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Guardians of the Galaxy by SymbioteAnon
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OP is OC from Beri last thread.
Body Change
I'll use the power of love to get more blessings down the line.
>Heartbreak Wrath
>Body Change x2
>Super x3
I'll hang around her for a while, since she'll probably want to go check things out. It'll be fun. One day, I suppose there will be a hero who comes to strike us down. Well, I have nothing to fear. Youth is more a matter of convenience, but it's probably worse than Body Change unless you have a lot of delicate things you like to carry around, and I don't even own a phone. I thought about getting Display, because it would help me aim my curses at weak points, but hell, if I throw enough it'll work fine. I also figure I'll tweak my body to an unnatural level of efficiency and then my 1000x strength will rock the fuck out.
Romance Void
Body Change x2
Media Engine x2
Sanctuary x2
Super NEET build. Stay on my island for fucking ever while my AI makes games for me to play and distribute.
Side effect of potentially drastically reducing the human population within a few generations seems like a plus really.
Some feedback
Power levels are all over the place, your best bet is becoming support and hoping that people like Beta Ray Bill will do the job for you.
Some powers are too weak.
Healing factor is hilariously bad, like you might not beat muggle with it tier bad.
Melee expert and ranged combat IMO shouldn't be alternative to superpowers. Why would you pick skill over super speed?
Body Change 2
Healing 2
I actually like playing support sometimes. The solution is to make more love because there's not enough!
Take two: Spite Build
>Heartbreak Wrath
>Healing 1
>Hate 2
>Fortune 2
>Body Change 2
Go ahead and create your love demons. I'll just kill them with my hate! They'll be easy to find, so I can fight them directly too! Wrath's healing makes it so damage done to me is reflected, plus I regenerate anyway, so I can just tank damage and weaken them further. Also, you can't damage me directly. And if you use hate on me, the fortune cancels it out! Body change turns me into a shapeshifter, which has further combat applications and can prolong my life a bit more.
I could still love you though. Just, I wanted to mess with you a bit first. Tell you your plan was dumb.
...and maaaaybe I was a little bit greedy, too.
rest isn't finished yet
give me a list of dead cyoa author
I'll usually do anything for the immortality options, but what good is it if I can't watch people around me be happy? I'd rather just spend my painfully short lifespan teaching this girl about love.
With all the good lewd CYOAs that have come out I don't think there will ever be another I can fap to. Slut life was some avant-garde level CYOA smut
>Dra-Mith's Semen
"a ppearing" should be "appearing"
>Ironnyl's "Spare" Parts
"Crediy card" should be "Credit card"
>the Puzzle Box
"the Puzzle Box" should be "The Puzzle Box" or "Puzzle Box"
SDA. He died long ago and was replaced by a dumb shitposter who pretends to be him.
Superspeed and Precognition. I'll see everything coming, and be fast enough to deal with it.
Space is dangerous without a space suit, and I'm gonna need those med bays for what I have in mind.
Xandar, We're rebuilding the nova corps!
The two current Novas will have to get in on this, I'll need Cosmo's telepathy for communications until we get everyone connected to the Worldmind, and Beta Ray Bill stability.
First things first, we need to get those helmets back. Worldmind should know where most of them are, so it's just a matter of grabbing them, shouldn't be hard.
Now we need recruits, so we'll take them from the Badoon. We'll rescue the slaves bit by bit, equipping anyone ready, willing, and worthy to fight with a Nova helmet, and rescue Major Victory along the way.
So now we have an army, and a base, but we'll need funds to keep the operation going. Conveniently a big pile of money wants me dead. Once we take out the first bounty hunter, it shouldn't be hard to follow the paper trail back to the source with Cosmo's telepathy.
Now this one's gonna take a while to get the corp, ready for, but we're gonna go after Thanos. It's gonna be tough, and we will lose people, but with the team, the corp, and all the hired help I can buy, we can take him down and that cosmic cube will be worth it. A few uses is more than two and that's all I need.
One to bring back everyone who died to get it, and one to restore Xandar to its former glory. From there we're set, and the universe can be safe again.
>Romance Void
Gives me the most blessings while its effect isn't too bad. Considered to get Stalkers, but then I realized everyone would love me including all men and fuck that.
>Body Change (Upgraded)
To fulfill some of my /d/ fetishes and join the futa master race.
>Youth (Upgraded)
Pretty unnecessary to upgrade it, since I have body change. But I buy it as a favor to my friends.
>Servant (Upgraded)
Time to summon my very own a Saber clone and fuck her silly!
You don't need the servant upgrade if you're just summoning a Saber clone.
A simpler one.
And there was a point where the rage comics were avant-garde and now look at the crazy fucking memes we have now. Even the president of the US is a meme now, take that as you may.
There's a world of fetishes out there just waiting to be discovered. Just be patient user.
I can't pick Heartbreak Wrath or all those "the power of friendship" anime will be real.
With Stalkers I can hurt those that love more. But
>Romance void
works better. I don't have the energy to deal with people attracted to me or who want to be around/near me.
Probably caused the end of all life and the stagnation of technology.
Since love is gone there's no longer any reason to get Body Change since I don't need to nor can I be loved by anyone, not even myself.
>Fortune twice
>Media engine
Since all creativity is dead I need this
I have merely ascended.
All these sound bad, but I know what I'll do. I shall become the worlds most powerful lover!
I choose Wrath and I dedicate myself to destroying all of the demons myself. I take healing twice, so any attacks are just gonna hurt them, Super three times for flying, Visor to find them and their weak spots, and Skill which I use for musical talent with which I write some of the worlds most emotional love songs, which I use to lure the demons out of populated areas before fighting them.
Fetish build:
>Body Change II
>Skill (Being dominant)
Pretty simple - just rule (my slice of?) the world. "Curse" everyone with fetishes for being dominated, and waltz in.
Problems can be taken care of with sufficient application of curses - inability to produce media in my image, inability to harm each other, etc.
Since it'd be stupid to only limit Stalkers's power to my original form, I could transform myself to turn other people into whatever I want read: hot chicks
In real life, though, I'd probably just choose Envy + 'Hate'. I'm not that cynical yet.
Romance Void
Healing 2
Super 2
There's nothing better, this is simply THE best choice.
>Best build, best choices!
What?! You can't transform yourself into a Saber clone or you summon a Saber clone? How the hell can you say those choices are the best with a straight face?
Does anyone have simple cyoas like this?
Do /cyoag have a discord server?
Chats are cancer that kill threads and discussions by outsourcing all of it offsite.
Have you looked at the pastebin lately?
I kind of agree with most of what you have to say. I think that having three powers at the start would probably be better.
That said, having skills in universe can be just as good as having inherent superpowers. Look at Iron Fist.
I'd just like to reassure this user from last thread that no one's promoting the removal of more meaningful options for obvious ones.
After I suggested being allowed to pick eye and hair color, as soon as the author said there was no room, I suggested splitting the CYOA into two pages.
Another user then suggested doing so by expanding the Friends section, which the author is currently contemplating asa viable option.
>Iron Skin
>Short Range Teleporter
>Captain Marvel
>Star Lord
>Jack Flag
>Beta Ray Bill
>Secret Invasion
>Secret Wars
>Phalanx Conquest
>Annihilation Wave
>Ever heard of the immovable object and the unstoppable force? Well, you're looking at both.
>Your Universe
Go to Middle Earth in The Hobbit.
>Your Body
My level 9 Weather Domain Cleric from Pathfinder.
>Your Waifu
Elsbeth von Draken
Adventure across Middle Earth traveling to distant lands and exploring ruins and dungeons. When the time comes, join the forces of good against Sauron. Kill LOTS of orcs.
"Your Magic" is I think my favorite option that I've ever seen in a CYOA but it's kind of pointless for me to take it without Your Universe and then I wouldn't be able to afford both Your Waifu and Your House. Probably some blue mages would be very happy with their Magic in the real world.
>Your House
Rethan Manor.
A comfortable home in the Hlaalu style and a small portion of the Vvardenfell landscape to call my own. Servants, tradesmen, and who even knows how many rare and powerful artifacts I have laying about the place.
>Your Waifu
Power Girl
Maybe not my absolute #1 favorite but the only one I have a figurine of.
>Your Fetish
XChange pills are real and accepted in a much more sexually open and abundant society.
Tiger, Stegosaurer, and mother fucking 2Pen.
No secret strats just fuck shit up.
Specialist Chomp, Prof. Langford and 2pen
>Your Body
Level 20 Mythic character. I'll have to be a girl, but hey. When the game ended she was ascending to godhood, so I guess I'll take up from there.
>Your Magic
My Unhinged deck: (suprisingly deadly) silliness ahoy!
>Your World
I guess I'll go into the MTG universe. If anything because it's vast enough that I'll get to travel enough, and with the abilities I have from my magic, thanks to the Gleemax, infinite combos for damage, life, land destruction and so on, there is little to nothing that could ever stop me from just fucking over all the bad guys of the setting.
Has anyone made a Good Hunter/Bloodborne build?
>X-change pill
I assume that's "change gender" pills? Wouldn't it be incredibly boring and de-fetishised when everyone can do it on a whim with no repercussions?
>all females turn into horny muscular amazon futas
He read me like an open book
>implying you wouldnt want a massive futa dick of a strong amazon woman inside of you
Stegosaur to secure my homebase and deploy a siege on the area under the bed
Agent Snek for infiltration
B.E.S.S. to oversee the operation
Also, B.E.S.S. a cute.
I know, that's what I am saying, he got my fetish perfectly he read me like an open book
The fetish for some of us is that people can do it on a whim.
Sex and fetishes, even scientifically impossible ones, being commoditized and blending into completely normal culture is some people's fetish.
It's also why I've always wondered why cyberpunk games aren't more of a realm magnet - in Shadowrun and CP2020, people can literally be perfectly cosmetically operated into their waifus, their fursonas or just their dream girl, and it's not even very expensive.
It might have to do with people being so afraid of fetishes that the commoditization of sex and fetishes never really gets any focus, even when it perfectly fits cyberpunk themes.
Not to my knowledge. There has been a Dark Souls build or two, though.
I want to talk about something that I've given a bit of thought about.
Premise. What kind of premise do you prefer in a CYOA? Does it bother you or ruin a CYOA when the premise is simple or nonexistent? Is there such a thing as too much premise? What CYOA has the best premise in your opinion?
>horny muscular amazon futa
at that point why not just go try to fuck Hulk Hogan and abandon any charade of heterosexuality you currently put up
Bless the witch until she's so busy being happy and lucky she has no time for her evil ways anymore!
Huh, I would have expected there to be a Bloodborne build, what with the psuedo-dimension hopping that's in the game to begin with.
>Does it bother you or ruin a CYOA when the premise is simple or nonexistent?
Lack of a premise bothers me when what the CYOA presents you with has no proper application in the established setting (which in the case of "no setting specified" would be the world we currently live in).
>Is there such a thing as too much premise?
Yes there is. I hate opening up a CYOA and be met with a wall of text before I can begin making choices.
It's not unlike a videogame that starts out with a 30 minutes+ introduction before any gameplay or with a long series of unskippable tutorials all dumped on you at the start and with no freedom in how to approach them.
The best CYOAs are ones that distribute their lore evenly throughout the whole thing, letting you learn more as you make your choices.
Depends on what the CYOA is. Generally speaking, I prefer ones with more premise and story because it's more like a mini-RPG or character builder.
heartbreak wrath
saitama mode my punches hit with the force of 1,000,000 men
an average karate blackbelts punch is 325 pounds at 325,000,000 pounds of force behind every punch and average running speed is 8.8mph so flying 1126mph
Simple CYOAs, then? These are the two great classics I know
>Your Body
>mfw my friends and I statted out ourselves in an animu system so we could do a superpowered self insert smackdown
>Your Vehicle
A 3D printed miniature of the vehicle I'm using in the F-Zero campaign I'm playing in.
Avg. speed of 600mph, loaded with an autopilot and a shitton of car-based gadgets
>Your House
From first save file I had in skyrim. Restoration potion exploit was still a thing back then, so the house was loaded up with crazy powerful enchanted items
Add this one
Have fun making one, then.
>can do it on a whim.
But why would they want to?
Naw, I just made two builds from other media. I'm gonna make something just for Traveller this time.
10 billion dollar. I'm sure that wizardry would be powerful in the hands of a more clever user, but I'm dumb as shit so I'll take the large fortune.
Become a dwarf. Wealth and longevity trump beauty. It's not like being alright looking is doing me any good when I'm a charisma black hole anyway.
E-cred. I'll start a tumblr blog and just show up once a week to blow everyone's minds. Maybe get some tumblrina pussy.
Define wall of text, because other than maybe an introductory paragraph, I hardly see any CYOAs that do this.
People get piercings on a whim.
People decide to travel to Africa on a whim.
People decide to sell their homes on a whim, change jobs on a whim, change fashions on a whim, whatever.
Even if there are few people who do that, it'll still add up.
It also has to do with cultural norms - in our culture, completely changing your body through piercings, tattoos and other body modifications is taboo, while plastic surgery is only mildly frowned upon. When technology advances and more becomes possible, social norms are likely to move - humans haven't exactly been known for their ability to hold off social change and use of technology.
The easier it is to do, too, the more noncommittal and thus less defining to your identity it becomes. In our world, it's a "life-changing journey" to go to the North Pole and a messy, chaotic, irreversible and dubiously effective procedure to get gender reassignment surgery. If there were teleporters in the world, you'd see everyone and their dog going to the North Pole and indeed all over the world - and if there were easy gender-reassignment pills, you'd see a lot of people trying them out even if they weren't Tumblrsexual, just for a night.
Taboos and importance in society are often decided by how hard or demanding it is to undertake something compared to how much appeal it holds for the everyday person. Even if few people are actually genuinely interested in gender reassignment, if it was easy, cheap and reversible, there would be little loss or effort associated with doing it, and thus more people would do it until social norms regarding gender change.
To protect me in case things go horribly right.
>The Bear bros
We can handle collateral damage.
Because the end justifies the means.
sorry mang but i've never got a piercing on a whim, neither have i travelled to africa, neither have i dont anything you mention.
about all of the cultural and societal garbage you are talking about that is stuff only normies believe, true enlightened people do whatever they want, disregarding what society aproves or does not aprove, society and culture should not affect how you act and think.
thus reaching true enlightenment, freedom from the physical realm and petty humans that surround us
i got raped by a grill when when i was 12 yrs old, now i am addicted to femdom, what does that mean user?
That you should stop blogging about it on Veeky Forums.
It's not common and I'm thankful for that. Furthermore, it's hard for me to provide examples since CYOAs that were outright ruined by being too verbose aren't going to stick to memory (at least I can't say I commit to memory ones that I ended up not liking).
All I can offer is a few examples of CYOAs that are good but the premise of which could, in my opinion, have been more direct and to the point. Such as Blood Magic, Collision and The Iz.
so when your theory falls apart you reply by silencing people, nice going
I didn't read that. Sum it up to twenty words or less.
No he's right, you've made this post several times already user.
I'm sympathetic to you since I was raped by a cousin when I was ten, but this isn't the place for talking about it outside of making commentary for femdom cyoa or other dom/sub cyoa choices.
Get help bro, don't let this shit eat your life up, but most importantly stop bringing it up here.
fine, fine me gets it, i thought it would be relevant to the matter user since user was talking about fetishes but oh well
Pokemon Personified.
Guiding Light.
That's all I can remember. Maybe Battlemage 2.0 counts?
It wasn't at all. It was so unnatural and forced that even I, the guy you replied to, had to shiver.
You have a train of thought very much like a lot of schizophrenics, where everything seems to relate to you or your delusions in some way.
I'd seriously call a doctor. It doesn't matter if you think "they can't help", because it's a damn sight better than thinking you're being "natural" shoehorning your issues into everything.
nice, i creeped out someone in an anonymouse image board
>Your power X3
I have a box full of like 600 comics, so I'm just gonna go through that and pick the best three.
I know I have some old superman ones, so definitely him, can't remember any of the others, but there's bound to be some good shit.
>Feeling Tax
>Body Change x2
>Fortune x2
I regret nothing. Just capitalizing on an untapped market while being hot as fuck.
>willingly letting a monster take over your body, pushing you to the back of your mind, watching, helplessly, as the monster ruins your life
I know this is his fetish and this falls on deaf hears but I cannot understand romanticizing a being that latches on to your body and takes over.
You talking about symbiotes? I thought symbiotes were bros
Envy from FMA
Deus from Future Diary
The world of FMA
(I've got a copy of "The ties that bind")
Symbiotes dindu nuffin, racist.
>willingly letting a woman take over your wallet, pushing you to the back of your apartment, watching, helplessly, as the monster ruins your life
I know this is many people's fetish and this falls on deaf ears but I cannot understand romanticizing a being that latches on to your life and takes over.
user you are willingly letting a creature take over your mind and body (to an extent). You'd have to be a deviant or retarded to do that.
I just want power and be special, man
You're special to me
you are special, becouse you are an special autist shitposting on the internet
>am i fitting in yet
Battlemage 2.0 was an exceptional cyoa though including its lore, and Pokémon Personified is also one of the most talked about cyoas in these threads for its lore and setting. They're honestly among the most complete cyoas I've gone through, ignoring Italics' engrish and formatting.
Do we have to take the gifts at the time they're offered? If not I wait until I'm an old man and take the little girl option.
You're no longer yourself. You're you, with an alien that can take over parts of your mind and body. An alien that talks to you.
Post them
>it's my last day before retirement!
>gets hit by a bus