Post about space ships.
Anime edition.
Space Ships Thread
Something about the Battleship yamato starships feels so comfy.
Even the weird looking Gamilians.
Completely unrealistic. Why does a spaceship need wings? There aren't any visible manoeuvring thrusters either. And forcing the crew to enter and exit by one huge set of doors in the back of the ship is ludicrous. Utter shit.
The funny thing is, the shuttle actually wasn't the best design by NASA's criteria, but it was larger than its competitor, which meant more manufacturing jobs, so that's the one the politicians picked.
Thumbnail looks like a giant teal deagle
Why no super-carrier?
Why does the filename say Yamato when that is clearly the Soyokaze?
Kuun Lan, coming through!
Terok Nor?
This is super comfy
Is this from something, or is it just the work of an artist?
so what is this ship? Reverse google tells me that it is a lizard and while that is cool I would like some more info.
Also i have pics to share.
I prefer cramped unmaneuverable deathtraps.
if you like spaceships, i recomend you this eurocomics, the name is 'yoko tsuno', and like pic related, there plenty of scifi stuff
I kind of liked the spaceships from Once Upon a Time... Space show.
>What is solar wind
Looks like the Nahel Argama... I'm probably influenced because I'm watching ZZ but still.
Dang,those are cool.
>you'll never encounter an enemy ship captain so moronic enough to go ramming speed on ship with drills in front of it
Fuck yeah, Once Upon A Time - Space.
What were some of the other proposed designs?
Assuming gravity can't be generated on demand what does a space worthy battleship look like.
A giant cone or cylinder with radiator panels and a spinal mounted weapon.
The center of the cylinder contains the gun, engines, and other engineering spaces, the decks are wrapped around this. Fuel tanks are sandwiched around the decks to provide another layer of protection. After that it's layers of armor, and perhaps secondary weapons systems.
"Down" for the decks is the direction of the engines, but all furniture is on hinges, and when the ship isn't moving, the decks can be spun. However the gravity generated in this manner will be very little, just enough to allow the crew to do low gravity PT in order to avoid atrophy.
Main weapon is a very powerful coil-gun, with laser turrets as a "secondary battery." Missiles are also used, but are carried on smaller ships analogous to destroyers or cruisers.
I don't have a pic on my phone that I can find, but the orion drive battleship Michael from Footfall gets posted in every one of these threads, and may have been already, but it's realistic for 60s through to modern day space battleship.
There are also all the airforce concepts for orion battleships that look like giant bullets.
>*Trombe overrides all music on my computer*
what the...
>*looks up, sees the Kurogane charging at full speed*