Stormcast a Best,
Aelves a Shit,
Slaanesh a Dead Edition
>General's Handbook pdf army builder
>OP image album
Old (shitty) thread:
Stormcast a Best,
Aelves a Shit,
Slaanesh a Dead Edition
>General's Handbook pdf army builder
>OP image album
Old (shitty) thread:
How can I make a 30k space marines army ?
>inb4 hurrdurr it's not a 30K SM army
>Then show me a more Space marine-ish army thx.
Re-post a question from last thread
Are you using any custom terrains or objective rules to varying the gameplay? I'm thinking about something like supplies run with 5-7 of pic related located on game area. When you manage to capture one with your unit you roll d6 for some movement or attack bonuses, activating booby traps or you can just burn them without rolling so your opponent will stay with nothing
You want a place on the meme bingo?
Because Captains totally are witchhunters and priests, and bikes can teleport.
This is tremendously dumb.
So how many of you decided to finally start stormcast to oil some gryph-hounds ?
As a SW player, I wasnt interested in AoS before that.
Also why are stormcast the best army ?
Haha guys the stormcast look like apace marines
I'm funny
I'm not crying I'm laughing at all these people playing the thing I don't like
>is actually a priest
>can teleport
You could at least try, dude.
Best army because sanctioned furfaggotry, of course
No more slaanesh, dick a gryphound instead
Then help me make a better space marine-ish army.
I genuinely trying to.
I hope they make more gryph-hounds honestly
>How can I make a 30k space marines army?
Play 30k with space marines - you're welcome
Play Lord of Change, all warp spawn, and acolytes
Explain there was a terrible accident in the warp
Then bugger off and play 30K
Well, I did already play SC before, so I can't comment on the first part, but I enjoy SC for several reasons:
- Interesting tactical options with a few strengths and weaknesses on a fairly even scale.
- Lots of different units with a well-defined set of abilities.
- Tons of interchangeable kits allowing for plenty kitbashing.
- High fantasy look and theme. Basically an army of paladins and assorted heroes.
- Quick and easy to paint. Even somebody with little time can knock out a half-decent unit in a hurry.
- Guaranteed top-tier support for the time being.
Some ideas:
> An 'armory' made using spare weapons that grants troops a game-long bonus to attack (Maybe 1d3 models of the unit only so it's not too strong?)
>An abandoned alehouse that gives a unit a reduction to battleshock for the next turn
>Portals or underground tunnels or whatever for 'teleportation' between two separate markers
>Terrain garrisoned by neutral monsters that attack anyone who gets close
Like these?
why the bows and not the bolters?
>An abandoned alehouse that gives a unit a reduction to battleshock for the next turn
I have to steal it user - rolling for ale barrels is a clever idea
I don't get you, but whatever.
Judicators as tacticals is reasonable. Now make a Lord-Celestant your captain, the new Raptor-Snipers your Devastors and Prosecutors with hammers your Assault Marines.
From there you can work on making the new Gryph-charger cavalry your bikes, dracothian guard Tempestors your attack bikes and maybe Vanguard Hunters into scouts. Round out with either Lord-Relictor or Lord-Veritant as your chaplain.
I'm a VC (now death) player since 2007, and honestly this could be the release that make me buy stormcast. I enjoy the game, but its pretty clear that GW os going to fine tune this faction to be the best and most updated through all editions that comes.
I mean look at how many models they already have at year 1. Imagine in 5 years.
10 years ago I thought "Wow they can't get anything new for space marines now" then came the stormraven first and now 20 fighters, plenty of new dreads etc, i just keep coming again and again and again.
I pretty much decided that my next death order will be the last, then it will be Stormcasts....
This is sad to hear, but also true.
The one on the left is a qt. The Bloodthirster not the chink.
> stormcast
> best
>We get fucking storm cast and nerd crows before steam dwarves
Why GW?
While I really feel for those factions that are in dire need of an update, as a sigmarine player I am very happy with this update. The new cavalry is gorgeous, gryph-hounds are still cute and what we know of the battletome seems very reasonable so far.
Also, better resolution of the highlight.
You speak the truth my friend..
Don't get me wrong, I fucking love the new Stormcast stuff, but I just wish it was a battletome for grots instead
I think they just want to buff a new faction, picked by huge part of newbies and newcomers. The next step will be their ettempt to please oldfags and nurglefuckers
Why are people surprised that the new army gets new models? They started at zero, now they are on parity with others
Like, say, dwarves.
Of course this is tg, and why be optimistic when we could be sceptical grumpy faggots and pine for WHFB
I am more than happy for the SCE players. They're getting some cool shit. Makes me want to rub down a glistening gryph hound
Oh come on, dude, I play SC and even I think that we are very spoiled for choices.
I mean, I'm not complaining, I'm happy with this new selection, but I can see why some factions might feel miffed.
That said, I am under no illusion that it is "Stormcast Battletome or Moonclan Battletome", but rather "Stormcast Battletome or nothing at all".
>now they are on parity with others
>Like, say, dwarves.
dwarf (and i mean dispossessed + fyreslayers) got 10 troop choice, they are an army since the 80's.
Stormcast have 11 and soon 4 more. They will officially have 50% more troop choice than dwarf.
all that in. A. SINGLE. YEAR.
5 years from now stormcast will be the end all be all
>but they have everything they need now
So did space marines before centurions, deredeo, and the other 30+ choices they got since they were "complete"
Also keep in mind that while other factions already have an established fanbase, Stormcast are a very new army and GW needs to ensure that they gain a strong following from a financial perspective. New Stormcast players are likely to be younger folk who are more willing to spend money and acclimated much quicker to the AoS setting. They represent the future of the game, so it's a wise investment to spoil them for choices now.
aren't the dwarf war machines in another faction that gives them like 4 more.
Also, the 'in a single year' comment doesn't matter. Because they started from nothing, so of course their going to get more models at first. Don't extrapolate too far.
Having said that, they could certainly stand to stop now, or slow way the fuck down.
>space marines
that happened over a long period of time, and other factions were also getting a few models added to them in most codexs.
The bigger problem was there were like 8 space marine codexs, which largely repeated the same models, or slight variations that could be handled by a few special rules applied ontop.
>aren't the dwarf war machines in another faction that gives them like 4 more.
>war machines
wow I knew you were a faggot but this is beyond retarded.
You clearly do not play dwarf.
SM was a mistake
Don't worry, Stormcast are probably going to have SkyBorn Ballistas and SkyHunters Cannons,
A couple tanks, Some flying cavalry and golems next year, but it will still be
>totally normal
since you know, they are new.
Come on, Stormcast don't use Warmachines while they were a big part of dwarf armies. There is no reason not to count them.
How are they not troops?
They're a unit, with all the same stats as a troop.
They might be bought as individual models, but you clearly included heroes in your count and those are single models too.
I'm almost tempted to pick up Stormcasts next. Do they generate this much salt in real life, I wonder?
Or do dwarf and elf players just stay indoors and crypost on tg about muh space marines
depends on your area, like all things in gaming.
But in my experience, no.
Because they are in a seperate faction and share no keywords?
Nah, in reality people are either totally chill or will make a few sigmarine jokes, but that's usually it.
There was one time where some dude in the store kept hanging out near a table where I was playing my SC against some skaven, who kept bitching and whining about Stormcast, but even that was really more of a side-tangent to his general loathing of AoS.
>Do they generate this much salt in real life, I wonder?
No, since here it's already half the armies
NO I did not count any hero.
If you really argue that WARMACHINES are TROOPS I cannot do anything for you.
>Come on, Stormcast don't use Warmachines YET
>Cogsmith: duardin
>gyrocopters: duardin
>models with cannon and organ gun: clearly dwarves
>op: being a fag
the only halfway decent point, which you didn't make, is that a lot of the old factions got broken up all over the place.
Which would suck, except DoT shows that with battletomes they can then combine them in all sorts of ways. Which is neat.
>wounds, save
They're unit options, and that's all that matters, unless you're going to get super anal and start stating that only battleline matters or something.
the keyword warmachine doesn't effect armybuilding.
A) I am different user, not OP.
B) Point to me any game benefit of having the Duardin keyword, which is what I meant. All the synergy relies on the keyword Dispossessed, which both the machines and the crews lack.
Did I misunderstand the question? Cause if you're literally counting "any model that has a dwarf in it" then yes I agree with you the warmachines count.
>they haven't printed more dispossed units YET.
use actual evidence, not wild speculation to prove what you doing isn't wild speculation.
Sure, it's possible they'll keep making SC units at the current rate. And that would suck. But it's also possible they'll start making more dwarf or elf models.
We could get a elf battletome that lets the tiny factions be combined like DoT did. Or totally new steampunk dwarf faction.
Every thread, you're going to post about your fucking grots in every thread aren't you.
you have a bit of a point about the duardin keyword not mattering under the current rules.
but the original OP was also including fyreslayers, so that clearly wasn't the issue.
He was saying that SC have so many more units than there are dwarf units, and doomsaying that SC would continue growing at the current rate.
Now the much more reasonable complaint that SC have fully developed faction, while older factions are much more scattered, is somewhat valid.
But Flesheater courts, etc, show that they can develop out a faction. And DoT shows that they can actually combined things that share a keyword into an alliance.
Probably never will, given that we're about to get Raptor Snipers with Longstrike Crossbows that provide 36" range and Hurricane Crossbows with an assload of shots.
Every thread some one always posts about their armies and what they want to see. Are you gonna bitch about that as well?
Do you also have the unit cost in your crystal ball ?
>the keyword warmachine doesn't effect armybuilding.
except all watmachine are artillery and acually even more limited than behemot while listbuilding
How many people live in the average Mortal Realm?
We don't know.
All these awesome new SC models makes me optimistic that when they get around to elves GW is going to make them really awesome.
>if I keep telling myself this I think I can make it through till late summer when elves get here.
Why not? They must have described at least one for example's sake so people can make up their own.
An example of a whole realms population?
It's for the best that SM are split into multiple codices, otherwise their book would likely be pushing close to $100 like the various Horus Heresy books from FW do.
There's only eight mortal realms.
>all warmachines are artillery.
>gyrocopter: keyword Warmachine
>not artillery
and not all artillery are war machines.
Try being less wrong.
more elf griffon.
Realms which are all above Earth size and contain myriad individual civilisations. I'd bet GW is taking an intentionally hands-off approach so they don't write themselves into deadlock and/or prevent players from writing their own custom army lore.
another elf griffon.
>they might realize I think the gryph mounts for the new SC release would have been better for elves. Better knock it off.
no, what would be best is if SM were a codex, then there were suppliments with 1-3 heroes, and 1-3 unique units, and then detachments and formations handling the rest.
So take what they did for Salamanders, White Scars, etc, but add in a couple new units each. Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Space Wolves get cut down so they fit the format.
I might might be able to be convinced SW need their own codex, but probably not.
Each HH book includes a hell of a lot more than just the rules for one faction.
Also, there is a single cheaper book that handles almost all the SM legion differences. It's about 10 pages per legion iirc.
>doomsaying that SC would continue growing at the current rate
what % of 40K releases are of some kind of space marines?
>I am going to estimate about 40%
Oh hey the people here are dumber than usual. I wish I was surprised.
>Age of Sigmar: Space Marine and War Machines general.
except the situation isn't the same.
SC are a brand new faction that needed a whole bunch of releases, but are kept as a unified faction.
SM are the oldest faction, but are split up into a billion subfactions.
You could be correct, but you don't actually have any evidence. You have speculation, but you're extrapolating well beyond your bound of confidence.
Is it a dick move to use the old warscroll for gyrocopters which is identical in every way to the new one, except for the fact it has the Dispossessed keyword instead of the Ironweld Arsenal one?
I'm a dwarf player and I feel like we live and die by our synergies. Being able to buff a gyro would be useful I think.
Don't worry, they'll split Stormcast soon enough
I think someone pointed out last thread that in the faq GW say you can use any version of a warscroll
>Wow you are wrong because only 95% of warmachine are artillery haha
They don't actually care about that. In ten years the setting is going to be fleshed out and totally bloated.
They are just going slow now and trying to make the game gain traction.
4 out of 7 in the relevant faction.
So thanks for still being wrong.
Calling it right now
>Cool new model
>Everything else is overpriced as fuck
>Awful internal balance with 5 units really above any other
>Next book the ex-new unit are shit and internal balance change to the most expansive footslog unit to keep elf plalyer buying endlessly
>We regret the good ol time where we could field compendium units and the time before the battletomes
>You could be correct, but you don't actually have any evidence.
in 40K space marines are the narrative counterbalance against chaos and evil generally and (almost) every major release features some form of space marines and other type.
>in AOS SC are the narrative counterbalance against chaos and evil generally and (almost) every major release features some form of SC and other type.
nothing to be concerned about.
So how do you counter a Warrior Brotherhood with death ?
You don't
Deploy on the table edge to minimize surface area for his melee attacks
Try to deploy Settra in cover, if possible
Have Tomb Herald near Settra to absorb retributor mortal wounds
Protect Tomb Herald with screen of skeleton
Have a screen of 6-9 Necropolis Knights
Have a Warsphinx or Necrosphinx in pile in range behind your screen. Give him the -1 hit artifact
R8 my undead list 1000 point undead list:
Necromancer (120)
- Artefact: Cloak of Mists and Shadows
Vampire Lord (140)
- General
- Mount: Flying Horror
- Trait: Death Incarnate
- Artefact: Sword of Unholy Power
20 x Skeleton Warriors (160)
- Ancient Spear & Crypt or Tomb Shield
10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Blades
5 x Grave Guard (80)
- Great Wight Blade
Zombie Dragon (320)
Total: 900/1000
My plan is to run the Graveguard as a retinue for my Necromancer, and escort the Skeleton blob up the field. The Vampire will be flying around, helping clean up units and casting spells as needed. The Sword is so that I can drop a Nice unit of Grave Guard or Skeletons where needed.
It seems that this list will probably be playing against some Gun Line Empire, Some Night Goblins, Stormcast and possibly Seraphon, slyvanneth, Tomb Kings and Beast Claw Raiders.
How fucked am I?
Why not toss in another 10-bone rank of Skellie Warriors, 5 Grave Guard, or a Tomb Banshee to help fill in those spare 100 points?
The reason that Stormcasts are picked by newcomers is just due to sheer saturation.
>take and paint mini is a Stormcast
>Stormcast in the starter box
>Stormcast on all the promotional material
Man you are playing death, summon the biggest thing you can with the sword.
Also things like
>5 x Grave Guard (80)
will evaporate if you play vs gunline empire, sylvaneth,stormcast, seraphon etc, each of those can evaporate the 5 poor guys without thinking about it, drop them off the list and summon a big thing with the sword
Well, I need summoning points to use the spell of course. Although, I might take user's advice of this:
Say I dropped some stuff, and just ran something like this:
Necromancer (120)
- General
- Trait: Ruler of the Night
- Artefact: Ring of Immortality
Vampire Lord (140)
- Mount: Flying Horror
- Artefact: Sword of Unholy Power
Cairn Wraith (60)
10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Blades
10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Blades
5 x Black Knights (120)
- Deathrattle Battleline
Necrosphinx (400)
Total: 1000/1000
>5 x Black Knights (120)
>- Deathrattle Battleline
not him but this lits looks much better, especially if you can choose to summon the necropshinx in a nice spot.
However just know that because GW actually hate death as much as they like Stormcasts, you actually have to pay point to resurrect someone with
>Artefact: Ring of Immortality
so yeah it IS the most useless item in all AoS
I'm burnt out of 40k and its piss poor models. Does AoS have a Kill Team equivalent?
Playing low points is like kill team, every death hurts that much more when you only have 300 points
You're in luck!
yes it has
Which is better than anything that exist for 40 skirmish
Shit really? Than I might need to think about that for a bit. Maybe I'll just slap the Tomb Blade on the lord than, or the cursed book.
Yes, you should loo at the FAQ for Death on the official GW website in case you missed something else
Is this at all viable for a Beastmen list?
Malagor, The Dark Omen (120)
Great Bray Shaman (100)
Gorthor The Beastlord (180)
- General
20 x Gors (160)
- Gor Blade & Beastshield
20 x Gors (160)
- Gor Blade & Beastshield
20 x Ungor Raiders (160)
- Brayherd Battleline
20 x Ungors (120)
- Ungor Shortspears & Half Shields
Total: 1000/1000
I don't play super competitive at my FLGS, so it doesn't need to be like THE best list or anything. I'm just trying to figure out what is semi-viable, and what to build towards. Currently own/in process of painting Malagor, Bray-Shaman, and 20 Gors.
steam dwarfs confirmed
Melee infantry is not at all in vogue by current meta, so maybe get some ungors with bows? You'll also be vulnerable to aoe with that many low-cost high-volume dudes. Maybe sub in a unit of centigors or minotaurs?
I did have the one unit of 20 Raiders in there for bows. I could probably ditch one of the Gor units, that'd free me up some points. How are Tuskgor Chariots? I'm trying to mostly keep things Brayherd for buffs, though it's all still theory for me at this point.