How do people swear, cuss and curse in your setting Veeky Forums?
>Arse Magica~!
>You have Crap on there twice
It's a sentence, not a list.
Presumably in Latin
In English, because that's what my players and I speak.
If the people in the setting don't actually speak English, I operate under the assumption their swears are that language's translations or analogues of our swear words.
Rules of good writing dictate you don't inundate your readers/players with a bunch of made-up words. It's distracting when characters keep exclaiming "groik!" or "flarz!".
Is it bad I learnt Elvish curses for my High-Elf Artificer who was effectively the college drop out of his family?
He swore a lot and had only just been kicked out of his city so it seemed like the right thing to do.
Read a book where the tundra nomads said "elkpiss". Was jarring for a moment.
Like i do in real life, also depends on the character. If i play a noble character for example, i don't but if i do, it's for dire situations or when he has been under a lot of pressure.
Like the Finnish, haista vittu satana
I had a town guard get angry at his underling while question the PCs. The junior kept trying interrupting to tell the commander something, and eventually he turned an shouted,
"Vecna's Eye, boy! What is it?"
Went over well with the table.
This is a decent place to ask this:
I'm playing a Roman centurion in a campaign and was wondering what were some authentic Roman swears I could use?
Caudex - asshole
Furcifer (sp?)- scoundrel/thief
Preaceps felliator - headling cocksucker (they're really into their work, and suckin' dick was seen as a debasement. Slave's work)
Assinus - donkey
Barbarus - barbarian
Graecus - Greek (meant a learned slave, or someone too smart for their own good)
All I can remember. Google some Roman graffiti, you'll get more.
In Spanish.
>Ver'gah (who happens to be the name of an in-game God)
>Tuma Mah
>Me cago en tu madre y me sobra mierda
Carefully, as the wrong words can litterally curse people or summon daemons.
Tutorials on swearing in Hungarian:
Most annoying bitch in the entire DA series, only thing her about was that stupid face when she got kicked out.
Oh yeah? Well, why don't you go groik yourself, flarz bag!
The whole video is pretty inspiring but 2.19 takes the cake, kek
Is that Dan Green? Wait is that where cluck like a chicken came from?
No fucking idea, mate
Christ this bitch was the worst party member, she belonged in DA2 with all the other rejects except the dwarf bard who is also in Inqusitor
>Naked slave: the poorest of slaves, without any rags
>Fanchona: a mantoy of shaved thighs, hysterical ways, oily skin, submission and 'heroism' only in the scribbles of a bathroom.
>Demon bait: useless to be anything else.
>Maganchos te agarrem: that the creatures with hooks instead of hands get you.
>Flies of Tartarus: not only a filthy fly, but its underworld version.
>Brothel's straw: dirtied by others and never cleaned or changed, more used than copper half-coins.
>By the Dirty Boots of Camulus: the war god's avatar is made of 300 pikemen. What could be filthier than 600 feet steping on mud, shit, blood, entrails and agonizing enemies?
>May Diveus blind you: you did something so worng that the sun-god will hit your eyes with caustic light.
>Deer: efeminate, pic related
No one curses
its a "for all ages" campaign.
Sometimes one of the players kids is around.
Isn't that a day of the week? (Wednesday, if I remember correctly)
I'll groik you right in the flarz if you don't shut up.
Hells bells!
Depends on the character. Some characters might swear casually even using it in regular conversion eg. "how the hell have you been?" some might only swear in anger or frustration "fuck, another caravan was raided last week." some might never swear in public and might even say replacement words simply to avoid swearing "AHHHH fiddlesticks I stubbed my frimping toe!"
That being said I don't have characters swear like in your pic because that's retarded and real people don't talk like that.
> that's retarded and real people don't talk like that.
Sera in a nutshell, really
I like them inspired by Robert E Howard, as in angry oaths at various deities and/or their body parts. I try to collect interesting ones.
>By Mitha's third nipple!
>Unholy Distended Anus of Baal!
There you go. My personal favorite is Lucius made bread on this day, which turns out to be a euphemism for jacking off.
For simplicity's sake, Commom is English, Elvish is French, Dwarvish is Celtic, Under common is Creole, Dragonic is Italian, Fey is Latin, and Orcish is German.
>I was wrong, b-but you're autistic
By the Abyss!
Is there a difference between cuss and curse?
Always figured "cuss" was a family-friendly way to say/write "curse".
Not that guy, but you might be retarded. He was making fun of the 'sentence' by posting something similarly nonsensical.
>I said a thing that was wrong without any irony! You're autistic for not knowing I was joking!
I know somebody like you. He perpetually says stupid shit and I never correct him or respond because it's impossible to know if he's actually just being a dumb piece of shit or if he's trying to make a joke. I hate you.