MTG March Banned/Restricted List Predictions?
MTG March Banned/Restricted List Predictions?
Felidar Guardian is banned.
Reflector Mage is unbanned.
Retract is banned.
Stoneforge Mystic is unbanned.
Preordain is unbanned.
No changes
All cards that have been printed in the Modern card frame (Conspiracy, Commander, Eternal Masters, etc) are now Modern Legal. In addition, all currently banned cards are no longer banned, except Treasure Cruise, Dig Through Time, Skullclamp, Mental Misstep, Sensei's Divining Top, Deathrite Shaman, Jace the Mind Sculptor, and Dread Return. True-Name Nemesis, Sol Rings, Oath of Druids, Brainstorm, Dark Ritual, Necropotence, Balance, Demonic Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, Show and Tell, Sneak Attack, Mana Crypt, and Reanimate are banned.
Legacy: No changes
Vintage: No changes
This is the stupidest thing I've seen today and that's saying something
>Hey, let's make a new format but call it Modern!
Why would you ban retract lol? Just because of cheri0s?
Do people actually think this or is it bait?
How can you be so stupid?
I assume that's the reason. It's also got to be the reason retract is $20.
Here's my ideas:
No changes but keeping an eye on jeskai copycat to possibly ban in May after Amonkhet
Ancestral Visions is banned
Ponder is unbanned
Cards may now be restricted. No card will be banned or unbanned without first being restricted for one set season (nothing restricted in the pre-launch B&R will move in the post-PT B&R)
No changes will be made at this time.
>Standard Standard is banned
>Modern No changes
>Legacy Reserve List is Banned/All reprinted
>resticting cards in legacy
Sure, take the skill out of the format, that's awesome.
People like you don't seem to realize it increases variance too much, which is the same problem vintage has. Vintage is a great format, but not as skill intensive as people think since you can have the nuts with something like sapphire, lotus, recall.
Restricting cards is objectively one of the dumbest things you can do if you want a format that requires skill.
Standard: Keep Saheeli and Felidar around for now, but possibly ban either Hulk or Nahiri to neuter the deck a bit.
Modern: AV banned? Why? The thing with Yahenni's Expertise is just a gimmick. Puresteel Storm, on the other hand, can actually kill consintently on turn 2, so if anything gets banned in Modern in March, it has to be Retract. As for unbans, one of the blue Cantrips and/or Stoneforge.
Legacy: The format is very healthy atm. No changes.
Vintage: Maybe restrict Thorn, I guess? Other than that, no changes.
Retact + ornithopters + herald of anusgush.
(ImprovisE n retract)
Toss In that green cythroblahblah, tap fucker for mana
>Stoneforge Mystic is unbanned.
And how would that not be instantly abused and re-banned within three months?
Then storm.
Yup black, blue green red.
Bether ban Dat arse
>Herald of Anguish in Modern
Can I have some of your drugs please?
"Dies to removal" lmaooo
Probably anything but tronlands at the moment. If tron gets banned there will be price dips on all the relevant huge mana cards.
Emrakul, Promised End is restricted
Who cares about that shit format
Monastery Mentor is banned
Goblin Recruiter is restricted
Treasure Cruise is unbanned
>Restricting things
>Banning mentor
>Unbanning the ruse cruise
>Full frontal retard
Wheel of fate is banned
Simian spirit guide is banned
JTMS not unbanned
sfm never ever
ponder is still banned
preordain nope
Bloodbraid elf stays on the banlist
Frontier is never a supported format
Pauper is only a supported format on mtgo
MTGO: mtgo will be closeing 4 months before the release of our newly updated digital client, magic duels
Earthcraft is unbanned
Survival of the fittest is unbanned
Mystical tutor is unbanned
Frantic search is unbanned
Yawgmoth's bargain is unbanned
Terminus is banned
Preordain is unbanned
Jace, the mind sculptor is unbanned
Splinter twin is unbanned
Mox opal is banned
Simian spirit guide is banned
Preordain: Sure
JtMS: Are you nuts??
Twin: Sure
Opal: Affinity did nothing wrong, leave Opal alone
SSG: It's not even in any tier 1 decks...
Treasure cruise unbanned