Are you happy about the current state of Veeky Forums?

Are you happy about the current state of Veeky Forums?

Fuck off questfag

Yes, because quests aren't here, which is what this thread will inevitably turn into a shit flinging festival over, if that wasn't your intention already It was.

Have a (you) and a sage for your troubles.

I'm happy the quests are gone.

Current state of Veeky Forums is that we can't ignore bait, so no.

Also, we're technically allowed to have a Meta Thread in the same way the mentally hospitalized have the right to bear arms, and for the same reasons.

I'd be more happy with a little less edge and /pol/ but we can't always get what we want.

I'd like us to be able to have a discussion about things without jumping on this boat.
Yes this one. There's more then quests to talk about. Honestly at this point belief is the only way it would work is offsite and heavily moderated.

Let's not discuss this. Or Generals. We can't do anything about either of those, no matter which side we're on, and even if you did want things to change, there would be more complaints in the IRC, where mods hang out.

Agreed. Obvious political shitposting doesn't get deleted and it's kinda frustrating. I'm fine with some stuff coming up in threads because Veeky Forums doesn't stay on topic, but threads designed to be political bait not getting pruned bugs me.

The only reason these threads even happen is about quests. Most of issues with Veeky Forums aren't really ones administration and moderation can't solve anyway.

I'm happy about the board now that quests are gone, yes.

It's kinda okay, I guess. I'd like for mods to be better about deleting blatant shitposting.

Not really. Bait threads run rampant and responded to, skubhammer has reached such a level you can't mention any fluff without accusations of badwrongfun starting a shitfest and dnd stories are obviously fake these days (more than they ever were) relying on rolling natural 20s 50 times in a single session whenever the storyteller needed them.

At least quests are gone though, so it's not all bad.

I have no strong opinions one way or the other.

I'm happy that these containment threads can be made for this bullshit.

Mods use the board too. They're happy the way things are, they just know that shitposts are a result of what I said here: .

If we could ignore bait, then at least the shitposters would have to put effort into posting more captivating content than just:

"Which edition of D&D is the worst and why is it 3.5"

No. The atmosphere and demographics of Veeky Forums in general noticeably change yearly, usually for the worse. It's actually pretty interesting to chart.

People take things increasingly seriously and the anonymous easy to bait nature of Veeky Forums has allowed people of polarizing over-opinionated political beliefs to feel welcome and bait the waters for eachother, whereas the further you look back in time the further people don't give a shit and are more laid back.

In a way I'm happy with the recent development. I mean if we keep this up Veeky Forums might actually get bad enough to get me to quit.

Poe's Law is a bitch.

Why don't you take your anus and shove it somewhere else?

Meta-discussion doesn't belong here.

>Meta-discussion doesn't belong here.
>OP literally comes with a stamp of approval from hiroshimoot
Are you mentally deficient?

Sure, sure.

Eat shit and die, questfag.


I wish fags who couldn't handle politics would kill themselves.
Please find some way to make this happen numoot.

Me too. Now if only we could do something about the generals.

>Moderate Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums creativity dies
>generals are created and everything stagnates

>Veeky Forums moderates itself
>Glory and adventure awaits

The funny thing is /v/ has one of these threads up right now, and I'm sure if you scrounged around other boards you'd see the same "B-but Hiro!" posts. How much do you want to bet these are systematically made by the same guy across multiple boards to stir up nonexistent problems? Hell, he always uses the same OP picture anyway.

This is our main problem. Asking the mods and Hiro for help, instead of making efforts on our own. That's Reddit behaviour.

I remember that quest threads came about due to the threads from anons who live in gaming wastelands, with no local (to them) potential people to game with. Someone decided to do an on-Veeky Forums game thread, and the dicerolling benefit we have for the board helped. Quest threads began to get big, there was write-fagging aplenty, and it was only after a while they began to get stupid/excessive/too many threads.

I don't understand why you modern furries need to shit up everything.

You'd rather have all those questions having their own threads? Listen, I don't go to generals. I don't care about generals. But I care about slow threads like worldbuilding and such staying on the board for a few days. I don't want every single army list that someone wants checked or character sheet someone wants to min-max taking up an entire fucking thread.

Daily reminder that if you don't like the threads on Veeky Forums you can always make your own thread

Yeah sure, let's get rid of the thing that's preventing the 50 threads a day of "rate my deck/list" threads!

Wait, what? We're not allowed to talk about the board any other time? You'd think a thread about Veeky Forums would be the most Veeky Forums thing possible, if in a meta sense.
Quests are mostly gone, which is nice. Generals are annoying, but necessary.
I find character art threads annoying, but they have good pics.
I think filename threads are super off topic, but they're highly amusing.
Most things on Veeky Forums are like this. Not great content, or relevant content, but it's proper content, and it's the sort of stuff you get used to clicking into when browsing and having a chuckle at a picture of a princess pegging a knight.
Hell, stat me threads are the least contentful content on the board and they're still fun to shitpost in.

I miss Veeky Forums creativity and "Veeky Forums gets shit done".

Yes, I am. Of course some things bother me, but live and let live. Most people are nice and helpful, some trolling sure, but not an insane amount.

I don't even /pol/ post, but thousands of you faggots who react by crying at the guy who posts a Trump meme need to die.
All you do is encourage more and shit up threads.

You mean "If only we could do something about the quality of the generals."

The generals are good for the overall quality of the board, because as said: RATE MY DECK / ARE MY PAINTS THIN ENOUGH YET / IS THIS 5E BUILD DOING ENOUGH DAMAGE / I'D FUCK PATHFINDER / ETC etc etc ad fucking infinitum. The generals are shit because they contain all the worst parts of each community that uses this board. Unfortunately, the MTG players still spill over constantly.

The only good general is the game design one, because it barely has any shitposters. Or posters at all.

>I find character art threads annoying, but they have good pics
I wish they would condense themselves better. There are two character art threads right now that link to one past thread. Not advocating for a general, but they should use the catalog and ask in the currently running thread instead of creating a new thread for every request.

Look, I get that generals are meant to contain the cancer. And that if you get rid of them the cancer just spreads, but if you look at the catalog you will see that there's always around 40 general threads, that is about one third of the board occupied by 24/7 threads of "dubious" quality.
I am not saying that we should just get rid of them, but maybe we should start cutting back or something?

The only people who bring up quests are anti-questfags. Literally find one post supporting quests here in this thread. You can't.

The boogeyman mentality is really, really stupid.

/wip/ is good if that even counts as a general. People are generally good to each other and give solid advice while posting their projects. It's about half the reason I still even come here anymore.

Rolled 5, 4 = 9 (2d6)

>tfw dicerolling has no purpose any more

At this point I feel like it would only make things worse. Maybe one day we'll have enough generals to make /tgg/ but as it is if we get rid of even the slowest and most boring general we'll just end up with more shitty threads.

Faction/setting/character generation threads nigga.

fuck off. questfag

It has plenty of purpose in creation threads. Just because you don't use it doesn't mean it doesn't get used.

See what I mean? You're jumping at boogeymen who aren't even in the thread.

Absolutely not. We need a mod who can spot shitty memes, bait posts, and decade-long arguments from a mile away AND is willing to dish out bans for them.

You can't discuss shit on Veeky Forums without a single autist derailing the thread. Veeky Forums needs a global rule of "Not hiding threads you don't like is a week-long ban" that gets enforced with an iron fist.

No one here knows what they like.

You can't rule Veeky Forums with iron fist. Large barbed dildo might do the job though.

Check out the Friendly Virtual Gaming thread, we've spawned a wargame setting (with 3d models in progress for use with free tabletop sim Battlebox 3d) and are building another setting too.

I dunno, I had fun for several months in the alt-Horus Heresy threads.

Quests need to stay in containment, and take CYOAs and other games with them.
Pol also needs to stay in containment, and the mods need to enforce that.

>All these "fuck off questfag" posts when the OP isn't pointing to anything in particular
Holy shit. This is something eldritch tier. Not even /pol/ can do this. You fags being this obnoxious really fires those neurons. Maybe, just maybe, it was a vocal minority all along, you fucking autists. Christ.

fuck off, questfag

If you go into a thread that's about "discussing X" and not "What's your opinion on X?" and you start shitting and pissing everywhere, you need to take a week off.

Hell, Veeky Forums should consider nested banning where responding to blatant rule violations gets you half of the previous poster's punishment, and maybe some vacations to fuck-off-city for this (you) autism as well.

We still get shit done, it's just slower now. We had Bug World last year which was one of the most fun settings I've ever worked on, a shitload of alt-heresy threads, creation tables, etc.

A big problem is everyone wants to be an "idea guy" and no one wants to get their hands dirty to actually design shit. We'll get the general idea done and then suddenly everyone vanishes when the step of making rules and systems inevitably comes up.

There are plenty of posters still around that I would like to see shipped of to Siberia with the qulaks, but I would say that I'm mostly happy, sure.

>We'll get the general idea done and then suddenly everyone vanishes when the step of making rules and systems inevitably comes up.

This. Projects especially tend to stick around if they get an artist, but really people with those skills are far between. People with the time/will to actually write stuff down are also surprisingly rare. I've only been here for about four years, but I don't think this is a new development. People only remember the stuff that got done, so all the stuff that didn't get done kinda just fades into practical non-existence.

Depends on the setting.


Now that toxic quest threads are gone, I can say that the board is much better.

I think we're in a pretty good way right now.
OC is still a little light, and low-effort bait threads last for hundreds of posts, but I think we're on the road to recovery.
It's a long road, and it's up to everyone to be the change they want to see.

I don't care one bit for the opinions of weeaboos, be he a mod or Jesus himself. Meta threads do not belong. Fuck off.

Board got much better without quests.

I miss the time when Veeky Forums was the de facto board for monstergirls. I don't actually miss the monstergirls, I just think the board in general had a good vibe at the time.

Remove generals. They're as bad as quests.

Yeah, everyone was way less angry back then. I suppose that might have been a knock-on effect of the then-popular "U Mad?" meme, though. People are much more willing to be angry about the internet lately.

/Perverted fantasy general/ is still here

wheres the KD:M thread?

Maybe you guys should get together and make a general thread for people who hate generals. Call it the Not A General Thread.

>It's a long road, and it's up to everyone to be the change they want to see.
This is a problem I've seen in a lot of forums over the years and I'm glad Veeky Forums is actually recovering. A lot of forums get into this kind of death spiral:

>shitposters come in
>shitposters push out quality posters because they realize the board's just not worth their time anymore
>normal posters whine about lack of quality posts and that all "the good posters" have left but refuse to make the good posts themselves and just whine
>repeat til forum is populated only by a small handful of shitposters til forum gets nuked

Ultimately, people have to be the change they want to see in the board. Quality posts won't get made unless you make them. Good content won't get made unless you bring it to the forefront. Shitposters won't stop unless you stop feeding them and make sure to report and hide their threads. Thankfully people are doing this, slowly.

Yes, let's make 95% of the threads related to Warhammer instead of keeping that shit contained. I am a 40kfag and know that's a bad idea.

I'll tell you why this is the case. I don't want to spend my time and resources designing shit, as you put it, for people I don't know, don't owe anything and don't get paid by. I'm also not completely bereft of ideas, and I'd much rather do something with those of my own. It also doesn't help that Veeky Forums's working ethics are shit.

I tried working with people on Veeky Forums in the past. Complete waste of time and disappointment. 90% of people do nothing and still think that their opinion should be listened to. When you actually do something, you get a couple of replies saying "cool dude", and then the idea guy circlejerk resumes ad nauseam.

I don't even mind being told what to do, if I'm being told that by people with a goal and a vision and not a bunch of lazy motherfuckers.

It wouldn't be so bad if you niggers kept to one general instead of making like 5 for the exact same shit. All of warhammer 40k should get condensed into one general, all of D&D should be condensed into one general, or generals should just fuck off entirely.

>if the only thing keeping this board tolerable isn't made much better we should just throw it out!


>What's wrong with it
This is why /qa/ is bad. Fucking, Gook.

I'm so glad we got rid of quest threads to make room for /pol/ shitposts.

i like you guys

But user, now it's your turn to fill this room with quality threads! Bitching about /pol/ won'r make them go away!

I remember when people complained about Nazi mods.

Hiro is making Veeky Forums worse.

its about as shit with or without quests.
still get plenty of shit threads and shit posters
generals are depressing

he's posting in on a lot of boards

co has one too.

We would get rid of it if retards learned that both right and left political speech is /pol/posting.

Can we forget quests?

Can we talk about the attitude alot of users on Veeky Forums as a whole act? Most people just go into generals to actually talk about shit which leaves a whole lot of "we dont actually play tradintional games but came for the memes" posts

Fucking this

Alot of the userbase on Veeky Forums is no better than /v/ currently we go from a bro tier board to a fucking cesspool where we are at each others throats most of the week

>Can we talk about the attitude alot of users on Veeky Forums as a whole act?
It's not worse than I remember it 4 years ago

MTG should have its own board, I'd say 3+ threads ar any given time should justify it

I feel its getting worse

complaining and shitposting about things you don't like is a viable tactic now.

people want nazi mods now

Delete Veeky Forums entierly and separate into /bg/ (board games) and /tgg/ (generals). At this point, Veeky Forums is redundant now that most of its topics are handled by Veeky Forums, /b/, /co/, /qst/, and /toy/.

Surprisingly yes. It's easy to find fun and interesting discussion nowadays. There aren't too many generals lately so they're easy to hide, and even the typical "elfslavewatdo" threads turn out to be entertaining at the very least.
The only problem lately has been the amount of /pol/ infesting certain threads, but even they've started to curve now that people are getting sick of their shit.

bg wouldn't generate enough traffic to validate its existence then again neither does qst

>complaining and shitposting about things you don't like is a viable tactic now
As it always has been

Ehhh I dunno man I love 40k and this website was the thing that got me into it. but the way alot of 40k threads can get currently is quite fucking cancerous.

Also the old "Veeky Forums is the easiest board to troll" is still in fucking effect actually I think it has gotten worse over the fucking years.

>Most people just go into generals to actually talk about shit which leaves a whole lot of "we dont actually play tradintional games but came for the memes" posts
I know we are getting into some kind of "true scottsman" fallacy here, but I have the feeling that a majority of Veeky Forums's userbase just doesn't roll any dice and is here to make shit up about fantasy.

>Kill Veeky Forums and then have two children which you should kill in the womb

Don't you mean seperate board games from Veeky Forums and rebrand Veeky Forums as "Traditional Generals"?

new boards are getting formed fromit nowadays

Were quest threads a legimate issue? I honestly just bounce between 2-4 generals and never had much trouble finding them thanks to the catalogue.

I've noticed a lot more "Shitposting" type threads filling the void left by quest threads, pointless bait and memelord breeding grounds

Another problem with generals is if they are to popular like the 40k general you can barely have a discussion

The 40k general takes the fucking bait so much its disgusting but I think its the only fast general around here right?

>Also the old "Veeky Forums is the easiest board to troll" is still in fucking effect actually I think it has gotten worse over the fucking years
I think people are more willing to take the bait and engage in obvious troll topics because they are generally bored