and why is it pic related?
Who's the prettiest girl in magic?
Because you have shit tastes?
Did you just assume their gender?
EZ. pic related
I'm a fan. She's evil, self centered, and a total bitch but damn if she's not pretty.
is it because the artists are terrible but a broken clock gets it right twice a day? it's that, right?
don't look like it has a cock, and doesn't have a manface or an adam's apple, it's probably female, and thus pretty safe to assume the female is a girl.
The problem with picking a character over a card is that WotC has no fucking idea what on-model even means. What the fuck does Liliana, or Chandra, or Jace, or Garruk actually look like? Pic related is the same character as but those are two differend fucking people.
That being said, I totally agree, Lili is smokin' in pretty much all her iterations.
Looks like Wizards have added transracials to their snowflake appeasement list.
Muh gawd
That just means that it's a push-up m8. She's lying as always.
fantasy is meant to be exotic, m8
[s]i also have a taste for mulatto[/s]
Ghost Ana is pretty cute
All pushup bras are purple in MTG.
Go ahead, say she isn't the prettiest. I dare ya.
What a babe
I'm not going to say she's not the prettiest, I don't want her to be mad at me and slap me with that massive dick.
My favorite card art. I want a playmat of it
Totally counts
Newfags with shit taste, the lot of you.
Except you. Jhoira is legit. Just not quite as great IMO as Hanna, who FINALLY got good art on her Legendary.
This guy knows what's up
Thalia makes my penis become the big too penis tho
Mirri's story is actually pretty sad.
Knowing the artist, this probably ends even worse than it did in the actual fluff.
He draws what you pay for, I payed for no lewds so it ends fine.
Vesuvan doppelganger fo obvious reasons
i don't remember her tits being that big
>All this shit taste
You have good taste, user.
Though I'd also an Ink-Eyes.
I guess if you consider blatant tracing and copy/pasting good art, sure.
Southern European/Mulatto Lili is best Lili. Dat Everything.
Best girl, though?
>Still liking ladyboys
>Still disliking ladyboys
>Current Year
>Not wanting a sinuously muscular asian trap wife
UH, I got curious and searched for it, but From where is the Vess image with her black? It seems such an off model that I can't believe it doesnt has some 'lore1' reason over it.
It's from older image which is a collection of a bunch of Planeswalkers, not from a card.
If you're asking what I think you're asking, the image of Lili where she's "black" (I still think she looks more Italian or Spanish, but w/e) is just from this promotional image. If you look, there's actually a lot of model deviation. As cool as it looks, Koth never looked like Djimon Honsu, Kioria was never that hot and Tez was never that swole.
My waifu
>that anatomy
Yeah, I love a woman with uneven limbs
I'm a lover of the classic waifu's.
Man, no two pictures of Nissa look even kinda like the same person, do they?
Eh, by black I mean compared to her paper coloured skin. I thought it would have a
more interesting history behind it. THanks for the information anons.
Wow. Just wow. Seriously, this is the largest level of faggotry I have encountered on this website and I have been browsing for a good 4 years now. Yeah, I know that's pretty short relative to some of you oldfags, but the point is, I've seen some pretty fucked up shit. But this isn't really fucked as much as it is just pathetically rich. You need to get over yourself. You are complaining she has uneven limbs? She is a beautiful, highly skilled female elf ranger. She has a variety of skills, a gorgeous body and breasts, a pretty face, and she could gather food for you to survive in the wild. And you complain about a slight visual discrepancy in her arms? You remind me of that Weird Al song Close But No Cigar, except that song was a joke and you are being serious apparently. Yeah, you know what? Go fuck yourself. She is probably the highest value woman you will ever lay eyes on, let alone touch, let alone sleep with or marry. So shut the fuck up. What are you, anyway? What do you bring to the table, faggot? You're sitting at home browsing Veeky Forums. You're probably fat as hell, ugly, worthless, and been fucking some fugly gamer chick for the past 5 years. What do you have to offer a gorgeous elven ranger? Nothing. Fucking absolutely nothing. What do YOU bring to the table, huh? Maybe you should stop complaining about her, and her "uneven limbs," when I bet your fat fucking face is uneven. You could never get a beautiful elf girl like her, you're so fucking full of shit, how DARE you complain about such petty shit, when you don't even have one tenths of one billionth of what it would take to get a woman like her to even breathe air in the same dimension as you, let alone even look at you or consider you as a potential mate. Go fuck yourself.
>I thought it would have a more interesting history behind it.
Nah, Wizards just don't give a fuck about on-model characters. Never have. It's not even just Magic, either. Look at the "iconic" characters from D&D 3.0-3.5. They usually have NEARLY the same outfit, and that's about it.
They're remarkably lenient on their artists. That's how hacks like Wayne England and Franz Vohwinkel keep getting work. Well, *kept* in England's case, thank god.
A thing I get a bit itchy against is that. When theres a character with an already very set appearance and they for no reason change the model. I'm just not mad at magic because I look at it from a bystander perspective. And also Warcraft because its so butchered at that point I dont even care anymore.
Eh, Franz is fine for anything that doesn't require human anatomy.
England, though. Ugh, yeah good riddance. Couldn't even draw weapons right.
Can they please just agree on her ethnicity?
>WoW fatblade-syndrome
Ugh. Most fantasy art post-3e suffers from this nonsense.
Hell yeah
I want to impregnate Kiora!
No contest.
Stupid sexy giraffes
>the rapier's handle is backwards
God all of Steve Argyles people look like they are made out of plastic. It's like early 2000s 3D models. The fucking worst.
I want those two to fuck and have a baby. I feel like the result would be the ultimate hotness.
>name is ink eyes
>eyes are orange, not dark
Stupid name. Or stupid ink
She definitely looks younger in her DTK timeline version. Too bad about being a ghost and all though.
user, ink can be multiple colors.
it can be red too
Is this the fabled post where the thumbnail is bigger than the actual picture?
I thought it was only legend.
The artist who did that image did a terrible job, half of the walkers look nothing like their card art.
He was obviously working heavily (if not outright tracing) from real like references. That's why Gideon looks like Hugh Jackman, Koth looks like Djimon Honsu, Liliana and Kiora look like generic models, and I'm sure you could find references for the rest of the walker too.
Cripple a cute. CUTE!
Ink-Eyes a best
Pretty sure Gideon is Bruce Willis there.
Aww hell yeah. Kaysa's great.
That moment when the goth chick starts wearing all white.
Cute but kind of useless