Couldn't see a thread so I'll start one with my anf my friends Alpha Legion army project
Post your shit, lets see em Veeky Forums!
Couldn't see a thread so I'll start one with my anf my friends Alpha Legion army project
Post your shit, lets see em Veeky Forums!
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And some Imperial Fists also
shiny. how did you get that blue?
Your shiny AL make me hard user.
For the Emperor!
Not so much. Strip and try again.
I painted this completely normal wizard last night. Any advice?
back view
That's a metallic base layer with blue washes over the top. Want to try that with my dark angels. Except in green. Might do for character models or Termies.
that been said, the shading on the green robe could use some work and im not sure about the staff, but the head looks nice
Another wash on the robe, maybe?
Staff was an afterthought, I admit.
Thanks for asking! I used a mix of 90% blue and 10% green with an airbrush. Diluted with thrinner about 50/50. These tamiya paints are really nice but behave totally different from normal acrylic paints.
[insight check failed]
I love his fluffy beard, that is one peaceful looking wizard
maybe a lighter shade of green first as highlights, then a wash?
Oh yeah what said. Metallic base with tamiya aluminum spray. Very good stuff, needs only one layer and the parts are completely covered.
Here's my finished Lord of Plagues!
Always looking for some feedback.
A guy on reddit posted these a couple of days ago.
Since I've seen them I've been wanting to make fantasy barricades myself, anyone got more inspirational pics?
And a group shot
looks good.
mate do you ever sleep? glad to see you brought the detail out on the axe a bit and toned down the verdigris. the horns look good, too.
t. nurgle guy again
I do, chances are because of timezones and the like it would seem it just REALLY like to paint.
How many points of nurgle do you have?
What's a good NMM tutorial? Thinking of painting some armor in some vibrant colors, but really want it to look good.
Great work.
The helmet and pauldron look a bit too clean imo.
That shiny blue hue triggered a childhood memory of my Z-bot collection.
My halfling rogue I made about a week ago. I just started trying out Non-metal metals, but i don't think it turned out great. The rest went well though.
fucking hate apple...
Maximum kek. Now watch as I flip thru the air while also flipping knives at you
I can always fix that up with some little pools of nurgle's rot
That seam and gouge on the dread's fist is killing me, man.
Hi, could you give a quick step by step of how you paint your alpha legionnaires? I'm tempted to give it a go on my alpha legion army.
Highlights on the legs are a bit thick/ scrappy, but looks great on the whole.
Well, he seems to have the acrobatics down....
Maybe put some more edgehighlights on the vest.
do a base coat with a light metallic paint, depending on how bright you want it to look. I used a fairly light tamiya aluminium spray. After that i did two/three layers with a mix of 90% blue and 10% green (tamiya also). Those paints are shiny themselves so i dont know how to achieve it with citadel paints. Maybe gloss varnish?
Also use an airbrus, it really makes it so much better
Sounds pretty simple. Thanks.
Looks great... but did you seriously photoshop your image?
about 1100. when i'm working again im gonna look at picking up a morbidex or a vortex beast done in nurgle colours. maybe some more blight kings, theyre great models, but so expensive. here's what im working on at the moment anyway, Otto von Bigsmark
here's my entire force.
I did another wash. Doesn't look all that different, though.
My first three minis
Liquitex basics acrylics
Valspar white primer
Different angle
Did you apply the paint with a face cloth?
00 brushes
I shoulda gone smaller
Primed more, thinned more, applied more layers
thanks for posting this one. I was on the fence with just one image, but seeing this blown out flash angle I can confirm that these are 1000000000000% shit. Keep it up though for real
What do you guys think about my Chaos Spawn?
Any sort of tips or critiques are welcome!
Just do one a a time bro and do a full base coat to start with. Thining of paints is wonderful as well. Practice makes perfect and welcome to the hobby!
So very good. It might be worth experimenting with splotches of unnatural skin color. And the bone bits could use some distinction from the flesh, unless that's intentional
I figured they were terrible. I basically expected such.
Is a base coat like spraying the whole thing solid white?
i like it, the colour tone makes me think of a tree, however
That marine has seen some SHIT
Like this?
Yeah now what color do you want it to be in the end? Color the entire mini with that color save metallics if you please. Make sure to do nice even thin coats. Do you have any washes?
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Defence arrays on fire off the shoulder of Tizca. I watched exterminatus beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
Continuing progress on the Sydonian Dragoon proxy. Still a lot of little details I'd like to add in.
Almost ready to mount up the rider, although I'll probably have to paint them separately before I jam them together.
That's pretty awesome user!
>Just bought my first kit, Getting Started Imperial Guard
>Super excited to open it up
>As I'm doing so I realize that I have literally never assembled a miniature before
>Much less painted it
What do
Fuck up a few like I did.
I shoulda primed my guys alllll the way white.
Also, I pulled them off the sprues and cleaned them with an xacto knife. Worked well.
Read the assembly instructions. Don't just try to strip the sprue all at once or you'll get all the bits confused.
Clarification: I am going for a white scars chapter. Hence white.
Its guard, you have lots of men to practice on.
Putting them together is easy, start with some standard ones, then get a little creative proxying or adding things.
I'd leave the Chimera until after you finished all the infantry.
Is white primer the way to go for Cadian-style guardsmen? Also, will the primer at something like a Home Depot work or is that asking for trouble?
Check online for tutorials, you should find Plenty.
Beats me
Check youtube for a tutorial
I feel like mini specific primer would be better, but is it worth the cost? No idea.
Better heads around here would know.
white primer is good if you want your skin tones and clothes to be lighter, and it makes it easier to get stuff like highlighting done if you're doing thin coats. the downsides are if you have any nooks or crannies you cant get a brush into (for guardsmen, between the rifle and chest) it'll be difficult to cover up the white.
for black primer, you have to do more layers for the lighter colours like skin and cloth, but any spots in corners you miss will just look like shadow anyway.
mini primer is ideal, but stuff like rustoleum automotive primer is fine too.
Thanks for the tips, feeling a little less worried now. I'll go check out youtube for tutorials, read on one of these WIP threads that Duncan is good.
You're gonna fuck a few up.
Accept and improve
Also, 000 brushes or smaller
At the largest, 000
also, guard are a great starter model, since it's literally
>left arm and right arm
heres a tutorial for a similar model from a guy that does some very clear tutorials. some of the techniques may be advanced, and he may talk about some stuff you're unfamiliar with, but if you just follow it visually you'll get a good general idea of how to paint a mini, and in what order etc.
I do 90% of my painting with a size 1.
FR? How? Where?
Looks great user, job well done
The most important part of a brush is the tip. As long as you have a good tip you want to use as large a brush as you can. Smaller brushes have their place, but generally using them just means more time cleaning and resupplying the brush and less time painting.
Thank you, both. Job's not done yet, though. I hope I can do such a neat concept justice, especially with paint.
What white primer do you use?
With a kolinsky sable
000 are shit. A sable 0, 1, or 2 will have the same tip as a sable 000 and more hairs to hold paint
Non sable 000 is just a few strands of shitty bristles
I don't. If I want something other than black primer I either use grey primer or prime back and then airbrush white paint on the areas I want brighter.
if thats an open question, army painter white, which is a primer+base. since it tends to be a bit cloggy sometimes, i mostly just use it for single models i want to paint as display pieces. i'm going to be swapping to light grey primer as a general priming colour.
All done. I feel "OK" with how he turned out. The metallic shinny armor I was going for just feels passable to me. Next time I think I will try it with GW's Artificer set.
Could anyone give me their feed back on WH: age of sigmar? I use to play 40k and fantasy a lot, but sold out to focus on MTG. AOS minis are awesome, but I'd like some opinions on the game rules. Any opinions to offer?
You should head to the AoS general for that. This is a painting thread.
It's an open question, yeah. I've seen a lot of wash-based painting and kind of like the way it looks, but I've already had white primer fry one box of models.
looks amazing buddy, especially the blood drop on the hammer.
did you forget to paint the bolter casings brass, though?
i came from a year of 40k playing to sigmar, and the simplicity of it was a breath of fresh air. once you learn the basic 4 pages of rules, all the stats and rules you need are on your units sheets. theres no looking up tables of shooting algorythyms and special rules pointing you to several other special rules pointing to a supplement to determine who can do what. it's just
'hits on a 3+, wounds on a 4+, with 1 rending." and if anything affects that, it'll be on the sheet of one of the units involved in the battle.
this was painted entirely with washes over white primer
I don't like it personally, but if you want something simple that doesn't require thinking then it may be for you.
Thanks. And no, the Bolter is done, but now I just realize what that area is so yes, I will go back and through some Balthsar and Agrax on there. Thanks for spotting that.
also these lil' fellas, washes over white primer for the skin tone, instead of a dark base layer and layering up to a white
40k = vintage
AoS = standard draft
>will the primer at something like a Home Depot work or is that asking for trouble?
I use rustoleum light grey auto primer from home depot.
It's really good and makes painting lighter colors a breeze. Just make sure you shake it for the full two minutes it recommends.
This is one of the lesser known side effects of eating indian food
Kek. 40k's more like EDH. What with the blatant favoritism
What's a good highlight to Temple guard blue? that isn't too contrasting?
When priming does the model need to be 100% covered black or can it be ever so slightly speckled with tiny bits of plastic showing through? I dont want fuck up the details by doing and more coats
Any modern comparison?
you should be able to have no plastic showing through without being too heavy on primer if you do it correctly, it takes practise.
i had a tank i didnt prime correctly and after i finished it, a bit of paint about 4mm across just flaked off my gun barrel to bare plastic
That's precisely the wrong thread to ask this. We don't care about the rules, we just like good looking minis, user.
>we like good looking minis
Blatantly untrue as evidenced by every thread.
Guy that triggered /hhg/ with Blackshields. Inspired by Black Dragons from 40k.
This is the first dude I've (mostly) finished. Still need to base and do touch-ups. He's also magnetized to use a flamer which I need to paint.
Actually pretty happy with how the protruding bones and dragon-bone-scale-things turned out.
I actually primed white and used Eshin Gray as a base instead of