Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

Where the fuck is the general Edition
>A shitty little list builder that you all should stop ASKING ABOUT YOU FILTHY BITCHES

>Freshest Rules in Epub (Use Readium for PC or Kobo on Android)

>Not always current PDFs:

>Up to date FAQs

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:

> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nth for taunar is a TEQ


any idea when the mega link will be back up?

3rd for sexualize the universe

Is it a dick move to take the Castellans of the Imperium detachment at 1500pts?

Two threads..

How fucked is Commarragh?

Why should it? The main bonus being Hatred means you're focussing on melee and that already makes you an ok guy with the current meta.
Of course if you start putting Coteaz for the sake of his opness , use it to throw Wyverns in a list that has nothing to do with IG or to spam command squads in pods it's going to be a more competitive list but there's much worse out there.

>back up
It's deleted, so it has to be rebuilt.

Aspiring VA here:

If anyone is interested, I did a blind reading of the newest Regimental Standard


>Regimental Standard


Is Vect confirmed to be an idiot? It's like an atheist IRL except in his case god is actually preforming miracles in front of him.

Anyone have the link to the previous thread?

Not him but fuck you, RS is awesome.

>hating the passed down word of the emperor

I did a head swap for my power armour Inquisitor, now all he's missing is the big I that I ordered for his chest.

What does 40Kg think?

Here >fucking Raptorsfaggot used his shitty pasta rather than the new and updated one
Time to trawl the archive for that template I guess.

>tfw no daily Duncan

Hey, I am a fan of the 40k books and lore but do not play the games. Having just read pic related I want to know how eldar, space marines and guardsmen stack up in power.

In the book its like
> Extarch > Aspect Warrior >= Space Marine >>>>> Gaurdsman

Seeing as how any eldar can become an aspect warrior with fairly minimal training this seems off.

>t. christfag

I mean he does have a point. Who wants to die to win? I think if death for Dark eldar doesn't mean getting their souls nommed on that could upset his power.

That armor looks really large for his head.

>Fall of cadia
>fracture of Biel-tan
GW is showing their blatant favoritism yet again I see

Gentleman user. Thank you.

eldar dedicate their lives to aspects, taking hundreds of years to train.

He looks like he's located somewhere inside his powerarmor rather than wearing it, but I kinda dig it.

Power levels in the fluff vary wildly depending on which faction the book is about. Marines go from being able to take and hold a planet with two men do one squad defeating entire armies to dying en masse to massed lasguns.

Likewise exarchs are awesome warriors but frequently job to the main character/villain to make them look more badass.

Rate my tournament list

1850 Splinters of Chaos: Luckless Host
The Purge Detachment (Vraks Renegades and Heretics) [Primary Detachment]
Renegade Command Squad: 1x Arch Demagogue (Ordnance Tyrant, Devotion of Nurgle), 2x Disciples (lasguns), 1x Disciple Autocannon Team

Renegade Strike Battery: 2x Renegade Wyverns, 2 heavy flamers
Renegade Strike Battery: 2x Renegade Wyverns, 2 heavy flamers

20x Plague Zombie Mob
21x Plague Zombie Mob

Heavy Support
Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery: 3x Rapiers, 6x crew, weapons training
Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery: 3x Rapiers, 6x crew, weapons training
Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery: 3x Rapiers, 6x crew, weapons training
Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery: 3x Rapiers, 6x crew, weapons training

Aegis Defense Line, quad gun

Combined Arms Detachment (Chaos Daemons; Heralds of Anarchic)
Herald of Tzeentch, Paradox Psyker, ML3
Herald of Tzeentch, Endless Grimoire Psyker, ML1
7X Herald of Tzeentch, ML1

Allied Detachment (Chaos Space Marines; Word Bearers)
Sorcerer on palanquin, master level 3, spell familiar, bolt pistol, force sword

5x Chaos Space Marines
Rhino, death of kasyr lutein

Heavy Support
Fire Raptor, 2 reaper autocannon batteries, 4 balefire missiles

I believe that's the intent

he's just a dude, rather than a marine

Last time I posted, anons were saying that he just looked like a space marine, not a human in power armour (pic related).

He looks like space marine with fb head.

Is the Inquistion Hq any good?

I kinda want to make a order Xeno Inq list with IG deathwatch.

Mainly Coteaz giving most things obsec and troop Immolators/Razorbacks returning on a 5+.

*IG and Deathwatch

Inquisitors are really decent. They can be anything from dirt cheap to reasonably priced depending on how you kit them.

Take one from IA and you get an extra warlord trait. Take from the Inquisition codex and you get access to servo-skulls. It's pretty hard to go wrong with an Inquisitor, especially Xenos.

'member when tyranids could shoot?

Inq with servo skulls is must have for IG.
Troops returning only when you have full detachment.

They still can, do you not know the what Flyrant monobuild actually is?

What's a fluffy way I could add an Assassin to a Sisters of Battle force? I was thinking of adding a Vindicare to add some long range firepower, either using the standard model or converting it to be a sniper sister.

Sweet models. Are those yours? Post more if so.

>and a bad attitude
op pls nerf

>Troops returning only when you have full detachment.
But that isn't true.

well fuck! is there another place I can look for downloading them? Specifically the 30k stuff?

current tyranid shooting is overpriced and garbage compared to the shooting of any other army.

The birth of the Ynnead (full birth) means the Eldar life cycle would be restored.

All Eldar souls will be drawn into the Warp and lose themselves before being reborn as new persons. There would be no true death only a continuous existence as the Eldar are reborn continuously to one life to another.

This what makes Vect an idiot.

Obviously she'd be Sister BDSM.

The hat option looks less like a marine than this one. People are probably just saying it looks like a WHFB fancy hat dandy witch hunter in space marine power armor because that's literally what it is. Inquisitor armor is skinnier and less wide heroic scale like marine models. I would pilfer one of the existing Inquisitor bodies or Coteaz, or use third party

Oh you get zealot for full det. Its kinda bullshit that you need 3 lords of war.
I have enough ig and sm units, but i rather stick to armoured company, artillery company, skyhammer etc.

So what's the prognostic in the 8th edition square basing? There's a seller on eBay offloading a shitload of them for pennies and I'm tempted to get them.

It was a shop.

I like the pimp marine

Repostan my Death Guard list. Having second thoughts about investing so heavily into terminators...

Also what's the go-to loadout for termie lord?

They're not sadly, I'd likely just resort to the vanilla renegade models. Here's the thread, I might reconsider because the list is both Nurgle and Tzeentch flavor, moreso Tzeentch.

Google Renegade Cultist, fuck Veeky Forums's spam filter. Seriously.

In the book it seemed like months, maybe a year. Unless their day equivalents are long and their year equivalents are SUPER long.

yeah, eldar are super-long lived, and spend that entire long life to an aspect.

Just add an assassin. That's perfectly fluffy on its own.

I always say go for the metal gear solid approach with assassin's in your armies. Deploy them alone, and decide which of your opponents forces are their targets. Assume that even your army has no clue they're on the field, and once they complete their mission they disappear without a trace.

Why spawn? Termies are shit, take 3 with meltas, you dont have anti tank.

Night Lords user who impulse bought a Dreadclaw here threw together this hot pile of fun.

Just a jackass trolling 40kg. Save your shekels.

Is this for the Vectorium?
Drop the terminator lord, drop the terminators down to 3 for minimum requirement, bump the bikes up to 7 and include a biker lord with lightning claw/powerfist or a daemon weapon. Make your list 1500 points and take a heldrake and more MoN spawn for your sorcerer's retinue. You may want a rhino for your havocs as well for mobile cover. More havocs couldn't hurt either.

No they don't. Eldar pursue a particular Path for hundreds if not thousands of years, but they don't dedicate their lives to it unless they become lost on it. Your average Aspect Warrior is a highly-trained highly-specialized fighter, yes, but it's only the exarch who's such a weeb he literally doesn't ever leave the shrine.

In fact Eldar deliberately switch paths in life so as to avoid getting lost on them.

spawn for mandatory auxillary, T5 FNP termies are OK.

Spawn is the cheapest auxiliary choice to get "decurion" benefits. It's pretty standard for Traitor Legions lists.

>does this list at this points limit look good?
>it's alright but you should fix it by changing to a different points bracket
Tournament players, everyone.

Coteaz takes it from "Very good to make combos" to "Let's break the game!"
As for the returning veichles, that'll still net you a smaller gain than something like a Gladius giving you 12 of them for free

Except the birth of Ynnead means all eldar die.

What do you think he is referring to?

Those are necromunda redemptionists

>does a 1200 point limit look good

>Vielwalker says Ynnead alone would not be enough to defeat Chaos. They must ally themselves with another race
>The proposed candidate races to ally with were Humans, Tau, Orks, and Tyranids in the Aeldari meeting
>Tau were said to be too young
>Orks too unpredictable
>Tyranids...that's out of the question
>They all agreed that humans would be the right choice despite them being moronic and in their own way unpredictable

So this raises a few question. Why of all the races of the galaxy did the Eldar mention and consider the Tau? Aren't they just a minor race in the east? Second question is why didn't they mention and go with the most logical race that should ally with which is the Necrons. It's Necron technology that kept Chaos at bay for 60 million years. Surely allying with them would be the best option.

What mechanism are they supposed to be reborn though? If their entire race has to die there's not going to be anyone to give birth to them, which renders the entire premise pretty fucking suspect.

PDF of Imperial Agents in the pdf mega when? I'd convert it myself if the epub version was even readable.

And you can have demi company obsec drop pods, marines, land speeders, centurions, devastators, dreds without Coteaz. Not so broken.

Temporarily. Their current selves would die but they will be reborn as new persons as the cycle is restored.

Your Termie Lord is fine. Basically what you'd want for a bare bones Lord. Strongly consider dropping something to get one chainfist in those Termies though.

I suppose that is the best answer. I'm just worried about making sure it fits in.

It's cool as long as I don't paint the robes white, correct?

I'm surprised they weren't mentioned, but it'd be as likely as allying with Tyranids. They're the Ancient Enemy, they fucking hate each other.

>Why of all the races of the galaxy did the Eldar mention and consider the Tau?
Fuck the Tau, why of all races of the galaxy did the Eldar mention and consider the fucking Tyranids?

>why didn't they mention and go with the most logical race that should ally with which is the Necrons
The Necrons are an even older enemy to the Eldar than Chaos itself.

They went to war with the Necrons long ago, so that might factor in.

As for mentioning the Tau, they do know of them, and some of their members have noted their potential. Plus diplomatic stuff with Tau tends to go better, as the Tau are more willing to hand over whatever the Eldar want without needing to fight.

>eldar allying with the necrons

Night Lords theme song has been found. Much relief and joy has been spread.

You could always add an Inquisitor who presumably "called in" the target to the Officio Assassinorum. That's not necessary though.

Assassins are fluffy for any army. The main force rarely invites them.

How does this list look? It's one half of a doubles list, not fully confirmed what my partner is running, but it will feature a talon recon corps with 6 plasma cannon sentinels and at least two Valkyries (he's playing D-99).

Emperor's Blade Assault Company

CCS (Officer of the Fleet, Master of Ordnance) - 100pts
Chimera - 65pts

Veterans (2x Plasma, Bolter) - 91pts
Chimera - 65pts

Veterans (2x Plasma, Bolter) - 91pts
Chimera - 65pts

Veterans (2x Melta, Bolter) - 81pts
Chimera - 65pts

Hellhound - 125pts


Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (Power Armour, 3 Servo Skulls, Ulumeathi Plasma Syphon) - 52pts


Literally worse than Vuvuzela concert.

How's this for my first list? Cryptek goes in the warriors to use the Chronometron, and the Overlord goes into the Lychguard.

>fucking Tyranids?

Because according to the Daemons of Chaos codex, the Hivemind is becoming aware of the rising power of Chaos in the galaxy and is taking measures to protect its fleet from being consumed by Chaos as well like avoid warpstorms and such.

If the Tyranids seek to devour the galaxy, the rival predator that is Chaos must be driven away. This opens up the possibility of a temporarily alliance with them. The Tyranids are not stupid. They can communicate with other races. They just choose not to. If things go so dire, they might be forced to reach other or be open to be reached.

Looks slow

1200 is a retarded bracket no matter how you cut it. He should be playing 1250.

I don't get your point. Of course you can have those without Coteaz, but taking Coteaz in a Castellan is the cherry on top of an already tasty and cheesy cake.
I know I'm taking this detachment at a 1750 points tournament because of that, but even if you don't want to go Balls-deep into the competitive, you can make perfectly reasonable lists at 1500 with it that'll probably be stronger than their CAD equivalent (if you sprinkle good units from other factions in with your core of choise) but still weaker than Taudar/Minmaxed Gladius/Tau Gundam lists.

PS: These fucking Captchas get weirder every day

Hey is something like this any good?

You've got SHER WHO THIRSTS on one side and necrons, the guys they beat up ages ago, on the other.

Who would they rather work with?
Eldar won that war and the empire was no worse for wear, it was Slaanesh who fucked everything.

>they fucking hate each other.

So do the humans hate the Eldar and have a dogma of disbelieving Eldar and exterminating them.

Anyways, what would be your guys reaction if the Tyranids joined a galactic alliance against Chaos?

I'm just saying this is not op.

>Anyways, what would be your guys reaction if the Tyranids joined a galactic alliance against Chaos?

"They can talk?"

Go read what is, and more importantly isn't, in Reclamation Legion.

>Updated OP gone
This is why you're a nigger, odinfag.

Humans hate Eldar

Eldar don't hate Humans.

Necrons hate Eldar

Eldar hate Necrons.

It's biased.

I'd go 2Melta-squads and 1 plasma-squad on the vets if your friend is bringing that many plasma cannons.
Master of Ordinance on the CCS won't be too effective since they're supposed to follow the Veterans into the fray for those tasty orders, preventing you from spamming barrages. An Astropath could be better even if you just use him as a PSYCHIC SIREN out the top hatch.

What is this traaaaaaaaash

This is an even better theme and it's still not even close