Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1321: Whats In An OP Edition

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>Whats In An OP

No, This is the 1322nd thread. You got fooled by the previous thread's wrong link. This is the most recent proper thread. Please delete and try again, third time's the charm!

This was the last thread. The other one skipped backwards for some reason.

So how about those anti-fate/paradox perks? I need a way to keep my Sburb Doomed Timeline Jumper alive other than throwing him into stasis and hoping Paradox Space doesn't bullshit me into having to get him back to beat the game.

What are your stories of being jumper parents everyone? I am about to hit up generic parenting jump.

Remember Jumpers in the Nasuverse: If a Counter Guardian doesn't appear to stop you, it's not a bad idea.

No Fate But What We Make It, Terminator

Serves me right for not checking archives myself. Delete post is telling me to fuck off. Sorry about that.

You tried.

Have you ever tried your best, but it wasn't good enough?

All the time.

What's the dumbest shit you've seen on SB?

every god damn day. I am banchô-user after all.

It's okay, OP. At least you were able to double sixtynine yourself.

Your mom

Change Log... updated the introduction, added bits of lore, cleaned up certain abilities... added a note or two...


>I need a way to keep my Sburb Doomed Timeline Jumper
What abilities would let you fuse with them, so you are a double classpect and don't have to worry about them dying? (because they are now part of you)

what are kind of blood magic perks to we have?

kind of want to do a themed run if we have enough

Does being an adopted parent count? If so, then I took in Nana in the Elfen Lied jump, and that was...interesting. Oh, don't get me wrong, Nana herself is a sweetheart, but it seemed like the rest of the world was out to get her. So, I made the obvious decision of taking it over. After that's when I really started being a parent, and it wasn't easy. See, Nana is very kind and loving, but even after I took it over, the world of Elfen Lied wasn't. It was just that now I could exert some measure of control over it. So in order to keep things from falling apart, I'd have to bring the hammer down sometimes, and that scared her. The actions a ruler must take in a shitty world like that is not, and should not, be something a child, especially one like Nana, can understand. I limited her interactions to those I approved of, and refused to let her leave the palace unless I had someone watching her, or if I was with her. This eventually caused her to seek a way to explore the world without my surveillance, to make new friends that she wanted to be with.

So basically, I was the overprotective Disney dad, and she was the daughter that wanted to see the world. In Elfen Lied. Like I said, interesting.

>I can show you the world~!
*gunfire increases*
Get in the van little girl you look tasty.

>what are kind of blood magic perks to we have?
Innisberg, Vampires with explicit Blood Magic Perk.
I would call whatever Alucard is/can do in Hellsing Blood Magic.
So... check out all the jumps with vampires for a start...

Have you ever raided a population and participated in the subsequent pillage?


My kids conspired to kill me and I had to leave all of them stranded on a dead world, since I couldn't ascertain for sure who was or wasn't in on the planned patricide.

Do not recommend.

>being so weak that your children would be able to kill you
Shame on you, jumper. Shame on you.

Jumpers. Never change.


They didn't succeed. And it's more a function of how powerful my offspring was, especially when they pooled their powers.

Thanks user.

Bit expensive and requires a lot of power before you can do it without shenanigans, but Dragon Ball Multiverse has potara earrings, which lets whoever puts them on fuse. If you don't want to shell out for the CP-backed version that works with everyone and is a lot more convenient, you could become a Kai and also import the doomed timeline jumper as one, which would make the fusion created by any in-setting earrings permanent.

Personally, I'm going for the narcissist build, so he's staying his own person.

I trained one of my kids to be a ninja like her mother, unfortunately this would bite me in the ass throughout her teen years. More than once her principal called me informing me that she blowdarted/shurikened/muscle paralyzed/etc another student or teacher. Then I had to drive to the school memory wipe the incident so she wasn't expelled and say how disappointed I was that she was caught by some muggle (I stole the term, catch all name for anyone of mundane existence).

That is a jump you do not take unless you have about 300-400 jumps under tour belt.

Or lots of training perks.

>"Well done my children! You finally managed to get past thirty of my fifty-six regen factors, shattered eight of my conceptual barriers and managed to get around my magical immunity! I'm so proud of you! Here, have an x-box"

I'm not familiar with ALL of the space faring jumps, so I figured I'd ask these questions:

Which setting has the best starfighters?
Which setting has the best capital ships?
Which setting has the best Space Stations?

Even if it's just an opinion I'd appreciate some help.

>inb4 "you need the biggus dickus combo or you're not a real jumper"

Everyone in the tournament would die if thrown into a star.

If with 100 jumps are not winning effortlessly, you have been limiting yourself a lot. If you're min/maxing early, it should take a lot less.

Halo is pretty damn good on all 3.

Futurama has some of the best ftl.

Warframe has the best space stations imho mainly because warframe stations are stylish as hell. Mass effect has good stuff too.

Not necessarily, just stuff that's effective. And cozy. And looks good. Fuck it, what are the best looking ships available?

Tenchi is the answer to all of them.

Oh wow, I'm actually specialized in this. Uhhhh. Holdon.

Well, there's a bunch in Bloodborne. Like, enough that you won't even be able to afford all of them, because Bloodborne obviously has a lot of focus around blood. So there's that.
There's also Darkstalkers' Blood Magic, Bloody Curse from Valkyrie Profile, and Dragon Age also has a mage specialization called Blood Mage. You can also take Blood as a possible magic specialization with "Got The Magic Touch". I believe Blood Magic and Magic Touch also allow you to transform into constructs made of blood.

While you're at it, you might also consider picking up perks like Bleeder and Bloody from Horror Movie Jump and Deadman Wonderland, as well as Can't Keep Down The Clown from Sburb, all of which cause you to have more blood inside you, spray more blood on being wounded, and make it harder for you to bleed out.
I have all three! I bleed like a geyser!

There's also Bloody Magical from Spyro's supplement, which makes your blood into a powerful magic reagent, if you want that.

Also, if you don't mind having a weak spot, the Life Gem from Skullgirls actually gives you infinite blood, plus other stuff, but you take a shitload of damage if it's ever removed from your body. Probably survivable with bullshit regen perks, though, if you wanna go that route.
And maybe consider taking Bloodstained Grin from Gate, which makes you look pants shittingly terrifying when you're covered in blood. So that's fun.

Black Blood from Soul Eater is one.

I... I thought you were just a harmless trickster.

Black Blood from Soul Eater is basically liquid Madness, which here is less insanity as we know it and more Great Old One "Fuck your mind and reality up" Madness. It's immensely durable, able to casually block most personal weapons from swords to pistols. Endgame Crona seemed practically invincible, as no one was able to really damage him/her.

> You can also take Blood as a possible magic specialization with "Got The Magic Touch"
I should specify that comes from Asura Cryin. Somehow that got axed in one of my edits to cut the post down enough to fit into a single post.

Oh, and while I'm mentioning Bloody Magical, I can also mention Legacy Lived, from Assassin's Creed, which enables you to both receive and give knowledge and skill through blood transfusion. That synergizes well with Bloody Curse from Valkyrie Profile, which allows you to use blood as a (somewhat impractical) source of power leveling.
Combining that with the Life Gem from Skullgirls, me and Nadia Fortune swapped pinkie fingers, and now we're constantly giving each other powerups.
So that's pretty cool, I guess?
Nadia knows everything I know, although it sometimes takes her awhile to find something in that huge jumble of crazyass knowledge.
And in exchange, I'm constantly gaining metaphorical experience points, as a dismal rate of exchange.


>Personally, I'm going for the narcissist build, so he's staying his own person
Is this where your companions are all versions of yourself, or aspects of yourself ala Infernal's Jump?

I would complain, but I campaigned for a Jingle all the Way jump so I could collect an extra Ahnold...

Only when she wants to be, user.

She's actually a vicious psychopath that just happens to be easily entertained, so there's no reason to go full psycho like 60% of all jumpers to prove how awesome they are.

I could of shown we had a Johnny Quest jump, anyone else remember it?

I was going to seek permission to do Future Quest.

>Everyone in the tournament would die if thrown into a star.
So you are saying you need to go to fallen London and double up the Fists of Judgement and Language of the Stars?

Or plop down 1,600 CP for that one dragon in LoL?

My first two daughters (Aella and Katsumi) tried to fight each other a lot as kids, to the point to where Aella tried to take the legendary tome Forseti and Katsumi took Tsundachi and tried to fight each other with them for kicks and shits.

They didn't really accomplish much, though, since Tsundachi needs to love her user to unlock her powers and Aella wasn't that skilled at wind magic yet at the time.

It was a heart attack to go through, even if the consequences were ultimately not as bad.

>Life Gen
It's not so bad. You could always just remove it, and then depending on your perks use a one up or just plain survive it. After that, use something like Assimilation from Claymore to absorb it in a way that can't be removed.

You may be remembering Johnny Test.

There is no Johnny Quest jump that I'm aware of.

Neo Neo Neo Neo Zeon's ships were pretty based, at least aesthetically. To the degree that I based a couple of my heavy cruiser classes on the Rewloola, but scaled up quite a bit.

Even Jumpers who claim to be doing good or following some kind of justice are just as damaged and the rest and are probably causing the same amount of harm.

>he thought any jumper was just a harmless trickster

>I bleed like a geyser!
"Tis but a flesh wound!" geyser, or "create your own flooded battlefields of liquid to drown opponents" ala Leviathan from worm?

Hey, there's nothing wrong with learning to trust and believe in yourself.

Or collecting austrian bodybuilders/politicians. We're all cool here.

No jumpers are harmless. The question remains who and what they are harmful to, however.

"one man bloodkakke"

Ah thank you.

How well would a Warframe stack up to space marines in 40k?

My jumper's a strict pacifist.

Well warframes are magic space ninjas powered by the warp.

Like probably pretty well if only because they cannot die permanently.

See, this guy gets me.

Haaahhh, no but seriously.
I'm a pretty old jumper by this point. And while I'm probably far weaker than any other jumper approaching my jump count, to call me harmless would be kindof silly.

I just have more fun doing stupid inane bullshit, is all!

You know, I never thought about that.
Well, no. Actually, I HAVE thought about tanking the shot with a 1up or something, which coincidentally would cause the "damage tanked by the life gem" meter to reset, I think. But not in absorbing it some other way.
Although I don't think I actually have a way to absorb it, personally. Still, that's a pretty good idea for other jumpers.

I just wanted to study the gem for science.

Kindof I mean, I honestly think of it kindof like turning on a garden hose or something.
Like, you know that totally messed up scene at the end of the Death Note anime? Or any anime that goes over the top with its blood spatter?
That's me. That's what I do all the time, every time I'm cut. But unlike those, I never actually run out of blood, so it just keeps spraying everywhere.

Jumpers, what are some of your crowning achievements?

On her first day of preschool, my daughter got into detention for fighting. She was playing Yugioh with when there was an argument because this rich little swot Trevor wanted to use Pot of Greed even though it was banned, and his friends kept shouting down the other kids. A second after the little shits tried fighting a girl, one kid got punched into low orbit, one kid got punched into the moon and one kid got straight up sent into another dimension. Also, she jumped up and down on their blue eyes white dragon cards until they snapped.

I was actually super proud of her.

Because she'd completely mastered the force-negating whole body chakra seal technique I'd taught her! Sunny really is brilliant when she applies herself. Heck, she became best friends with the kid she punched into the sun because he'd always wanted to be an astronaut. The other kid was technically the first human to make contact with an alien race.

As for Trevor, he...landed in Arcadia, right in the Duchess of Candelabras' face. Poor kid had to be mindwiped after what she did to him.

Later I bought out Konami to rewrite the rules, just in case.


...86, user. 86.

Nah. I have robo-angels to do that for me.

Mardukth if you're around I have a question about Lunar jump. Is there going to be a companion import option for four companions like there was in Infernals?

How well does the average xianxia protag jumper stack against someone from dbz? Like krillin or goku or vegeta?

>collecting austrian bodybuilders/politicians
It is actually really hard. The way I did the warehouse, it is a 100 meter cube with a lot of potential, but nothing in it. No pre-installed sickbay, workshop, housing, or stasis pods.

So I need an actual canon companion, or at least a "import or create" depending on how I fan wank it...
So I cannot get the Arnold in True Lies, for example.

So wait, what are all the samefag/avatarfag's defining features?

Harem protagonist paladin who's a mad scientist on the side.
Demon mage botanist?
Something something moons.
Furry harem?
I don't even know how to sum this up. Universal mollusk?

Everybodies waifu.

Drug dealing magical girl

Nobody cares.

Innovation/Invention. Machines. Technology. Industry. Death. Sickness/Cancer. Metal. Steam. Lightning. Crystal. Oil. Smoke.

(Maybe also Faith, Dogma, and Tools as his favored creations?)

No time limit, IIRC.

At one point, Cell mentioned he could keep fighting for days (or something like that) since he doesn't get tired.

But that would bore the audience.

Fair enough. As long as it actually gets put into WIPs, I guess I'm fine with it.

It's just that when this exact same thing happened with Infernals, it got put into the Completed folders. So I'm kinda wary of a repeat of that.

I kinda like the Irken Invader look for my spaceships, from Invader Zim.

Apart from what's mentioned, Bloodbending from Avatar's decent.

Universal Donor in Mad Max is good if you want to give it to others.

Inuyasha has Blades of Blood to throw magical shurikens of blood.

Justice League Dark has a particularly nice vampire variant too. And eXceed's vampire shoot blood bullets and have a bloodfort thingy to drain blood.

And in Exalted, you've got Adorjan and Metagaos charms.

It's just going to be normal import there, with discount for a full set of 8.

Lunars are still rare, but not as vanishingly so as Infernals, nor is them teaming up in numbers entirely unprecedented like it is for Infernals.

So the import'll be a bit cheaper. Solar/Abyssal/Infernal Mates will be more expensive though.

If I have a flat "points off" discount and the traditional 50% off discount for the same item, which do I apply first? Specifically, I'm doing Mobile Jump Gundam, taking MS Engineer (200 off MS) and Drop-In/One of A Kind (50% off MS).

not so. His theme is using innovation and artifice to overcome his frailties. That he needs a frailty to overcome is inherent in that theme is incidental. Sickness /Cancer is more the theme that would switch to if he died or suffered fetich death.

His robo-cancer is a pretty inherent part of him though.

He can't remove or overcome that himself, only mitigate it somewhat with maintenance and access to the energy of Creation/the Wyld.

>It's just that when this exact same thing happened with Infernals
I thought Infernals was done. It certainly looks complete to me. Just because something is put in the completed jumps does not mean you cannot revisit it for tweaks later.

Wanting perfection before uploading it just gives you Wormitus, a syndrome where your output dries up to nothing for months on end out of fear of putting out a less then perfect jump.

(Side effects of Wormitus are Jumpers constantly trying to Waifu you to get early assess to your jumps.)

>universal mollusk

Well, that's...not inaccurate? I mean. My defining features kinda shift every few hundred jumps looking back, without actually disappearing completely when the new defining features set in. Such is the curse of "you will always be you" perks.

I guess "Transhuman genius hypocrite control freak villain messiah" works pretty well, though.

Hmm. It usually specifies in the jump. Are you sure it doesn't in the margins or something? If not, er, I haven't seen GundamAnon around recently so you may need to fanwank something.

Really? I thought he only caught it after he tinkered with death and it blew up in his face or something, and he was just kind of generally sickly before that.

I believe Mardukth's been meaning to add scenarios after he's done Lunars.

>to get early assess

...well, you got that part right. I did indeed take four lady Infernals in my build, yes. And one of them does, indeed, carry the memories of Merela who is quite an early ass.

>His robo-cancer is a pretty inherent part of him though
His robo-cancer was not known to even be a thing until he went into a medically induced coma for way way longer than intended. It seems fairly obvious to me then when he had it under control, it was not really much of a thing at all. Like I need glasses to see, I do not see my blindness without them as really inherent to me, but that the fact I wear glasses to see is one of my core traits. If I was stranded on an deserted Island with broken glasses, it would seems like by blindness was a defining part of me, but in normal circumstances it never really comes up.

If I go human in Multiverse, but I'm a Runner from Prototype, would eating a Saiyan let me assimilate enough DNA to do as much as hybrids do (zenkai, tail, maybe SSJ1)?

>Something something moons.

Bodacious Babes

Heavens thing was being my bro

>Fuck it, what are the best looking ships available?
You will have to go to alien races for that. I like Minbari stuff, and Goul'd/Ancient themes.
The glowing stuff with curves, and the "if the Incans had spaceships" type stuff.

Oh, yeah. Infernals is finished /now/. (barring the lexicon being finished and scenarios, but those are not technically necessary to call it complete)

But it was put on the drive in the Completed folders when it was still a WIP. Back when it was still missing stuff and didn't have an Intro.

How terrifying.

>Really? I thought he only caught it after he tinkered with death and it blew up in his face or something, and he was just kind of generally sickly before that.
Pretty sure he was always sick with his robo-cancer.

It's just that, while he was still active in Creation, he had access to infinite energy/resources to sustain himself. Now that he's sleeping in Elsewhere, maintenance can't keep up with his sickness and it gradually gets worse.

To be fair, this also gave him the connection to true death necessary to create Exaltations, so it's not like it didn't benefit him in some way.

>The Great Maker was sickly and frail even at the dawn of the world. Without the infinite resources of Creation and the Wyld to sustain him, his illness spirals out of control, and his body rises in open revolt against itself.
>Before he sent himself off into exile, the Great Maker was able to hold his illness at bay with the limitless resources of the world and the Wyld beyond. Left in isolation, however, his illness is finally killing him.
Sure, he could mitigate it.

But "my sickness won't go out of control and kill me" does not equal "healthy".

It's less a thing he can overcome, and more "I'm a machine and need regular maintenance". Fitting for the Machine God.

Any perks for depowering people?

>My defining features kinda shift every few hundred jumps looking back
What ARE the various defining features you have/used to have in chronological order?
How have you evolved over time?

This question is open to all Jumpers, by the way...

Started out as a paranoid person who happened to be charismatic, then became a hot-blooded shounen jumper for a few jumps, then I've been gradually shifting to a godly leader of peace. I should have bought the "you will always remain you" perks when I saw them because I'm gradually becoming less hot-blooded and yelly, which is really no fun.

Or a perk that lets me always be hot blooded.

Even with his recent character development, I still mostly think of him as that guy who is also a universe.
With sexy, sexy tentacles.

Deep in my heart, though, he'll always be that guy who was really into having a midget army.

As for me, I'm probably best known for being lazy, being mean to my companions, and being most inconsistent in morality and tone.
Oh, and being forgettable enough to not make it onto any lists.

>Or a perk that lets me always be hot blooded.
We went in different directions, I guess, Ine of my favorite early perks is from Megas XLR, that let you substitute any emotion you are feeling/would be made t feel for indifference at any time. It in a bit unhealthy in an Adorjan way, but it made me think of the Gray Lantern Corps with a smile, and it was one that was always active, but you did not have to use it if you did not want to.

Poor impulse control plus every shonen/toku power up I can feasibly get my grubby hands on, accidental snowball harems, and an existential crisis that ends up devolving into 'OOOOH, WHAT DOES -THIS- BUTTON DO?!'

And blowing up moons as a result of all of the above.

What? I said I'd be heckling and lurking now and then. Job searching and taxes are boring.

Bodacious Babes

You're alive bro and it's good to see you even if it only temporary

Not a waifu.

>Deep in my heart, though, he'll always be that guy who was really into having a midget army.
Now I _really_ want him to answer that "current/previous defining features" question above. All I know about him is he ysed stuff from a bunch of different jump to go effective Primordial "I am many souls living inside myself, and everything is me" before there were Exalted jumps.

I don't know about his early stuff at all.

That sounds like it could help.

Being an awesome mom raising kids in a polycule, trying to bring peace and helping the environment, and being a cute moth :3


CP Vampire who draws sustenance from difficult choices when you absolutely want/need 80% of the stuff in his jumps.



That describes 3-4 different jumpmakers though

Johnny Quest? That cartoon about a family with a virtual reality machine and some random Indian guy with them?

God. It's been so many years.

Thanks for reminding me, user. It disappeared from my memory as solidly as that thing about King Arthur's court reincarnating as a football team. Now, to look up this Future Quest you are talking about...

that was the real adventures of Johnny quest and it is the inferior Remake

Just Red, Heavens and Worm really, but Worm kind of started it all off with the Worm jump.

> That cartoon about a family with a virtual reality machine
You're thinking of The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest. It was a reboot, using CGI.
The original Jonny Quest was from the 60s, and mostly involved Jonny and his family (which included the random indian kid) going around jungles and having Indiana Jones style adventures.

Well, excuse me for only watching the VCRs I had on the shelf. The only things TV was running were Pokemon, Sailor Moon and Teletubbies.

Over. And over. And over again.


So yeah, the tapes had holes in them by the time I grew up a bit.

Alright. The more you know.

Renegade Jump # 12 SCP Foundation
Background: Researcher (100)
Starting location: Site-19
Age: ?
*Genre Savvy (100)
*Murphy’s Law (0)
*Sufficiently Advanced (300, Discount)
*That’s not how that works (400)
SCP-2400 (600)

*Numbers Game (+100)
*Before the Storm (+300) No she doesn’t count so she doesn’t have to worry. She is anything but perfect

(Small note I kind of goofed on the number of jumps my renegade gets to power up, so good news she has 60 jumps to kick my main jumpers rear instead of 40…somehow that’s really scary)

Journal Entry # 17172

Well I began my new job today at [Redacted]. At first I was happy because I thought I would be looking at strange objects solving mysteries and such. While that will be the case it is the means that I really take issue with. They are using the items on prisoners.

Even if they are on death row, some of the things I saw happen today were cruel. I saw men die horrible deaths… melting and screaming. It brought back flashbacks of the first war in Fuyuki city or the monsters as they turned to dust…

I don’t like it. I don’t know how long I’ll stay there, also there is the problem that if they catch me using a spell or ability they will try and detain me. Since they detain anything they don’t understand. Somehow even though my security level is pretty low I am getting the feeling this isn’t a place you can just offer a letter of resignation with and walk out. I heard them talking about former employees that wound up permanent guests of theirs because they manifested strange powers.

It would be very tempting to set up a fall for this place if I thought there were a better alternative out there. Maybe Kotomine will have a few ideas. He certainly has a unique perspective on things and is a very good listener.

(to be continued)

Journal Entry # 17175

Ok so that didn’t go so well. I succeeded in creating an item that would create temporary copies of whoever was using it and placed it somewhere that it would turn up…. And it did… causing the person and clone to freak out, causing them to run from each other with the real one winding up in oncoming traffic. They said he would never walk again. It’s like a cruel joke. I couldn’t let that happen.

So I snuck in to his room in angel form and healed his spine and legs and now I am hoping somehow they don’t realize that it was me who did all of this. All the while I have Jackie offering to just kill them for me because she doesn’t understand that’s a bad thing. Fuck my life. I was just trying to do something to save lives.

I'm so sorry that sounds horrible