Make /aosg/ comfy again Edition
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Make /aosg/ comfy again Edition
>General's Handbook pdf army builder
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Stormcast A BEST.
Elves A SHIT.
yeah he invalidated all afterlives but those he had control over, save chaos, hence why he sees the reforging process Sigmar and his boys are doing as theft, after all the domain of the souls of the dead is entirely his, he stole it fair and square.
Unleash your hate, Anons
Is this game good yet?
if you were in charge of designing new models for the Seraphon range, what would you add?
A flying dread saurian
I'm not sure what you expected to come of this.
Fucking thread limit.
The realms are infinite so I'm declaring that there are temples to the dead god in cities like excelsis and hammerhal where travellers from the realm of death come and perform the funeral rights of those who have passed on, give death to those who seek it and ensure the restless dead of the many realms find their way to the side of the dead lord.
They wear grey and purple and their temples are often built above vast catacombs, some elaborate, some unofficial.
They don't seek death, they merely see it as the true destination of the living and as such, act to ensure that those who pass on are fit for their journey to the realm of nagash.
They have no real care for the affairs of the living and no real interest in wealth or fame, and as such have been known to act as advisers and confidants to many lords and ladies in the cities of the moral realms.
As a rule they are disturbed by the stormcast eternals, seeing them as deathless perversions of the natural order at best and at worst, reckless destroyers of life who cause the souls of the slain to linger in pain and torment.
They are also fine alchemists and will go from home to home giving health or a peaceful passing to the sick and ill.
Most of their ranks are made up of soldiers who have seen far to many die, or orphans taken from the brink of death and raised in the temples to become monks priests and undertakers.
Generally pretty chill guys who would rather not force death upon any because they think it's bad luck to bring death force the hand of the death gods, but can be played on the table using flagellants for monks and amethyst wizards for high priests.
Have been known to fall into necromancy but as a rule their order feel that the control of the dead is a gift only the god of death himself should have and so they shun the necromancer and the vampire, believing them to be cursed false prophets.
Witch hunters often employ them during times of plague & haunting.
my FLGS is running a 2k team tourney. You and a friend bring 1k lists and pair up. Im bringing my ironjawz and hes planning on ranged, but isn't sure.
I planned on bringing my standard ironjaw list of Boss, Chanter, 2 brute squads, 2 ardboyz in an ironfist for 1k even. Should this be good enough? Or should I do 10 man brute squad and 2 ardboyz with the same heroes, or forego the heroes and do just an ironfist of megabrutes and 2 ardboyz?
Nope, it's still a game for little girls user, don't even try it. I wish I could play this amazing WHFB but I'm to young
and 9e is dead because it was a shit with terrible fanbase like WHFB before its dead
God 9th eds fanbase. Never have a met a worse lot of rude condescending self entitled autists. And I work in a fucking game store.
I respected them at first because they were trying to make something, but then nothing came of it, what happened?
Salt, to much salt user. They were like cancer, forcing everyone to take part in their necrophilia festival. The worst were store owners - making everything they could to sell as few AoS stuff as possible. It was madness
.... what!
I get not liking a product but n some level protest can go to far, deliberately sabotaging your own game product is just suicidal, I guess that's what happens when you try to make a game out of hate instead of love
Did you see their development hierarchy flowchart? Administrative over complication happened.
On top of that they fell into the same trap they denied was a problem, that no one payed for anything that would actually keep the game in a state of development and growth.
A few companies jumped on the band wagon because their sweet gig of leeching of GWs IP had come crashing down, but no one was actively buying anything because most of the people playing 9th ed were using unpainted armies they've had for 20 years.
Don't tell me they pump any money into the hobby, they are the cheapest fucking customers in the store. (or they were until they just gave up and started playing KOW like every other non whiney player)
Also this, they were united by a mutual hatred rather than a mutual love of their game. They didn't like 8th ed enough to play it or support it more, so they just made a fan edition as a rebellion against AOS and then ran out of steam .
Some guy on lustria made stalling turtle variants that looked incredible
Can be equipped with long range siege equipment or an upgraded howdah. Specializes in area denial, causes damage when it dies (like the giants)
>update the fucking saurus warrior
>Gallimimus light cav
Ridden by skinks, exceptionally fast, ranged attacks, can hinder enemy movement
> some kind of shock cav
Saurus knights a shit but I'm not sure what they would be modeled after
I have described my story few threads ago. It was like
>Hi mister seller, I would like to try this new AoS game. What should I buy?
>Nothing - noone is playing AoS here
>But why
>Because noone wants to buy this terrible stuff
>B-but why?
>Because noone is playing here. Listem me man, AoS is like a chess for small kids. If you want to play real game you should try 9e with us
Man, I thought it was just a stupid aosg meme until I found THIS GUY. It was terrible
honestly I was among the salt for a bit but the bitterness wore off and I gave the setting a chance, the only move I truly think was a pure mistake now was axing the tomb kings
I think we all were on some level. I was on board with AOS since I hated the fantasy rules but even i was pissed at the fact that the old fluff, the really cool moorcock stuff was gone. But it's coming back in drips and drabs.
it's not gone, they're just doing something new. The old story is still what it was.
Stories need a shake up or a redo after a couple decades. It wasn't a well handled ending, but I don't blame them for wanting to move on.
The release of AoS was also handled like ass, but it's being handled much better.
elves better
>I'm not sure what you expected to come of this.
just in case it comes up at some point later.
also elves when?
>Le edgy aelf riding a t-rex
WHFB was a mistake
Trust me man the fluff i really missed hadn't seen the light of day in years . I think it didn't help that when AOS dropped i was doing a placement in an ex limestone quarry on the Jurassic coast. All windswept stone, caves and fantasy style overgrown canyons got me thinking about oldschool fantasy stylings.
Didn't stop me jumping into AOS, I just need those little bits of small scale grit that add the setting, and like i said, they're coming. city of secrets was a great start.
It was never meant to be taken as seriously as it was, This was around the time when the humour was still here but the players began investing too much in the setting and trying to make it seem serious.
(probably around the time that started happening with alot of things desu.)
Oh Jesus not a 1+ save that's a typo, it should be 4+
>It was never meant to be taken as seriously as it was, This was around the time when the humour was still here but the players began investing too much in the setting and trying to make it seem serious. (probably around the time that started happening with alot of things desu.)
come on they are sick as fuck
>dark elves should get the best toys
Cool models yeah, but like alot of things in warhammer you just have to accept that they are mental and take that in your stride, which alot of people seem incapable of doing when it comes to the sillier sides of the setting.
(Or they play orcs and make everyone wonder why their parents didn't have them institutionalised when they start WAAAGHing all over the store.)
all of this is true
>they play orcs and make everyone wonder why their parents didn't have them institutionalised when they start WAAAGHing all over the store
Fuck, lost
Also AoS Orruks >>> WH40k Orks
sadly true, I just feel like at this point the settings should be made crossover compatible
I think if GW were to do it it would have to be handled carefully. As I say, People invest alot more in the settings now than 30 years ago and they want serious self contained worlds with strict borders, not the oldschool mad fantasy of the 80s.
What they could do is release something similar to the old realm of chaos books and have the two setting links through the warp again, then allow you to plan gangs and armies in the realm of chaos. Then you can go back to having warriors of chaos with plasma pistols from the gods and lost marines leading bands of holy knights.
It would have to be done extremely tongue in cheek, but man it would be a cool way to add some oldschool style to the settings which have both become very very serious lately.
exactly, remember the tourniment that ended with three people getting holy relics as their prizes to use in WHFB with official licensing allowing them, past the fluff they were a lasgun, a laspistol and an auspex unit
Wasn't there also a campaign where a suit of power armour was basically broken up into many relics? Or are we thinking of the same one? I remember there being a power fist that went to the dark elves, the armour going to the dwarves and the bolt gun going to the empire.
Does someone have a link to the new Tzeentch book?
there was a power fist but I remember a lasgun and an auspex as as well, but more stuff like that would be great especially for chaos players who have lots of overlap potential as it is, honestly with the realms I thought they were going to open it, up to more stuff like that
For me it's not about the setting. I mean lore is important to me but look at the models. Ironjawz and BS look amazing while 40k orks look like a shit. I was thinking about jumping into AoS with Jawz and 40k with Orks SC! and Armoured Assault. You know, I could use minis from both games in one army, make neat conversions etc but holy fuck - when I saw orks IRL I want to cry. They are like plastic blobs from 80s. Their lore is also shit. GW wanted to have a gore comedy but them end with something both unfunny and flat IMO
>auspex unit
SC has those
Again,the problem is time.
When GW started every faction was a parody homage to old school fantasy and 80's new wave fantasy, mixed in with good old british art school punk styling.
40k was the pinnacle of this, literally taking the fantasy setting and sticking it in space for the lols.
People liked it, they were on board with it.
Then they liked it so much they started making their own content, but they were too invested and so it became more serious.
Then that content influenced new players to make everything SUPER serious.
That's how we went from violent but comedic orcs to "not really funny but we're too far in to stop now" orks in 40k.
The new ironjaws have some comedy in them,like painting their armour yellow to pretend they have dead stormcast armour, and desu I think it's a better direction than trying to keep the old school orc style humour alongside the new hyper violent fantasy.
There are cults that worship dead gods. Khaine is dead, yet some aelves still worship him. Cool idea for an army, hole to see what you do with it.
Guess who got their dorfs in the mail
Cool. ~Maybe the dead god worshippers worship ALL former gods of death since you know, dead gods of death are just doubly dead godish.
Probably nothing except a little back story for a few hinterlands characters.
Good for you, I want to play dwarfs too but I'm waiting for their start collecting
then here is the question, how do we thematically fix orks, because i love the premis of fungal super soldiers gone wild
10 man murder squad is a must. Anything it hits dies.
And why bother to bring any hardboys. Your teammate with ranged shit can sit on objectives. Your job is to charge forward and kill anything in reach before you die.
> What is a sunblood
Y u need special snowflake
>Chaos Dwarfs
>Getting a Start Collecting ever
They better fucking not given how much I paid for them, jesus.
So then bring gore gruntas? Or 2 ten man squads and a 5 man squad? Ten man and 2 five mans?
For me they need more purpose than just destruction for destruction sake. Look, I'm not saying mushroom anarchists aren't fun,but it makes them seem like pointless mooks in narrative terms.
They need a city, A village, a home life. They need to be simple but proud promitives that inhabit the badlands and the mountain valleys in the wilder parts of the world, moving with the seasons and hunting wild beasts. Every now and then they unite or are tricked into waging wore by some great warlord or sorcerer, or a few band together into mercenary groups for a season to bring gold and tales back to their tribes.
Was can totally be their cultural linchpin, But waging war with a purpose, for glory or home or for the promise of a good after life is what gives a solid character base to build humour onto.
once you have that, you can say "hey, this army? They were employed by a lord of the empire to fight the filth of the realm, but not really getting what he meant, they spent their time waging war a nd then tirelessly cleaning every part of the battle field. After many battle they united under the banner of their own leader known as UZZ THE GLEAMING, who leads them across the realms waging war for glory and shining cleanliness. "
They just need some purpose that makes them into actual 3d beings that can have humour injected into their actions and motivations, rather than 2d death monsters with silly names.
It was the old Albion campaign for WHFB.
Dark elves got the right to use new 'magic items' which were a not power armor suit (3+ save that couldn't be modified) a not power fist, and something else.
Some faggot?
That's the one! cheers user.
Fuck no not gore Gruntas. Ever. Which is sad, as I too love the models.
A 10 Orruk blob, with 2 inch weapons, and two five orruk units with two weapons. You NEED an iron fist to keep them maneuverable. The chanter is there to bluff them, and battle brew megaboss to bluff them when they hit small guys, and to multi charge and force the opponent to make hard choices in combat priority.
Np man
i thought i saw mentioned somewhere that the astral compass just lets the unit come in on any board edge you choose
I heard the same. But I don't know for sure.
What's the fancy red box? Shartter?
IDK I just thought it was a cool concept famalam
Those dinos with the bone dome to ram shit?
Pachycephalosaur? I hadn't thought about them although that would be pretty cool
A stegosaurus or dilophosaurus unit would be neat too.
I play storm cast but more seraphon models are high on my wishlist
Remember that AoP board someone made with a giant lizard covered in skinks? Something like that with a whole skink village on it's back would be cool.
( I have a fucking hard on for war beasts with cool shit on their back because I read too much 80's sci fi and have seen heavy metal too many times.)
well, theyd have to fluff the shit out of it. but more niche ranges. Something super heavy to compete with the big bads of other factions. Dread saurian yeah i know, but damn, there so much potential.
I know it wouldnt happen, but I think that they do need more models, but i dont want stuff that is there for the sake of being there like SE has.
Damn beautiful model, and well worth the price
Neat af
more skinks, more magic lasers.
Cool shit user, good for you.
I'm honestly scared as fuck to even paint it, it's such a god damn beautiful model. I'm going to wait and do this one last.
How would this do at 1k level? At 1.5k I'm adding 2x5 blightkings and a harbinger who will be the general cus grear uncleans command isn't amazing
looks strong
A mob of tiny dino's. Like packs of raptors or those lil fuckers from Jurassic Park II. I think the idea of the Seraphon using warbeasts like the salamanders/razordons has a lot of potential.
My fear though, is that the fluff behind any new units might be handled poorly.
Also, has it ever become any clearer on the topic of the armies the Slann are summoning being actual entities? Or just physical projections that are nothing more than fodder and memories?
Another thing, the Slann and elves were able to control magic in its entirety. Are they stuck using Azyr power? I would love to see a Slann buffed with Aqshy power.
>Damn beautiful model, and well worth the price
>he said to himself to prevent uncontrollable vomiting when he realized how much money he paid for various plastic lumps.
pic related user
>Slann and elves were able to control magic in its entirety. Are they stuck using Azyr power? I would love to see a Slann buffed with Aqshy power.
are the old winds of magic even still part of the official game lore in the current setting? I feel like that whole aspect got ignored completely unless I missed it.
>being this poor
>says im poor
nice head cannon
even you gota admit those forgeworld prices are stupid though
Not really, unlike GW they actually sculpt the models themselves instead of using CAD now, and the quality is phenomenal. Not every FW model is great, but they are still generally fantastic even at their lowest point.
See? But when a slann uses magic, its almost always magic that doesnt see solely based from Azyr. I think it would have been better to keep the Slann as masters of all magic, but shacking up in the Azyr realm as its base of operations, which still lets them summon armies. The whole "saturated in Azyr but does has plot related abilities" is a weird for me. I get that AoS is still growing, and the whole shtick is that is up to your imagination. But I can see them putting a limit on the realms eventually, when Order brings "order" to the realms. We have hammerfall already. "the first and greatest city." I want novels from there explaining shit. Not a bunch of half-facts like city of secrets had.
alright. consider me convinced.
Now post a pic next week of it all painted up nice to the level such an amazing model deserves to justify what you paid for it.
Nah bruh, I ain't painting this for a while, I have a shit load of the other dwarves to batch paint first
>let's just make them into dindu nuffin WOW orcs with homes and deep personalities
As bad as GW fluff is, I'm glad none of you write for them
I always liked the phrase, "Orcs are a gang of football hooligans whose favourite team is themselves.?
I actually like the noble savages orc thing, but i think it works for warcraft, but not for warhammer
Not him, but I think the material cost for forge world stuff is higher too
they actually do have dwellings and economies, their "Teef" based economy is actually explored, they decay over time, preserving scarcity, orks shed teef over time ensuring nobody is broke, and any ambitious ork just needs to punch a rival to get more teef, a victory against nids is an economic boon, in older fluff they also had wild rickety amusement parks they'd make, they also have a multitude of different squigs that naturally form in their fungal ecology, most of which seem genetically tailored to a use to the orks, from paints, food, pets to fucking hair plugs
thats for 40k. Age of sigmar, all we know is that pigs they ride shit the armor they wear.
>That hat and bracelet
R u a grill?
If so that's nice, but you should probably give the hair on those elves a highlight or a shade, it's kinda flat right now
the slann "remember them into being" but in the tome they are described talking and interacting with the slann, the ambiguity there is, are thet created as beings with their own personality and soul? or is it the slann playing pretend with mind puppets like pic related
Oh my God, user! You can't just *ask* someone if they're a gril!
The orkosystem's still canon in 40k, it's just that it don't come up often since the game's about fighting not home life AND they're xenos
We know more than that. Like how a lot of orcs are prone to hearing their gods in their heads. Usually in the form of some sort of beat
I REALLY wanna make a /pol/ tier joke about that but I'll refrain.
But the colors on the hair of those models are so flat!
See, I hope with more updates they will be a little more direct. These vague statements arent really helping. I remember the bit about a Slann "releasing" some shit into the wilds. Or the time when a summoned warrior had died, and later it had a scar(or am I mistaken?) when they are summoned, are they just energy with all the instructions they need to function? Or do they chill around above sigmars crib waiting to fight?