Tell us about your cringiest and worst creations - characters, settings, homebrew systems, paint schemes. Something that makes you mutter "oh god why?" when you remember it.
Cringy creations
on the note of cringe, anyone got a link to the page previewing/reviewing that shitshow of a femenist tabletop? you know the one.
Absolutely everything.
Drow Ranger mercenary that was all about "surface bitches know their place, surface is awesome"
My worst so far has been the entire start of my first homebrew campaign. Like five sessions that were just really slow and dull.
Seems stupid to cringe at but really they were horrible and I thank every god and demon there has ever been that a couple players have stuck through it to now. When the game is stupid still, but now amazingly so.
Back in the day, when I first learned about RPGs, I looked at them, found them wanting, and so I made an RPG system.
First of all, I liked the concept of stats, but it seemed unrealistic. So I split them. I had 16.
Dexterity and Agility were separate. Consitution and Stamina (i think) were separate. There were Intellect, Wits, Wisdom and Cunning. I had Resolve (formerly Willpower, until I saw it used as resource in WoD), Composure and Courage.
From them I derived resources - health, mana, willpower, sanity, energy. The way those derived was absolutely byzantine, making stats absolutely unbalanced. Resolve gave basically all resources, was used to cast spells, etc., because I liked the idea of heroes powering though anything on sheer willpower.
Then I decided hit points was a stupid and outdated mechanic, so now each wound taken would be a separate entry with its own bleeding speed, stat penalties, etc. Hit Points were replaced with Blood, which served exact same purpose.
Then came weapons' turn. Oh-ho-ho. Slashing, stabbing and crushing you say? But a knife cuts differently than an axe, and those two differently than a sawblade, and all three differently than a scimitar.
So I split it.
I had cutting damage (like a knife slowly moving through matter), hewing (quick and heavy, can damage enemies you normally need crushing damage against), slashing (quick light surface cut, like a scimitar or a whip) and ripping (like a jagged blade, a saw or any spiked weapons, unless those spikes stab. yep.)
And THEN I got my hands on Dark Heresy and saw the crit tables. Yep.
So I started making tables for regular wounds. For each body part, for each damage type, planning to expand to armour types and combined damage types (a flaming sword should hit differently than just a sword or just a fireball, don't you agree?)
Oh, and I liked tables. Very much. Especially random tables. So I made a shitton of them for everything. Gygax would've found it excessive.
All of my RPG characters have been a combination of wish-fulfilment and magical realm. Everything I've written creatively has been horrible messes of purple prose and overwrought melodrama. And there's the poetry and song lyrics which, incomprehensibly, are much much worse than that. Even college projects where I've worked alone without anyone to reel me in have come off laughably bad, a combination of inexperience and lacking resources patched together in a shoddy mess. I'm done trying to create anything. My chuuni autism just won't go away and it corrodes everything it touches, as if I'm some kind of Nurglite Midas. I wish that I could take everything back and erase it from history, but I have to live with the awareness that I can never atone.
Then I saw D&D 4th ed. and decided to make skills for every weapon (my system was classless). Then I added fighting schools and more skills. Then I saw idea of skill variants in some vidya - basically, a skill modified to have additional effects to give players more flexibility - and added that. AND it all rested on a completely byzantine stat system even I got lost in.
And name, names for skills and feats. I just grabbed every cool name from every RPG and vydia I could find. And I based skills and feats mainly on those names instead of usability and balance. "Oh, that names sounds cool, can't leave it out, so I'll just make a feat that adds +1 to hit".
And other skills and feats were based on absolutely horrible animesque moves from fighting games and MMOs. Yeah.
So what? Ooooh, but the system was supposed to be used for horror gaming, not epic dungeon crawling. I liked lovecraft, so it was all intended for horror gaming. In medieval time, since I like fantasy. With steampunk. And ancient technology, so as not to leave cool sci-fi stuff out... yeah.
Then I got around to making magic system for it, and here I'll stop, 'cos the cringe is overwhelming me. Let's just say I took the idea of spellweaving a bit too literally and too far, and so it became a mix-and-match subgame, where you had to choose a basic effect, then whether to chant the words, scribe them in runes, etc, then what compatible foci and/or material components to use, and then whether you wanted to mix that, and tables for various combinations... yeah.
Here's a short list of other stuff I added because I jsut wanted to:
personal stories+quests+feats rolled into one thing, like in arkham horro
a massive table of diseases, poisons, mutations, insanities and curses
I stopped when I learned about game Achron, and decided the game should run simultaneously in past and in the future, which two being intertwined, and connected... then even I gave up and looked back and cringed hard.
is supposed to be Cont. of And yes, I did try it on some guinea pigs, that is my friends. No, it didn't work for a moment.
L-link I mean it sounds pretty terrible but I want to see.
I think I got parts of it left on my hard drive. It was in multiple excel docs, paper scribbles, etc. Will upload what I can find to google docs and post when I get home.
oh, and last thing - I used horrible, horrible fonts. Lucida Blackletter, Old English Gothic, Chiller... nice when used in small amounts. Horrible when used to type EVERYTHING in them.
Sounds dreadful. I love it. Did you ever get around to creating major figures in the setting, or deities? I'd love to hear about those.
Everyone with even minor aspirations for game design goes through this once. It's like a rite of passage. Hell, if it was d20 (it sounds like the type of system that'd go into dicepools after a while) it could join the ranks of many other d20 heartbreakers.
oh no, just like bits of the system I pilfered stuff from other sources. characters were blatant expies with serial numbers sawed off - I made a medieval steampunk Hitman expy for a buddy to play - but the deities were just a mix of sumerian and lovecraftian.
Did this about 20 years ago, but I still cringe every time I even think about it, as it was so steeped in magical realm that I still wonder what I was thinking.
>Scarlet Nightshade Fortress-Academy (or rather "Festungsakademie der Scharlachroten Nachtschatten" in the original German)
Basically, it was a magic academy that raised nothing but indoctrinated female assassins.
Said teenage assassins would go on missions completely in the nude except for magical bodypaint done up in camo patterns and magical items and weapons in the form of anklets, earrings and such.
Oh, did I mention that it was in a fairly low-magic setting?
Crunch-wise they had outrageous boni on everything, taken from various other classes and turned up to insane levels, coupled with a spell selection with a ton of elite spells and free magic gear from level 1.
I honestly expected my players to play these girls willingly. I even made an entire campaign set at the school, with floorplans and everything, to cover the players' life before 'graduation'.
Thank fuck I never actually went through with that nonsense. I mean, I was 13 at the time, but still...
What inspired these deadly streakers, user?
Long ago in high school me and my circle of autismo nerd friends decided it'd be a lovely idea to make a web series. As was the style at the time it was meant to be an RPG parody - or, to put it more accurately, a shameless 8-Bit Theater ripoff. It featured, in no particular order–
• four blundering protagonists all based on the same joke- they're awful at what their class is supposed to be good at
• a character who communicates via emoticons ;)
• a character who wears a metal band closed with a padlock over his eyes
• a character who has a scarf several times longer than his body
• an unironic trenchcoat-wearing, keyblade-dual-wielding, Light-and-Dark magic powered brooding antihero OC
• a duel between Sephiroth and Pikachu
• copious use of the word "badass"
• copious use of the number 666
• 1337speak
• Phoenix Down jokes
• Mr. T
Luckily the only thing more powerful than our autism was our ADHD, and we never managed to get any farther than a pair of schizophrenic scripts, some whiplash-inducing concept art and a few half-assed sprite edits that are with any luck lost to time. Imagining the web footprint we might have left still gives me chills.
>a duel between Sephiroth and Pikachu
I see nothing wrong with that.
Oh shit. This actually IS some good quality cringe. Well done.
The cringiest thing I did when I was 13 years old was a shitty comic about a group of young friends with superpowers (think about x-men mashed up with WoD). The main character was a strange girl named Eve that wanted to kill and sacrifice in a ritual all the airhead girls that were dressing in pink. The thing is she hadn't any personality at all and was somehow a main character, while all the other characters were much more realistic and interesting. Oh, and her soon-to-be boyfriend was a borderline fedora guy (and also a GM of the group), what is interesting because I had no idea about fedoras.
I'm glad that almost no one saw that crap.
>a character who wears a metal band closed with a padlock over his eyes
A slave collar is supposed to be around your neck, dummy.
Overall cringe level 6.5/10, you're getting there but it's not the worst. Wait, it's high-school idea, so 7/10, but I still see the possibility it becomes so bad it's good. Also
All my creations are cringy. My current game has the second and third most cancerous races from FFXIV as the most prominent nonhumans, the vast majority of NPCs the party interacts with are based on video game characters and internet femboys I've masturbated to in the last couple of years, and the plot is basically "what if King Arthur was the baddie in Deus Ex".
I like building good machines out of awful parts.
You mean that one that had wizards fighting the patriarch? Remember that one.
As cringy as it can get.
> tfw literally made a scantily clad twi'lek slave
I see nothing wrong with this
That's normal.
>the vast majority of NPCs the party interacts with are based on (...) internet femboys I've masturbated to in the last couple of years
Wew lad
that's perfectly fine
Twi'Leks were made for fucking
I'm not finished.
> tfw she wore a shock collar, and her owner, the party's sith, had the remote
There's nothing wrong with it
That's how you play a female twi'lek.
The line between hot and cringy is whimsical and flimsy, but you haven't crossed it yet.
I didn't know there was a Star Wars edition of Catan!
Now you got me curious
Pikachu won.
Then Sephiroth was allowed to come back because he convinced Satan he was too badass to die, but he had to find an equally badass body to possess.
It was Trenchcoat McKeyblade
okay, now I cringed
kudos to Pikachu though, I was betting on him
Male or female?
How does it feel to be part of the cancer?
You really shouldn't read any of that and drink coffee at the same time like I did.
I always loved a good cringe, and now I have tools to track it and measure it. We truly live in horrific times.
My cringiest creation is pretty much me doing everything you shouldn't - a Jack of all trades self-insert (Written off as a descendant) GMPC, with a tragic backstory, that I GM'ed myself through my own campaign when I got bored and thought my players weren't going to come back the following summer.
...But on the other hand, every now and again I'll go back to that character and nostalgia about my early table-topping days where I had only two sets of dice, some second-hand ebay'd rulebooks, and nobody to play with but half-motivated highschool friends.
So it's embarrassing to show to others, but kind of cozy to reminisce on. It was less being cringy, more going in almost blind to what an RPG should be like and/or still being heavily influenced by JRPG concepts.
this reminds of RHL or whatever it's called. same level of unfunny cringe
OP, and everyone else who uses cringe seriously, are part of the new cancer calling everything "cringy" or "cringe" like fucking children who learned a new word.
OP here
english is my second language, and I learned that word not so long ago, when I started lurking on Veeky Forums
there's no exact direct translation into my first language
what i'm trying to say, you're not wrong
but there's nothing wrong with that
First forum roleplay character. First she was female. Second she was of a really edgy breed of semi demonic elves from that specific forum that could litteraly mind fuck people. Third she had two personalities, one nice and naive, the second sadistic and cruel. And finally both her personalities hooked up with a different guy, the nice one with a water mage, the second with a werewolf (other PCs)
Oh and also at one point the nice one was destroyed by trying too hard to get her lover's mind to come back from evil. And the evil one became a werewolf.
I was 12.
My first forays into RP were freeform. My creations were horrible.
The one that first comes to mind was from a campaign where the players were supposed to be travelling around, deactivating factories that were pumping various aspects of the world full of pollutants - the Air Factory released smog, the Water Factory spewed sludge into the oceans, the Earth Factory poisoned the land, and the Spirit Factory did some shit that made people assholes.
The main character (in Freeform RP this was ALWAYS a GMPC) was a nondescript Inuyasha style "human but stronger" demon, so I decided I would also play a nondescript Inuyasha style demon, who had abilities that I kept essentially pulling out of my ass. These abilities include:
-The ability to teleport by stepping through shadows
-Tendrils that could pop out of his wrists, which he used to grab, impale or eat people with (they had their own mouths)
-The ability to manipulate raw magical energy and fire it in beams, or form into a shield around him
-Ludicrous strength, enough to use a 1,000 pound sword, half-assedly justified by saying that his "species" of nondescript Inuyasha demon had carbon-nano fibers woven into their musculature.
-Nearly impenetrable skin, justified by his species having a layer of subdermal bone acting as armor. Also their bones were laced with carbon nanotubes.
-Teleportation magic that allowed him to return to any place he'd been before, and to take a group of people with him
-Angel wings, because he was half-angel.
-A pair of Desert Eagles.
I'm sure I could remember more if I thought about it more but I really don't want to.
Fuck this thread, I regret NOTHING. It's all been fun in one way or another. I've made progress in terms of quality of writing since my first ventures as a GM, so what? Nobody starts out perfect. And I still love my earliest adventures and remember all of them extremely fondly.
It's just a meme word. You haven't seen real cancer if that bothers you.
Second this. When I recall my first attempts, I feel no shame but genuine fun. Or maybe it just me still being that autistic.
Back when I was 16 I think
>Vampire the Masquerade
>Want to play a blind Salubri
>Create a story in where my happily married lawyer in the 30s is caught in a hunt between a Salubri and the rest of vampires of the city. His Sire, a persecuted Salubri that has been affected by Dementation, tortures him and blinds him before turning him
>Saved by a Malkavian, responsible of the dementation, who takes him as his and lies to the prince about it
>Now I'm a Salubri, even though everybody thinks I'm a blind Malkavian who works as a lawyer and gets the help of his, unknowlingly, greatdaughter (police inspector) from time to time
It reeks Mary Sueism and Special Snowflakiness
so you were basically vampire Loki from MCU?
I don't get the reference
This was a freeform Pokemon RP:
Basically, the setup was that humans fucked up the planet and left. Decades later, groups were sent back to set up settlements and rebuild society. Everyone in the game was supposed to be in one of these settlements and the entire game was probably going to happen in and around this settlement. Enter my character:
>From some not!Sparta town where everyone is named after Greek letters and a rite of passage is to go out into the wild and catch a Pokemon with your bare hands.
>Scars on back from frequent whipping by his "father"
>Moved to town where the game takes place for some reason, I think he was supposed to steal something or sabotage it
>While there, he frequents the local bar. Nobody questions this because he "looks so mature."
>Personality was classic edgy/angsty mix of "I'm super cold and serious and YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MY PAIN!!!1!"
During the course of the game, one of the players (I think it was the GM) decided to have his own edgy backstory take place where his parents got killed and his house got burned down. I decided that my character's "father" was the perpetrator and that my character was going to be framed for the murder. My character was then arrested, sentenced to death on the spot, and tried to incite revolt over the injustice of it all as he was dragged from the courtroom. Of course he escaped during his execution, beat up a few guards, and made a break for it. I decided he was going to go on a quest to his hometown to find answers and somehow ended up convincing two other players to go with me. This might have been a cool adventure/derailment of whatever plot was supposed to happen if it weren't for the fact that people stopped posting at around this point.
I decided I really just didn't give a fuck about being unique anymore and hammered as many different cliches as I could into the world I used to play in and now DM for before subverting and manipulating them in various ways to create a quasi-original setting. I don't even know if it's awful or good any more, and part of me just doesn't care because I can just explain, fix, or laugh at all the sucky bits.
Highlights include
>Super-powerful NPC put in by the previous DM is actually an amnesiac solar god who was the one that granted the current pantheon their powers
>My ex-player character, a male human fighter who tried to be a hero and failed miserably, is now a major setting villain (think Zelgius+Darth Vader), who works for the stereotypical LE wolf devil god
>Chaotic Evil goddess of chaos (big surprise) is actually the origin of all the magic in the setting, which is why she was sealed away rather than banished when she threatened to cause the apocalypse. She actually turned evil because she hates elves, orcs, and wizards (which didn't exist in the setting before the elves and orcs showed up). Pretty much what happened is that everyone voted to change the setting's magic to Vancian magic so that elves and orcs could use it, she never managed to overturn it, and eventually threw a bitchfit because she hated Vancian magic.
>Aforementioned Fighter's daughter is actually the perfect vessel for the CE goddess and was kidnapped at birth, raised as the princess of the archetypical 'evil' kingdom, innocent to virtually everything going on around her, thinks the CE goddess is in the right due to lack of knowledge, has nearly supreme insight due to her blessing by the goddess of magic
>A sentient greatsword in the service of the goddess of chaos, causes visions and hallucinations in its wielder, drove one guy insane to the point where he became a villain
>Gave a throwaway villain some serious backstory and brought him back as a vampire
my first RPG character, on some rule-less forum RPG. I was maybe 14.
I made a druid. I already heard about mary sues, so I decided to give myself a disadvantage - I wasn't god-tier fencer. Just good.
When we went to a dungeon, I reasoned that as a druid I can command earth itself, and so I commanded a cavern full of enemies just cave in instantly. That dungeon run ended rather quickly, since there were three of us, including the DM, and we all were shameless mary sues.
In addition, being my first RPG, I had real trouble roleplaying, but didn't break character, resulting in some very crappy dialogues.
It's a pain to remember.
I made and ran a whole online text-based Transformers rpg when I was 14, complete with edgy Decepticon donutsteel.
It was on BZP, though, so the one savings grace is that in a well of faggotry that runs that deep, it was just another drop in the bucket.
>all these replies
the only twi lek in the original trilogy is one that protests sexual slavery and dies for it
I'm not that guy but the word cringe has some serious value to describe something, and degrading that word over the course of a year is a real shame.
serves her right for trying to overthrow the natural order
nah jabba was a fat cunt
>started rising mid-2015
>nearly two years ago
I once tried to play a freeform game based off of a CYOA.
Sounds awesome,I'd play it.
I statted the entire cast of My Little Pony as interdimensional anthromorphic mercenaries in RIFTS. And by all I mean ALL, however many there were at the time.
When are we to see the next edition of Rolemaster?
I want to see it for the sake of having it, just in case there's a hidden gem in there.
Loads and loads of tables are fun as hell if you use them well.
Does it count if it's only semi-RPG related and, despite being cringeworthy, I still do it?
Even your post was melodramatic
I began worldbuilding by doing freeform RPs why my friends before I even knew RP was a thing. Usually it devolved in some caotic debate over who got to be what character, until the day I decided to have my friends play. I at least had the good sense to remain a GM and only play NPCs.
It was a SF setting. My friends' adventures began when a living planet crushed their ship in it's tectonic jaws. The planet, Mutrax, as I called it, was inhabited by bizzare creatures: The surface civilization were crysatline aliens with tentacles, legs that would fit Chewbacca and a head that looked like an elaborate ebony sculpture. The inner part of the planet was inhabited by multi-limbed horrors. The planet was a grimdark version of "Once Upon a Time... Life".
The universe also featured a hive mind race which could only do a single thing at a time, resulting in billions doing the exact same gesture or speaking at the same time. One of my players became a galactic emperor, fathered a myriad children (they became known as the Thousand Sons...), discovered he was the last of his kind (he digested stuff through a miniature black hole), designed android teachers for the sole purpose of having them spell out words in dictations (we had trouble with tildes)...
There was also a race of sentient automata which inhabited an artificial galaxy, as in a galaxy-sized machine. They also devoted thousands of years to study before moving on to duties such as exploring the universe uplifting or eliminating entire civilisations.
To my defense, I was 12 to 14 at the time.
Once, me and two of my friends decided that we were going to do some character insertion into fiction. Now, keep in mind we were in middle school, which is the dregs of humanity, but we decided that a campaign in which we inserted a drow party into Menzoberranzan to follow the adventures of Drizz't would be just great.
Ironically, it remains my favorite campaign I've ever played. We played all our drow as the team rocket to Drizz't's heroism, complete with absurd over the top contraptions that explode at a moment's notice. My favorite was rigging up the corpse of a Glabrezeau with liberal use of Animate Rope to pretend that we were great necromancers of power, and not a party of barely functional second level drow.
Most of that is pretty good. Your problem is that you packed all of it into a single setting.
do you still have the campaign notes? scan and share!
After one day, he should've remade it and kept all that was good. Then he should've kept doing that every day until only the good was left and then he could've enjoyed it for a lifetime.
But instead, he couldn't comprehend the ideas of improving and self-critique. So sad.
>everyone and their mother have been using the term for a few years now
Now if you said cuk, that I'd get, because it's a word that usually you only hear in Shakespeare. But cringe is still a word that's legitimately used in common language, so it's not surprising that people will start using something descriptively - if something makes me cringe, it is cringe-y.
Well... my second roleplay character was an alu-fiend I played on some forum with equally young people. She was the rape daughter of a succubus and an elven mage who had cursed her mother and her because he had been raped (I thought female-on-male rape was angsty yet original, you see).
She was a 14 years old blademaster, altough I took some pride then in her having her ass kicked fairly often, so she wasn't the invincible kind of Mary-Sue, just... all over the place in terms of angst and weird sexual stuff a 13 years old who reads too much finds cool.
Then I got bored of the absolutely massive piles of drama she generated, and created her cambion brother, a pacifist whose sole ambition was to raise chickens. He was not devoid of angsty sides either, but I remember him with far more fondness.
Not like it changes anything, but it is a she.
I was unsure, but I decided to write "he" because if I wrote "she" I would have gotten a bunch of ">she" replies
thats not even bad, its fun and i'd certainly allow it in my group as long as you play it right. Hell, this isnt even weirder than 80% of official VtM fluff and pre-made characters.
Wow, thanks for that. Suddenly that terrible high school shit seems less cringy, remembering that Hussie wrote that as an adult.
this sounds amazing in the best worst way possible, and if you managed to save any of it from the inevitable funeral pyre you probably gave the system, I'd be really interested in seeing it somehow posted. I bet a bunch of other anons would be interested as well.
>Sith following the "natural" order of things
I don't get what's wrong with it? If it were a party of Rebels or something than yeah sure it'd be weird but this is entirely in-character for a Sith and followers and just kinda hot on a subtle level without getting magical realm.
Isn't this the companion NPC from the bioware MMO you start with?
>This might have been a cool adventure/derailment of whatever plot was supposed to happen if it weren't for the fact that people stopped posting at around this point.
That's usually how it goes.
One of my early D&D characters was an edgy 2cool4you assassin. His intro to the game was assassinating some important guy the party Paladin was supposed to be protecting. We then banded together (well, they did, I was sneaking around following them) out of necessity to survive some zombie outbreak.
Later, the Paladin made a magic circle to protect people from the zombies on board, and for some reason the group left me to be the one keeping an eye on them. Someone inside the circle starts turning into a zombie, so I drag them out, dangle them overboard, slit their throat, then drop them. The Paladin was kind of annoyed when he found out, though i stood by my reasoning of keeping them safe.
In my defense, the fucking Paladin somehow was edgier than I was, on top of apparently having brain damage.
I didn't even kill my assassination target that I mentioned above. I was about to, then the Paladin suddenly decided he was bored guarding this guy and stabbed him in the face until he died.
Also, the Paladin spent the entire time aboard the cruise ship we were taking shelter on robbing everyone and all the valuables left on the ship.
Then later he decided to jump off a 4 story lighthouse because I did and it look fun. Except I was a DEX-main stat character with class features that assisted me(and made me take 0 damage), whereas he was a Paladin in full plate with no stats to speak of except average CON. We did get a chuckle when the fall damage dropped him to -7 HP and he almost died right on the spot.
That Paladin sounds somewhere between your typical indie Superman-but-mean ripoff and the classical lunkhead STR guy. I bet he was a riot to play with.
He wasn't...awful, but he wasn't especially interesting to be honest. His Paladin was an idiot and edgy, but somehow very boring at the same time.
He eventually ragequit the group when the DM wouldn't let him play a second PC alongside his first one that was basically an exact copy of his current PC with about 8 bonus feats thrown onto it.
Apparently he didn't even inform the DM he wanted to do this, he just suddenly had them show up mid-session and apparently assumed everyone would be alright with it.
>the only twi lek in the original trilogy is one that protests sexual slavery and dies for it
patently false. Jabba's aide-de-camp was also a Twi-lek. Though, since he was a male, it's unsurprising you didn't bother to remember him.
At least that paladin fell at the end.
Pretty much.
I wouldn't have cared so much, but he maintained quite adamantly that he was staying on the Lawful Good path.
He was also the worse DM I've had to sit through, but I've already spoken about that a few times, so eh.
I checked and it's not on my hard drive. I'll try to find and revive my old laptop to see if its there.
The shock collar is part of the South's story in the old republic. One of the followers you can romance starts with a shock collar you can choose to use when and if you want. I'm pretty sure she's twi'lek too