PETA wants to take away your Space Wolves Veeky Forums what are you going to do about it?
PETA wants to take away your Space Wolves Veeky Forums what are you going to do about it?
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I don't play space wolves.
They can take my succubus' space-mink fur out of her cold, dead hands, though.
Teleport them into the warp and let this happen.
Stop posting about it, PETA doesn't actually care, all they want is publicity and your giving it to them.
When does PETA not do it for publicity?
PETA is a joke
Let them so one of my players can find a less shit legion to obsess over
Quit spamming, we've already had like eight threads about this shit. They don't need more attention.
This shit is only a PR stunt and you're being a sheep helping it out.
Who in the hell cares about space yiffs anyway?
You'd be hard pressed to find a more stupid faction in 40k and that says a lot in itself.
>eight threads
More than 14 at this point. Why are 40kids such bitchbabies?
PETA are literally puppy murders and terrorists. The sooner they get shipped off to Gitmo the better
Buy more space wolves of course. Hell buy, paint, then auction off a Space Wolves army with all Proceeds going to the ASPCA except the cost of ink, paper, an envelope and 5 cents to photo copy my hand flipping the bird. Where I will let PETA know that I am sending money to other organizations that do their job better than them. Tell them how much money they are losing. Itemized. And how much I just supported GW and plastic men wearing plastic fur.
start a GSC army with signs saying pett (people for ethical treatment of tyranids)
We're probably just going to make 2-6 threads about this a day until something else inane blows up.
That doesn't mean you need to bump this retread shit. If you have to post, at least sage it.
I let them. It's the progressive, tolerant and open-minded thing to do.
Don't give a shit, not going to matter.
If they'd been pissed off about Tyranids being defenceless animals getting unfairly slaughtered for sport, then we'd have a thread.
On the plus side it meant I got to hear a distinguished BBC reporter glowingly describe Warhammer 40K as a game where grim warlords endlessly commit unspeakable atrocities on a regular basis. That really brightened my morning up.
>tfw this is actually a secret plot by the 1000 sons to get the space wolfs shut down
If you actually do this give plenty of notice first, would not mind collecting a Wolf Wolf army for a good cause.
Ignore them.
If they think jeedubs are going to change pre existing assets without them forwarding the money to do so, they are bigger retards than I thought.
I will lay my keyboard before PETA and swear my solemn vow to join in their crusade against yiffers, degenerates and the deviant. Enemy of my enemy and all that.
Fuck Peta fuck vegans. Obnoxious self-righteous SJW cunts who want to take away everything.
Some characters literaly wear clothes made out of human skin in this setting
We live in a world where WFB has been discontinued and Cadia has been blow'd up. Nothing can really shock me anymore.
It's PETA, they can't do anything.
Unless it's a small defenceless animal. Then they'll kill it.
Carry on collecting AsMech, as it doesn't affect me, and nothing will come of it, as it makes no difference to anyone except a collection of holier-than-thou vegans who like the sound of their own voice more than they care about the well-being of animals, as if they cared, they'd be targeting a company that actually makes products from animals, rather than a company that makes toy soldiers
This. I'm even starting to sympathize with PETA what with all the butthurt nerdrage being shat out over the board.
I guess they just love having an opportunity to be self righteous, because these shitty threads just keeps on going. Not really going anywhere, just going.
>social justice
Come on son. PETA are retarded as fuck, but get your enemy straight. You're like some crazy Vietnam vet who flips out in a Chinese restaurant, pulls out a pistol and starts shooting at the staff shouting "Theys all look like Charlie to me!".
I'm in. I'll pay extra if you fill the envelope with that obnoxious foil confetti cut into cartoon steaks.
Animal rights activists are trying to push their way into the social justice cult. Their tactics are exactly the same as that of the social justice warrior. The only difference is that Peta believes animals are the same as humans and most SJWs do not. Not all SJWs are animal rights activists but all animal rights activists are SJWs. Their movement is still too fringe to be canonized by intersectionalism, but it is very much a sect.
this except games workshop is also loving it because they're getting free advertising as well.
Can confirm. Just returned from GW NA managers meeting. Jokes about this flowed endlessly, and bottom line, it has us trending on the internet. We love it.
Can confirm, my normie friend saw my models and knew what I meant when I said Warhammer.
I let them. Yiff in hell, wolf fags.
To be completely fair, the way we treat animals--egg laying poultry in particular--is nothing short of shameful.
The internet wise man once said "I've seen childbirth but I still eat pussy."
How many hens have you tended to boy? Or are you presuming about that which you have only seen in propaganda?
Farms have reasons for the way things are done, and they aren't as bad or as evil or as malicious as you have been told. You don't get healthy large-breasted egg-laying chickens under constant stress.
>healthy large-breasted egg-laying
Stop it, bonermancer!
I do nothing, secure in the knowledge that they will eventually try to file suit, forgetting in their rage that the only nation in the world that does not classify them as a terrorist group is the US - and GW is based in the UK.
I'm gonna slap them with £5 banknotes.
4th dimensional warp fuckery?
Ive seen entire barns of chickens being suffocated by industrial grade foam.
Large scale commercial farming isnt pretty by any stretch of the imagination.
Still eat chicken though.
Wonder who in the GW advertising section had the bright idea to poke PETA and get free advertising from them throwing a shitfit.
Other than running high-kill shelters, when was the last time PETA did anything relevant?
I dunno. Maybe I'll throw a screaming self-righteous hissy fit about how those preachy self-righteous bad guys are evilly applying evil concepts like "judging things" which are an affront to FREEDOM because they involve the possibility of actions being bad and therefore restrict the options avalable to innocent folks like myself, which is why the option of having those opinions should be restricted.
I might also judgementally preach about how they're actually pure evil and lying about all their morals because they're not doing enough to support causes that I consciously ignore, or failing to do it with the exact methods I demand of others without doing myself.
That should be enough to secure my moral high ground without having to actually think about or adjust my behavior, right?
Allow them because Lemon Russian is worst primarch.
I'll help them load up the van, GW ruined them a long time ago. They went from crazy Vikings to being more obsessed with wolf pussy than a goddamn furry convention.
Tell them to get in line.
But Space Wolves don't wear animal pelts. They wear genetically modified mutant human pelts, which is perfectly fine as far as PETA is conerned.
Second worst after Morty
Laugh. PETA are bitches who only do shit like this to stay in the public eye. They're all about the money and that's no secret.
>They're all about the money
and euthanizing people's pets as soon as they're brought in to shelters.
Well taking care of animals *is* expensive after all.
It's always what YOU want, PETA. What about me? What about my needs? You work all day and when you come home you're just bitter. For fucks sake, when was the last time you touched me? I, I want a divorce.
This is the best part from their press release
>nothing on the bloody battlefields of Warhammer’s conflict-ravaged universe could match the terrible reality of the fur trade
fucking glorious
wtf I love PETA now
>adding (OP) yourself
>It's always what YOU want, PETA.
That, and what the animals who are killed to make fur coats want. Which is presumably to not be killed.
Bjorn counts?
I bet that sounded really clever in your head
It was more "obvious" than "clever", but thanks anyway.
>At first they came for X, but I wasn't X.
We should stick together though. The political BS getting involved in our hobbies is getting annoying don't you think? Emperor forbid it ever get to the heretical levels of people wanting to ban the game because "bad violence" or some shit.
PETA are shit.
t. Vegan
Cry me a river, I killed, chopped and made sausages out of a pig when I was 12.
>at least I'm not PETA
This is basically the moralistic version of "At least you're not Anthony Burch"
Next time I run a WH40K campaign, I'll work this in somehow. Any ideas ?
Seems that way to you, my friend.
I'm not your friend, buddy.
I get a comfy seat and some popcorn.
laugh hard
Rejoice. Fuck furries.
"Those killed for their fur typically first endure a bleak life inside a tiny, filthy wire cage before being electrocuted, drowned, or even skinned alive. Or they may be in the wild, minding their own business, when they get caught in a horrific bone-crushing steel-jaw trap – often languishing for days before eventually dying from starvation, dehydration, or blood loss."
Are they describing fur trade or the life conditions of an average hive worlder? I think this is a misunderstanding, someone is just to get hired as a fluff author by GW.
GW replys, "But that is no different from how we treat our customers"
Stop feeding the attention whores.
Tell more about GW inside things.
What's all that stuff with Fall of Cadia?
ignore it, PETA wants the publicity and faggots like you are giving it to them