Because it's been ages since we had one in here...

because it's been ages since we had one in here. The rules: Roll 3d500 and make a playable RPG with whatever you get in the next 24 hours.

This time, to make it easier, you can also roll a movie in Suggestmemovie dottt com or any other random web and use it as a topic instead (or added to) any other rolls.


Rolled 133, 376, 40 = 549 (3d500)

>when OP doesn't roll

Rolled 361, 492, 125 = 978 (3d500)

eh, why not

Rolled 128, 309, 48 = 485 (3d500)

I forgot to roll, shit

Rolled 66, 185, 182 = 433 (3d500)

Rolled 369, 179, 457 = 1005 (3d500)

Let's see what I get


movie: Good Night and Good Luck

I guess I could do something with pcs being paparazzi that risk their lives by harrasing californian celebrities. I guess I could be fun but we my table are not americans :_ I guess I'll roll again

Rolled 249, 30, 16 = 295 (3d500)

Rock n rollin

Genocide Tribal Racism.

Rolled 207, 207, 117 = 531 (3d500)


Rolled 493 (1d500)

Rerolling one of those 207s.

Rolled 219, 358, 273 = 850 (3d500)


Rolling for the next big hit. The WoW killer. The D&D destroyer. The Star Wars of tabletop.

Despair, Reincarnation, and Central America.

The PCs are angst ridden teens who learn that they are the reincarnation of the extinct mayan peoples. Will they rise to power and sacrifice the hearts of their favorite instagram celebrities to their dormant gods, or will they simply fall prey to their existential ennui?

Rolled 498, 403, 285 = 1186 (3d500)

Damn it.

Ham Radios, Pioneers, and Slavery.

Fuck me.

Poker, Monkeys, and Airplanes

Ape Escape: Primate Freight, coming soon to your FLGS.

>Social combat amongst voodoo catgirls.

So basically a kind of regular anime game? What are some good ideas for dragonball-like power ups in social combat?

This isn't a game. This is just posting everyday until you like it.

Rolled 346, 333, 184 = 863 (3d500)

A bunch of slaves are sent to foreign lands to find valuable resources. The players, however, are not initially in a group, and they have to use their Ham Radio Network to try and find each other. The world SHOULD have a bunch of different towns and landmarks, and players have to try and form a map and meet up.

All while this is happening, they're being hunted after by their Slavemasters, attacked by bloodthristy animals, and they have to try and not die of natural causes such as starvation or hypothermia.

Rolled 211, 264, 210 = 685 (3d500)

why not

Rolled 169, 403, 68 = 640 (3d500)

Fuck it, I'm in.

>alt universe
>storm chasers
Players are a bunch of free-wheeling kobolds from another no. Ummm - wait...

Rolled 137, 177, 325 = 639 (3d500)

I will be pretty surprised if more than zero people actually post more than "joke name for this RPG".

When we first started doing these we'd get 4-5 actual PDFs by the end of the thread.


Rolled 294, 180, 238 = 712 (3d500)

LEt's see

>Nuclear power

OP pic said I can reroll once, but just one dice or the 3 dices?

Not sure why there's an extra page at the end, but here it is. I would have expanded all of it had I not been trying to limit the length. It ended up two pages long. My roll was

Here's the file because I'm a fucking idiot.

Rolled 75, 136, 247 = 458 (3d500)

I'll bite, I like unusual settings

You got me. I never had any intention of making it. I'd rather spend that time finally adding the equipment list to a much longer system I'm making.

Rolled 432, 35, 301 = 768 (3d500)

Roll for work

Well, clones suggests a paranoia-like mechanic, and by extension allowing risky scenarios that would be too likely to TPK in another game. Tools I honestly have no idea, since basically every RPG has tools of some sort, and diplomacy is also a very broad subject that can apply to just about anything.

Perhaps it would work like some sort of espionage game, every session is a heist or operation. Before the mission, HQ gives the agents a set of tools to use on their mission, largely up to GM discretion, but the PCs could pull strings with their organization/crime syndicate to get more/better stuff. In game, players have to use diplomacy to get what they want. Problem is, it might be tough getting chances for diplomacy in situations like bank robberies or base infiltration, where talking isn't usually an option. When the operation inevitably takes a turn for the worse, the players are at risk of death, but they have clones so they aren't too worried about risky moves that have a chance to end in instant death. But, they only have so many clones, so they can't be too reckless. That actually sounds kinda fun, I can imagine it being good for groups that don't meet too often, since every op would be largely isolated from each other the same way Bond films are, so no need to remember what happened a month ago.

Rolled 134, 348, 372 = 854 (3d500)

Fluff, Radioactive Fallout, and Ambition? The challenge here wouldn't be making a coherent RPG, it would be making it not every other post-apocalyptic tale of striving warlords. I assume Fluff means a fairly rules-light RPG, though if I were to take it more literally... Like not totally "World is made of cotton down" Fluff, but more fluffy/fluffy for a Warm and Fuzzy overtone. Now that's interesting...

Disney movie
Western europe

Movie night disney
Group of friends
X players + 1 NPC
NPC found dead
Drug? Poisoning?
Become real Hallucination
Murder party night
One traitor

1 Turn of prep
NPC murder happened/Killer chosen randomly

Setting and hallucination determined by the movie
Mulan/Cinderella/Alice in wonderland/"Toy story"

Use a D10

Base 3 and 6 point to allocated

Intoxication bar start 0
Every 2 turn gain 1 mark
Each mark lower 2 stats by one
Roll constitution, if succeed lower 1 stat instead

Rolled 497, 157, 132 = 786 (3d500)

Let's see

Rolled 234, 95, 90 = 419 (3d500)

Rolling for myself...

Rolled 211, 47, 10 = 268 (3d500)

Rolled 281, 270, 131 = 682 (3d500)

Religion, Coins, and Tits... Hmm, many things come to mind, and none of them are quite wholesome...

QT Orzhov Waifu: The RPG

3-'The Matrix' like stuff
4- AI
5-Robot and/or Mecha
6-Time travel
9-Space Travel
10-Alternate History
11-Conspiracy Theories
12-High Fantasy
13-Low Fantasy
14-Hard Scifi
15-Soft Scifi
17-"Before earth" era
18-"Before humans were born" era
19-Prehistoric Era
20-Medieval era
23-Post apocalipse
25-000s century
26-900s century
27-800s century
28-Kid Friendly
32-*punk (steampunk, dieselpunk,....)
37-Based on a rpg
38-Based on a comic book
39-Based on a tv show
40-Based on a book
41-Based on a painting
42-Based on a sculpture
43-Based on a song or album or musical artist
44-Based on a movie
45-Based on a computer game
46-Based on a board game
47-Based on a movie genre
48-Based on a painting genre
49-Based on a sculpture genre
50-Based on architecture genre
51-Based on music genre
52-Based on a literary genre
53-Based on religion
54-Based on myths
55-Based on a sport
56-Scientifical Realism
57-Historical realism
58-Level based
60-Point Based system
62-One of the points is to show/explain/shove in user face, a Political or ideological Message.
63-Use cards
65-Collectible Components
72-Non Newtonian

Rolled 21, 28, 15 = 64 (3d75)


Ok, here's my game.

Rolled 148, 280, 131 = 559 (3d500)

Unique comment so I can identify my own roll.

Rolled 264, 226, 435 = 925 (3d500)


Alternate Universe, Surgery, Machinery

Curse my wanton love for mechanics, this one is going long.

Rolled 201, 425, 486 = 1112 (3d500)

Rolled 2, 32, 78 = 112 (3d100)


Rolled 21, 381, 225 = 627 (3d500)

fuck, lemme redo that


(297) Underground, (446) The Vietnam War [rerolled from line at the DMV, I dont know how I would incorporate that], (282) Espionage

spooky tunnel rat game coming up

Rolled 305, 146, 284 = 735 (3d500)

Here goes!

>Jets, Undead, Unicycles
...I've got nothing. Nothing.


Rolled 262, 262, 288 = 812 (3d500)

Lets roll!

Rolled 110, 351, 442 = 903 (3d500)

Imma try


Rolled 427, 93, 329 = 849 (3d500)

Rolled 85, 245, 10 = 340 (3d500)

Rolled 75, 352, 139 = 566 (3d500)


Rolled 303, 230, 369 = 902 (3d500)


Rolled 478, 60, 422 = 960 (3d500)

a-am I rolling right?

Rolled 132, 9, 3 = 144 (3d500)

Rolled 319, 115, 367 = 801 (3d500)

First roll was Cards, Energy Crisis, Teeth

Rolled 389, 202, 26 = 617 (3d500)

Let's go

Metalhead Fashionistas take over the mid west scenes. Campiagn includes runway models of varying stats, metal music, and the drink know as pop.

having trouble coming up with anything that's not a blatant ripoff - any suggestions?

Rolled 280, 40, 277 = 597 (3d500)

Can I do this on mobile?


Rolled 418, 453, 285 = 1156 (3d500)

why not, let's check 'em

Rolled 457, 14, 3 = 474 (3d500)

Alright, lets see what we get.

>Racism, Mediterranean Europe, Cards.
Well shit, did I just get Gypsy Quest?

Rolled 125, 21, 172 = 318 (3d500)


418, 453, 285

Luchadores, Paranormal... Airplanes

God damnit we almost got there, but then airplanes happened.

So, here we go
>Archaeologists and historians dig too deep, and awaken an ancient evil when trying to unlock the secrets of the Quimbaya airplanes
>The airplanes, actually ancient devices of power originally used to combat and eventually seal the big evil, awaken and find new masters, granting them spirit powers best suited to taking on the big evil
>The big evil is a luchador, and the plane power also grants luchador powers
>It's basically Jojo, but the stands come in the form of luchador masks and grant their powers to the wearer

>The big evil must be wrestled into submission and sealed once more
>As a spirit, only the chosen Lucha can fight him, he and his legion of spirit warriors are intangible to those without the Lucha power
>Weekly sessions are actually just wrestling shows working up to taking down the Big Bad once and for all, he appears every now and then to do heel things, as one does
>Fate points replaced by "kayfabe" points which are awarded for staying in character
>but it's not fake, it's sports entertainment

Wrestling has plenty of components, so let's try and pick some aspects to focus on:
Pop: Crowd interaction, and a system that adds complexity to winning and losing. Essentially, "pop" is generated whenever something awesome happens (landing a critical hit on a special move, a match "turning around", so on) and at the end of the match, Pop is added to both character's EXP/score/fame. Even if you lose, if you make your match awesome, you're rewarded for it. The crowd gets bored of one-sided beatdowns, same-y matches, and match interference that isn't suitably badass/messes with the match too much, but would generate lots of pop if, say, a hero was getting his shit kicked in but then other PCs came in to save the day.
Other mechanics I can think of are sell (HP), promos (gaining bonuses before matches and such), and so on.

Alright, after some brainstorming, here's what I'll be working on.

>Motherfucking Gypsy Quest
>You play a gypsy caravan in fantasy europe, traveling the edge of the not-mediterranean.
>Everywhere is super goddamn racist to ya'll because of the whole "gypsy" things but fuck them. The peasants love you guys.
>Character classes are based around Major Arcana tarot cards, while support NPC's use minor tarot suites to show their power and use.
>Your big goals aren't fighting, but being radical gypsies. See adventure, find cool stuff, sell it to peasants, get the fuck out before the local nobility tries to murder you, the works.
>Dice wise, I'm thinking something nice and simple, d6 pools and just a couple core stats.
>Focus is on your caravan, not just your dudes.

Do rolls work on mobile? I can never get them to work

Rolled 96, 175, 86 = 357 (3d500)

alright let's do this

Why not? I need something to do

Rolled 166, 15, 173 = 354 (3d500)

oops forgot to roll

Rolled 366, 242, 489 = 1097 (3d500)


12 pages and counting in Word. Pic related is looking ever more tempting. I'm bad at this "Quick and light" thing.

>am I doing this right

options field
looks like we have a hero. Godspeed you!!!

fuck i hadn't seen that we have a lot of 24 hours games this thread!!!!! OP here I'm sorry but I bailed out

this one is actually fucking good

Rolled 495, 215, 113 = 823 (3d500)

Let's see if inspiration strikes.

Rolled 117, 115, 221 = 453 (3d500)

Henry Rollins

>Henry Rollins
>Redemption, Utopia, Musicians

How appropriate. Let's see what we can make of that.

Rolled 160, 32, 184 = 376 (3d500)

Rolled 313, 128, 360 = 801 (3d500)

Thanks user

Rolled 486, 156, 167 = 809 (3d500)

Design my own RPG? This can only end poorly.

Rolled 355, 39, 70 = 464 (3d500)

Can't do it in the next 24 hours, but I might as well roll for next week. I've got something in mind already if this doesn't work out.

Rolled 77, 361, 387 = 825 (3d500)

Reroll, I can't think of some way to combine the Korean War and hair. I suppose you could be super soldiers and do combat with your superhair, but that just feels contrived.


...Shadowrun Urban Brawl as a standalone game?

Rolled 324, 283, 155 = 762 (3d500)

What the hell, I'll give this a try