Should Abbaddon die, then the will of Erebus be done! He, Kor Phaeron, or even Lorgar to replace him as Warmaster! And with the return of Guilliman and the rumour of Abbaddon being killed by Guilliman, then this seems even more likely. Plus, the Word Bearers being the rivals to the Ultramarines, it seems like it'd be something GW would do for a new starter set for 8th.
Should Abbaddon die, then the will of Erebus be done! He, Kor Phaeron...
Other urls found in this thread:
Guilliman became a Word Bearer himself. Pay attention to the torches on his boots.
Huh. Did not notice those.
Lorgar becomes good again, and Girlyman becomes a servent of chaos.
I thought it was rumoured Cypher kills Abaddon upon Holy Terra?
Lugft Huron for warmaster!
Why would anyone have a flaming torch on their boot? infact girlyman just looks plain weird, especially when compared to forge world.
>on his boots
they're on the base
has he jacked the big E's sword?
Literally a massive improvement. Abaddabon must die and I say that as a chaos fag. Erebus and kor are shit though, give me a cool looking daemon sauron for lorgar.
Also is it just me or Guilliman looks like a slightly retarded Joffrey from GoT?
Since when are tourches inherently chaos?
Didn't you know, all inquisitors and adeptus sororitas worship chaos through their love of flaming torches
What the fuck we have 5 different threads over the same picture.
Hey mods, step and and merge/prune all but one of these. Isn't that your fucking job
Personally i thought he looked a little like trump.
Looks like a Sigmarine.
If Abaddon dies without accomplishing something major then I will dissapointed.
his legs look off
are we sure he isn't just a head on a very advanced dreadnought pattern?
They seem long to me while the chest and shoulders are too meaty
Proportions don't seem that off to me.
Wouldn't be the first time for a leader of the Ultramarines.
Looking at his knees, I have my doubts that that's just armour
>this is how primarchs moniatures looks now
Oh how mighty can fall
It's sort of that. He's mostly fine, but he does have a built in life support system.
Then again this is the only good Primarch model.
Of course it would be Rowboat girlyman instead of the Lion. Fuck GW.
How does he fit in corridors and ships? it's been 9000 or so years since the last Primarch walked on the Imperium, everything is built for at best astartes, and this guy is more than twice the height of one.
Fuck he look like exactly like Emperor trump meme; that's hilarious.
He just destroyed Cadia you plum
Everything in the Imperium is built big. hugeness is important because hats.
Trayzen destroyed Cadia by telling the imperium to turn on the pylons
Well yeah, we're getting the LOYALISTS back.
Why would the Lion come back if that was the case?
He looks pissed. Is it because of Cadia got wrecked, Abaddon still screechs armlessly or because of the current state of Imperium?
All of the above
I played the last SpaceHulk deathwing and this is false, almost all corridors are at best 9ft tall
The Forge World ones are made for hobbyists, this is a centerpiece for the army almost every kid starts with.
>Trayzen destroyed Cadia by telling the imperium to turn on the pylons
Are you trolling or being a dumb cunt? Abaddon destroyed Cadia by throwing the Blackstone at it. No Pylons were involved. Now get cancer and die please.
Abaddon please.
It must be really hard to type with a sword up your rectum so please just accept you continue to be the most ineffectual villain in all of 40k.
ITT people who haven't read fall of Cadiz.
Fuck you it's still the most important harbor of Spain
>implying Cadiz fell.
Spain would beg to differ.
Not an argument and I can listen to the cancer cells spreading in your body. It's sweet music.
Get out of here Typhus, no one wants to hear about your shitty fetishes.
Well it isn't doing Emps any good right now.
With the helmet he's like ten times better
I wonder how he gets it on Ultramar?
Custodes deliver it perhaps?
In the Grim, Dark future, they are only overpriced livraison cost.
All we know is an entouragecomes to Macragge while it's under attack from the Black Legion, I guess they just brought it with them.
that entourage includes Cawl right? Probably the survivors from Cadia
Isn't cancer more of a tzzentch thing? Mutation is birdboys department, Nurgle cares only for the living things.
And isn't cancer simply adding more life into something?
Why would Abaddon go to Ultramar after blowing up Cadia? Isn't the path opened now?
True, but that angle is doing a lot to hide the weird leg proportions.
Forge world girlman is still better
Where are the Necrons? Where are the Orks? Where are the Nids? For years they hyped up Ultramar being invaded by these three forces after 999 41K.
They ignored all of that and made it Black Legion? What the fuck? The Black "Legion don't have the numbers to spread this far into the galaxy.
It might to be Abaddon himself but Cawl has something in his ship that got Abaddon triggered.
it might not be*
His arms?
I can't wait for the mini to drop and someone actually converts a God-Emperor Trump.
I will be so overjoyed when he hits the field and grants all techmarines unlimited use of Fortify and free aegis lines across the board.
M8, look at it; it's already God-Emperor Trump. Just paint it golden.
He thinks about Macragge really really hard and teleports himself behind Calgar who then immediately kneels to suck his godlike primarch cock
You need to nix the smurf iconography first.
Welp guys. We're not just getting Girlyman in this edition.
We're gonna get something closer to Truescale marines too.
They're basically smarter, faster, stronger and better than regular marines. I kid you not.
Made from Guillimans blood, tampered by tech-priests in secrecy.
This will come TOGETHER with Mk. 10( Or 9?)armour.
Got a picture to back it up, but right now for the security of my source, it isn't safe to share.
Don't forget to give the face a generous layer of orange.
Either give some form of proofs or fuck off.
Even just a picture of a picture of a picture would suffice.
why dont they just make 40k custodededes
I doubt this.
Besides, this is 4chinz, show the pic
Nothing wrong with Abaddon dying, but I think there should be some casualties in the Imperium too
So far they have lost no one of any importance
Kill Draigo and Calgar (he is irrelevant now)
The only thing I don't like about the plastic guilliman is how swirly his bling is.
Because the tech to strictly make custodes is lost.
I agree it's a dumbass progression.
Feel free to screenshot this and check this within a month.
But I can in detail describe the supposed mk.10 marine armour.
It stands about two heads taller than a guardsmen, give or take.
One knee-piece is oddly similar to a stormcast eternals grieve/knee piece.
The marine has some weird wrist piece? Looking sort of like some data-device.
New looking bolter pattern that loos more like a long assault rifle and an updated bolt pistol/auto pistol mix.
It's really strange.
Nah, once I show the pic on 4 chinz it'll flood everywhere.
And there's a reason this picture is so easy to trace back.
It's taken from a private event.
I mean what's it to me?
You're all gonna see it next month and will be laughing at how stupid the " guilliman's blood" fused marines are.
I mean fuck, I find it ridiculous.
The shit posters of Ultramar are unmatched
>Implying Abaddon dying is a loss for Chaos.
Mate, getting a Primarch in return IS the way to make this faire.
It's because celestine said her heart belongs to Sanguinius
>Cadia finally fell and Abaddon moving his positions forward
>Eldar fucking themselves over hard yet again
>Ultramarines swoop in to steal the show right at the end
I don't doubt that they'll make bigger marines that are more truescale and have newer armor. They've already done Custodes, Sigmarines, and Deathwatch which are all larger and more truescale with different armor.
Nice try, shitlord.
Custodes are not REALLY considered 40k.
Doubt all you want.
I'm just trying to think of a way to upload the pic without putting my informant at risk.
Every time I see it.
It is. There would be no other who can unite Chaos.
Lorgar and Perty can't even keep their own Legions from infighting, they're not gonna do any better if you give them more manpower to manage.
Guilliman is killed by a baddie to up his street cred
Cherry picking the only good primarch sculpt that is not shit tier like the 10 others
>giant flaming sword
>no light given off by it, reflected in the skin and armour
>Absolutely disgusting
t. butthurt chaosfag
Are you sure someone hasn't just baited and switched you with the Deathwatch Mk.8 painted in a colour that wasn't black? They stand taller than serial power-squatters because they're not squatting for a change, they have autosenors on their arms, and nearly all of them are one-handing their bolters.
Just take the pic of the phrase with guilliman blood and hide everything else.
But honestly this would make me starts 40k if marines are finally truescale
Those are on the base and behind him and to either side.
It is apparently from a reliable source in the past, but even the exact wording sounded like GW may not go through with it.
>Truescale marines
Fucking finally ????? 30 years to fucking do this ????
I'm so tired of manlets marines
How did they get Girlymans stasis chamber even?
>Hey Girlyman were borrowing this for a booze cruise to Cadia
>NP bros have fun!
Bah messed that up.
>Hey Calgar*
>Those paint jobs
Everyone else will scale creep back to marine size soon enough, and the cycle begins again.
Yeah, As a tyranid player this is the only thing that stop me from doing marines.
I mean in the space marines videogame you are a supergod and in the tabletop you are a not even above average dwarf
Marines are literally only 7ft. They're only supposed to be a foot taller than a guardsman, which is why I hate all those crap 'Truescale' marines that make them XBOXHUEG.
>using GW plastic marines
>not even using the plastic assault legs
What do you expect, the GW tacticals are the worst marine parts on the market in terms of "not looking like a retarded squat leaning manlet".
It's weird because 'Eavy Metal painted some minor fire OSL on the Ogre Firebelly.
Yes I'm definitely sure. We're talking pieces I've never seen before. Ever.
Thing is, the guy that provided me with the picture simply mentioned it being guillimans blood.
So I don't have a pic from the mag.
It's from a managers conference.
So this picture is not from the magazine.
It's something they got to take home.
>guillimans blood.
Ultra Blood Angels confirmed
>Making a jabroni or anyone from his jabroni legion the Warmaster when Bestmarch Lion "One Punch" El'Jonson just joined your side
It's like you don't want to let the galaxy burn.