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Fresh OC
Searched Filename, got nothing
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Fresh OC
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I mean, he probably wrote it because he knew she would see it there.
this is fate something right? which one is it?
Anybody got an idea for this?
Fate/kaleid liner
Raged at the DVD one
Well it involves an animal so just slap "something something druid" on there and call it a day.
Fate/Loli Lesbians
>I've never seen an Unchained monk in play
I've, they barely Tier4, their damage is meh, not uber shit like PHB monk but meh, even with power attack, dragon ferocity. elbow smash, elemental fury and whatnot.
They at least are mobile now thanks to flying kick not like before.
Access to abilities like One Touch, Adamatine ki strike ignoring Hardness as well as DR, Divination, Restoration, Shadowwalk, and Blood Crow Fist beg to differ.
That's Chaotic Neutral at best.
In what way is that good
You've never met cops in Detroit.
Killing members of a group because most are pieces of shit still isn't good
Like was said before, this is chaotic neutral at best
Frankly you could say anyone in that city has it coming, cops and citizens.
So killing Islamic State fighters would only be a neutral act because there's bound to be one or two who don't rape and pillage?
Still murder user, Chaotic good would be exposing them in an unconventional manner. Chaotic Neutral killing those that threaten/extort you and Chaotic Evil would be killing any and all cops you see.
If they're actively threatening you then kill them I don't fucking care, but finding someone who belongs to a group and just killing them because they're part of it is absolutely not good.
... Source, Please?
Killing isn't a good act unless it's to save or defend yourself or another.
Half of what you mentioned is 16+ level, the other half is 14+ level and meh. At that level a barbarian unarmed is better monk (at pretty much any level actually).
Another maybe, self defense is more neutral.
My OCD got triggered hardly.
Supernormal Step
Supernormal Step.
Thank you user.
Sure, whatever you say.
Well is it a porn comic?
No, it's about an angsty teenage girl transported into a parallel universe where superpowers and magic are real.
Surprisingly, it's pretty good.
Needs a better name
Well then why bother
I THINK the joke was taking the assumption meant that whoever this persons personal heroes are, for all intents and purposes considered heroes in the setting and would be considered objectively good.
Good characters who kill cops (who are likely corrupt/evil in some way) would likely be chaotic.
That or I am reading WAY too much into this.
delet this
Sauce on that?
"She's THIRSTY for his MEATY COCK but everyone has to repress all sexuality because SJWs won!" the anime
There are some fun bits. Like the brother/sister pair from the Civil War transported to the present.
I don't like fun
wtf that can't be real. can it?
Didn't you watch the inauguration parade?
Well there was also an entire chapter of them stuck inside a pinball machine with tron outfits and magic, so if you're not into fun it's probably not your cup of tea.
....What are you talking about, it's 100% true.
...Shimoneta? That doesn't look like Shimoneta.
Akiba''s Trip: Undead & Undressed was pretty good, bought it on steam and 100%'d it
Tohko is best girl, superhero duo childhood friend romance end is best end
BLM please go
Anyone have sauce on this comic. Looks interesting.
That's totally a real thing, user.
Gonna need some sauce on this.
Dude... that's fucking Doonsbury.
Why is there a clown punching bag?
Is this an actual 40k regiment? Those look like lasguns but the axe bayonets are new.
Overall the troopers look sweet as fuck.
(also you misspelled feudal)
No idea, I just saw it somewhere and I thought it was rad. I notice the spelling error now, have another one to redeem my mistake.
Hey, that's his best bro.
False. Killing itself is not evil. Killing good or innocent people is evil. That's murder. Killing evil is good. Now before you start screaming at me that morality is relative, we both know there are evil people. Murderers, rapists, etc. Give me one good reason why killing them is wrong.