/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Easiest Team Edition

Veeky Forums fumbbl league Season 6 playoffs are underway and they suck
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The new GW released 2016 edition:
And the Deathzone Season 1 Supplement:

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Veeky Forums Secret League:

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Would anyone mind if played some of the boxed games lineman as blitzers without converting them?

As long as they are recognizable.
Put something on their bases and say "The linemen with this thing are actually blitzer" and I don't think people will complain much

If someone is an irredeemable asshole, then he will mind. Otherwise


Gee Billy
Also after watching some of SL teams, i cannot say i am overly impressed with prospect of having 2 big guys on the team.

Welp, at least Bonehead is the "best" negatrait of them.

Hey user, don't leave the game, you can have what's in the Secret Legendary Edition Box.

So guys, what do you think is going to be in BB2 Legendary Edition?

Underworld? PLEASE?

They look damn near identical anyway. Just paint/mark them in some way to differentiate them and no one who isn't a total sperglord will care.

What the fuck is a "pixel hugger"? Keep seeing the term while browsing FUMBBL for strats.

Someone who cares about their players enough that they make objectively bad decisions regarding firing and apothecary use.

Someone who will make plays that lead to losing or drawing the game so their players stay safe.

Fair enough. I was under the impression the Your Dudes nature of the game and getting attached to players and their stories (like "forging the narrative" that GW seem to want players to do with 40k) was one of the main draws of the game, but I guess if you start doing dumb shit like wasting apothecaries on Snotlings because they got a few skill ups or whatever, that's pretty idiotic.

Your Dudes is a part of it, but death is a natural part of BB.

the whole pixel hugging thing is a pretty stupid concept most of the time, unless someone takes it to the extreme (fouling their blodge kroxigor out of the game turn 3 cause an apo was used or something) you obviously are supposed to try and keep your guys alive, with the exception of a couple teams like goblins and ogres where you don't care about your linemen. people who complain about pixel hugging are probably the nerds who stack cpomb and win by virtue of having twice or more players cause that's the only way they can anyway.

Should kill-teams be nerfed?

Even when I win, it's basically a phyrric victory, I prefer going agaisnt dwarfs than agaisnt developed Chaos/Nurgle.

Am I just being a pussy?

get a bench and dirty players. the only way you can beat cpomb without a sour taste in your mouth is to foul the fuck out of his guys every time they pile on

They were.

>people who complain about pixel hugging are probably the nerds who stack cpomb

Those were the exact people I saw using the phrase, so that seems accurate.

God I fucking hate cpomb. Why does Piling On even exist?

To be nerfed you faggot elf

That's probably the reason they have taken it out from the actual new rule book, and have relegated it as an optional, nerfed rule

piling on should be reserved for big guys. making it cost a reroll is fucking stupid, it's gonna be like thick skull now. literally never gotten. atleast if big guys could use it then underworld troll would be happy, and it might give chaos and chorfs a reason to get the minotaur

What happened to Piling On?

to pile on you need to use a team reroll.

Made optional rule and cost a team RR instead of a skill RR.

I wonder why they didn't just make Claw and Mighty Blow incompatible with it.

Hell, even just Claw.

>piling on should be reserved for big guys

This. Would've been a much cleaner nerf than the haphazard adjustments made in the 2016 rulebook that are just sloppy and weird.

They printed that in the rule book too, then removed it in the errata.

PO is the strongest link in the combo and the one that actually makes clawpomb work so effectively. ClawMB has a significant lower chance of at least a ko when PO isn't used and stops killstack teams from having 2 blizters and maybe at worst some LoS players with it and just abuse the skill with everyblock.

Is BB2 going to update the rules to the new Tabletop ones? Like the PO nerf?

They've just announced legendary edition, so maybe.


Because fuck you that's why.

Say that to my face faggot

I ain't even mad i lost that game because my chainsaw got the last laugh when that tree didn't even break armor the first block.

>Nerf Piling On But Not Claw

>av9 teams should be invincible
Claw wasn't the problem, PO was.

Except it was only the problem on 40+ game teams (1,8k TV and more). Good luck getting a player to level 5 to get the whole combo in a League environment. Kill mutation teams are still going to be killing. Humans, orcs, norse and the like didn't deserve to get nerfed together with them.


I'm sorry you can't play bash as easily anymore.

But I can. And I will.

>taking claw before PO

Who are you quoting?

PO is stronger than claw, but i feel like pomb is not a problem without claw, you don't see people complaining about killstacks orc teams with 8 pomb, without claw killer players are very good,maybe a little too much, but without claw they aren't game breaking at all. I think it was nice to have a very efficient killer in most teams.

So both of my mummies just died and a ghoul got -1 ag. I still have both of my wights with guard and all ghouls have block. I only have 180k in the bank. Should I start over?

That all happened in a single game? Who were you against?

That depends on your attitude towards the game, mostly.

Not worth it, go new.

Lizardmen. Both times I blocked a kroxigor, got a skull and both down results, chose the latter obviously and the opponent managed to kill them.

Oh and the ghoul just failed a second GFI.

Why do Welshmen have ladyparts?

I would think that that is obvious.

Goblins fucking rule

Not on BB2 they don't



Should've been smart enough to not buy bb2

Rolled 58 + 10 (1d58 + 10)

apo roll

Hey guys how should I Play nurgle against Orks and Lizardmen if they don't have big guys and are going for a bashy game?

Nugle is bash no matter who you play. Against other bash you bash harder than they do. Hopefully you have claws.

you lose unless it's atleast 1500 + tv then you just cpomb them and win

Ereptile Dysfunction = Lizardmen
Ragin Contagion = Nurgle.

ED | 5 Skinks, 6 Saurus
RC | 4 Warriors, 1 Beast, 5 Rotters, 1 Pest

ED is league commissioner's team. RC is mine.

Both deaths were Saurus? Please say yes.

Yes. The Skinks were too dodge happy

Did he have a krox? If not what the hell is he doing.

haha i play dice games and complain when the dice dont go my way haha

Mhhhh all the delicious tears. GJ.

Falling rocks cause lizardmen team to go extinct

Any new Blood Bowl stuff in the new White Dwarf for Blitzmania or is it all just 40k primarch end times whatever?


Fumpers versus elf my league up

What are the differences between friendly games and regular games in a league? I remember the differences being pretty minor, but I can't for the life of me find the actual rules in Death Zone.

Nevermind, found it (no MVP, generate d3 x 10,000 winnings rather than d6). Was looking for a section specifically about Friendlies, rather than bullet points in the post-match sequence.

winnings are D3 instead of D6. no MVP award at the end of the game. no league points scored.
basically half the benefits, same dangers. you still get SPP for everything other than MVP, but injuries and deaths still count.

So why play them?

>why play them
if you league has a limit of competition matches played per season, then you can still score some extra SPP, and also a way to gather some money between matches, in case you need to re-buy an expensive positional.
also, you can have your players with "Miss Next Game" injuries sit out the friendly, and get back on their feet for the competition match.

I need some advice on leveling my chaos team.
I have five lvl2 players close to getting their next skill.
2 chaos warriors with Block
1 beastman with sure hands
1 beastman with leader
1 beastman with block

I'm thinking of giving the leader kick as his next skill, since I'm trying to keep him safe. that extra reroll he gives came in handy so far.
I'm trying to make the sure hands beast my dedicated ball carrier, but I'm not sure what to give him next.

I have no plans for the block-beast yet. thought about making him an escort for the ball carrier, or making him a dedicated blitzer.

I just got my shit pushed in by an orc team, so I'm considering giving my chaos warriors claw for the next skill up, since there are a lot of orcs in the league.

what do Veeky Forums, what do?


Never get Claw before MB


Kick for your leader piece sounds ok.

Give block to your ball carrier - it's crucial, then probably fend or two heads.

Go with block, mighty blow, pilling on, tackle for your blitzing beastmen,

Chaos warriors progression is a matter of taste. I always go with guard on my CWs, but you can turn them easily into cpombers or even into st4 ball carriers.

Final call on sekrit league singups. 12 hours left.

Rolled 2 (1d6)


Rolled 6 (1d6)

double gfi into the end zone

Any advice for fighting Necromantic as Vampires? I always get my shit pushed in against them as pretty much all their dudes seem to bounce back whenever I actually manage to injure them due to regeneration, while my own team slowly but surely implodes due to bloodlust. That, and werewolves and ghouls zipping past me with their crazy movement.

Position deep to catch their high ma pieces, use hypnotic gaze to clear a path to the carrier, don't waste re-rolls on every bloodlust if you don't need to

Actually, fuck it, what's your team comp and what skills you got?

It'll be first match of the league, so no skills yet. Team comp is probably going to be 4 vamps, 7 thralls, 4 rerolls (it's more vamps than is really safe, but I like having multiple sources of Hypnotic Gaze), but that's not set in stone. It's just that there's two Necromantic teams in the league and they've always been a bad match up for me.

>11 players

you'll be slaughtered, don't do it user

Season 3 of Secret has begun.

Fair enough. How deep a bench should I go for? If I drop a Vamp I can go 3 Vamps/9 Thralls/4 re-rolls and have 30k left over to guarantee another thrall after my first game (or save it for an apothecary or something).

Am I the only one that thinks that Block is just too good?
It seems to me that no other skill can compete with it when you level up for the first time with most units in the game
But I don't have any idea about how to change/nerf it either

You could split it in half, Offensive version and defensive version.

Ball carriers take the defensive version first and are not also good blitzers.

Murderers take the Offensive version and can still be taken down.


first secret game. Pitch invasion.

I thought I was the only one that felt that way, although admittedly I am a BB noob.

This looks like a good idea, although you'd also have to split up skills like dodge to keep them at an even level.

>have to split up skills like dodge to keep them at an even level.

If you split up Block and dodge then that basically brings them in line with most other skills. Maybe give MB the ole nerf bat, and that's all the really powerful skills.

Just make every skill shit, perfect!


A sexy secret league game incoming in 20 minutes!

I await the link slut league

How much punishment am I going to take while playing Dark Elves?
I'm used to play Necromantic, so I don't know if I'm mentally ready to play an Elf team
I 4 blitzers, 7 linemen and two rerolls the best starting team

You'll be fine, AV8 amirite?

>Cleaning the flash off a Skaven ball
>spike actually pierces finger

Damn these things are sharp.