EDH/Commander General

>Is that a Jojo reference?


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, so?rted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread Topic
Is there any cards in you deck that you put in to reference something else or because you like the flavor? Or cards that you add to your deck simple because it fits with the lore of your Commander somehow? Maybe even because of nostalgia?

Other urls found in this thread:

magiccards.info/query?q=Rise from the Tide&v=card&s=cname

Also, Jojo guy! The one who posted here: . Is there any song that puts Environmental Destruction in a positive light? Or portrays Nature destroying itself and it's NOT a negative thing? Would really help me out if you did...

I put volcanic dragon in all of my red decks and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

This is my favourite flavour for a card, just rubs me the right way.

>Jojo guy
I imagine he actually prefers this.

Also, that's incredibly specific. What deck are you playing?

Titania, Protector of Argoth.

Threadly reminder that this card is one of wizards greatest answers in mono-g and that not running it is a demonstrative of shitterhood.

The Vorthos inside me screams for blood over the fact that card is so... Ajani.

Quality post user. I have no idea why that card hasn't received more hype. Is indestructible hexproof for a turn really that bad in other formats? I get that standard doesn't have any board wipes, but still.

>cuts a net

>the 2 halves now trap 2 different people instead of one

Wanted to play a bunch of small unblockable guys and tokens with ezuri at the helm, anyone have any spicy tech?

Run the one wincon every newzuri deck runs.

Yea I already run sage of hours, thanks tho

when you say small + unblockable this instantly comes to mind

That's Ezuri.dec, not much 'spicy' tech in there. Play infect stuff, or the guy who takes 5 counters off for extra turns for ez wins. Play trisk/ballista effects if you want to be a nice boy.

>This edition
I-I actually kinda like to think up stands for my commanders. I even made a doodle of Nekusar's stand Spinning Wheel

Man I hope Amonket has some cool ass mummies. I'd be so hype to get to use this as my theme song.


>reference/flavor cards

Absolutely !
>my first deck (now long dead) was skullbriar,and I built it because he was the closest I could get to Nito. The deck was golgari goodstuff and only won once
> kraj deck is simic flavor,
> BR wort deck is just goblins, super simple and plays as basic as you'd think,
>slobad plays almost like a factory, where you can practically feel how the cards are working in tandem with each other to protect itself, produce thopters/servos as indestructible fodder/chump blockers, produce heavy defenses, and eventually survive obliteration and other wipes,ending the Game with (usually) a monsterous colossus of arkos.
>mimeoplasm is straight self mill, usually getting himself as a 11/12 flying shroud hawkeater moth by t5, with lab man and mortal combat as alternate wincons.
>working on gwaffa azorius prison because I dont have a blue white deck. Planning on winning with all the life gain win cons, darksteel reactor, elocutors, and I may even later invest in a divine intervention for pure flavor.

I love edh because decks FEEL different and really tell a story every game. It's very largely self expression, politics, and socialization.

Most importantly, it isn't anonymous.

i don't recommend buying the masterpiece, but buying a mana crypt is totally worth it. it will win you games in some really stupid ways.

Been working a lot on a Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker deck. Favorite mono-red deck I've played so far, it's just tons of value that feels like mono-red blink almost. It has multiple combos but regularly wins by just copying Fanatic of Mogis a bunch of times.

can I see a list for purely Krenko reasons?

What commander are you running?
I can give advice if you're still here!


It's really just value red creatures with a lot of Kik Jiki helper cards.

What's your least favorite commander to play against and why?

>Doesn't do diddily shit all game but pillowfort
>Wins instantly with Aetherflux Reservoir, Mindcrank+Bloodchief or Exquisite+Sanguine

Who is a better monored commander? Zo-zu or Zada? I'm leaning towards zo-zu, because land destruction seems like a blast.

Has anyone made a political EDH deck with these two as the Commander and named it The Gay Agenda? If not, why not?

Because the joke falls flat about 27 minutes into the first game and you realize you're playing a literal and figuratively gay deck

>look at this net

This is my current list. I'd love suggestions and general advice.


I do Omnath, Locus of Mana when I have Omnath, Locus of Rage as my commander. Makes me think of Dr. Evil mini me

Oh, and I play this deck with 53 lands.

Thanks as well guys

>Why not
It's a politics deck that isn't Zedruu.

Do I really need to explain why not?

post 'em.

need ideas for my Mayael deck. Xenagos was a lot of ramp into one creature and sneak it past everything. Not sure what to do with Mayael now.

Weird question, if I cannot cast spells because of an effect, can I still suspend cards?

Apparently Suspend says "If you could begin to cast this card by putting it onto the stack from your hand ...".

CR 702.61c "While determining if you could begin to cast a card with suspend, take into consideration any effects that would prohibit that card from being cast."

So no.

Thanks. I don't know how I missed that line.

Any UGx commander.
>hurr durr Imma ramp to 10+ mana within 3 turns and then cast infinite spell and e.witness cyclonic rift with double counterspell backup
>what why the fuck are you casting Armaggedon you hate fun you're ruining the spirit of EDH get away from my table you filthy non-UGx player

I'm new to EDH and I'm about to start building my first deck. I'm planning on using Talrand, Sky Summoner as my Commander. My goal is to run a very small creature count (around 4: Delver of Secrets, Aberrant Researcher, Docent of Perfection, Stormtide Leviathan) and a metric fuck ton of instants and sorceries (cantrip, counter, draw and unsummon spells) to spam Drake tokens. Does anyone here have any advice or deck techs for this deck? From what I've heard, it's unfair in 1v1, decent in 3 player, meh in 4 player and unplayable in 5 player. Most of my playgroup will be running precons.

Also is Rise from the Tides legal in a mono-blue deck? I know that all of your spells must have the same mana colors as your commander. Does that count for the color of the tokens that a spell produces also? I think that this card would be bullshit in this deck seeing how I plan to run around 45 instants and sorceries.
magiccards.info/query?q=Rise from the Tide&v=card&s=cname

And finally, would Trail of Evidence be good in this deck or would it be too slow?

I'm right there with you. I'm also hoping for snakes, scorpions, and cats.

Really need to find a place where I can play more than once a week

Rise of Tides is good since there is no black mana symbol on the card. I would say run any cards that give you an effect for drawing cards or casting spells. Creatures with Prowress are also good, and you might want to have some alternate wincons like Tutelage and the Durdlebassadors.

I've been busy for a while, but it's good to be back. Been tuning my Nicol Bolas deck and it's put up some incredible results despite being nekusar-lite.


What the fuck is that? I typed that into magiccards.info and nothing came up.

I'm also planning on running Runechanter's Pike


It's the nickname of this card that lets you win in 5 turns if you don't take combat damage. A common pillowfort wincon. Forgot the name, so I call them durdlebassadors

Is Vela actually fun to play? I like ninjas but it feels like it would become predictable and boring


Oh, also thanks for your advice. :)

This is probably my favourite. It's expensive and kind of inefficient, but it just fits.

I'm confused. I understand that you might be able to cast something from suspend, but that's different from suspending the card.
Like suspending Ancestral Vision while all players have shroud for some reason. You can totally do that, you just can't cast the cards after suspend trigger resolves.

haha no.
Atraxa players are all "lol i need dice for muh counters on everything"

whoa there, this thread ain't big enough for two jojofags

>My deck is literaly gay

So, your deck have sex with other decks of the same gender?

You're weird as shit. Basandra looks like least interesting Boros commanders out there. I just wish that her second ability would say "your opponents" and you could do cool combat tricks EDH and blue fagamussolini couldn't say a thing.
But no can do. Build a cool stax deck. Boros rocks with those big time.

What commander would Hol Horse play?

>tfw to inteligent to not make memefriends

How does that idea even come to you? Like seriously. There do exist fags that don't get laid.

How are you even a fag if you don't suck dicks?

because he is only at his strongest when he has a partner

Trail of Evidence is very good if you plan on going for more instant speed, reactionary spells. You just collect clues and pop them eot whenever you didn't need to unsummon or counter something.
Also Quiet Contemplation is surprisingly good secret tech with this route.


How do you know that you're heterosexual if you don't cave dive?

This one.

Because heterosexual is the default state you fucking retard. You only turn gay when balls touch.

>he black player just makes you sacrifice everything anyway.
>the white play makes you shuffle everything to the bottom of your deck.
>the Blue player bounces everything back to your hand
>the Red player blows up your lands before you get to play anything.

So it's not gay if I fap to traps?

Not unless you touch your balls on their balls and even then not if they're feminine balls.

I run Darksteel Myr, whenever I can. Additionally, I'll sometimes pick up cards as souvenirs from travels and events irrelevant to magic, when an opportunity arises to do so, and run 'em in whatever deck I can fit it in. In my deck I'm currently focused on, I've got a Mask of Memory I found in a tiny, wooden chest, in field my friend and I came across. It was full of mirrodin block stuff, and we each took a card. Shit was surreal.

I've got quite a few, but Hope and Cromat are my current roster for what I take to EDH nights.

There isn't many mass forced sac or mass bounce effects though, there's like killing wave, cyclonic rift, upheaval is all I can think of.

post cromat pls

If balls don't touch but i fondle their feminine dick, is that gay?


Is a rough list, it needs a lot of speeding up, and ultimately, its goal isn't to win, it's just to group hug, progress some grind matches and keep everyone having fun. If I find one laying around, I'm swapping Rhystic for dictate of kruphix, probably. Despite my solemn intent for it to just help and die, an occasional cheaky win using maze's end is naught shy of superb.

I don't know, you tell me.


Keep in mind that they can be fucked, but you want to avoid doggy style as balls hang dangerously close

This little guy. Any time you regen him and get a token, that's another XP counter. I love Spiny, chump blocks for DAYS.

>Is there any cards in you deck that you put in to reference something else or because you like the flavor? Or cards that you add to your deck simple because it fits with the lore of your Commander somehow? Maybe even because of nostalgia?

Xenagos planeswalker in Xenagod for paradox value.

Whip of Erebos in Erebos, Dios de los Muertos

Stop being gay and talk about edh

Are you retarded? Of course it's not gay if their dick is feminine.

Why can't we do both?

Thopter Assembly + Ashnod's Altar

Really just going to throw together a bunch of bulk I have to build Jori En.

Lorwyn was such a cool block

TWO JoJofags? user, you must be blind, because there are THREE JoJofags on this thread!

But user this protects from land destruction. Do you have idea how salty a red player gets when they board wipe with an advantageous board position thinking they've locked out the game only to have you keep all your lands? It's extremely salty.

is it possible to make Atraxa voltron on budjet?(no card that cost more than 5€) or should i give up?

>4 color deck
A real land base alone is going to break that 5 buck cap unless you enjoy having all of your mana enter tapped.

Atraxa costs more than that, so yes, literally impossible.

F-fourth jojo fag reporting in

Thats a good Idea, thanks.

My four colour deck typically gets pegged archenemy pretty fast, so I ended up spending quite a bit on my landbase, since I needed oh-so-much speed just to scrape it out during a 4-on-1, but if I could've afforded to be constantly one turn slower, Ravnica karoos, khans gainlands, and temples and whatever else had a positive ETB+colour fixing sounded really fun to use.

I want a commander that's fun to play, for both me and my opponents, and creates longer games. Any ideas?

You're obviously just want us to say Derevi, stop being so disingenuous about it.

Fucking hell user, just look at gatherer before you post.

Damn thanks, didn't even know about the starfish

What are the most annoying "board wipes"? Like how cyclonic rift bounces the field.

Cyclonic Rift
Land Destruction


Do infinite combos ruin the game?