Thoughts on diversity within our hobby?
Thoughts on diversity within our hobby?
Don't care for it
Unless you are the sort of sub-skaven vermin which festers in /pol/ its a good thing.
Racial supremacists of any caliber are not welcome at my table. They're not there to play, they're there to start a fight.
I'm still looking for an Afrofuturist roleplaying game.
Well, people should break out and try new systems, I'll give you that much.
On one hand, I'd love to see more women at gaming night.
On the other hand, I'm a grown-ass man and still can't talk to women.
I don't care if you're gay, trans, black, asian, white, latino, girl, boy, girlboy, boygirl, girlgirlboy, or whatever.
Just don't be an obnoxious little shit.
>lazy troll is at it
>people still taking the bait
You're better than this, Veeky Forums.
There is this place in Savannah that plays 5e every Tuesday. I go there one night partially to see what the place is about, and partially to see how 5e plays. The guy DMing says I cannot play because there are already too many white people there, and he will not allow any more in his game, he said he wants more diversity there. I leave thinking that was kind of fucked up. Never knew if he got a black guy to join his game that night.
This is the closest thing I have seen to possible diversity in a Veeky Forums game
Depends on what you mean. Diversity of thought is great, as long as everyone is willing to get along.
Could care less about what is between their legs or the color of their skin.
Savannah you say, then I imagine you went to the Chromatic Dragon on...
>MLK Street
Think I found your problem right there user
Not for it. The atmosphere changes when there are both males and females in the room. When its just us guys its far more relaxing as we can just hang, shoot the shit, and be crude and have a good time.
No, unfortunately, we're not. We haven't been for a long while. Too many generations of summer kids coming to Veeky Forums without learning the life lessons and ability to remain apathetic taught by /b/.
Everyone says Veeky Forums was better back in the day. This is only true because most of us could ignore bullshit like this, or at least have fun while arguing about it.
I can run one for you
Honestly I hate when people say this, cause the only ones who do hide really fucking horrible values and ideas. Basically closet nazis and right wing fuckers. Fucks like you would care about sex and skin color if we cared to keep your "diversity of thought".
This is bait, but I don't care about diversity at all. It's probably a good thing in that it encourages people to get into stuff they didn't think they would enjoy, but pushing for it to the exclusion of everything else and pushing against it with all your might are both retarded courses of action.
I play with women mexicans asians and blacks, and I have no problem with that. I would happily shank you before I let you sit down at my table.
Are the traps and dickgirls hot? I don't mind as long as the traps and dickgirls are hot
Well, the AC in the game room broke down, so they are that.
In theory, it's a good thing. In practice, women are terrible at the mechanics of RPGs, make a purposeful, active effort to refuse to learn any rules, and start drama when things don't go their way and everyone in the group doesn't become their minions.
the only black guy that joined my game quit because I told him that his (3e sorcerer) still had to use higher level spells when he used metamagic feats and told me I was only making him do that because he was black.
Never had any asians, latinos, or pacific islanders join my group so I don't have any opinions about them.
Are you equating all people who have right wing political beliefs with neonazis?
I better see some sweat running down their dicks
I tolerate but do not enjoy it.
For the newfags on this board, this is a teaching moment.
Something innocuous was said, in reaction the "troll" creates a strawman to attack. They also like to berate their target after labeling them and setting up a strawman.
Now the best response is to ignore the poster and continue on. However if you must respond, type the word "sage" into the options field. Also consider the topic of the thread. It may be a "bait" thread. Designed solely to generate controversy and pointless bickering.
Remember, sage, hide, and report. Only you can make Veeky Forums better.
Yes he is. Now please don't take the bait.
You realize that this isn't an inherent part of there being women present, but a result of you and your friends' attitudes towards women.
The issue is that with the catalog and the expanded post limit, "have fun arguing about it" is no longer an option, since all it does is bump these shit threads and encourage trolls to make more of them.
>"you disagree with an interpretation of an abstract concept therefore I am right in assuming you are a political fanatic"
Grow up.
Even more Important is the true ideal of Veeky Forums
We don't actually care about your real identity. We don't care about who you are unless it directly pertains to this thread(Ask a Judge, etc.)
The whole idea behind Veeky Forums is that we've achieved the ideal of free, equal speech on the net. You can say whatever you want, and we don't judge the mouth it comes out of, we judge how shit your waifu is, why your favorite edition is broken, and why your system is objectively inferior to ours.
>On the other hand, I'm a grown-ass man and still can't talk to women.
Ass a grown ass-man, let me give you the advice that you don't have to talk to women if they sit on your face.
it's fucking garbage
I want everyone to like the same things I do, to be like I am and to act like I do.
Look for it in a month. I need time to research and read.
Depends on what you mean.
During play? As in players? In general, no problem. I will say that trannies and gays are something I avoid but that is because they tend to bring various mental issues and behavior problems along with them. If they are without those issues, no problem.
If we are talking about characters? Then I generally avoid the above as well because such characters tend to be defined by their sexuality. The same goes with the overly attractive, big tit, slut, tg stereotype bard, etc. Anything with a hint of erp and I put it away.
In the hobby? I dislike pandering. And most of the 'diversity' we see from my point of view is pandering. I really hate it. I think it bothers me most because I am bringing my daughter in to the hobby and I really wish it was honest and not forced pandering.
It will happen naturally if we make good products.
If you mention it EVER, I will never play with you.
Because fuck, I don't care who you are. I don't care what you play. I don't care what you like.
But if you ever, EVER choose to tell me that my game is "wrong", my group doesn't have the right kind or enough of certain people, or that you want to dictate anything about how I spend my hobby time, you're dead to me.
So for the last four or so decades we just never made any good products?
>I'm a grown-ass man and still can't talk to women
When people say Veeky Forums is untrollable, they don't mean that people don't post in troll threads. Choosing to talk about something (or something else entirely that's unrelated) is not being trolled.
I am indifferent on the matter.
I care not the color of your skin or what you like to stick inside your body or which sky wizard you worship.
What matters is if you are an asshole or not.
Though i can say i do not see many black people playing table top games. The one that sticks out in my mind the most was then middle aged black guy playing a civil war game... as the south.
>implying all black people were on the side of the North
the propaganda's working, at least
Who's we?
I see plenty of diversity at games that aren't D&D. Maybe you're just finding non-diverse communities yourself?