Fuck I fucking love Necrons! Necron appreciation thread.
Fuck I fucking love Necrons! Necron appreciation thread
Get in here beep booters
will the aeonic orb be mentioned in the fluff?
as one of thise world engine-style weapons they have lying around
There needs to be a Necron triumvirate.
- The Silent King
- An intact C'Tan
- Female Necron
Me, too!
I'll port some
Some rustcrons
The Lord of rust
Remember anons. Flesh isn't life; Servos, gyros, and fuel, this is where life comes from. The others are merely defending by-product -- at best.
Destoyers.. Idk why they are going sideways the dont show up that way
You know what else isnt life?
Soggy biscut... Er rusty croissant
1+ for Trazin the "I do what I want! When I want" Thief King
Necrons are objectively the most boring faction. They are also the second most inconsequential behind Tau.
This guy thinks he's Fabius Bile.
Necrons used to be cool.
In fact, they used to be so unbelievably boring that it mentally scarred people into constructing delusions of their coolness to protect their sanity.
Nope. Mystery suited them better.
There was no mystery. There was like 3.5 different units that you could dump in a bucket of boltgun metal and call it a paintjob, and there was lore that was shorter and less insightful than this comment that you are reading.
Less is more when more is shit.
Regale us with stories of the old days user...
In the old days Necrons were not laughable Tomb Kings in space.
I think it's a shame they took away all the cool Cryptek toys - I really liked the super-tech spess wizard thing they had going on.
Also quite a fan of the canoptek constructs - they just seem so menacing.
I would definitely remove the pilot from a Triarch Stalker and have it as a giant scorpion/spider thing
Yup before they were just beep boop robots that killed for their star gods that had no personality what so ever.
How is that better than a Pick your own Dynasty and have some flavor they have now?
The Fluff still supports the mindless drone bit if you want so why do you think we were better off with 0 choices?
And things were great
it's an objective fact that Necrons are better than they've ever been
Less is more. We don't need a character digest for Jason Voorhees.
>better than they've ever been
Not him, I want my Cryptek toys, dammit!
Yeah, I'm with this guy...
Playing dress-up with the antediluvian, omnicidal killing machines is silly...
What do you guys want in 8e? I want more vehicles.
Probably not going to happen but I'd like a more melee focused army to be viable.
Old fluff already insinuated lords had personality.
Your lack of imagination to say your tombworld gave the c'tan the finger and went off to do it's own thing was not a good reason to rewrite years of lore and turn neurons into ineffectual cartoon villains.
The necron rewrite should have been a bunch of tomb world's awakening and telling the ctan to fuck themselves. Bam, neurons have personality (for the unimaginative and dim witted), c'tan aren't so unstoppable in their new necron civil war, and years of fluff aren't erased to appease chaos whiners complaining that a faction other than chaos is a main antagonist.
Come on, son, Nids are the most boring by far.
Great taste.
Cybertronians get out REEEEEEEEEE
Are Necrons the ultimate redpill?
Praise robo-Jesus.
I just mean fluffwise.
>not Szarekh, Imhotekh and Ahmontekh
New Triarch for galactic eminence M42.
I like how the only things good people can say about necrons is "the fluff used to be less shitty since there was no fluff." That's not exactly a ringing endorsement of the faction.
Seriously why are necrons even a thing? I almost never see them mentioned in other fluff. They never come up in stories or novels. For apparently being all over the galaxy, and possessing tech that could theoretically wipe out any other faction, none of the other factions seem to give a shit about them.
Well, the latest retcon to make Abaddon and Chaos in general more threatening has the purpose of the Black Crusades being to target and destroy ancient Necron anti-warp pylons scattered throughout the galaxy.
And they're an integral part of the War in Heaven, which led to the destruction of the Old Ones and the creation of the Eldar and the Orks, as well as the destabilizing of the warp necessary for the existence of Chaos.
I love you too, Mr. Legs!
That's because they were a threat that came out of nowhere.
>For the emperor
>Maim Kill Burn
>ground rumbles
>ground is necron
>air is scarabs
>mountains are monoliths
>holy shit, what are these things
>no body knows because nobody survived to tell the tale.
The old fluff is complete hush hush. Data on them within the universe is classified and very rare while the exposition dump only tell you what happened, not how it happened.
Newcron is basically midichlorines from the prequels. Explanation for things that no one needed and ruined the mystery of the thing permanently while doing it.
Thin your paints!
Nah, there was tons of Oldcron fluff.
It was great. They were unstoppable servants of Lovecraft-type critters, an existential threat on par with the Tyranids and Chaos.
Newcrons was kind of tonal whiplash, hence why so many oldsters like me hate them. They went from a primary villain faction to an at-best morally neutral comic relief faction. Even their creepy units (flayed ones) went from something bizarre to just dudes who really miss having dangly bits.
This would have been better. I'm hoping a later retcon will establish an independent C'tan fragment seizing several tomb worlds and going on a quest to reunite itself. Make everyone happy.
>Xeno dubs
What manner of sorcery is this?
I want to necrons in AoS. How would I go about doing this? I love the models but hate 40k.
You don't, for you should also hate AoS
Any faction that can make the big bad scared shitless I appreciate.
This is pretty much the reason I like newcrons; they can scare the designated bad guy without necessarily being a bigger bad guy themselves.
>no personality what so ever.
Necron Lords aside, that was one of their strengths, IMO. If you're going to give me an alien faction, don't just make it a bunch of Egypt stereotypes in space, with mustache-twiddlers like Trollzyn to turn it into a joke. Give me something weird and, well, alien.
The old lore definitely needed to be expanded upon, but I'm not a fan of the way they took it either. The hints of Tomb Kings/Egypt in their 2nd and 3rd edition aesthetics were already pushing it, IMO, and that was probably the last element of the faction that I'd have decided to bring into the foreground, if I were the one who ended up rewriting their lore.
personally as fan of tomb kings, with them as my only outlet for egyptian flavored undead now, I'm pretty okay with it, granted, I'd love to blend them with other cultural inspirations at least, like how the eldar blend multiple inspirations into a harder to pin point blending.
Maybe mix the rivalry with the old ones in some aztec inspirations, maybe some chinese aspects with some terracotta influences and rivers of mercury, have more lore bits focus on how the lords have to customize their bodies, how they have to express themselves with a motionless face in conversation, maybe imply that any time they speak aloud is for the benafit of outsiders they parlay with or taunt and they simply stream whole conversations between eachother.
so even speaking as a lover of the newcrons I can think of ways they can be even better
>made to look like alien skellies
>look like human skellies
explain this
They look more like Necrons than human skellies
Essentially, they look like humans for the same reasons that Eldar resemble humans, or orks resemble humans
Stylistic reasons
Oldcrons were amazing. The undying remnants of an ancient civilization, soulless slaves to Star Gods who were both evil and insane, brought the galaxy and their own people to ruin for the red harvest, one of the only things in the galaxy that was deadly enough to make the Eldar pause. The Necrontyr not only destroyed themselves but everything around them. Total grimdark.
Now look at them. A bunch of cuckbots wishing they could become men again with real weiners. They went from fearless destroyers of life to depressing robots that envy it. Not to mention pokemon. Total emo queers. Get Squatted. RIP.
I wouldn't mind Trazyn's kleptomania if it was bit weirder/scarier. He's basically the Collector and that's just lame.
Necrons really should never speak.
>necron love thread degenerates into newcron hate thread
It happens every time.
I just want more critiques like this one willing to enjoy the merits even as they have ideas to make it better
no they were bland and boring
In case you haven't noticed, newcrons have a SHITLOAD of Slav names.
more robot bugs, better designed flayed ones, a multipart C'tan shard kit similar to the chaos spawn kit
I did, and thats a great place to start for more ways to branch the aesthetic
Vanilla is a great icecream flavor.
who the fuck is that asshole?
tomb king or rattle rattle army
you paint them metal, add necron bits, and fluff them as undead from the realm of metal
bonus point if you manage to convert a metal dragon zombie with a metal skellies lord on it
>mfw I unironically like the old and new-crons
They should have kept shit like the red harvest in and mention and not totally disregard the C'tan in regards to their previous master plans. Sure they'd be double evil and shit but that would be nice. Mopey emo's wanting their former glory back whilst still fighting and trying to thwart the plans of those masters that robbed them of their greatness (which they partly defeated).
After reading more into Trazyn i've decided to get a Necron army.
They're filthy Xenos. They'll all die to the Imperium in the end anyway, Imotehk's already had his ass kicked twice and he's supposed to be the greatest Necron Lord there is. What a pussy
Trazyn's input is the only reason why Cadia didn't fall in the first minute of Abaddon's invasion.
Also the Necron pylons are the only thing that is keeping the galaxy from being consumed by the Warp.
So what the hell are you on about?
Pylons are irrelevant, we have the Emperor, just like Crons are irrelevant.
Name one.
The Emperor is a fraud. It was the pylons that kept the Warp sealed and kept it away for 60 million years. It was damage to the pylon network because of time and Abaddon's crusade that unsealed the warp and empowered Chaos in the galaxy.
Not to mention the Eye of Terror that put incredible stress on the network. If it weren't for the Cadians pylons, the Eye would have covered the whole galaxy at the moment of its creation.
Trazyn and his nicknames.
Maktlan Kutlakh.
>The Emperor is a fraud
You keep telling yourself that.
The Emperor literally singlehandidly strikes fear into the hear of all four Chaos Gods and can hold them all four back alone.
Xenos just jealous they aren't humans.
will necron ever get a 2+ armor save?
i want space terminators, big swole skeletons, even lychguard are pretty lanky
No, he doesn't. The Emperor couldn't defeat a single Undivided Daemon.
The Emperor contends with all four Chaos Gods at once, of course he can handle one Undivded Daemon
Trazyn is not a Slavic name and doesn't even sound like one - I tell you that as a Slav.
"Maktlan Kutlakh" sounds even less Slavic, in fact, it sounds explicitly Mesoamerican to me.
Nope. He is ran from Drach.
He beat Drachyen, he literally seals it and gets rid of it.
The Emperor wins that fight, like he wins all fights, he didn't run. The Emperor is literally the most powerful thing ever, stronger than everything else combinaed.
More like Cheeto Dustcrons
It's the equivalent of locking a door on a serial killer and running away.
The reason why the Emperor abandoned the Webway and fled was because he knew that Drach will eventually burst out of the custodes and come after him again. So he chooses to lose the war and seal the Webway which dooms humanity to be prey of Chaos forever.
The Emperor had to sit on the throne, that was the only reason he had to seal the hole, Drachyen had nothing to do with it
And the Imperium is still beating Chaos 8000 yearas later
Nope. The throne was being fed psykers and was running on auto.
The Emperor tried his best to win the Webway war but the moment Drach stepped out of shadows, it was over. Any chance of the Emperor's winning was lost.
And the Emperor literally does nothing about Chaos. The pylons are what's up.
>tfw I like newcrons better than oldcrons
>tfw I like the over-the-top personalities
>tfw I think they fit the tone of OG 40k much better than they ever did as terminators
>tfw I love that they're bright enough to be able to cooperate with other races
Fuckin' fight me oldfags
They are Eldar/Dark Eldar lite. If you like that go with the real deal.
I mean seriously, they use the Webway and have their own seers? How can you not be embarrassed playing this army that's been written by a hack? KYS.
I like newcrons too user. Its nice being able to actually have characters have conversations and not just kill nonstop all the time or else be in stasis.
I mean oldcrons were just metallic Tyranids.
Actually, the oldcron lord had their own personalities and could and have talked. There were also Pariahs which were cool.
They had a dignity of not being metal Eldar and had their own FTL instead of piggyback riding on the Webway like losers.
At least Tyranids have the advantage of having a sizeable and diverse army, even if the lore is shit. Not everybody plays for the lore, most people do it for gameplay or painting/modelling.
The original Necrons were just ATROCIOUS
The Newcrons don't contradict the old fluff, in fact the old fluff is simply an example of the Imperium's perspective of the Necrons. Newcron fluff even mentions how the Eldar know very little about the Yingir but are certain that the Imperials don't know shit and get it even more twisted with every piece of information they acquire.
Who else here runs a huge army of Warriors and Immortals with Anrakyr at the head?
You can have a 2+ and be terrifying, but only if you're a bosscron.
Though if you add the deepstrike thing then your lord has basically become a horror movie villain - they pop up from nowhere, have an aura of fear and a hell of a save, and being a 'cron they regenerate too.
Now I'm thinking about having a kill team type game with a cron lord (or other lone, powerful model with a load of gear) vs an equivalent points worth of low end grunts in tight confines, like a ZM board.
Not seeing what your problem with Newcrons is then. If the Lords had personality back then, then who cares if they have personality now?
So your entire objection comes down to them using the Webway?
Also the Necron aren't the Eldar at all. Craftworld and Dark Eldar are both enormously different to the Necron. Other than being old technologically advanced races they have little to nothing in common.
isnt the explanation that the crazy malfunctioning necron woke up first, and they are the reason that everyone thinks that they are all like that?
Not to mention that the Eldar technology works on magic, whereas the Necrons can't use it at all.
I'm not gonna lie that concept sounds like it could be a lot of fun actually