in a far future space setting
Defend this
I mean, I enjoy far future space settings where I an defend humanity, which would include defending women as well.
Okay, I'll put your symbol on a data chip and put it in a shielded box on an asteroid.
Your move.
Umm, alright.
I suppose I'd put an energy shield over it, throw up some laser turrets and rail guns. Is it in space or on a planets surface? That's going to heavily influence further defensive choices.
It would actually be a cool symbol for the aliens on Venus.
>New tau symbol.
>They integrated a new sub-species of gue-la.
>Called "feminists".
In a far future setting women wouldn't exist as they are the lesser half of humanity so it wouldn't have any meaning like that (as in women). No defending needed.
Robo-pussy can't compete with genetically enhanced bio-pussy
Women are better suited to space travel in some ways, and less suited in others. Their smaller frames save space over all and their slower metabolisms save resources. However they don't have quite as much strength and are prone to a few medical issues that complicate things.
Works out to men and women being roughly equal as astronauts.
Really, this many people fell for this?
>women wouldn't exist
What are you, gay?
Defending Venus wouldn't be that much harder than defending Earth, I mean it's right next planet, it's bound to have plenty of automated border patrol satellites and be within an hour's warp of the Earth defense fleet.
>These responses
>Falling for it
They're the sex naturally able to reproduce, so what happens without them when your artificial reproduction technology is destroyed in some way? Taking away the capacity for your species to reproduce without technological assistance seems like a big flaw which could be exploited and just risky in general.
If anything in a far future space setting a race would genetically engineer themselves to be more suited for a life of space travel, and only have one sex, which is capable of both regular sexual reproduction as well as pathenogenesis.
>Not including cloud cities on Venus in your far future space setting
Your sci-fi is shit user
instincts and emotions would be eliminated
men would make more men in jars
no reason to make women because they are physically weaker and less intellectual
What about all the fringe crazies out on the periphery?
Surely there'd be some matriarchies, along with transhuman mono-gender polities
>we can grow feti in artificial environments with no problems
>still haven't figured out mental or physical genetic or robotic augmentations
This setting's shit.
Bait aside, this might not be a terrible idea for a setting.
As in, most of the Empire/Federation/Alliance/Whatever upgrade themselves into Not!Cybermen, so are your players bad enough dudes to successfully rebel against the chrome nightmare and preserve the future of flesh-and-blood humanity?
The docking bay is cross-shaped so that we can have three different levels to stack the spaceships.
The circular shape adds character to the station. Makes it less boring.
I don't think I can, OP.
In a future where robopussy is cheap and ubiquitous, a creepy loser wouldn't have to obsess about not being able to get laid and spend all his time alternating between making cyberfeels threads on /Robot 90,000/ and shitposting on /tteg/ (Traditional Traditional Earth-based Games).
This thread just wouldn't exist, plain and simple.
The glorious Republic of Venus will never surrender to you Earther scum!
You'd just order a new one from Central Command and apologize your expectant father for the delay after they just installed the Motherhood.exe in their sex droids.
Depends on their relative positions in regards to the sun. They orbit at different speeds.
In the near future, let alone far future, gender will be completely fluid.
Male and female only exist for sexual reproduction. Already our society approaches the point where sex can be purely pleasurable with no possibility of unwanted conception. Before long, artificial wombs will be commonplace and bring an end to natural pregnancies.
At that point gender serves no purpose. We see this already. Humanity is outgrowing it's biological design. Gender is becoming more fluid as it's use case dwindles, individuals born into the modern world are recognizing the insignificance of biological gender and rejecting it.
Come the future, when gene and body modification are solved problems, there will no longer be any such thing as recognizeable genders - not because everyone will be the same, but because everyone will be different.
This doesn't mean the future is a Tumblrverse where everyone has their own unique pronouns and introduces themselves by their sexuality. That stuff is a growing pain. Once everyone is gender fluid, nobody will be.
It's a far future setting. Wormhole Warp Gates or FTL is likely around. The distance between two planets during their orbiting phases would be negligible.
Surface-to-orbit missile launchers on the cloud cities and a Sol system QRF.
This, desu. Any race capable of artificial reproduction would be capable of advanced genetic engineering and therefore the one existing sex would modify itself to have none of the flaws that natural biological males and females do.
I imagine standard planetary defenses would be fine. Although, considering Venus' thick atmosphere, it likely people are living in balloon cities. Floating up high where it's livable. You'd need a good orbital fleet. Maybe space mines too.
>cloud cities
>not terraforming it
Your sci-fi is shit too, m8.
Or, you could cut out all the technological headaches and just have the women of your spacefaring humans focus on child rearing and repopulation. As easy as it is for our own latte-sipping "philosophers" to stress the importance of equal opportunity in the far-future workplace, I'm sure when your options are either going out into the potentially hazardous atmosphere of a new planet to work with the men OR stay back at the comfy colony and raise kids, a lot of ladies wouldn't hesitate to pick the latter.
Which is why shit like isn't happening anytime soon. People entertain this shitty "gender fluid" stuff because we have the luxury and the disposable resources to encourage it in our own society, but in the untapped frontiers of space humanity is going to have to resort to their base sex roles in order to keep the species alive. No amount of technology is going to breed away primal instincts so easily.
The Amazons of Venus can defend themselves plenty.
the planet venus? not sure what should i defend there
I contend, that humanity will have to have a fundamental shift in the way it thinks.
Away from the selfish to the altruistic. What's good for the species will become the fuel that drives us. Maintaining population numbers will be one of those things.
>androids and gynoids made purely for sex reasons
>they go on to become the new Tumblr, long after the old one has (hopefully) moved on to do something actually constructive
Probably not the best of ideas.
Planets are overrated. They shake and have storms and spew fire and all that shit. Self Sustainable Generation Starships are where its at.
>but in the untapped frontiers of space humanity is going to have to resort to their base sex roles in order to keep the species alive. No amount of technology is going to breed away primal instincts so easily.
Put away the artificial wombs honey, if we're to survive on this frontier we need you to be incapable of physical labor for several months
The opposite is true though. To maintain population numbers we have to decide which groups are worth keeping around. Who gets to decide that changed everything. The focus on the good of the many will shift away to the good of the few because the many are unsustainable, unintelligent, and not worth keeping around.
Cloning Centers increase the population growth by +100K each turn as long as the current population is below the planetary maximum.
>a superhot metal planet where domes filled with breathable air naturally float on the heavy gases, far in the stratosphere where the heat is more manageable
>turning it into earth 2.0 with handwave magic because you only want generic backdrops
No user, you are the plebs
>we have to decide which groups are worth keeping around
Get /pol/ to decide this, they're usually right.
There are many reasons why the galactic community has shunned the Terran Mandate, but one of the most prominent is the status of the female in their society.
There are males in the Mandate, and then there are males with female anatomy. You see, "pure" females are essentially raised for the sheer purpose of having their bodies claimed by a male. For it was determined by the Mandate that the male brain and mind is vastly superior to that of the female, but for mankind to exist, they would still require the female to exist for reproduction. But no longer would they suffer the machinations of women: with their lying and manipulation and demands.
So naturally, the solution was thus: when a female reached "adult" age, their heads were to be removed, and a superior male head would be grafted onto the body.
Thus there are "females" in Mandate society, but there are no women. At least, not outside the flesh farms. Not counting those who have escaped Mandate space and avoided a most terrible fate.
There are those who have asked why the Mandate does not simply use cloning, or artificial means of reproduction, or simply have women be little more than breeding stock, rather than go through the trouble of using their bodies as hosts for male heads.
It is purely symbolic, I believe, enforced by a regime with little interest in practicality or reason. And to think the Galactic Commonality is actually considering letting the Terran Mandate have a seat? When this cruel and nightmarish practice exists, passed off as "it's a cultural thing, we must respect it" by the Commonality? Absolutely not.
Most settings don't allow you to warp/jump/... through a star (or inside a system's sphere of influence)
We are capable of advanced genetic engineering, it's just that "it's baaaaaaaaad" because it mostly means making sure your kid has lighter skin and ins't gay, depressive or disabled.
>I'm sure when your options are either going out into the potentially hazardous atmosphere of a new planet to work with the men OR stay back at the comfy colony and raise kids, a lot of ladies wouldn't hesitate to pick the latter.
All it takes is one deconstructivist parroting his filth and you'll have women refusing to breed because they aren't "slaves" or some shit.
Yeah I was already noticing the magical realm.
If you want male-thinking females all you need is certain hormonal cocktails at certain ages and a masculinizing propaganda machine. You don't need b-movie surgical processes.
I'm pretty sure most do though. Specifying that the FTL doesn't work in a gravity wellls areas isn't a common thing. Gates in any setting they're in are pretty much as direct as you can get regardless of outside influence since they're a controlled wormhole or a path into an alternate dimension or whatever.
Even if neither work your likely using highly slower than light advanced engines with near flawless navigating systems, especially in regards to our native solar system.