
Victarion is a Pretty Cool Guy Edition

> Which Kingdoms make the best setting for running SIFRP?

> Best minor house? Why is it the Blackwoods?

> Most memorable experience with SIFRP?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Every major house in Westeros is dead or dying
>Jon and Danny prolly gonna die killing white walkers
Who the hell is supposed to rule when the whole thing is over with? A parliament of lesser nobles?

>Which Kingdoms make the best setting for running SIFRP?

The Reach, the Stormlands and the Westerlands, mostly because nobody really gives a fuck about *any* of the Houses there and if they get butchered over the course of a campaign.

>Best minor house?

I really, really like the Daynes.

Littlefinger's gonna win. Straight up.

Dayne, Bolton, Baratheon, and Greyjoy are the most interesting houses imo.

>Best minor house

Blackwood, Mormont, Reed and Royce.

Actually, I think the latter is a major house but fuck it.

> King of the Ashes

Stannis and Shireen are still alive in the books, as far as I know

For now, at least

Oh, and Seaworth is technically a noble house, so definitely them.

As much as I'd like to see Jon on the throne. The CK2 player in me wants Littlefinger to win so fucking much.

>Best minor house?
Well, House Codd's motto is basically "Haters gonna hate."

Any LCG second edition players?

I'm looking to get into it with a Targaryen banner Martell deck built to spam Dracarys.

I'd like to see Littlefinger win, but I'm sure he's going to get straight up brutally murdered.

>Best minor house?
House Connington
Griffons, mutha fucka!

What role would the Martell stuff play in that strategy? Do they have event recursion or something? I'm just starting to look at the game.

Jon should never sit on the Iron Throne. I just don't think he'd know what to do with it.

Better to have him as King in the North-allied to, but ultimately independent from, King's Landing. Dorne and the Iron Islands need to be independent again as well. The 'Seven Kingdoms' as one big empire just doesn't work.

Mostly for Attained for Intrigue dominance.


To clarify, use Attained to ensure victory in an Intrigue challenge, use Shadowback Lane (thronesdb.com/card/02038) to search your top 10 cards for an event, and pull Dracarys, ideally, at least.

> Which Kingdoms make the best setting for running SIFRP?
The Riverlands is fun as fuck throughout history. The amount of unfilled lore around the River Kings leaves a lot of space to improvise and it's a hell of a fun time fighting off all the other kingdoms.

I do enjoy the Crownlands and Dorne too though.

> Best minor house?
Personal favorite is House Dayne. But I think they might fall closer to major. Banefort and Sarwyck I'd say are favorites for whatever reason.

> Most memorable experience with SIFRP?

Playing Karban and Malroy on Veeky Forums. ;_;7

I still re-read some of the old House Malroy threads.

> Which Kingdoms make the best setting for running SIFRP?
Riverlands, Crownloands or The Reach, they're all tumultuous enough for different kinds of action.

> Best minor house?
Penrose, Oakheart (if they count), Clegane.

> Most memorable experience with SIFRP?
GMing a game for House Autumn, a house in the northwest of the Reach, who declared for Renly and had to defend their keep and homeland from Westerlands forces out of Silverhill and Crakehall.

> Which Kingdoms make the best setting for running SIFRP?

Objectively Riverlands or Reach, but personally I like the Stormlands

> Best minor house?

Bracken, fight me

> Most memorable experience with SIFRP?

Don't really have any standout moments, the most fun my group had was the planning session.

Hightower tho

Royce is a minor house. Their Lord might be a little retarded boy, but they are still storm to him.
I like umber and mormont. And not for reddit meme reasons


I was separating between minor, major and 'great' houses. If we're counting anyone but the big 9 then Manderly jumps to the top of the list and Umber, Harlaw and Hightower go on as well.

Also, just for future reference, there is an op post to go with these threads.

The Seven Kingdoms as one empire works great as long as it's got a not retarded king.



Isn't he supposed to represent the Renaissance or something?





I thought that was a bait image for a moment...

>The Seven Kingdoms as one empire works great as long as it's got a not retarded king.

Which has happened, like, twice.

Westeros consists of several different cultural/religious/ethnic groups who have millenia of independence (at bating each other) behind them. Furthermore, it's just too fuckhuge geographically to maintain as a single state with iron age tech.

Aegon was able to use the shock and awe factor of dragons + TACTICAL GENIUS to get most of the noble houses to kneel to him and from then on the fair-weather loyalty of feudalism was enough to keep things relatively stable for a few generations but that was it. Over the last two centuries his kingdom has seen a civil war on average every other generation. The North, even when loyal, is under the jurisdiction of the Iron Throne in name only and quite frankly King's Landing has less to lose cutting then lose than it has keeping them.

And then of course there are the Iron Islands.

>And then of course there are the Iron Islands.

holy shit

Someone in that setting needs to REMOVE those fuckers hard and for good.

Harlaw can live though. I'm sure The Reader can find books on the mainland.


>Royce is a minor house

wrong. Royce is the second most powerful house of the Vale. They are a very powerful house and essentially rule the Vale in the books.

There's more out there. I think they're from a site called Arrested Westeros.

I appreciate what Green Ronin tried to do, incorporating personal-scale combat, "social combat," kingdom building, and mass combat in one system. But all of those subsystems feel half-assed on their own.

I honestly feel like, if you're willing to put the work in, GURPS is better for an in-depth Westeros RPG.
>Basic Set
>Low-Tech and Martial Arts if you want detailed fights
>Social Engineering if you want detailed social stuff
>Mass Combat if you want mass combat
>Powers if you want detailed supernatural abilities
I would tend to say the setting is mostly TL3 minus gunpowder plus some TL4 advances (TL4 armor in Westeros, TL4 fencing weapons in Braavos, TL4 optics in Myr, etc.).

Does anyone have Dragon's Hoard? Is it a good adventure?

Does anyone know how long there was between the Tragedy at Summerhall and the start of the War of the Ninepenny Kings? It's implied that it wasn't long, but has it been made clear at all how many weeks/months between the two?

I didn't even realize they were still actively supporting the RPG.

The wiki has Summerhall in 259 and WotNPK in 260, but the Band of Nine had started shit in the Disputed Lands even before Summerhall.

>Which Kingdoms make the best setting for running SIFRP?

Reach or Riverlands

> Best minor house?


> Most memorable experience with SIFRP?

House Harrock quest was kind of cool

Yes I read the books. We are just disagreeing on the definition of minor. If you aren't a ruling house you are a minor one in my eyes. Obviously the Royce's are powerful, more powerful than the arryns at this point, but they still nominally serve them

What are some theories on what actually went wrong at Summerhall?

I've entertained the theory that Egg's egg-hatching attempt actually worked, only for things to go dramatically out of control very quickly afterwards.

A cooking fire got out of control

Post cool art if you have it.






I wonder what happened to Dark Sister. We know that Bloodraven had it last, could he have taken it with him to the Wall?

Maybe it's tucked away in a corner of the weirwood cave somewhere, kept safe until it's needed again.


Ooh, that's a nice one, Satan.





Absolute pleb opinion. House Bracken is superior to the Blackwoods in every conceivable way.


Yeah, season five was shit, but this moment nearly made it all worthwhile.

That and Tyene Sand's tits.


Brackens are literally the worst. Traitors in every instance
>change from the Old Gods to the faith of the Seven
>betrayed the Riverlands to the Ironborn
>betrayed the Riverlands to Valyrian interlopers
>sided with the bastard would-be usurper Blackfyre
>betrayed the Iron Throne in joining Robb Stark's rebellion
>betrayed the Stark cause and joining that fucking shit Joffrey

>Tyene Sand's tits
Great taste, user.

Reach, Green Apples, and Brock the Rock!


I remember playing in a game where we were in the Westerlands.

Small territory. But we were on a coast, so the main source of income for the area was farmed oysters.

House Perl were Loyal Lannister servants.

Did they maintain a small fleet of ships and do their duty to defend the Westerlands fron Ironborn shits?

The sure did!

I played a Septon that held a special service every time the fleet set out. "And if those Ironborn do not fear drowning, then I say we oblige them!"


Dolorous Edd.

>Not Being a Grubman.

>Green Apples

It would be a shame if something happened to those apples.

Eh, Lothor Brune only "ate" one green apple. It's the red ones he has a fondness for.

He actually has a fondness of stones, shame someone already licked the one he likes.

>Best minor house?

If we could bring The Sea Snake-era House Velaryon forward in time, them in a second.

Current era though, I've gotta go with House Manderly.

lol fukken redforts

House Velaryon in the day of Corlys the Sea Snake were basically the Lannisters of their time, they were by far the richest house in Westeros, and commanded an insane amount of power because of it.

Arguably they wouldn't qualify as 'minor' back then.

I was considering minor to mean any House that isn't the Great House of the region. Starks in the North, Tyrells in the Reach, etc.

The Velaryons were indeed one of the most powerful Houses in the realm back then, but they weren't Lords Paramount.

It's pretty moot though since by "current" day they're pretty damn small and weak.

Just for future reference, houses below the nine great houses are usually split into multiple categories including both major and minor. Major houses are the great houses primary and most powerful bannermen while minor houses are the smaller ones below them. At the bottom you also have knightly/landed houses who are just high enough on the totem pole to have some holdings and may not even be titled as lords (the head of knightly houses still goes by 'ser' iirc).

So to use the North as an example

>Great House


>Major Houses

Bolton, Manderly, (maybe) Karstark, Umber

>Minor Houses

Both Flints, Cerwyn, Dustin, Glover, Hornwood, Mormont, Reed, Rysdale, Tallhart

>Knightly/Landed Houses

Possibly Cassel and Poole (the North doesn't really separate out into this last tier and both are just considered 'noble'; I should have picked another region) and bunch of other small houses no one gives a fuck about. The various clan leaders living in the mountains and on Skagos probably come in at this level, too.

>Mentioning Skagos

Stoneborn stronk! Definitely still relevant!

>Lord of Harrenhal

Yeah, he's a fucking dead man.

When was the last Lord to not die in tragedy in Harenhal?

Roose Bolton.

Besides, I'm not sure Baelish ever actually set up at Harrenhal.

Immortal Bolt-On theory +credibility

And yeah, no way Littlefinger's gonna set up in Harrenhal when he's got the Eyrie, and he'll have the Red Keep before long.

I don't know that Cassel and Poole are landed houses. Actually, you have a couple of the Northern equivalents of landed knights in your "Minor Houses" list.

Galbart Glover isn't lord of Deepwood Motte. He is its "master" instead. Ditto House Tallhart.

>Immortal Bolt-On theory +credibility
Is that the one where he's supposed to be a vampire or something?

I believe they are. Dragon's Hoard was released last year IIRC.

Roose hung out in Harrenhal during the WoFK but he was never actually its official lord. Baelish, however, is.

Fuck, you're right.

And I just made a guess on Cassel based on the fact that both Jory and Rodrik only ever go by 'Ser', although that might just because they're acting in service to another lord.

So has anyone else tried to 'fix' the fucked up timescales in aSoIaF? I've been working on some ideas.

Well, what specifically do you consider fucked up about the timescales?

Well, there's this that someone showed me once.


There are two schools of the theory, but both theorise that Roose is actually a Red King of old that either:
> is an immortal soul that inhabits a new body every generation
> is an immortal skellington that literally skins and wears a new host every generation