One Page Dungeon Thread?
Also short but planned out adventures that fit a single page
One page dungeons
a perfect 5/7
Where's nr 7 op?
and no 7
Going to run this one soon.
This is a cool thread but I've sadly nothing to contribute
This guy did a few 1-page dungeon contest bits and has a bunch of cool short ones.
Not really a dungeon, and 3.5-specific, but it's all i have to contribute.
Do these work for 5e?
1pages aren't exactly suppose to be complete, they're frameworks that the dm fills in as needed. The Dungeon Of Signs stuff is pmuch like that. They're both OSR (labyrinth lord specifically for DoS) and I hear 5e is aiming to be more like that, so probably. Take a look and figure out what you'd have to fill in/adjust.
Right now I'm looking at this is2.Veeky and I'm checking encounter stuff to calculate stats. These seem great for people who are new to dungeon crawls.
Its from a contest they have every year. There's a lot of cool shit here to use directly or even just lift ideas from.
thanks and bump
b u m p
posting my favorite one
These are actually pretty awesome.
This actually sounds like a lot of fun.
It might also be fun for Veeky Forums to collaborate on making a few dungeons. We still have three months before the submission deadline, so it might be better to start threads about it closer to then, but it's still worth thinking about now.
Glorious bumping
anybody got more like this?
are these your favourites or just random contributions?
I see some are from that yearly contest, some are really good shit
This stuff is an incredible DMing resource.
fuck it, I have a bunch of the 1page contest dungeons as pdfs. I've used a few of them directly for one shots, and converted others.
Starting with a post apoc hex crawl.
The stuff from Dungeon of Signs is flat out amazing.
A rooftop chase.
easiest way would be to get some sort of basic map, then do a couple threads populating it, like the 'tg play noughts and crosses with me' threads. Either collate these or enter several uncurated.
Cool place to put your players when you tpk.
This is a really cool idea. Haven't had the chance to run it. Seems very difficult to survive.
This one's insane.
There's caves filled with goblins. You murder them and take their stuff. Its classic for a reason.
A complex undercity with a bunch of factions for the players to contend with.
This one's more inspirational, but the library demon is cool.
One of my favourite, has a cool tide mechanic.
That's actually a really good idea.
Is anyone looking at these? Can't tell.
I've been lurking in this thread since I posted Keep on it for as long as you want user. I appreciate anything you guys want to dump
Classic from dyson, I like the premise but changed it around a bunch. My players haven't run into its hex though.
I like this one. Its straightforward but challenging and has neat terrain.
More insanity of the good kind.
another cool hex crawl, jon carter of mars style
This one's dope. Fantastical set up, lots of ways to get creative as players.
well fleshed out city in a short space that's easy to plug in wherever you need
good low level intro area
a weird ass bridge
basically Shub-Niggurath
haven't run this, seems neat though.
The dungeon is a spaceship! I love that shit.
I lifted a bunch of ideas from this one.
and this thing. Its actually a lot of fun to decipher the runes and figure out what's where.
How would you use this?
you need to have some form of hyper intelect autism
I'm saving them all. Please keep sharing.
OP here, thanks for all the contributions, they make a fine addition to my collection.jepg
all flash, no substance.
This guy blog.trilem
mostly produces one page dungeons, which are pretty consistently good. Great one recently featuring a time-travelling 20 foot-long angler-water-serpent
Linked pdf isn't one of his, but was a OPD contest winner/runner up one year, and is a great example of using the format to do something a bit different.
Its a really rough frame. Skulls mean bad, stuff like that. Add a few themes you like, slime aliens, toxic atmosphere, make encounters where the icons are that relate. Its not suppose to be like some of the other more literal stuff.
I like both, they're for different shit though.
these are pretty cool
I don't have anything to contribute, so have the opposite:
does this count
>read that as timecube
ba-dump bump
What saves do I need to make, and why are they all fatal?
poison in the first instance, illusion in the others it seems.
still, that dungeon is a bit of a piece of shit, isn't it.
>need to take the window in and out of No.22
I made this with intent of submitting it for contest, but the setting was too pol tier I guess.
What do you guys think? I know it needs a rewrite for clarity and has typos. My concept was weird fiction in a more open-air dungeon