How do you deal with the Ork baby conundrum Veeky Forums?
How do you deal with the Ork baby conundrum Veeky Forums?
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By taking alignments out of my game completely because alignments are fucking retarded and don't actually work in the context of... actual context.
Also get better taste in manga.
If orcs cannot be anything but "evil" or at the very least savage monsters you kill it.
If orcs can be good then you don't kill it.
I feel like there's usually enough information about orcs in any given setting to where you'd know the answer so you don't run into the "well nobody has checked before" shit.
Ideally we'd let every orc baby live on the off cance that even one of them grows up to be good. Ideally. The real question is how many humans the others will kill before even one good orc grows up. I support killing the orc babies precisely because I value life. Though the perfect solution would be to have them all adopted by humans (preferably monks?), see if the problem is nature or nurture and handle accordingly (as soon as severe malice is noticed, kill the orc child in question).
Not OP but
>By taking alignment out of the game
The only gamey part of alignment is the somewhat arbitrary law-chaos axis. Remove alignments and there will still be debates about whether something is moral. Even "lawful" and "chaotic" acts like keeping your word or not will be judged by a moral-amoral standard.
>also get better taste in manga
Goblin slayer is pretty good though.
That frown on Laius' face is perfect, like he's insulting Marcille for being a smug cunt.
We kill it. Then we'd probably eat it. It probably tastes better than grown-up orks.
Pic Related.
Also echoing that alignments are garbage, thank fuck they don't do anything in 5e and can be disregarded entirely.
>How do you deal with the Ork baby conundrum Veeky Forums?
With extreme prejudice. And also napalm.
Kill it.
Depends on the setting.
If orcs are mechanically evil, like possessing the Evil gene or are made from Evil Magic(tm) and can never behave themselves, genocide.
If they're intelligent and aware of their actions and still choose to be bad, like people do, jail them.
Orcs are just barbarians.
They are not exactly pure evil per se but they are killed because they are raiders.
And fuck the creepy GMs wo think this is a good idea to make the PCs visit their village and expect them to kill them all because they are going to grow up evil, just don't do that.
There is no dilemma. Orcs are a mutt race named after their wicked maker, Orcus, who profaned the flesh of men, dwarves, and giants. Their black blood corrupts any bloodline it steals. Though they have thrown off the yoke of their demonic master, they are still a wicked, brutal, and savage kind.
Kill it.
Whether or not Orcs could/can be good it's not like being raised/'rescued' by those who killed your parents will turn out well.
What's considered moral or not is still highly dependent on dozens of contextual factors, such as culture, survival need, social station, and tons of others.
Alignments try to shove all the complexities of human culture and behavior into 9 neat little squares for autists that assumes some universal standard on morality free of context; and it ends that none of the squares actually describe how real human beings actually act.
And let little orks grow not only as raiding barbarians, but raiding barbarians with a huge hateboner for the civilized people that killed their parents? Fuck that, killing them is the most responsible thing to do.
>True Neutral
>Regular Human
Autistic people maybe.
Gald you didn't read the part about how none of the squares actually describe how real people act.
Not that that's always a bad thing.
In my last campaign, a semi comedy-themed campaign, when one characters about to burn a captured enemy alive, it was useful to be able to say 'y'know, within the objective-morality setting, that's an evil act.'
Then you never let the players go to their village because nobody want to kill babies.
By not playing the Good Alignments. Good is dumb and useless.
Gotta smite all the evil.
Evil does not mean bad.
Sometimes Evil is the only way to make things right.
>"Can it be good"
I don't like this standard
I mean, there are select instances of even Demons turning to good, and demons are quite literally birthed from pure, concentrated, meta-physical evil goop.
Is not being Edgy is being productive. Evil get shit done, while Good not.
Unless you think all true neutral are supposed to preserve a balance of actions, no I really don't think so.
Most people don't give a fuck about law or chaos and a lot of people are too apathetic to be good and not selfishly destructive to be evil.
And let orks continue raiding and killing peceful vilagers of your race after they recover from the loss of their warriors (which they would)? People should understand that modern morality could not be applied to medieval-esque settings. If you don not kill your enemy, he woudl kill you. If you do not prioritize the well-being of your nation/race over CONTINUAL EXESTENCE evey other nection/race, you would suffer, because they all sure as hell do just that and wouldn't think a seccond to choose between killing thousands of "not our people" and letting a single person of "our people" suffer.
pretty sure apathetically living for yourself is neutral evil
>What's considered moral or not is still highly dependent on dozens of contextual factors
Well, you're somewhat ri-
>such as culture
Get out
Except most people are evil. Evil mean selfish. And people are inherently selfish. Most people are Neutral Evil.
Is Good that is mentally damaged, only retarded do selfless things without any kind of reward.
Literally just had this happen Monday
>Muh holy inquisitor
Put a bolt in 3 of the abominations heads FOR THEIR EXISTENCE OFFENDS THE ANGELS
>Evil mean selfish
No it does not.
That's why I only play NE. You even can be a noble hero (or at leas appear as one to ourside view) id saving vilagers from monsters and fighting vilains is profitable. And saving the world is somethign NE would always do, becuase he's the motherfucker that lives on that world.
Yes it does. The whole Axis id Law - Chaos - Selfish - Selfless. Is just that simple. So stop trying to put dumb moral dilemma in a game about KILLING THING AND STEALING THEIR STUFF.
But some cultures are inherently evil, even from their own viewpoint.
>Look mah I posted it again!
You're literally agreeing with him, you fucking idiot.
so if, say, forcing martial rape on a 9 year old girl is okay in a certain culture or religion, does that mean it's morally okay as long as you're that culture?
pretty sure most things that are morally wrong remain morally wrong despite what your culture tells you
/pol/ pls leave.
Name at least one real world culture that viewed itself as evil.
See this user. This user know is shit!
I think you meant to direct that at OP, not the person who's sick of all the shitposting.
>arguing against the notion that culture determines moral standards instead of any logical application of human reasoning is /pol/
Jesus fucking christ.
Culture is not an excuse for anything but glassing your shithole country.
Nope, most people are Neutral so that just means selfishness isn't Evil. It's a survival trait.
Florentine culture around the 14th Century.
Everywhere the flagellants went, any culture where 'survival of the fittest' applies.
but it also means that when you're not up against a world ending evil, your party can't rely on you
you're objectively, morally only there for yourself
you can be bought, you can betray, you can steal from the group or stab them in the back at the exact wrong moment
Marital rape is not a thing, user. That's just "rape".
>Yes it does
No, it really doesn't.
Jews with the original sin.
I was making an islam reference user
I know.
The whole point of baptism is to remove the stain of the original sin
And so does everyone else. This is how the World works. Save for some mentally damaged idiot. Why i should trust Good character when they obviously naivee idiot or wholesome emntally handicapped. At least Evil people have standard.
best solution I've seen;
American Gangsta culture.
Thats actually a change i liked to the detect and protection from good/evil/law/chaos spells, is that they don't act as the paladins smiting radar, but only on creatures that are actually composed of that sub-type.
Seriously, if i never hear another paladin detect evil on the most inane of NPC's again, it will be too soon.
Christianity as a whole is a big one. I know learning about one of the foundations of our culture isn't a big thing in THE CURRENT YEAR, but one of the basic assumptions is that literally every single one of us is so evil, none of us deserve to be in the presence of God. Hence the importance of Jesus' sacrifice (John 3:16), in which (formally and somewhat contractually, as befits Jewish and other honor-based cultures) the burden of sin is shifted away.
Typically Christianity sees itself as good, but not Christians. Not even Catholics believe that Saints are good enough to deserve access to God's presence by their own virtue, and they're literally saints.
Of course they can. Not supporting your party is what get yourself killed. That's the basis of any enlightened egoism.
>Alignments are garbage
>Best setting in D&D history entire reliant on Alignments
>Planscape best setting.
I want '80 stoners to die and leave this hobby.
>Best setting in D and D history.
Holy fuck, this is like people who claim Sword Art Online is the best anime ever made.
White Liberals
It is.
This level of shit taste should be illegal.
Cast Detect Evil. Does it ping? Kill it.
Name a better D&D setting (except Dark Sun).
So basically kill everyone you meet except wierdos and religious nuts?
Is shit.
No your taste are shit. Eberron is what D&D should be
Sword Coast
Dark Sun
Literally almost anything else
Now that's what I call autism.
>Eberron is what D&D should be
I suppose they've over saturated the dragon half of D&D, so technically.
Eberron is shit, muh high fantasy and trains is shit.
Forgotten Realms suffers massively from it's dickish established characters.
And I said except Dark Sun (which should be it's own IP/Game as it's so glorious).
rip and tear
Also a joke.
Stop trying to apply In Nomine pop philosphy to D&D Greg. You weren't right in the 90s you aren't right now. Good and Evil and tangible things in the D&D metaverse. Some things simply are Good and others simply are Evil.
Your tastes are so bad that you deserve to be gassed.
>Alignments are fucking retarded
YES ! YES ! YES !!! Finally the first person on Veeky Forums to be en-lighted enough to realize that the whole concept of Alignment is utter bullshit !!!
Still all better than Sigil. By alot.
What factors of modernity are necessary to add to your baseline pseudo-medieval setting to reasonably reduce the necessity of chronic genocide, if for some aesthetic reason one wanted to do so?
Eberron is shit, it's like if a scalie convention had to make a political climate.
So what is bad with Sigil hmm?
Eberron is perfection. No color code, Gods are not real and you can be Evil and still rule Good church.
Here's a question, how does it even get to there being an Ork baby conundrum in the first place? Like you have a problem with a tribe of Orks raiding your villages, so you send over some troops to get rid of them. Now there's two ways this can go:
1) You have a pitched battle between your troops and the tribe's warriors, you defeat them, and the survivors go home, pack their shit, and leave with their babies.
2) You strike in the night, catching the orks sleeping, and kill most of their warriors without a fight. Depending on your society you either sell the survivors into slavery, or you tell them to fuck off. Either way the babies go with them.
How exactly do you wind up in a scenario where you are the one who has to deal with the babies? The closest that comes to mind is if every single one of the orks fought so you had to kill them all, except the babies because they're too small to fight, but that's just utterly bizarre behaviour. Like if that happened i'd be inclined to think there was some kind of demonic influence at work. In which case yeah you have a legitimate conundrum, but otherwise what happens to the babies is what happens to the surviving orks.
Globalized capitalism.
>Sword Coast
You cannot actually be serious.
Oh wait, if you add that you'd end up with a Renaissance, not Medieval.
ethnic cleansing or murderhobos
Those are all shit reasons. What's so great about gods not existing? Also pretty sure ruling a church is different than being a devout follower, nothing can bar a charismatic swindler from becoming head priest in most other settings.
>surviving orks.
He thinks Eberron is great.
That should tell something.