Why aren't you fighting the patriarchy, Veeky Forums?
Why aren't you fighting the patriarchy, Veeky Forums?
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I actually would love to play this, for the same reasons i want to try F.A.T.A.L.
There's literally nothing funnier then political rpgs, my favorite's Racial Holy War the white supremacist rpg where white people are mechanically inferior to all other races, no wonder they lost the war.
>bellum maga
Am I really reading this right, sure this isn't a trump rpg?
Bellum maga
>She is turning the cop into a frog
Pure memetic energy
>The enemy of all life on Earth, the Serpent has waged war against the life force of our planet, the mother goddess Gaia, for millennia. Using the weapons of ignorance, greed and hate it has turned humans against each other, polluted the world and threatens us daily with our own destruction.
Is there a fucking typo in this product description? Jesus christ drive thru rpg get your shit together.
>The Maga, powerful magical beings powered by Gaia and her multitude of goddess aspects, have other plans and will do whatever it takes to destroy the great serpent and its minions and return the world back to its long forgotten glory.
>return the world back to its long forgotten glory.
They're going to Make Earth Great Again apparently, trump allegory confirmed.
>BELLUM MAGA is a role-playing game about a world of magic and conspiracies and a millennia-old war between the corrupt-Patriacracy and powerful female freedom fighters.
As opposed to the regular un-corrupt patriarchy who I guess is just fine.
I'm the Patriarchy user.
Oh don't worry. The typo in the product description just gets you ready for the quality of the book itself
You will be freed.
Free from emotions.
Free from grief. from rage. from pain.
You will be uniform.
No sexes.
No class.
No colour or creed.
You will be upgraded.
Where do I sign up.
You superior in only one respect. You are better at dying.
Because in a style of game commonly associated with dragons, conspiracy, and elder gods, players want to smash monsters, not a fucking "glass ceiling." Imagine if we made a giant march in pink hats to protest WOTC with our meme signs. Wouldn't that look retarded? Of course they have the RIGHT to do this, just like we have the right to laugh at their shit game.
Actually, in BM the patriarchy is an actual, literal organization dedicated to worshiping a giant, semi-phallic snake god and that rules (and is responsible for) all of civilization
The game where a bunch of mentally diluded, er... vigilant rebels viciously discriminate based on race, gender, and sexual orientation, er... fight in the name of supremacy, er... equality.
The corcle of ossus!
I, for one, welcome our new machine overlords.
To fail is to be flesh, only metal endures.
So wait - they're accepting the serpent as their main enemy, like in the Bible. The inherently patriarchal book, without any true woman's perspective, because everything in it was written by men? Oh man.
And what's with the Gaia stuff? Is that based off of the Venus statuettes from pre-history that keep being found? Because like the term pre-history suggests, we have absolutely no solid evidence on what those are. The people who think their fertility goddesses only have as much weight as the people who think they must be so caveman Dan could do some fapping. We can't possibly know what they are, let alone that fantastical 'everyone worshiped goddesses before forming civilization made men patriarchal and started wars.'
>Identify yourself.
>Why aren't you fighting the patriarchy, Veeky Forums?
Because the patriarchy is an excuse for women to cannibalise other humans while justifying it as the new fairness. The nazis blamed the jews so they could cannibalise their wealth, this is the same thing except between the sexes.
They also want to blame every female failure on men instead of looking inwardly as to why women arnt the leaders in situations.
I suppose i should also mention how this is part of the gay agenda to recruit more gays. Which is itself a vain effort to lessen the gap between explaining how gayness is at the same time natural aswell as being very rare in nature.
M8 do you honestly think the people who wrote this are that knowledgeable?
>So wait - they're accepting the serpent as their main enemy, like in the Bible. The inherently patriarchal book, without any true woman's perspective, because everything in it was written by men? Oh man.
Snakes look kind of like penises, I think that was more the connection.
>And what's with the Gaia stuff? Is that based off of the Venus statuettes from pre-history that keep being found? Because like the term pre-history suggests, we have absolutely no solid evidence on what those are. The people who think their fertility goddesses only have as much weight as the people who think they must be so caveman Dan could do some fapping. We can't possibly know what they are, let alone that fantastical 'everyone worshiped goddesses before forming civilization made men patriarchal and started wars.'
Questioning the worship of goddesses is heresy, I mean misogyny, user.
You know, I just figure anyone that's passionate about something enough to make an RPG will know their shit. And I get it's supposed to be fantastical and all, but that's no excuse for a shitty job. It feels like something that even the SJWs would sneer at for trying too hard.
Is meme magic real?
>You know, I just figure anyone that's passionate about something enough to make an RPG will know their shit.
Why in god's name would you think that? Did the people who made FATAL know their shit? Hell did the people who made D&D know their shit? You have some very strange notions about the world user.
Nobody in the community criticizes it out of fear of being labelled a gender traitor or a nazi.
If only. Then all the neckbeards would finally be worth something.
You're a smart cis-white male, user, I like you.
Too bad it's based on being decisive and preachy rather than made to be intruiging and deep. Way u see it, my point stands because Lord Penis of the Patriarchy is less fun to fight than the great old ones.
>You know, I just figure anyone that's passionate about something enough to make an RPG will know their shit.
The exact opposite is always the case. What they're passionate about is their biased view of what that something is - in this case gender politics.
Actual reality is messy, complicated and resists simplistic ideological explanations which is why it would make a poor RPG - you wouldn't get to play out your fantasy.
Someone needs to get a scan
I just went back to the product page and noticed two things.
It was released back in November 2015 so they should've been aware of other meanings of what MAGA could be, that really is quite an oversight.
Also it's currently selling for 90% off (seriously check the page), I wonder why.
Hey, DnD was rough in the early days but the first of anything is gonna be rickety.
But the glory of the OSR community makes classic DnD and it's many spin-off games great.
(I gotta advertise my cult)
Would you say it was historically accurate though? Didn't they accidentally include a weapon tha didn't exist because gygax or whatever misread something, or did that just happen with that non-existent type of armour they included? I get that D&Ds not a historical game but the gears based on historical stuff (or at least it's meant to), that was more my point.
Oh yeah, they got a ton of shit wrong. But later they justified it by making the game be able to take place in a vague swath of time between the Antiquity and the Early Renaissance.
10/10 would hack into a Werewolf: The Apocalypse style 90's eco-terrorist game.
So, does anyone has the pdf ?
I'd like to see that monstruosity with my own eyes.
The description sounds remarkably like Werewolf the Apocalypse. WtA also seems to appeal to feminists. At least the feminist gamers I know played it, and there is an all female werewolf tribe.
Huh. The setting is about a war between a goddess and her serpent god brother.
I got a copy for free when i found it in a trashcan, i was curious why it was there so i took it, i`ll review it if anyone is interested.
Someone should bite the bullet and purchase it, it's only 2.50$ for a kindle edition so the pdfcna be shared drivethrurpg.com
I'll save you all the trouble.
So have you ever found yourself reading Witch Girl Adventures and thinking “You know what, this could really stand to be more like the World of Darkness”? If so A: Seriously re-evaluate the decisions in your life that have brought you to this point. and B: You are, unfortunately, not alone.
It has a “condemnation” section that’s completely superfluous given the entirety of the rest of the game’s context, and contains our first typo (trying to turning), it won’t be the last. And since this game is White Wolf as fuck, it has opening in-character fiction.
Coming Full Circe
My Death and Rebirth by Minerva Winters
My story starts the day I died. It’s a tad cliché I know but it’s actually true not just for me but for my sisters in the struggle to save this world.
I’m going to need more alcohol for this.
But before we get to my story, let me tell you another one, a sad one.
Ever hear of Digahol Iowa? No you haven’t, no one has, unless your from there and if you’re from there and you’re not me you’re not reading this.
1: Dig-A-Hole Iowa? For fucks sake. 2. You have both spellings of you’re in the same run-on sentence, how do you fuck that up? I mean right now I’ve got both Google Docs and Firefox screaming at me because that’s a common enough mistake to programatically notice.
Digahol is everything you should fear about small town life. It’s a farm town and I have nothing against farmers or farming, I personally like food and I have the curves to prove it. But it’s also a very insular town, with a population of just under six-thousand, the three non-white families are treated and viewed as if their zoo exhibits and are known with upmost respect as the Nigger-Johnsons, the Gomexies and the Chinks-Chans(who last name wasn’t even Chan).
Typos lovingly preserved for your enjoyment Gomexies?
Since our ‘protagonist’ is describing herself, I might as well post the accompanying photo in my nest post
I'm a POC, so those bitches fight for me.
>a RPG where you are the BBEG
Go figure.
I threw up a little, it reads like something Onyx path would create
I could get past the artwork but the fucking grammar and spelling made me vomit a little
>Snake God that rules all civilization
>Snake God that wars against all life and Gaia herself
>Snakes, when they were historically a symbol of fertility, Guardianship, Medicine and salvation.
>Expecting retards to know anything
>Snakes, coming together...facing each other
>But they are one
Because there's an actual matriarchy in our game to fight.
Because I'm the Patriarch, duh.
>So wait - they're accepting the serpent as their main enemy, like in the Bible
No, they're probably just ripping off the Wyrm from Werewolf and mixing it with Zarm from Captain Planet. The people who made this don't have a creative bone in their body.
Playing as the Serpent sounds like a fantastic idea for a game in this setting. Please tell me there's a module or something for that.
By "snake" they mean giant dick.
Dicks were also symbols of fertility and guardianship, but the wrong one because they're male.
It's really fantastic, because by the background, the patriarchy is a totally justified reaction to like 10k years of magically enforced domination by the witches, pre-history, so really the maga need to check their privilege
I have no idea why this is the part that pisses me off the most, but
>they pluralize it to maga
>not the technically proper magae
why would you expect this bitch to be any more fluent in latin than she is in english
>those jowls
Is this a phantom of the opera deal where she's lashing out because she's deformed?
I...the sheer amount of typos and bad mechanical decisions and worldbuilding that a 5 year old could better makes me almost believe this is a parody of extremist feminism rather than a product for it.
Poe's Law in action
This is amazing, thank you. A thousand blessings on its author(s).
As mentioned, they seem to have managed to use both the right and wrong word in the exact same context in the same sentence multiple. The shitty worldbuilding and blithering mechanics I can see (it's wank and it's wank, respectively), but how you manage to say "unless your from there and if you’re from there" is utterly baffling me.
This, however, is the reason I still assume it must be genuine.
>Unhinged: The character's grip on reality is tenuous at best and some would say she's as mad. The character's actions are erratic and bizarre causing her to need to make a resolve roll to follow plans or do as she's told. In times of crisis like combat or a life and death situation the character roll a single dice(d6), on a six they are totally oblivious and think something else totally unrelated is going on.
Truly this is the gift that keeps on giving.
>And what's with the Gaia stuff?
They didn't even invent that, dumbass.
Also just generally one of those major goddesses that generic pagans/Wiccans worship.
What have vaginas symbolized?
I'm also not too bothered about "Maga" as that was also used as a term for female mages in Ars Magica.
...But the game is still a pile of shit.
Now here's the real question, Veeky Forums.
Could this be salvaged and turned into something that's actually cool? Or should this just be forgotten as we all go back to playing nMage 2e and Dresden Files RPG?
>Could this be salvaged and turned into something that's actually cool?
You play as the Serpents. You fight against those that claim to be oppressed, but themselves oppress those they enslave. You fight not for the glory of your gender but of your entire species.
Oh I'm definitely fighting. I'm just on the other side.
The pay and the perks are better.
Having cackled through the review-thingy: It's completely nonfunctional mechanically and hilariously uninspired wank thematically. There's nothing to salvage.
It would be sort of cool to treat Bellum Maga as a sort of propoganda piece in-universe, and suggest that the serpent organization has an equally crazy manifesto. Now the setting is about an underground war between two batshit crazy and morally bankrupt cults. The PCs could be non-corrupted people that have discovered this war and are trying to survive in the middle of it.
Alien vs predator, underworld's vampire vs werewolves. Double threat stories can be interesting. This would basically be supernatural tumblr vs supernatural /pol/.
Possibly, however the game mechanics would have to be completely discarded.
The game is borderline unplayable. Spells are either completely useless or extremely overpowered, the systems seem completely untested as stats are just kinda randomly thrown around, and the explanations and wording is so horrible that it's confusing on how the mechanics are even supposed to work.
You would definitely have to use another system or scrap the mechanics and remake them from scratch.
>serpents are evil
Excuse me?
This is some kosmic karmic shit right there.
We play Witch Girls Adventures...so we're already doing our part to fight the patriarchy...
I too love transformation fetishes with young girls, let's go into the rec center next to the police station and play this game.
>snake god responsible for all of civilization
>including the modern medicine allowing women to successfully survive childbirth and to allow them to choose whether or not to even get pregnant in the first place
>this is a bad thing
I get it. They're morons who didn't think this through.
Why do you choose cold metal, over the splendor of flesh?
You give them too much credit.
I sit corrected.
god and religion is stuffy and boring
snake is a euphemism for penis
also they're icky and gross
perfect enemy for fembots
>snakes meaning the same thing in all cultures
But otherwise you make a great point.
Is this different from the abortion wars game? With the big guy in power armor with "PRO LIFE" on his arm?
I'm not certain if you are joking or not. Is that real?
... How have I not heard of this? Post immediately this sounds fucking hilarious
I looked it up and the closest thing I found was college students holding balloons under their shirts and fighting with plastic forks and knives.
That actually sounds like it could be a fun LARP.
It's real, and the central conflict really is a war between pro-Choicers and pro-Lifers.
Even worse it's an OGL RPG.
I... can't tell if this is pro or anti abortion
The author is a black guy.
He's still a bitch, but he's a black guy.
Already done. It's called Mage. oWoD, or nWoD, it doesn't matter, it's better.
I am the patriarchy
It is generally accepted that many early cults were centred around goddesses prior to the revelation/confirmation of men's role in reproduction. Before that, many theories were thrown around, such as ghosts entering women's wombs when they ate beans, or the north wind being the source of pregnancy (inspired by the habit of mares facing their rears northwards).
The Athenian cult predates the Hellenic/Zeussian cult by quite a large margin, with more evidence supporting Athena being a member of a pre-Hellenic lunar triad in the new moon position (or the Maid), sharing it with Hera (the Mother) and Hecate (the Crone). Some scholars take the birth of Athena to be a sort of historical allegory for the cult of Zeus's overtaking of the Athenian cult, in that she was swallowed whole (an attempt to wholly absorb her worshippers) but burst from his forehead as his daughter (the Athenian tradition survived but as a subordinate to the cult of Zeus). It can be theorized that the slaying of Tiamat by Marduk was a similar usurping of a female-led religious body by emergent, dominant male-centric cults upon the revelation that men were a necessary component in reproduction.
It should be noted that I'm pretty much drawing all this verbatim from Robert Graves' work, so feel free to throw much of it out when thinking on an anthropological or archaeological level. It makes for some nice mythopoeia inspiration, if anything.
Wow this makes Witch Girl Adventures look fucking tame.
this is just RaHoWa but for the other side
Can someone walk/tg/ through creating a character, so we can finally find out what our femsona is?
I'm of the opinion the Graves invented this almost entirely whole-cloth.
It's also disingenuous of him to suggest that that the people who brought the Zeus cult to Greece were somehow less legitimate than whomever had been there originally. If Western culture and civilization stems from the Hellenes and their cult of Zeus, which absorbed the Athena/Hera/[Goddess I have momentarily forgotten] triumvirate, then it is THEY who are our legitimate forebears, and the ones they "usurped" were essentially a dead end culture that provided what little they had of value to our common heritage and were ultimately trivial in the grand scheme of things.