I'm gonna be playing a game of old WoD today, VtM. Only the core Camarilla clans and probably no house rules except nothing outside of the core rulebooks I bet.
The DM is a twat who often cheats and plays poorly when he's not DMing, only roped into it because he's a friend of a friend and said friend is lonely and wants to socialize.
Help me power build some shit to fuck up his inevitable attempts to ruin the groups day.
I got Vampire dark ages - i prefer medieval setting is more fun in my opinion and somehow harder to pla with good DM
Ian Brown
It is so simple. Stop being a pussy and run a game for your friend yourself.
Kevin Torres
Play Brujha with Celerity 5. That will fuck up his game.
David Diaz
Don't be a dick. Either don't join the group or play nice. If you join a group just to screw it up, then you're That Fucking Piece of Shit Guy and deserve to be booted and your friend ought to cut you loose.
Shouldn't fucks like you be playing Eclipse Phase?
Austin Sanchez
Ha! Pinatas build. OP should definitely play that. Most storytellers know the counter and his character can be killed and he can be kicked out once it's clear how he plans on playing.
Robert Stewart
How do you counter that??
Nathaniel Bell
Well, obviously I'm not going to say, but it's pretty straightforward. Three dots in a power in the main VtM book is plenty.
If the Storyteller isn't playing a pure combat game and is able to use social and other non combat abilities intelligently, there are plenty of other options (social disciplines, for example, or Obfuscate) but people have been putting five dots into Celerity for twenty five years now; the counter I'm thinking of has been around since the mid 90s at least.
VtM is by no means a balanced game, but there are multiple killer builds. A half decent Storyteller might lose an NPC (maybe) before OP reveals himself as a douchebag, but probably won't lose the Chronicle before he has a chance to kill off the offending PC and kick the player.
Though if a guy did that to me, I'd probably kick the player and then turn his PC into an NPC, a sabbat infiltrator as an antagonist for the party.
Carter Rivera
Isn't antagonistic playstyle kinda expected in VtM though? Scheming and backstabbing other PCs for personal gain is business as usual among vampires.
Xavier Nguyen
You're a complete and total asshole, user. I hope you're diablerized.
Dominate springs immediately to mind...
Christopher King
No, it's not expected. Scheming and backstabbing for personal gain IS business as usual for most vampires, but the PCs aren't most vampires. They're characters being played by a group of people who have come together to try and have fun. The coterie should always get along with one another to some greater or lesser extent.
Jaxson Brown
Yes but there's a difference between constructive and destructive conflict. PCs may scheme, backstab, and conspire, but the players themselves in the Storyteller system are supposed to collaborate to create a great story. And this is a case of an asshole who's explicitly trying to fuck up a gaming group for personal reasons.
VtM supports all kinds of character group dynamics... But the rules and suggested play style all demand a very cooperative group of players. If this guy is kicking it old school with just the core rulebook, then that's clearly what he's reaching for. Recall also that in service to the story, the Storyteller is expected to bypass, invent, and suspend the rules as written. OP bitching about him "cheating" smells like a neck beard power gamer who just doesn't get that.
Bottom line, this guy shouldn't join the group, but if he does then he needs to be kicked out ASAP. The oWoD system has lots of problems, nearly all of which are solved if you have a good group. The game falls apart if there's a shit player, and who wants to hang out with someone like that anyway?
Nolan Stewart
Presence is far more powefull in my opinion
Michael Taylor
Yes. So is Dominate. But both require Storytellers to override the free will of the PCs. You can't command someone to do something against that person's Nature. They can spend Willpower points. They can close their eyes vs Presence or have a low Generation vs Dominate.
Most of these rules are stretched all out of proportion with what they actually allow. But players bitch and moan endlessly grasping at those straws. It takes a strong ST to be willing to stick by his guns.
Whereas the usual counter leaves him a helpless pinata no matter how much Blood and Willpower he spends.
Blake Rivera
Caine shows up to fuck his shit up?
Please let the actual answer not be "a mage shows up". That's boring. The solution should be something in-house.
Owen Russell
You can do it with a starting character out of the VtM core book if you have to. I'm glad nobody else has talked about it, because it's not a terribly hard to find move, and at one time on a white wolf newsgroup it was the obvious meme-tier counter.
Ryder Brown
If you're playing a Ventrue out of New Orleans I'll see you in game Navy. Let's see if you figure out who *I* am before I have a chance to correct your invite.
Levi Hill
Stop pretending you know some magic one dot skill anyone can get that will negate Celerity 9. Put up or shut up.
Daniel Watson
Lol you're cute. It's a three dot stat that the Storyteller just needs an NPC to have, and it's to negate a starting character with five dots of celerity (and therefore very little else). It's not exactly magic because it's a well known way to counter a cliche PC build, and because it is so well known. The fact that the PC will be a brujah will help but isn't necessary.
I mean, I didn't come up with it. Either the veteran VtM players aren't bothering to read the thread or contribute to it, or more likely they think OP is a jerk and won't help him by posting it.
Besides, it's world of darkness. This guy wants to fuck up the campaign and these players basically because he's too beta to just decline the game invite. But it's a fool's errand because the Storyteller can always bump off some half wit spoiler character, and WoD specifically lets Storytellers futz with the rules to keep a story on track- something we know this one is willing to do.
What I'm getting at is a long-well-known way to counter an obvious cliche build that's been around since the first D&D players ventured into the succubus club.
Lucas Powell
Werewolf. A spirit gave it the quest to prove itself against a tool of the wyrm. Pops out of the Umbra in Crinos form, and burns through 6-7 Rage points doing claw attacks and hamstrings. Then Round Two begins.
By that point, the charsheet is ripped up, the dick player is being shown the door, and the DM and remaining players are getting the game back on track.
It can be a starting werewolf if you like. Killing a neonate with 0xp isn't hard.
Henry Rodriguez
Is it a merit? I'm really curious right now, but I'm a casual player of Vampire at best so I'm not able to spot the trick myself.
Carson Walker
>Help me power build some shit to fuck up his inevitable attempts to ruin the groups day. No. Talk to him like an adult or stop bitching.
Justin Wood
So you're making shit up. Got it.
Lucas Smith
>dat feel when MEGA trove got closed again
Fuck. Not like I've had any luck finding Dark Ages Saga novels anyway.
William Garcia
Wait a week or two and then ask in WoD general. Even if I'm not there someone will know. With all this buildup I guarantee that you'll feel let down when you hear it and realize how obvious it is. I just don't want this shitty OP to know, smegma-mouthed felator of goats that he is, until he either gets booted from this game or declines politely.
It's not even very clever. It's just that creating neonates with five dots in a Discipline as a powergaming move is a really obvious and well known play. Celerity being a potent discipline already, people have been doing this build for almost 30 years.
Actually, for players who are in it for the long term... you know, to actually play nicely... five dots in Presence or Obfuscate is much nastier. OTOH, if it's truly a long-term Chronicle, you buy up Generation, useful Merits that you won't be able to get later with XP, or single dots of out of clan disciplines that you don't want to have to justify learning from a teacher later.
William Reyes
Protean 3 or Obfuscate 2 should do the trick.
Carter Foster
Ignore all the fags, it's obviously not going to be a long chronicle and your DM cheats anyways.
Celerity 5 memes work as long as you're judicious about your NPC killing. He literally has to go out of his way and shake his dick at you to the point where it might as well be rocks fall you die, and he'll look like an assmad child regardless.
Carter Hill
OP is buttmad! If I made you cry, let me assure you that I'm smiling about it.
Yeah if used judiciously, absolutely. Celerity is a great discipline, an unbalanced one even, but the potential to blow up the chronicle is overblown. A starting neonate with those disciplines could beat him, played judiciously. A storyteller, of course, could eliminate the PC without even bothering to use a vampire NPC, but there's bonus points for beating an asshole at his own game.
Ethan Roberts
There is no counter to getting 5 additional actions in a round.
Nolan Lopez
You guys must have everything but the 'main' link to the mega bookmarked.