to run a game in but know A) your group would never play in and B) would make you a laughingstock if you tried to run it online?

Pic related for me.

My group stood me up tonight after saying they were going to come. This happens roughly 50% of the time and is twice in a row this time. Do I officially qualify as not having friends now? If I hit age 30 in this state do I get to be a Cleric?

God Eater

I like that. It feels dirty and makes me tingle on the inside. Much better than

>tfw i have a feeling the two party members tasked with breaking us out of prison aren't actually going to

Exaggerated Australia. Like literally called Australia and everything, not just an expy setting "inspired by" it or some shit.

Just gotta find someone to make your bitch.

We're your friends!

Sounds fucking rad.

I hope you took Power Attack and smuggled an Adamantine weapon up your ass, then.

we got seized by the city guard while getting out of bed, so none of us have weapons

That is when you're happiest to have either a soulknife or an aegis in the party.

Serve your time like a properly reformed citizen, scumbag

Oh yeah? Well when's my birthday then?

Once a year, obviously.

Marchtember Thirty-Eleventh!

Please don't tell me you got stood-up by 4 people today AND it's your birthday

>Spheres of Might previews:

Where can I leave detailed feedback on this?

user, when I'm with you I make sure *every* day feels like your birthday!

...In the latest preview? They have the doc open for commenting. Alternatively, just post it here when Ehn Jolly is around.

No, thank fuck, but you're off by 3. People, I mean.

You got stood up by 7 huh.

Maybe he smells?

Don't take this the wrong way but I would probably end my life if that happened to me

How do you / your DM handle perception rolls? Does he roll them? Does he have you roll for red herrings from time to time?

I know all the characters' modifiers and just jiggle dice behind my screen. They tune it out as background noise, though they know I roll privately with that.

I have them roll. If I'm having them roll to notice something significant, I'll have something else be more easily noticable off the same roll that doesn't give shit away, or isn't even related, but seems like the kind of thing you'd roll for in normal circumstances.

Does anyone have the rules for the Mercurial Duelist? I haven't been able to find them anywhere.

Hi Jessica!

Could you give some examples?

Jessica Price?

That would make a bit more sense.

>Stances aren't maneuvers ever.
Not entirely true, they count as maneuvers for the purpose of meeting prerequisites like higher level maneuvers or any of the [Style] feats.

Holly Wood is the superior waifu

I do this sometimes but it occasionally results in a goose chase. Like they'll get "you can't see whatever the lazy guard appears to be watching off in the distance", which covers for them being attacked from behind by ninja rocs or whatever, but then after they survive the fight against giant naruto-headband-wearing birds they'll spend like an hour searching the woods beyond the wall.

And then they'll have to be attacked by rival bleach weeb birds I make up on the spot while they're tromping around there, or it'll have been a waste of a fucking hour, won't it?

Painted Creature
"Painted" is a template that can be applied to any living creature with at least 3 Intelligence.
* +5 racial bonus to CMD to resist grapple attempts
* -5 racial penalty to all Wisdom-based skill and ability checks
* May store a number of items equal to Intelligence bonus (minimum 1) in an extradimensional space only they can access, and retrieve them as a standard action.
* Rejuvenation (Su): After death, paint creatures restore themselves to full health after 2d4 days. Only methods that would
* Immune to bleed
* Vulnerability to Erasure: Certain chemicals that can dissolve paint or ink deal 3d6 damage per pint to paint creatures, and this damage cannot be healed by their regeneration ability. The erase spell also deals 1d6 damage plus 1 point per caster level (maximum +10).
* Paint creatures recover all ability damage after 1 hour of rest
* Regeneration 5

What's the best way to build a competent face?
Without magic or 3pp would be ideal.


Fuck, forgot to finish that one point.

Rejuvenation (Su): After death, paint creatures restore themselves to health after 2d4 days. Only methods that would dissolve paint or ink can permanently destroy a painted creature. However, there is one other way to kill a paint creature--at GM's discretion, to any death that would either be of particular narrative significance to their intended role, or be especially humorous.

Someone needs to commission Holly Wood x Jessica Rabbit porn

Toons are a thing in Pathfinder?

Huh. Guess I can actually make a villain along these lines:

Asmodean Advocate, 20 Wis, max ranks in Profession (Barrister), Tears to Wine optional, trait. You can cast TtW at level 3, enjoy your massive Bluff and Diplomacy while still being a Tier 1 character.

Do game logs get posted from the /pfg/ campaigns? I want to see how they go.

I would be extremely surprised if someone hasn't already.


It's in Asian Archetypes: Martial, by Legendary Games. It has yet to be added to the trove, as does the Intrigue Archetypes book with two other popular Vigilante archetypes.

Ar tonelico.

ngl I'd play in a neopets game so long as it had a good enough hook

Ever hear of the World of Twelve?

Either GrimGrimoire, Graffiti Kingdom, or Dominic Deagan

Go ahead and laugh if you must

It was my first webcomic, and later a guilty pleasure. I cannot judge you.

I would play the shit outta that.


same here mate, same here

A remade Fantasy version of Worm

Well, they are now that I've made that template. I guess I should have added something like always having a minimum Intelligence of like 6 or so.

Wait, wtf damage type does the Prehensile Hair hex do? Goddamnit why can't Paizo keep this shit straight.

Guild Wars 2

tfw none of the plant races in pathfinder are quite the right fit for sylvari
tfw will never play my salad gunslinger

>that spoiler

but literally what be worth playing in that, especially when the unstoppable god wizard/puppet master exists? It'd be like playing in a game with Eliminster and Eliminster personally goes around solving all the problems instead of turning into a woman or fucking his waifu.

>Graffiti Kingdom

You mean to tell me someone on this planet played that game besides me?

My group ran it as a natural attack, so B/P/S as needed?

SKR says Bludgeoning :^)
I'd say B/S.

I saw a video of it once and I wanted to play it.

So she'd be, what, a Bard? I can't really decide on what archetype though. Probably Celebrity, but she did some kind of roguish stuff so maybe Archaeologist might be appropriate.

Man, I still can't decide if it was a good thing the webcomic got an actual ending or a shit thing that it fucking ended.
Too many peter out over time or get dropped entirely.

My man. I have all the physical books and played my first PbP game as a gestalt Steamborg. Even ran the intro adventure once for a group, but had trouble thinking of ways to continue it...Oh, and the setting's good, too. Surprised more people here don't seem to be into it, since it had a proto-Imperium of Man built in.

Nigga, I'd play the SHIT out of an OFF game.

Here's one with a little more thought put into it. Don't know if better.

>look up Sanguinist Medic from Dreamscarred
>Realize theres another character in my game who has fast healing

Does that mean I can literally use that character as a replenishable bloodbag?

I'm working on one out right now.

I unironically would love a game like this.

As long as your DM doesn't hit you with the book.
I did a similar thing with an Eidolon that had sacrifice and fast healing.

Doesn't it have its own RPG system? I thought I heard something to that effect.

>tfw Nyanta is unironically my favorite character

you do know it!

Man knows his way around the kitchen.

I want to play a character like him some day.

Middle aged dude that just wants to cook for his adventuring friends that can also one-round an enemy that threatens said friends.

It does, yeah, but it's not super good.

4e'd probably work pretty well.

My nigga
