Humankind thread continued

Humankind thread continued.

Previous thread:
For some reason I decided to post and translate the cards from this cyberpunk-occult-urban game.

Expect copyright infrigments, a lot.



>A ring for every power it dominates.

In combat, you can destroy ring in order for one of your (character)(acracia) gain 1 to the strenght.

(virtue)(+): One of your (characters) gains X of damage a (sanctuary).

>Restriction 1.

Dr. Mikhail Camus.

>It's not human, but he knows hate.

While Dr. Mikhail Camus it's on the game all your (character) can carry (technology)(corporation.

1. I assume you're putting them somewhere online for when the thread dies? Including the text?
2. Mind posting the basic rules? Translating the mechanics on the cards is kinda useless otherwise.

There's five types of cards.


>You start the game with it.

It has.

>Structure points, (HP).

>Willpoints, (mana).

>Number of accesories allowed

>A skill.


>They're characters.

Can't attack first turn it enters the game, they cost willpoints, have lifepoints, can attack, block and can challenge to a duel, that has different rules than regular attack, I'll go into detail of that later.


>They are used on the sanctuary and are permanent.

>They add willpoints and have skills.


>They are used on the characters.

>They add skills and hitpoints.



Phases are fairly standar, the names are slightly changed tough.


It's the start of your turn, when you regroup and straight the cards, it's one of those games when you turn the cards sideways to use them.


You recover the willpoints, it's the same as regrouping.


You steal a card to start your offensive.

>Harvest of will.

You play your non attacker cards first, like accesories and technology, then you can attack, you can't play those cards after attacking.


It's when you challenge an enemy character to a duel, only difference with regular attack, it's that you can use virtue skills, but virtue skills are game changing, if you win a duel you can steal a card.

After that you have regular attack phase and your turn ends.

Characters cards can have or use gifts.

This are


Two or more characters can block a single enemy.

>Molecular vibration



It can only block.


It can't challenge to a duel.


It can only challenge to duels.


It can block characters with molecular vibration.


It can attack the turn it enters the game.


It must attack on every turn.

Delusion hunter.

>Don't dream.

If all your characters in the game are (corporation), delusion hunter gains 2 to the combat damage.


>Madness ain't bad.

In combat you can destroy Caliope to destroy a target (accesory).


>Freedom it's not a choice, it's a duty.

(virtue)(acracia): You can look in your deck for (character) with a cost in will equal or inferior to 3 and put it in your hand.

>gains 2 to the combat damage.
What does this even mean?

Does its strength go from 2 to 4?
Does it automatically do 2 damage after combat is finished?
Does it take 2 damage (and thus die)?

It is strength bottom (in green), cost at the top (in yellow) you said yesterday, right?

Also, explanations of "regrouping" and the attack phase would be nice

Functionary C-21

>Nothing goes in or out without my authorization.

(cell) It can't challenge to a duel.

The yellow one it's the cost.

The green one it's the combat damage and also the life points.

It goes from 2 to 4, all gains work like that unless described as direct damage.

Regroup phase it's at the start of the turn, those phases are called Communion and Meditation, you straight the cards you used and recover the will points.

Then you steal a card, you do it mid turn before playing cards.

You have two different attack phases, duel and combat.

In duel you challenge one card and can't do damage to the sanctuary, you use the virtue skills with the virtue card, that's the card with slots that you uncover.

You don't have to challenge to a duel and you can't avoid a challenge by uncovering the faction symbol of the challenger, there's four factions.

Attack phase comes at the end of the turn after the duels, you use combat damage in the green and non virtue skills.

Sanctuaries and accesories can use virtue skills in this phase, but not characters.

Pasive player has Contemplation and defense phase, you can't challenge to a duel during your pasive turn, unless it's a card skill.

Where are cards stolen from?

And for the Virtue mechanic, do you have to pick one of the tabs and hope it matches with the power on your card?

It's when you draw a card from the deck, it translates directly to steal, I'm just being too literal.

And yes, you also have to open the cardboard slot, once you use them, they can't be reused, this was conflicting back when you can still buy them, but now, it better be a damn good match before you start wasting them.

So you've got a 1/10 chance for each of the factions, 1/5 for "+" and "-" (+/-1, +/-2/), a 1/10 of 0 and a 1/10 chance of nothing?

Surely that's really unreliable?
Or will it always do something

One thing I forgot to mention it's that, at the left side of the the virtue card are the faction symbols and the right side the numbers.

So your chances are 1/5, minus the 1/10 for nothing.

It's risky, the whole duel thing is.

Annhilate will.

>If there's no tought, there's no danger.

The target (character) losses his skill till the contemplation phase.
(virtue)(-): the target (character) losses it's gift till the contemplation phase.

>Restriction 3.

Enter the shadow.

>I know the shadow it's malign.

Choose a faction, all your (characters) of said faction gain (molecular vibration) till contemplation phase.

>Restriction 1.

Can you upload the rulebook and the cards to a folder on a file hosting site somewhere?
I don't think posting single card images on here is very productive.

And no offense, but your translations are rather... wonky.
Let's take the first card. It should be:

>One ring for every power she commands.
In Combat, you can destroy Ring to give +1 strength to your [Acracy] ([Anarchy]?) [Characters].
[Virtue](+): One of your [Characters] gains +X damage against [Sanctuaries].
Limit 1.

Scanner it's broke, so I can only take some pictures, I'll upload all in order as soon as I get a working scanner, cause it's a lot of job to go somewhere else to do it.

My translations are what they are, but I'll take your pointers.

Acracia it's the name of the faction, it's a reference to anarchy tough.

I'm unfamiliar with english card game terminology, I'm learning as I make this.

Altering chemistry.


>It's funny to die by your own nature.

Target [character] exchanges strength by cost in will, until the contemplation phase.

So... if you guys can get be edited copies of these images, I can plug them into a virtual card simulator and make it playable.

It's a really good thing if you can do it.

I'll scan the cards, it's what I wanted to do anyway.

Wich simulator do you use?

I'd need the ruleset first, and I'm probably going to have to evaluate between several. My goals would be of the following:

1. Direct Connect play, no need to set up a server.

2. Free, cross-platform.

3. Good interface for the game itself.













So this officially became a project uh? I like it.

If it works it works.

I'll just do my part.

>Humankind on my Veeky Forums

Holy shit someone else played Humankind.

It was a pretty neat card game but Salo fuck up big time after the company went under.

Humankind is gonna come back now in digital form.

The creators got the rights and they are producing they main ard game (Mitos y Legendas) and is pretty healthy.

I still got most of my Humankind cards and fuckload of Mitos & Legendas.

Give ma a day and I will find the Humankind comics they ued to publish every week back in the day

There's some books, but no comics sadly.

There's an album tough.

>Humankind is gonna come back now in digital form.
yeah but none of the main artists are working on Awakening. as OP, and I agreed with him, the new artstyle is too clean for Humankind.

>There's some books, but no comics sadly.

The comic are shorts that came with Qvil the Salo magazine.

Also I took classes with the main wirtter of Humankind and the creator of Mitos & Legendas JL Flores and Sergio Lantadilla.

They even took us to Salo and show us the storybord and how they planned new editions but sadly that went out of the window when Panini came oer to Chile and destroyed Salo.

>yeah but none of the main artists are working on Awakening. as OP, and I agreed with him, the new artstyle is too clean for Humankind.

Yeah I agree but I still gonna play it

I remember Qvil magazine.

Got one number, but not the one with the comics, damn I knew that something was missing.

Obviously those magazines never reached this lands and I had to go to valparaiso to buy them.

>Yeah I agree but I still gonna play it
me too but only because I hadn't the chance to play it while it was still alive, I was too young and dumb to care about card games until recently.

Holy crackers, this shit and Mitos y Leyendas were my crack when I was a just a lad. Anita was one of my first waifus.
Oh man, what a blast to the past.



>he likes used goods


>you will never scam little kids to get free rare cards

I miss those moments





One more.

That's the deviants edition manual.

Man, never heard from this game before. Looks absolutely fantastic! Where is it from?

I'm Spanish, hopefully I can find it somewhere

Chilean. (and very proud of it even if mother nature doesn't agree with us)

Open Portal.


>I can understand the dimensions.

Straight your turned [characters]

[virtue](+1): Your [characters] gain + 1 to the strength till the contemplation phase.

>Restriction 2.



>I took my name from the night.

If all your [characters] are [abismals], Daemonoide gains [molecular vibration].



>She supports her brother.


If tamara it's challenged to a duel, the challenger losses -1 to the strength.

[virtue](acracia) Tamara losses [reaction] till the contemplation phase.

Roy McGilles.


>On the outside, lights and glam.


In you turn, if Roy McGilles ain'tdeclared attacker, therest of your [characters] gain +1 to their strength.


>Fire purifies.

Destroys a [technology], you can draw a card.