Tabletop rpg that know what they are doing

Tabletop rpg that have a style of game and its mechanics represent that

>pic could be related depending on the perspective of the observer

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Pdf .?
Never heard of this before.

the pdf is quite heavy but i am sure you can find it at the rpg share thread main file

Hayao Miyazaki's Oregon trail.

It's a system about traveling based on classic hexcrawls, but with emphasis on traveling and dangers (and wonders) of the road instead of combat.

Can confirm it's in da archive, ctrl + f Ryuutama

Can anyone discuss how the game is in play? I/my group have only ever played OS (B/X D&D) but it looks very promising. I've also always been curious about Japanese TTRPG culture, not sure if this emblematic of that.

well people say ryuutama is one of the best jttrpg, but i haven't play it


>Hayao Miyazaki's Oregon trail
I dunno about the game, but I can tell you that this elevator pitch seems designed to get me excited. I'll look into it.

The two that came to mind for me are also Japanese, though I haven't actually played them.
Golden Sky Stories and Maid RPG (and I'm pretty sure they're actually both by the same guy, to boot).

I'm familiar with Maid RPG, what's Golden Sky Stories about?


Did the expansion book ever come out?

It's very light and easy to learn. Personally, weight management and survival are the funnest parts of the system, getting to the city after a long arduous path feels AMAZING. Classes are civilian professions, which is neat, and almost everyone has his own niche (Ministrel is good at finding the way, Hunter helps you survive in the wilderness, Merchant gives you a steady profit from goods you buy/sell...). The GM side is very involved, there's even GM's personal character, the Ryuujin (dragon's disciple helping travellers and writing down their exploits). Ryuujin's blessings are essentially a way for GM to say "okay, i fucked up with difficulty, here, i'll help you" without retcons or OOC handouts.

Combat is very JRPG-ish, classic FF JRPG-ish. You got your front and back rows, you move between them, etc. There are several strange things, like your initiative is ALSO your evasion score, all done to further make the system simplier. However, there are several gimmicks mentioned in the books, like fighting on bridges, on opposing rooftops, etc. etc.

Magic is mostly small adventure things at lower levels and impressive effects at higher levels (personally i feel like higher-tier spells are too strong for the kind of game Ryuutama is, so it needs regulation). There's also one guy here at Veeky Forums who insists magic-type gets too many options compared to strength- or skill-type, but refuses to ever suggest a fix for that. Personally, i WOULD add some sort of scaling benefit to other types, but idk, the game is playable and not really that lopsided in its vanilla incarnation.

The game also really benefits from descriptive GM, and gives advice on how to describe the locations. Of course you can also flex your "scenery" folder if you're playing over the tubes.

They're gonna work on it after Shinobigami, i assume.
Shinobigami is almost done, so it's soon (and it'd better be, can't wait for ships.) In meantime, there's half-translated googledoc of sea stuff.

IIRC the whole game with supplements was translated in French, so maybe some baguetteanon could help?

>There's also one guy here at Veeky Forums
Is there a general for the game?

so what do the supplement add?

No, there should be, but he comes out every time Ryuutama is mentioned.

He might be 2hu, although he doesn't usually avatarfag in 'tama threads.

Players are animals that can shapeshift into humans and help out people.

Wagon/sea travel, a couple of scenarios, more detailed cities stuff. Sea travel is obviously the most important, but it would be cool to have more city options (or at least working city generator).

Came here to post that.
The supplements bogged them down, but the 3 Little Brown Books knew EXACTLY what they were about.

Everyone plays as an animal spirit. It's a game about helping people and solving problems, even if they're small or trivial next to anything else you'd find in an RPG, and it evokes playful and warm fables.

High adventure in the same vein as The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit?

Not High Fantasy, the genre is Swords and Sorcery.
You play cowardly (but desperate) tomb robbers.

most of WOD games

Legends of the Wulin seems to know what's up... Except for how to make proper books or PDFs. Even the character sheet is horrendous and badly formatted.

Shame, because the mechanics are super cool on all fronts and most discussion on the game is about confusion of the rules because they are so stretched out around the book.

Like, for example, Chi cultivation is not a difficult mechanic.
>Your chi total raises when you pump enough exp (you get 1 cultivation point for 1 exp used) to techniques, and if you want to cultivate special chi, say, fire chi, you need to pump exp to elemental fire kung-fu
It's not hard, but people still struggle with it because the rules are in kind of inconvenient places and explained wordily.

That doesn't sound right. I mean, sure there are dungeons but the main focus is roleplaying and saving the kingdom/world/multiverse from ever more dangerous enemies/dark gods right? Like, you start off in a safe area (Hobbiton), find out the Dark Secret from elders (Rivendell), make your way through dangerous areas (Moria, Mirkwood, etc) and then defeat the BBEG (Smaug/Sauron).

Except for combat.

Ryuutama is very quick to pick up and learn but I feel it suffers a bit for lack of structure in between towns and also from JTRPG Syndrome where it's a game clearly made for episodic sessions (because most people don't have time for long drawn out arcs).

Nope. Go read some Swords and Sorcery literature. It's a fun genre.

I like when that happens. Where would be without those anons? Without any sense of community, that's where.

>Can anyone discuss how the game is in play?
It's a rules-lite story game that's EXTREMELY friendly to new GMs.
>not sure if this emblematic of that.
Nips mostly play Standard RPG System (SRS).

No. It's disputed whether Tolkien was a notable influence on OD&D at all. Gygax's D&D was very clearly based on swords & sorcery pulp fiction: Fritz Leiber, Edgar S. Burroughs, Robert E. Howard, Poul Anderson (3 Hearts & 3 Lions). PC's are thrifty grave robbers: crafty rogues, not heroes in shining armor. It was all codified in the game mechanics.

D&D took the turn towards the LotR style high adventure you describe in the 90s era with AD&D 2e, especially with Hickman's modules which revitalized TSR's dying business - Dragonlance is the classic example. WotC D&D radically extended the game in that direction where it's remained since. It's very different from the OD&D - AD&D 1e era. It's a bit like the difference between Howard's Conan in literature and Conan on film.

Even in 2e onward there are firm relics of very-not-Tolkien concepts, like the implications of Vancian magic mechanics even in their blown-out-to-11 form.

To pile on to what you're saying, here's something that gets posted often when the topic of OD&D's tone comes up: an article someone wrote about the first published setting for the game. A very strange setting that has more in common with The Herculoids or Thundarr the Barbarian than what we think of as D&D today. Definitely worth a good skim.

This is about as 'heroic' as Swords & Sorcery gets:
(And it's pretty self-interested)

Very nice cover. For me as an author the main problem by far is finding good artists who agree doing commissions and aren't lazy motherfuckers who take a year to draw an illustration. God forbid any of you'll have to deal with this bullshit one day.

whether you like the concept or not it executes it fantastically

>lack of structure in between towns
How so? I find the scenario cultivation sheet does a pretty good job of providng structure.

Damnit I want to have a Ryuutama thread now

I'm a GM for a current campaign that has been going for about half a year, and it's exceedingly fun (Since it allows me to use my Chillhop and house music due to the relaxed and comfy nature of the game)

for some reason I never do Condition rolls however, I'm planning on making status effects, but I never tell my group to roll condition at the start of the day, if they ever catch a status effect, I just make them roll after they get the stat

Also, I believe that the spell list are actually good as they are, since the more higher level spell evoke a sense of "Grand epic adventure" while the lower level spells say more like "Comfy, dungeon meshi style trip"

which ties nicely with the concept of the game

Author novels or RPGs?

>there are dungeons but the main focus is roleplaying and saving the kingdom/world/multiverse from ever more dangerous enemies/dark gods right?
The main focus was Dungeons. That's why they put it right there in the name.

Both, but I mostly need illustrations for my sourcebooks.

>for some reason I never do Condition rolls however, I'm planning on making status effects, but I never tell my group to roll condition at the start of the day, if they ever catch a status effect, I just make them roll after they get the stat

Condition is actually an important mechanic, measuring stat effects, stat bonus, effects of some abilities and how much HP below zero it takes to kill a character, among others. It is weird you don't use it, but if it works, whatever.

I'm toying with rolling condition in secret and only giving players vague descriptions on how they feel beginning the day. I feel like it provides a good sort of uncertainty and makes numbers behind the system stand out less.

Not him, but cultivation sheet IS kinda underdeveloped. It does provide directions, but i feel like better way to do it would be providing a simple table for quick idea grab in addition to what's already there. Sort of like an Emotion Matrix in TBZ or charts in Meikyuu Kingdom - something that doesn't dictate the WHOLE encounter, but rather gives a direction for GM and players' imagination to wander.

Same for the towns. There's a good skeleton, but it needs just a bit of meat to really move around.

Well okay, but that's hardly a lack of structure then.

Depends on what structure.

Ryuutama is ultimately aimed at people new to RPGs, and giving them very vague directions for an important part of game building is like inviting someone to the party full of people he doesn't know and asking him "Hey, user, tell us a funny joke!".

That said, it'll be interesting to make a generator for Ryuutama, i'll try doing it.

yes do this, holy shit

Do you know where to find the french supplements? , i think.

Also it seems like i was wrong, there are no translated supplements in there.

Yeah, there're only adventures by french authors, it seems. That's disappointing.