How is it possible to hate the Space Wolves? I get they are the most popular ie. played faction of the most popular ie. played faction in the game and people love to be contrarian but come on...
How is it possible to hate the Space Wolves? I get they are the most popular ie. played faction of the most popular ie...
DAWG, I am right there with you
Some faggots (KSONS, AMIRITE), who are total fags, are just too jealous.
Everyone is just jealous because we are the EMPERORS EXECUTIONERS dawg. It's like right there. We EXECUTE. For the Emperor!
Also, Leman Russ is the best Primarch. Hands down bro. He is totally undefeated, and you just KNOW he killed those two other primarchs. You just KNOW.
PLUS... MUTHA FUKKEN Wolves. Wolves are the best, and WE. GOT. WOLVES. There is nothing better bro, NOTHING, than the wolves. Marines riding wolves, fighting with wolves, fucking wolves, shooting guns with wolves, Wolf armor, Wolf blades... we are the were wolf's dawg. And it rocks.
mostly cause memes and furries that's all
It ain't legit hate.
(this probs bait)
The Luna Wolves were more wolfy than the space wolves desu lad. The most wolfy thing about the sw back then was Russ was titled the Wolf King
Absolutely the most retarded name in a franchise full of retarded names.
Absolutely terrible aesthetics.
Overpowered as fuck.
Mutant loving heretics.
Massive hypocrites.
Played be sweaty neckbeard dogfuckers.
Blatant favouritism by the writers.
No redeeming features.
Because fa/tg/uys feels threatened by alpha chads so they make up shit to make themselves feel better and congregate to NEET armies like TS or autists like DA.
Or it's just memes, the Space Wolves are pretty ok. Some people just dont get that SW embrace the utter ridiculousness of the setting.
The Wolfy McWolfen Wolfington riding a Wulfen Wolf wearing pelts made of wolves by wolves and using wolf axes gets a bit too heavy on the wolf.
They also lost one of the most defended worlds in the Imperium like faggots.
There okay,its mostly just memes
I however, am a blood angle type guy(give it yiffers,we have best primarch and second best gimmick)
>mfw meme loving newfags and transsexual sons don't know there are no Wolves on Fenris and the Vlka Fenryka are the most group in the setting
meant to say
>most metal group
Wasn't the whole wolf thing mis/lazy translation? Don't they use scandinavian terms like Jarls, Huskarls, etc between themselves? Hell, aren't their name (Space Wolves) a mis translation? Don't they call themselves "Fenris Folks" or something?
Because Space Marine + [well-known historical theme] is the lowest form of creativity.
Because the name is retarded. Because Thunderwolves are retarded. Because Wulfen are retarded.
Because Murderfang with his Murderclaw-tipped Murderfists, and the Wolf Lord of the Space Wolves armed with a Wolf Axe and wearing a Wolf Cloak, riding a giant Wolf and accompanied by Fenrisian Wolves.
Because their sperglord teen fanbase never shuts up about how le totes kewl they are, kek ;^)
Because the fanbase also thinks they're somehow being different or original by playing Space Furries instead of the usual vanillastartes, but it's really all the same shit with only minor differences.
>Fenris Folks
Please let this be true.
Ironically, vanillastartes aren't even that vanilla anymore because everyone stopped playing them for that association.
It's gone full circle, and that's a bad/good sign.
They replaced every other word with Wolf and made the Wulfen models much worse. The writers and scupltors deleted literally every redeeming value the army ever had.
Wasn't the change from "wolf-[insert]" to Jarls and whatnot just something that came with later editions?
It means "people of Fenris" iirc. The Luna Wolves on the other hand have a formation/organization named the Mournival, name their Primarch "Lupercal" and he also wears a wolf coat.
But do LUNA WOLVES take the knot?
Did think so brah. Didn't think so.
>shitty forced meme
>implying Abaddon isn't taking the knot right now.
I mean just look at that awful hairdo
Space Wolves? More like based wolves!
>hurr durr we're not actually stupid barbarians but we just think and act like stupid barbarians all the time and if you think that we're stupid barbarians just because we are stupid barbarians then you just got tricked *wet leopard growl* my name is NOT Bear XD
>hating on Dan Abnett
holy hell my man please kill yourself
They wear fur.
Everyone knows that only assholes and dirty southerners wear fur.
If you hate SW that means you support PETA.
you are worst yankee. you are the yankee idiot you are the yankee smell. return to new england. to our pennsylvania cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,west virginia we will never forgeve you. hillbilly rascal FUck but fuck asshole yankee stink union kansas shmansas..battle of fredericksburg best day of my life. take a bath of dead yankee..ahahahahahBOSTON WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget john wilkes booth.fords theater we kill the king , dc return to your precious maryland….hahahahaha idiot yankee and catholic smell so i can smell it. REMOVE CHOWDER FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. south carolina+virginia+texas+georgia=kill union…you will war of northern aggression/ dale earnhardt alive in dixie, earnhardt racing cars in dixie . fast driver earnhardt dixie. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of dale earnhardt… you are ppoor stink yankee… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a crab shack
dale earnhardt alive numbr one #1 in dixie ….fuck the north ,..FUCKk ashol yankees no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. earnhardt aliv and real strong wizard kill all the yankee farm aminal with car magic now we the south rise again .kenya presidant barak obama fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and union wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. confederacy greattst countrey
The better question is, how is it possible to like the Space Wolves?
the first legion is cool but I tend to lean to the loyal legions
I'm on the fence.
On one hand, they're cool (space vikings are very cool, no matter what anyone says), they're really nice to the little people and they're pretty fun. And of course, they're loyalists.
On the other hand they have the undisputed worst loyalist Primarch (and one of the worst in general), the writers wank them too much and the wolf time gets overdone.
They are loyalists. They're just super ashamed that they allowed heresy in their legion and that their father got his shit pushed in by an old man who wasn't even a Space Marine.
Wow. This is the single most retarded post I have ever read, and I include /b/, /v/ and /pol/.
How are you enjoying your first week?
>Worst loyalist Primarch
that's not true at all. Russ was the one Primarch whose loyalty and resolve was beyond doubt by all. Really only him and Dorn, and Dorn you could argue was so trusted because he was close at hand to the Emperor and Terra for most of the Crusade and Terra. Russ was often out on his own and they still trusted him without doubt
how new are you?
>Russ was the one Primarch whose loyalty and resolve was beyond doubt by all
Because he was literally The Emperor's attack dog. We are talking about a guy who gleefully accepted orders to kill his own brother without a second thought.
>le badass spehs viking warrior without peer
>got knocked the fuck out by Lion
>got his shit pushed in by Angron
>always started shit with everyone
>accepted orders to kill Magnus without a thought
>Magnus could have literally ended his entire legion before they landed on Prospero, but let them come, because he was depressed and suicidal
>only fought back when he saw all his sons were gonna die
>still held back despite being able to obliterate Russ
>Russ goes all out and fuck him up
>Magnus forced to join Tzeentch
Basically, he was a prick who boasted all the time and started shit with everyone only to get his ass kicked and the one fight he won was against a guy who could have fucked him up worse then anyone else but held back, and he drove one of the best Primarchs and Legions to Chaos. Russ is an asshole.
They've become completely about WOLFWOLF AWOOO instead of being the kickass space vikings they used to be. They even have retarded shit like the wulfen and the fucking hover sleigh pulled by wolves.
Bjorn didn't get interred in a goddamned dreadnought to see his brothers fall so low.
confirmed retard. Your post is so wrong and memy it's not even funny
Magnus go to bed you big gay red nerd
Suck my dick furfaggot.
Magnus is not even my favorite Primarch or anything, i can just acknowledge how retarded Russ is.
Well, thereare TONS of reasons to hate Wolves:
- They are hypocrites of the highest order
- They revel in their barbarity
- They are easily manipulated and don't feel ashamed for that
- They think civilian casualties and collateral damage is fun
- They are total pricks to everyone and never shown respect for anyone who's not a Space Wolf
- Despite all of that they are so self-righteous and arrogant Ultramarines look tame and modest in comparison
- Fury
- Wolf overload
- Get victories pulled out of writers asses all the time
>They are hypocrites of the highest order
>They revel in their barbarity
>They are easily manipulated and don't feel ashamed for that
>They think civilian casualties and collateral damage is fun
Literal opposite of Space Wolves.
>They are total pricks to everyone and never shown respect for anyone who's not a Space Wolf
I thought they respect the fuck out of The Guard.
>Despite all of that they are so self-righteous and arrogant Ultramarines look tame and modest in comparison
>Wolf overload
>Get victories pulled out of writers asses all the time
Also get their (and especially their Primarch's) numerous humiliating defeats ignored by their autistic fans and damage controlled by their autistic writers.
>Literal opposite of Space Wolves.
One case of Logan getting angry over Inquisition killing civilians (which is more "you're undoing my work" than an actual concern over their lives) don't override 10k years of genocide and indiscriminate murder.
>Muh black library writer isn't shit
All black library writers are shit. The pretending to be retarded space wolves thing is just stupid and edgy. Space Wolves were much better when they were just space vikings. They like to fight, they like to kill, they like to drink.
too much of a tryhard.
>They are hypocrites of the highest order
> How.
There is a Space Wolf story of how some Space Wolves helped a planet rebel against their Dark Eldar lords on the premise of 'We the Space Wolves are here to help free you of your oppressors and stop your men and women from being sent to places unknown'. Space Wolves and planetary rebels eventually kick the Dark Eldar off and just as the rebels were celebrating the Space Wolves said 'Great. C'mon load up, we got to take you guys to places unknown'. The rebels protested and got chain axed to the face and the Space Wolves forced the men and women of the planet to get into ships and become guard
They're arguably the biggest hypocrites in the entire 40k universe, not counting the Emperor himself.
They're smug, self-righteous fuckers with absolutely zero self-awareness.
They're also bloodthirsty savages with hyper-advanced weaponry who excel at murdering the absolute hell out of what they're pointed at, but they're absolute shite at everything else. They're aware of this fact and make no attempt to improve on their shortcomings, instead getting ultra-defensive about anything they're not great at.
They're downright fucking stupid and have never gotten any real comeuppance for the massive amounts of shit they've caused.
There are no wolves on Fenris.
>instead of being taken by Dark Eldar, literally the worst fate possible in a universe that prides itself on being horrible, they get recruited into an army
I mean, yea. The only way that planet is gonna get Imperial protection is if they recruit from it.
>They're downright fucking stupid and have never gotten any real comeuppance for the massive amounts of shit they've caused.
I agree. Magnus did fuck them up pretty bad, though.
Honestly I am a PP fan and I love muh warmachine. However, playing space vikings is enough of a lure that if I had the funds, I'd make a space wolves army.
I think you are thinking of the World Eaters, Sons of Horus, Iron Hands, Thousand Sons or Blood Angels
>not counting the Emperor himself
I wish this meme would die.
Emperor is IMPOSSIBLY old, wise and powerful. There is no way you can begin to grasp the inner workings of a mind belonging to a being like that. Add that to the fact that he spent a hundred thousand years watching humanity repeat the same mistakes over and over and OVER again and keep fucking everything up, while not being able to truly connect with anyone because all of his associates die literally in a blink, and you get someone who becomes EXTREMELY detached and unable to trust humanity not to fuck everything up again. Just the fact that he STILL gave a shit after all he witnessed shows how much he truly cares about us.
>Thousand Sons
>Blood Angels
I think this furfag is beginning to transform.
Honestly, it's not enough, in my opinion; not enough to 'settle the score,' anyway, but I DID just finish reading A Thousand Sons in the past few weeks, so my Space Wolf hate levels are like fucking maximum right now.
I honestly like the idea of them, their aesthetics, and they're cool in a vacuum or when paired up against really brutal enemies like Greenskins, but it's real hard to like them when they fall into that 'kill everything we can and the survivors will follow the Emperor' camp. Night Lords did the same thing, inarguably worse actually, but they got away with it because they never thought of themselves as heroes or the good guys - they saw themselves as the necessary evil. The Space Wolves will never see themselves as anything but the greatest heroes of the galaxy.
Fuck Space Wolves.
It's possible to care a lot and still be a hypocrite, dogg.
>Magnus did fuck them up pretty bad, though.
Best part it only worked because he fucked them lightly 8k years before that and Wolves were stupid enough to decide "fuck, we didn't need that wulfen curse cure anyway, let's continue pretending we don't have a crippling gene-seed flaw that would fuck us over if we happen to lose our home-world"
Citation needed
>It's possible to care a lot and still be a hypocrite, dogg.
But it is impossible for you, someone with a inherently limited grasp on life, to comprehend the mindset of a true immortal.
>I DID just finish reading A Thousand Sons in the past few weeks, so my Space Wolf hate levels are like fucking maximum right now
>When you realize that the Sons could have obliterated the furfags' fleet as it exited the warp and won easily
>when you realize that Magnus could have ENDED Russ at any point during their ''battle''
>when you realize Wolves are too fucking retarded to realize any of this and believe they totally kicked the Sons' asses in a fair fight
Like i said, you accusing him of hypocrisy is like an ant trying to grasp a humans mind.
member that time when the Thousand Sons tortured their own civilian remembrances and they eventually got melted down to goo by warp fire on the orders of Magnus?
member that one time the Blood Angels chimped out and team killed the fuck out of everyone in a 5 mile radius of them?
Indeed. Somewhere there's an alternate universe where the Wolves fell to Khorne and Magnus kicked Horus' ass.
>because someone is unfathomably old and powerful, that makes it acceptable when they say one thing and do another
Fuck off, Custodes.
Remember that time when the Blood Angels had a crippling genetic flaw that they couldn't control, while the wolves are just savages? Remember how only one thing off the list that perfectly describes Space Yiffs applies to Blood Angels and only if you use semantics?
I explained his perspective. He (rightfully, for the most part) saw humanity as a child that, left to it's own devices, would get itself killed.
>The Space Wolves will never see themselves as anything but the greatest heroes of the galaxy.
False. Read Unremembered Empire or Prospero Burns
>THREE of the Thousand Sons killed a single remembrancer -albeit in a horrible way- because they felt they had no other choice
>the one who insisted they do it felt horrible afterwards and the other two were pretty shaken
Go to bed, Russ.
>for the most part
And therein lies the rub.
I added ''for the most part'' so i wouldn't come off super edgy, the truth is, humans are dumb as shit and the Emperor was 100% correct in his ''threat them like they would literally forget to breathe without CONSTANT surveillance and control'' approach, he just miscalculated just how much literally everything would work against him.
I do wish I remembered the source, but I can't remember where I read it. It's a 30k story, the opening was a small squad of Space Wolves debilitating whether or not to heed Russ's call to arms and decided it was either too far away for them to make it or they didn't have the means to get there in time.
The vast majority of the Emperor's hypocrisy has to do with how he treated the Primarchs, his own fucken clones, not the rest of humanity.
>>THREE of the Thousand Sons killed a single remembrancer -albeit in a horrible way- because they felt they had no other choice
>>the one who insisted they do it felt horrible afterwards and the other two were pretty shaken
But Magnus ordered it. Again that's his flaw. He felt the ends ALWAYS justified the means and he refused to admit he was wrong
>his own fucken clones
They're his sons breh, vat babies are a thing. And yes, he IS a shit father, but that's not hypocrisy, that's being a shit father. I already explained why, though, who knows how many thousands of sons he raised throughout his life, he probably got SUPER jaded after watching most of his kids die (i know the sensei are immortal and shit, so they probably left).
I play SW and even I think GW takes the wolf theme too fucking far by half.
The fact that he had reasons to be a hypocrite does not cancel the fact that he actually was a hypocrite.
That sounds like standard imperial practice honestly.
*wolfs behind wolf*
*unwolfs wolf*
Heh... Wolfing personnel, wolf
>most popular ie. played faction of the most popular ie. played faction
Really? I would have guessed it would be smurfs, or angels, or something.
Abnett is objectively a hack. Holy shit.
Eisenhorn was the most unreadable garbage series I've ever laid eyes on.
Curiously at the events I saw the most played marine armies are actually Scars and Raven Guard.
>Eisenhorn was the most unreadable garbage series I've ever laid eyes on.
Fuck no. Ravenor was far worse. More cilfhangers than in entire Rocky Mountains.
Their Viking aesthetic is the only thing cool about them. Everything else from their dumb name, bad models, hypocritical and mightier-than-thou attitude, and of course their wolfy-wolfy-wolfness makes me absolutely loathe them.
Also Thousand Sons did nothing wrong. Vengeance for Prospero.
Same reason people hate everything else.
And being smug cunts, that doesn't help either
'Wolf at the Door', in Tales of Heresy.
IIRC, it mostly started with Abnett trying to avoid the 'Wolf Lord Wolf "Wulf" Wolfsson on Thunderwolf' shit when he was coming up with ideas for Heresy-era Space Wolves while planning Prospero Burns. Other writers just followed his lead after that, to varying degrees.
The Luna Wolves have so little wolf in them that they could be retconned to have always been the Sons of Horus, and it would make almost no difference. They'd change their Legion icon, Horus would no longer be called Lupercal (and might lose his pelt cloak), and... well, that's really it.
Just look at the armour trim in that pic in . They'd fit right in alongside 3rd/4th edition CSM models.
For real? The first Ravenor book is still my favourite BL book, mainly because Dan wrote the setting as if it could be a real place, and not just a backdrop to war porn. Eisenhorn felt second-rate in comparison.
Lets be honest the colour scheme looks really childish and retarded for a grim darkness future, as do pelts and wolf skulls. Too Human is an example of norse myth done right in science fiction. They need to take small elements of norse art and styles and incorporate them rather than literal space vikings. Also most the models look really shit like wulfen, venerable dreadnoughts, the power armour and characters.
true. Unfortunately it's not just the first book.
I hate them largely for being boring invincible protagonists who's Special Characters have basically never actually lost a major conflict at all and at worst win but 'it was tough bru'.
Honestly the writing is just laughable and childish when your plot armour is so thick you can withstand practically everything.
If Logan or Ulrik actually lost some wars for a change, I'd stop disliking them.
Same is true of Marneus and Dante too of course.
that argument fits pretty much the entire Imperium, every other race has major setbacks but the Imperium somehow maintains a galactic empire despite its troops being equal or sometimes worse than the opposition. Still looks like they are scrapping the status quo finally and perhaps they'll have some campaign where all the races scrabble for territory.
Any time you hear anyone say this unieomically it should be a massive red flag and you should disagree with whatever they're saying
Marneus actually lost big time against 'Nids. He admitted it was wholly his fault and imposed a punishment on heimself for his failure.
he later admitted that a pyrrhic victory against Blodborn was also his fault, and punished himself for that too.
>Absolutely the most retarded name in a franchise full of retarded names.
>tfw they have quite a cool name in my language
Because wearing animal fur is unacceptable
>it should be a massive red flag
It's just Magnus's fabulous hair
There are some lies spread by some cuntbags here.
The one major lie is that Russ was directly ordered by the Emperor to arrest Magnus and then Horus convinced him to kill Magnus midway to Prosporo.
This lie was disproven by "Wrath of Magnus" whch says that the Emperor sent Horus to order Russ to arrest Magnus. Horus sent the orders to Russ but changed them to "Kill Magnus".
So the whole thing is the Emperor's fault for trusting Horus. Russ did nothing wrong. As far as he knew it was the Emperor's orders delivered by his chosen Warmaster whom he has no reason to doubt.
>massive red flag
More like a massive red fag.
Agreed completely. Its why, till now I suppose, everyone's been laughaubly ineffective villains.
The Space Wolves tend to just be top tier along with Ultramarines and Dark Angels at this.
Not really. Marneus won but 'it was tough' was what happened and Marneus felt bad against it.
Fact remains Marneus has never lost a single campaign in the entire setting. Logan the same, Azrael and Dante too.
I just think its the height of writing gary-stus when you characters never lose any wars ever.
Contrast that to Eldrad, Ghazghkull, the Swarmlord or Shadowsun who've actually lost whole battles and been forced to retreat and secede territory.
Logan, Marneus, Dante and Azrael have never had to do that. They never lose, they just win but 'it was tough ya know?'
>>got his shit pushed in by Angron
>Angron BTFO Russ AND Girlyman
based retardbro.
What Language?