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What is the one thing you don't want to see in Deviant?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
>What is the one thing you don't want to see in Deviant?
Rules. Just let the book consist solely of fluff.
>good for avoiding withstand
One of the biggest flaws of Mage 2E. Doesn't matter what you are, a Master is going to fucking disintegrate your ass.
I was going to say the same thing. It doesn't help that yantras lower the threshold of exceptional success too. Did Mages really not only need to ignore normal resistance rules, but have a means to ignore their own rules too?
>yantras lower the threshold of exceptional success too
no they don't
Cheiron or other hunter groups as the bad guys.
I think you build your opposition in Deviant, but you could very well have Cheiron by the group that (Re)made you.
Cheiron is a legitimate company that does nothing wrong, and anyone who says otherwise will get sued.
I'm still sad we having seen something dealing with their ludicrous longevity. Folks on the forums have suggested seeing them as a Greek mystery cult in Roman times and that would be a blast to see.
I was thinking of Praxes.
Which is completely silly and I decide to ignore. Cheiron is just a pharmaceutical company that re-used the logo, and its board of directors aren't alien invaders either.
The alien invaders thing is dumb, but I adore the idea of a pharmaceutical corp being the latest in a really long line of masks for this healer-cult.
Gentlemen! How do we fix Beast?
Why are Noddists so godamn dumb ?
>Book of Nod(TM)
>Diabelrie is bad
>Like, Really bad
>Don't do it bro
>For real
>"Diabelrize humane vampires as they are unworthy of the Blood"
Diablerie is bad if you do it to Vampires of a lower generation than you. Because you're probably going to play home to that elder's soul.
Powerful Vampires have nothing to fear from diablerie of higher generation vampires. You just eat that poor guys soul.
We burn it down, and salt the earth where it once stood.
"Thou shalt not suffer your Childe to live If it is found that he has killed one of your Brothers and has drunk his heart’s blood. This is the Serpent’s Way, and I will not abide it."
You don't, you just play a game that you're going to like more from the get-go. With such a rich and plentiful amount of games out right now, there's no reason to just not avoid something you don't care for.
For mta revised, is there an actual book for Technocracy characters themselves? Coming off vanilla mage and reading the convention book for the void engineers there looks to be some mechanical discrepancies between them and regular mage characters, but they aren't explained.
Play Bygone Bestiary and when people complain that you are literally playing otherkin remind them that at least it's not Beast.
Guide To The Technocracy and the five Revised Conventionbooks are your friends. Be seeing you, citizen.
I can only find Guide To The Technocracy in the pre-revised folder in the mega. Is there a revised version that isn't in the mega or is it still compatible?
Guide To The Technocracy is pre-revised but it still works, as long as you combine it with the Conventionbooks.
Cool, thanks a lot man.
You might also want to check out Sufficient Velocity for Panopticon Quest and the White Wolf thread, it's filled with autism as usual but this dude MJ12 Commando has done his best to bring the Technocracy up to the modern standard and has homebrewed a tonne of stuff for it.
Oh right; and written a quest that's longer than War And Peace from the viewpoint of a Technocrat; it's really good.
I'll check them out, thanks again.
Nah, the reason they Diablerize is to bring themselves closer to Caine. Remember the path was made by a bunch of extra edgy Assamites who wanted to bastardize the Path of Blood but not be called an Antedeluvian shill.
>As if I need thanks for bringing the light of the Technocratic Union to the masses.
>As if I need any reward to tell people how much better it is to be a loyal Technocrat than a filthy Reality Deviant.
>Muh Precepts of Damian.
Sorry to feed the magewank, but I have to know, as I have little knowledge of the Splat.
What's the point of wanking Archmages so bad, if just by entering our reality, they break the consensus and get fucked by paradox? They look absurdly powerful, but if just by existing in the same reality as their adversaries, they automatically lose the fight, and take the world with them, isn't it absurd to say they can do X or Y against all the other big bads of the other splats?
The autism and sperging that follows is on your head.
Wasn't the PoC created by the Sabbat ?
You could always just fuck off and read the previous twenty threads if you really want an answer.
None of that actually changes the fact that high-level Archmages dominate Antediluvians entirely.
Magefags are the kind of people who don't give a crap about the practical situation and only care about wanking off about theoretical power levels and how much better they are because they like said splat the most
I'd think most people would have realized that by now with how many fights they pick
What use is being powerful, if you can just be powerful in your own little room with no way to contact the outside?
Depends what your end goal is.
>because they like said splat the most
I would actually put magefags right under vampfags for splat bias.
>little room
Archmages have the whole Tellurian as their staging ground. They do not care for the trivialities of earth. They form their own personal planets if they are in need of a place to call home.
It was created by an Assamite Antitribu in the Sabbat who basically tried to bastardize the Path of Blood that he was too much of an idiot to properly grasp.
From what i've seen magefags are way more annoying about it then vampirefags
t.werewolf fag
>magefags are way more annoying
I don't know, user. Vampfags are really blind at times.
This is really hilarious cause everyone is stuck on earth (a little room) while Archmages have everything else to play with. What use is being powerful if you're just gonna be powerful on Earth.
>what use is being powerful in the only place that actually matters
I wonder
It's more annoying when players somehow convince themselves that entities (Antediluvians) barely above planetary level equate to entities (Archmages) that affect entire galaxies. Of course magefags are going to attack the players with disregard for common fucking sense.
The only reason they seem more annoying is cause the texts back up their little power trip. Vampfags have no such excuse for their autism.
Vampfags also have a habit of citing non-canon material all the fucking time.
>the only place that actually matters
According to you
>Archmages have the whole Tellurian as their staging ground. They do not care for the trivialities of earth. They form their own personal planets if they are in need of a place to call home.
That's really great and all. but it doesn't answer the point I've made.
>They can obliterate anyone they want because they are nigh omnipotent
Except they can't because the moment they try to put those powers to use anywhere outside their invented universes, reality collapses around them and they get bumfucked by the consensus.
it's like saying that you're awesome because you can turn invisible but only when people aren't looking a you.
I have this sick feeling that you don't know how far the Consensus actually reaches.
How about everyone just don't wank over who has the bigger imaginary game dick.
The Deep Umbra isn't affected by the Consensus. I suggest you read more about the Void Engineers and the various extremities they have accomplished in the far reaches of space. Entire planets made of machinery. Dyson Spheres sucking the life out of stars bigger than our own sun.
Nothing else matters, exists or will ever exist outside of my little room in the whole of creation. This is the argument of someone desperate to give their situation meaning by devaluing everything that falls outside of it. You've only ever known Earth bullshit, but clearly your bullshit is better than all other bullshit. Hell, your bullshit is the only one that exists.
and yet none of that actually matters in a practical sense
You can thank a certain user for bringing this up again.
According to you
Why do you think earth is so special, user? The Technocratic Union has encountered many extraterrestrial civilizations in the Deep Umbra. You're looking at this from an all too human-centric view.
Its not real
Can we officially vote to kick all Mage players from this topic?
Sick of seeing everything of WoD being filled with nonstop talking about this shitting game.
Can we officially vote to kick all Vampire players from this topic?
Sick of seeing everything of WoD being filled with nonstop ignorance and misinformation.
So... what are some of the characters you guys are playing or have on the backburner?
Additionally what are some of their long term goals?
Isn't Earth where all the people with Avatars are though?
earth would be destroyed without the void engineers
Yes and where everything that matters in the setting takes place but lets ignore that so we can jerk off about power levels more
Most of them. The truly powerful mages never decide to stay for long. Part of achieving greater power is leaving normalcy behind.
Give them a villain that is an existential threat to humanity to justify their existence.
I'm sorry your beloved Masquerade isn't as far reaching as Ascension. Your worldly matters do not dictate the theme of the other lines. It is very arrogant to assume otherwise.
They already have one SJWs
Why is it always vampire you guys go after?
Can we kick all Werewolf players from this topic?
Sick of seeing everything of WoD being filled with nonstop Garou nonsense and animal kin faggotry.
I'm about to retake a Vampire (Masquerade) campaign with some friends, set in New Orleans.
My character is a Ventrue Lawyer who got shat on by the Sabbat, and manipulated by the Lasombra, provoked an Anarch riot, which ended up expelling the already weakened Camarilla from the city. When the last game ended, the Sabbat gave him the choice to join, or die, and he chose to Join, while the other players chose to flee. We're going to retake the game a decade from that encounter.
Can we kick all Magefag players from this topic?
Sick of seeing everything of WoD being filled with elitism and discussion on their outdated poor game mechanics.
>forgetting the officially part
The stereotype of Vampfags being biased, misinformed and disgustingly pretentious. We can hardly assume otherwise.
It's gotta be official!
>>officially official
>Vampfags getting angry at mechanics they don't like
You just started something you can't hope to win.
Can we kick all oWoDfag players from this topic?
Sick of seeing everything of CofD being filled with elitism and discussion on their outdated poor game mechanics.
>outdated poor game machanics
One of the big reasons why magefags always win these discussions. You can thank Brucato for making it even worse.
But that isn't what's happening?
I want to play Mage 2e where can I find a game?
>tfw changeling players and werewolf players keep trying to cause chaos by putting magefags and vampfags against each other and everyone else is too dumb to see it
More victories for the magefags
These arguments have always end the same way.
Archmage turning Cain into a lawn chair.
>implying its not demon players
>Implying it's not Hunter players
You're right that makes too much sense
No pussy ass mage could go against Caine.
He's Godlike.
And than God turns the Archmage into 7 lawn chairs because God is an Archmage. What did you think the Bible meant when it said Man was created in God's own image?
God is not an archmage, you fucking idiot.
There was an attempt at an update but magefags threw a hissy.
top lel
>>assuming Vampirefags isn't the best written and most balanced and everything after is a mess.
>Mage is God
>Mage cursed Cain
>Mage Supremacy
Come back to me when Cain can erase entire galaxies like an Archmage can.
come back to me when that actually matters
What a cop-out
I'm sorry for that all your wanking none of your so called powers actually do anything remotely impressive
I love denial
>Will you do it?
>N-no... BUT I CAN!
>Then show me
>I can't show you, BUT I TOTALLY CAN
>Then do it
>I can do it over there, but not here, BUT I AM OMNIPOTENT GUISE!!!!!!1
>Then do it
>>God is outside any title given by any creature inside oWoD or nWoD, namely just called Creator.
>>God created "Mages" which is 1% of his power.
>>Caine was made in the likeness of Itself, but below.
>>Caine is Godlike, superior over 1% of God's self that is called Mages
>>Creator cursed Caine
>>Vampire Supremacy.
Call me when your immortal and the erasing of a Galaxy affects you.
Anywhere but here by the looks of things.
Vampfags are getting pissed now
None of that made any sense. Also what is grammar? I can tell you're getting a tad bit mad.
preach it mon...