Quick! Think of the last character you played that died! Got it? Good
What were their last words?
Quick! Think of the last character you played that died! Got it? Good
What were their last words?
Other urls found in this thread:
"Why the hell does the black guy always die first. Shieeeeeeet"
They never spoke. It's not that they were mute, I just never talking IC.
The last words of the character before that were OoC in IC, but that character talked a lot.
"Nah, I'll be fine."
He was not fine.
"I'll go in front, I can take a hit"
Fucking Runes of Death
>growling sounds as he bites off one of the beholder's eye stalks
the beholder did not take kindly to this action
DM asked for last words as the pyromancer was burned to death in a monster's breath weapon. I gave him this:
"So this is the power of fire...not bad. Not bad at all."
[Onomatopoeia of a man trying to ask for help while choking on his own blood.]
"My arms are broken, my legs are broken, my heart is broken, but I am not afraid."
My only regret is that I have natoneitis
"Ave Imperator" before detonating the demolition charges in the warp engine room, exploding the entire ship to kill the Necrons.
Only in death does duty end.
(In normal language) You go back and tell everyone, I'll distract them.
(In kamispeak) Oh mighty spirits of fire, consume my soul's power and smite the enemies of Rokugan!
>Paladin killed to save another party member from an ambush of ghouls
I was not meant to take a rod in me.
t. javelined dying wizard
"We have won the day!"
Cavalier after beating wave after wave of ghouls and dread zombies before the halfling barbarian killed him. The halfling barbarian had just gotten a shiny new sword. It was a cursed shiny new sword. Nat 20s are a bitch
"Oh for fuck's sake, not again."
Character died previously, was magically resurrected, was hit by a spell-devouring sword that drained his "fake life".
"Holy shit, chupacabras are real."
RIP Agent Sullivan
"Th-Th-Th... Th-That's a-all folks..."
Comedian Bard
"I don't want to die."
Two last ones were heroic sacrifices - have both:
"Odin guide my blade, Freya guard my sister" in a viking homebrew
"All batteries, fire on my position" in Fading Suns
"Fuck you."
>"All batteries, fire on my position" in Fading Suns
"Give me a scythe."
"Where did that damn kid go?"
Moments later, the entire floor they were on exploded, as the street urchin managed to trigger a massive explosion. TPK.
We've had this exact thread before. I've seen this exact thread before. The deja vu is real.
"Alright let's see how hard he hits!" As it turns out iron golem hit very very hard
"S-should never trust...... those damn pansies...." -my last Dark Heresy Adept
then i got ressurected by the same farseer that lead me to my death, because i'm "too wastefull" to loose
i don't know i must pat her or punch her for that
"Just cut my windpipe, not the jugular, maybe I can fake my way through this."
First time she died it was after a long battle filled with assorted grunts, cries, screaming and finally gasping for breath as her lungs filled with blood. I can't remember her specific words before the fight started but she was talking to a carpenter.
"I promise." After she got better and died again much later, hand in hand with her sister right after making a deal with the Goddess of Death for the both of them.
The two of them now serve as gardeners for said Goddess.
>Goddess of Death
"Idiots! Your Jobs are to make sure the plants DON'T grow."
"Let's make a picture of the explosion"
That's when DM revealed to us that our demo botched his hidden explosives test and the thermobarik bomb he rigged wiped out not only the bad guy's base of opertions, but fucking everything on the island, us included. Strangest TPK we ever had.
"Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Just Fucking Die!"
"I hope this heroic sacrifice horse shit is worth it"
"Back to the Abyss Demon!"
Then I shattered the staff of power over my knee at the precipice of the planar gate to the demonic plane. A Marilith was trying to wrestle the staff of power away from me, and I was playing a paladin of Heironeous and was the last man standing of the party. Glorious.
We ended the campaign there but my goal was to close the abyss and end the demon invasion. DM copped out and didn't tell us if it was successful or not, but the dying npc archwizard said it would work.
"See you at the bonfire"
Not just a generic Dark Souls reference, when you got to the afterlife in the setting you were greeted by the God of Death sitting at a bonfire who would ask for your life's story
That's cool. What was the setting?
"Dude, they're succubus TWINS. Why would I not hit that?"
RIP Chaotic Asshole Half-Elf Sorcerer
Homebrew pathfinder, GM admitted most of it was based on some RPG he played as a kid so I wouldn't be surprised if that also turned out to be just an obligatory Darksouls joke
>Fuck Boars.
Brother Anonymous, gored by wild boar.
"Get fucked, I'm taking you with me!"
"Hey--You were always my favorite!"
The last words of the Sanctioned Psyker right before our jetpacking Stormtrooper (who was escaping to complete our mission as the rest made a heroic last stand) dropped her onto a giant ancient warp dragon... thing we'd been dealing with for like four months of gameplay so she could trap it in a time loop.
Well, break the existing time loop so that everyone else could escape it, while the monster was trapped inside with her, but... it got complicated toward the end.
Anyway, just after that, a pinpoint orbital strike vaporized the whole hive spire we were at the top of. All but three PCs were killed, with my Psyker stuck in a timeloop, the Heavy Gunner reassigned to a cushy desk job somewhere and bored out of his skull, and the Stormtrooper moving on to get a medal and a bunch of rookies to train up, plus the trauma of thinking he got everyone killed.
Also, because she was a Diviner/Biomancer Psyker, she had put her journal into the Stormtrooper's bag before the big final confrontation.
If writing counts, technically her final words were what was on the last page after an accurate description of the final battle's outcome, which she wrote ahead of time.
"Called it!"
"This is your fault."
"Don't you dare eat him!" - Moments before being eaten by a giant plant.
"I have a motorbike at hime, I'm the most qualified man in this team to land a spaceship."
He was technically right but still he died.
Max Fire, my cyberpunk rock star turned road warrior:
"I've found the target!"
Just after he'd shorted out the cyber ninja's optical camo, and just before the ninja shot him anyway.
>DM doesn't allow last words because people usually die too quickly to say them
There's always last words. You don't have to know that you'll die the next second for it to be last words. You say something and those are your last words of you die a second or an hour later, as long as you didn't say anything else.
>"I failed you again, mother."
Fucking up a entire vengeance arc hurts.
Crazy Bitch!!!
You made your ancestors proud. Great kharma shall bless your next life.
>"Stand back, I have the power of song!"
Unfortunately the flying devil squid was not impressed by my bard's performance. I never did get to use Chord of Shards.
"Fine, but we're setting aside money to enchant my sword."
And then not long afterwards she gets eaten by a t-rex.
>Line five: one lima; one alpha—how copy, over?
But if you mean last vocalization:
loose translation, but something like "ah fuck it in the pussy"
>''Allahu Ackbar!''
"Stop dicking around, those demon won't kill themselves."
Fighting in hell with that group was a mistake
I'm forever DM, but our party's monk's last words were pretty chilling in context. She'd been under a grand and was forced to kill a shit ton of innocents, and was fatally injured in the process. An immortal NPC offered her his dark souls power, but she refused, unable to cope with her actions.
"I think I'll go see my father now, if it's all the same to you."
>for fuck's sake, Juan!
>Cut these webs! Those spiders are going to eat me alive!
Even if his death has nothing to do with dragons whatsoever
>Remember this!
So said by my Paladin to the two members of the party who had gained amnesia. It jogged their memory a little, and encouraged one to multiclass into Paladin.
>"Wait a minute, that doesn't look like the Elemental Plane of Gold... oh well, maybe it just looks different!"
It turns out that failing rolls to craft a portal to the plane of gold made it end up in the plane of cold, goddamn typos.
stealing the fuck out of this.
It was a low level party. Was a barbarian when the rogue decided to engage some alligators in water. After everyone got dragged into a fight that could have been avoided entirely, I entered rage and forcefully ripped them out of the grapples one by one so that the cleric could bring them back up before they died. As the party finally managed to drag their way back onto dry land whilst I kept the gators focused on me, this was the last thing my character said to the party before getting dragged under.
They eventually figured out to use ranged attacks from dry land and managed to recover my body but by then it was too late.
The party learned nothing, and the rogue proceeded to try to attack an adult green dragon later down the road, an encounter we could have avoided entirely. He got butthurt when the thing oneshot him.
Jack fucking shit, because it was less than a minute into session one, in the first turn of the first combat.
"Take the kid out of here, everything will be ok."
At least in a way, he was right. They had a nice epilogue together.
>"I deserve this."
"I have a plan for that! Just.. Give me some time to... Think..."
It was a wizard who thought he had a contingency for everything
> "You're next!"
Actually, it was she who's next.
"Mommy, help me"
"Tell my ma I love her... and someone feed my dog."
Same last line from so many characters.
>"I'll give you one last chance. Stop this lunacy right now."
He gave one chance too many.
"It's ok mom. I love you."
Brainwashed, Mind reading user, shortly before she is killed by her own mother.
"....not me...."
cue bullet through the brain to avoid infestation by a body invading sentient parasite.
None of my characters have ever died
Forever DM, but the last NPC of importance that died was an old veteran that had been with the party near the beginning.
>apart of mercenary group sent to kill party
>they keep him alive randomly
>trains the fighter and they get a master/apprentice relationship
>literal years later in the campaign the group is attempting to escape a mine they have little time to escape before it implodes
>fight in the core injured old mans ankle and party healers are out of every spell/potion
>says to leave him, they're just wasting time
>two rounds of combat go by and the group decides to do as he says, but the fighter player stays behind with his coach
>sits down next to bleeding out old man
>old man tried to reach into his inner pocket but doesn't have the strength
>NPC - "Hey, mind helping me out here? Strength isn't what is used to be."
>Player reaches into veteran's pocket where he knows he keeps is cigars
>rolled for cigars inside with d4-1, get a 0
>NPC - "Damn, could have sworn I had one more left."
>Fighter plays along with this final rp and asks for a percentage roll to see if he'd have taken it before this final fight and say why not. Group says 80% or above would clear it and he rolls 97.
>Player takes out cigar from his own pocket and starts to smoke it
>NPC - "You little shit."
>The two start to laugh with each other till the explosive charge went out, decimating everything inside.
I love my players sometimes.
Hah, that's a good one
I had an orc barbarian.
We fucked with some flying kobolds on an island our ship washed up near after a storm. They followed us back to the ship and we had a last stand.
One of our PCs killed himself with a crossbow. I tried to hack my way through the ship cabin we were hiding in after I kicked a captured kobold on the face.
I already used all my rages and was rolling pretty decently but I didn't have enough strength to make a hole large enough to fit through.
One of the smaller party members, a druid kid, slipped through and was the only one to escape and survive.
Our rogue tried to play dead but died from smoke inhalation. We had barrels of tobacco in that cabin.
I was stuck halfway outside the ship while kobolds assraped me.
I could have escaped if I didn't spend that turn kicking a kobold, or if I saved a rage.
My last thought was that I wasn't angry enough.
[Spoiler]the druid fucked off to some abandoned continent and transformed into a rat and had sex with his rat familiar until they made a rat colony.
Any sane person would accept your offer and run. Unfortunately for you, I'm one petty son of a bitch
-Captain of Industry Johannes Brenner, shortly before turning his ship into a makeshift suicide nuke.
His technical last words were singing along to 'Aces High' as it blared from the ships comms. Either would be fitting
"And you promise me this will work? ...okay."
Self-sacrifice to seal an ancient evil. He was 12.
"Not this shit agai-"
And then he got a Resurrection spell cast on him, because death is cheap in D&D stock settings.
Gargle gargle splat
Fucker was stabbed in the throat
Probably "Huh?" or "What?"
Android speedester, gamma world, imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, broken out by the robot mafia, wounded when they leveled the building, bled out. I was confused, because I'd forgotten about the robot mafia.
"By the will of the Five!"
-Pilus Cens, Hellknight of the Godclaw, immediately after smiting a vrock and immediately before being decapitated by a barbarian
He was eaten by a wolf.
Poor halfling bastard died 20m into the campaign.
Funny way of saying nine.
Just kill me.
Seriously fuck that bullshit. +13 to hit and I miss 4 times in a row. Only one in the party willing and able to smite the target which would have been extremely effective because fiends. Eventually I just gave up.
"Good ranger, please deliver my enchanted armor to my brother when you see him. I expect him along shortly, he's a lot like me except he has the number 2 at the end of his name"
>actually letting your characters dying
Why aren't you better at RPGs, user?
Citarus the Elven Necromancer
>"Oh please. I'm already practically immortal. There's no way a Death spell could affect me!"
Blitz, the Ork Go-Ganger Bio-Adept
>"That scrawny piece of shit? I can take him."
>Citarus the Elven Necromancer
his name makes him sound like he leads a legion of zombie fruit.
"I'm fucked, aren't I?"
>"I can take him."
At least you didn't say that to the equivalent of Taylor Herbert; oh, sure, you still probably would've died, but it probably would've resulted in a more painful/humiliating death, and possibly a higher death toll.
Nicholas the barbarian
>Don't worry brethren, I'm immortal.
>Go! Your fate lies elsewhere!
>the party's face when
"It's just a zip line, how hard could it be?"
In related news, final boss in a dungeon was killed by a dorf smacking into him at terminal velocity