What will happen to terminate now that fatal push is pushing shit in?
>What removal spell should see more play in modern, but doesn't.
>How does your deck play around removal?
>Why does Mardu see zero play even though it has all the best removal?
What will happen to terminate now that fatal push is pushing shit in?
>What removal spell should see more play in modern, but doesn't.
>How does your deck play around removal?
>Why does Mardu see zero play even though it has all the best removal?
OP is shit. Last threads was just fine. kys
Quick question. I'm going to FNM for the first time tonight. Does my deck/sideboard need to be in a box separate from any other cards? I ask this because I have a tower box I normally use which has a few decks in it.
Nothing will happen to terminate. Fatal push is good, but overhyped.
Mardu is shit because it has no clock. It really is just poor man's jund/k. Good luck using removal on valakut and ad nauseum
Why would it need to be?
I've seen bigger tournaments where that's the case. Didn't know if FNM was that way as well
It is. I was just hoping you would figure it out in your own
Nope, too cautious to form a solid answer on my own. Appreciated user
in which deck can I play this handsome lumberjack that is not jund?
None, really.
So I haven't played magic since i lost all my cards back in middle school, and Im looking to get back in.
Ive always liked Red thematically, so what are the pros and cons of each color combo with red?
RUG delve is about the only other deck it plays in
RW - Boros Charm
RG - Cheap
RU - Uh.. nothing?
RB - idfk
This is a competitive thread, modern refers to the format, not "modern cards". If you want to start with modern be aware that decks go for like $800+, and random homebrews are next to unplayable, especially when made by new players.
Fatal push hits everything that isn't tron, scape shift/breach, and half of Grixis? Seems better than terminate, nothing really regenerates in modern anyway
Ok, wasn't sure which MtG thread to ask this in
RU is snap bolt you ignoramus. There's a reason scalding tarn is expensive.
doesn't hit half of the threats in the eldrazi decks either
red is almost always about being aggressive. but it depends on the format, really.
r/w could swarm you with tokens but also has the ability to destroy your lands and creatures and lock you out of the game.
r/u usually wins in a single turn by chaining spells and hitting you with them or doing an infinite damage combo or playing a tempo game
r/b is also aggressive and it has good removal and discard options.
r/g also has some land destruction. cannot swarm as much as r/w but the creatures are bigger
But there's no fucking UR deck outside of like suicide bloo (which doesn't run snap)? If you want to go over every 3 color combo with red in it be my guest.
You'd probably be best asking in a standard thread, that's the format with all of the newest cards in it and is the cheapest widely played format (though it's still pretty pricey).
Someone a while ago did a break down of every modern relevant creature that Push hits. It's something like, 50% without revolt, and close to 65% with. Which, I think, is worth some slots in certain decks. Same reason to run Spell Snare.
>>What removal spell should see more play in modern, but doesn't.
magma spray is the most efficient answer to melira podless outside of anger, but that isn't a deck right now.
>>How does your deck play around removal?
mana denial, taxing and flicker effects. selfless spirit and redundancy. smuggler's copter!
>>Why does Mardu see zero play even though it has all the best removal?
it has the least efficient everything-else.
What MtG cards (or related things in general) would you guys want as a birthday present?
I have a friend who pretty much only plays modern MtG and X-Wing, and we're having a tough time figuring out what to get him. We were thinking at first that he would like getting a booster box and then having a draft or two with it, but I feel like he wouldn't get much he would actually use unless we went for Modern Masters or an older set (which all seem to be above our $100 budget).
Then I thought we should just get him some good individual cards, but I'm not even sure what all he already has. The only deck I've personally seen him use was a Demigod of Revenge deck. Is there anything you guys just can't have too many of for modern?
Find out what decks he plays and get him some cards he doesn't already have from another list.
Everyone always needs fetchlands, you can get him a couple of those.
Find out what deck he WANTS to build and get him some staples for that.
Or just ask him what he wants/needs.
get him a box of Conspiracy 2 and draft with him, there's enough modern legal cards in there to make it interesting and drafts are a blast
>everyone always needs fetchlands
I was actually considering Conspiracy, but figured most cards would be pretty self-contained and only useful in the draft and then Commander. If there's a decent chance of him getting some pretty good Modern cards out of a booster box, then I think that's what I'll go with. Conspiracy seemed like the most fun to draft.
I guess it should have been obvious to just ask, but I always feel weird asking people about what to get them for their birthday, and I don't know a way to ask without making it extremely obvious that I'm asking for his birthday. Fetchlands are a good idea, though.
Yeah, I've been looking over them and this seems like the best bet. Thanks!
>what removal spell should see more play in modern
only plebians need creature removal
>How does your deck play around removal
By drawing the entire library at instant speed in response to lethal damage and killing you
>Why does Mardu blah blah blah
who gives a sweet flying fuck
Thanks for your valued post
Fuck you fat mother's cunt
You must be 18 to post here
Fuck your
come on man don't make say things twice.
Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were mentally impaired.
I am not, just fuck your fat mother's cunt man, what's so difficult to understand? You must be one of those grixis control or zoo or some shitty braindead midrange deck player.
Lad. Ad naus is for drooling idiots.
so /modern/ guys, are you following the aether revolt pro-tour? any cool stuff detected for the modern format?
>>Why does Mardu see zero play even though it has all the best removal?
It has all the best creature removal, but it lacks a maindeckable way to remove resolved artifacts, enchantments, and 'walkers. That's why Jund/k and even blue midrange/control strategies will always be better.
Don't call me lad, m8
Are you ready for improvise to take over modern? You thought dig through time was bad?
t. desolator
Buy your cryptolith rites now guys they're going to break every format
This, the rhino should have been 1WBR and the stupid demon should have been the Abzan one.
Another quality post.
Kolaghan's Command and Mortify are both perfectly fine.
Mardu isn't played because it can't run Goyf,Delver or Snapcaster, and there's no comparable threat in it's colors.
Already buttblasted about Cheerios' Revenge?
Shit's getting banned, Modern is the no fun league and they'll use "the deck can consistlently win turn 3 if the oponent is retarded" as an excuse.
>mfw they finally ban opal because of cheerios
I'm going to be so glad when that disgusting use of a card is banned. Modern shouldn't have a mox that's strictly better than the vintage ones and only restrict it to artifact strategies, it's not fair to everyone else playing by the rules.
Shut up scrub. Mox opal is hardly oppressive
Inb4 hilarious t. Affinity player meme
>d-d-don't ban my precious opal my deck can't function without a broken vintage level card
>implying I said it was oppressive
The card is a mistake and disgustingly broken, it needs a ban.
oh almost forgot
>t. affinity player
Go back to kitchen table. Not everyone wants to play midrange here, kid
nah cheerios is still ok, even though it has disgusting creatures its only to facilitate winning by storm which makes it objectively better than 95% of the other decks in modern.
Be a try-hard and brew ware-wolves with moonmist RUG
Mayor of Avabruck
Duskwatch Recruiter
make it happen
Izzet has bolt snap bolt, electrolize, and counters
Rakdos has kommand, surgical extraction, "fulminator mage" and tasigur
Gruul has valakut, ramp and atarkas command
Boros has boros charm, lightining helix, and path. Also you can sun titan if you decide to play ld
This is the competitive general
Who's going to gp vancouver?
What are you bringing?
Dredge: is it truly desde, or just un the ok powerlevel?
I'm not your m8, kiddo
Really? Because the title says modern general. You're the kind of guy that gets pissy if his sock drawer get disorganized, aren't you?
What does that even mean? Fuck off retard
>implying I play kitchen table
>implying I play midrange
I actually play Tron and I still think it's disgusting that only affinity and lantern get a vintage level card just because wizards has been too lazy to ban it.
They even said they consider fast mana to be problematic you pleb and yet they let ssg and opal still run around. It's time for a banning to actually make this format good.
not since the last few OPs it hasn't
we REALLY need better OPs
>tron moron complains about fast mana
Lmao. It all makes sense now.
What about this threat?SmolGuyForYew.dec ?
>I don't have any counter arguments as to why mox should stay unbanned because I know deep down it's broken
>I'll just shitpost him instead haha
wew lad, kys desu senpai
try it out in r/g ponza
lol, without a PT we're as "competitive" as commander weenies.
An ideal Mardu deck would be nothing but removal and a hard to deal-with bomb. Because being the color combo that can remove absolutely everything is it's strenght.
5-mana 2/2, shove it up your ass.
The closest Mardu is to a strong finisher is Grave Titan, but that'll never shine so long as turn 4 Ugins and Oblivion Stone activations are a thing that happens.
What's your argument? Wah, fast decks kill my Tron?
Fuck off memer
So Legacy isn't competitive either?
That mox is an inherently broken card because it's strictly better than the original moxen decks that can use it. I never said anything about deck speed and currently the only two decks that use opal that are competitive are lantern and affinity, of which only one is "fast".
Artifact strategies should be allowed to exist but they shouldn't get a vintage level card just for them, it'd be like giving enchantment based strategies or other focused archetypes ancestral recall or other vintage level crap that's toxic for the game.
If you actually think Opal is balanced then you're the memer here, not me.
*in decks that can use it
No, not really.
Without company sponsored prizes, record keeping and tropies. We're just a bunch of guy playing a card game.
At least in Legacy brewing and metagaming is fun and serves to keep the other 10+ tier 1/1.5 decks guessing around the rock-pape-scissors of Miracles-Storm-Show.
In Modern brewing is a waste of time, we've solved the format multiple times and every time we've gotten our shit banned. Sometimes we got our shit banned without even solving anything, and it looks like we're getting even more shit banned just for funsies.
This format isn't worth playing anymore, WotC doesn't care, stores don't care because they're selling more shit by pandering to Frontier/Commander, "pros" and "deckbuilders" only keep brewing for this shit because they're sponsored by stores and desperately trying to move those Obliterators and Damnations as if they were really worth the price.
Acting like an elitists when you play the hobo of formats won't do it any good.
Neither will whining on a website for chinese cartoons.
>strictly better than original moxen
Not him, but the decks that use it are: affinity, cheerios, lantern control aaaand? So affinity can use it as a 0 drop turn one mana. So? You do realize you are the only one here complaining right? You do realize that other people play the game and enjoy other stuff right?
Please stop trying to get every card banned, if anything modern should have no banlist.
t. Ad nauseam player
>brewing is a waste of time
Tell that to Lantern Control and Bant Spirits and all the other rogue decks that have done reasonably well. Modern isn't a solved format by any means.
That doesn't dispute the fact that the card is fucking broken nor the fact that it allows for busted things. It speeds affinity up at no cost to them and pumps ravager/cranial plating. It allows lantern mana fixing as well as the ability to get a lock in play on t2 and it enables storm degeneracy in cheerios.
>no banlist
>ad naseum
So you're retarded and don't care at all for the health of the format because it never affects you? kys kiddo some cards are too powerful which is why we have a banlist. If you don't want one then go paly freeform or some shit because this isn't the format for eternal broken shenanigans.
Found the standard try-hard
This thread is a prime example that shit OPs=shit threads
why are you so buttmad m80. I enjoy formats with less artificial restrictions. The banlist just confines the format for no reason other than "but of course otherwise every deck would have to play this" which basically happens anyway with mana leaks for controls and thoughtseize etc.
Fuck you and your shitty attitude, if you want to play yu ghi oh go play that.
So ad nauseam is a "combo" "deck?"
If midrange decks are playing "Magic the gathering" i suppose anything goes.
There's a difference between good cards that see lots of play and busted cards that see some play.
For example, glimpse of nature turns elves into a legitimate threat and enables some busted things and you can see legacy to confirm that. It was banned and for good reason, modern isn't the format for busted shit and I by no means am advocating for the bans of good, but powerful cards such as Lightning bolt, Ravager, Goyf, Thoughtseize, Mana Leak etc. but rather for the ban of a problematic card that only enables degeneracy in affinity, lantern and cheerios. All of those decks function without their vintage moxen and would still be viable without it.
The banlist is there for problematic cards that warp the format and enable degenerate shit. You can enjoy formats with less restrictions, but based on wizards attitude and ban history, Modern is not the format for that or for you. My attitude isn't shitty considering I'm not crying for emotional balance, but rather for format health and this is being met by no actual discussion just you shitposting because the very idea of a regulated format and a balnlist makes you asspained. If anything you're the one who should fuck off to another card game.
nice argument affinity/lantern player
Lantern is older than kids in high-school. It was just unplayable because good decks still existed.
Hey, didn't want to make a thread for this, but aether revolt card Embral Gear Smasher: with it's trigger on the stack if you remove the creature will the trigger fizzle? Friend is saying it fizzles because the trigger says "this creature" but I think the trigger may just represent the damage and resolve anyway. Help plz
>it was unplayable because good decks existed
What good decks kept lantern from being playable? I think it was more due to the fact that in the beginning lantern didn't have a lot of players, only the diehards playing and testing the deck which led to slow progress. As the deck got more popular over time more people started getting attracted to it and helped that progress and then it started putting up real results. shit I remember when it was called top control and was considered a meme deck but lantern players just kept fanatically playing the deck and here we are.
Dude. You play tron. How can you complain about broken mana engines?
I went 4-2 as Bant Eldrazi in a meta that consists of Bogles, 8 rack and horrible, jank brews.
the first game was against Bogles and I went 0-2.
Please tell me I'm a shitter and call me bad. I deserve it.
>ad nauseam
strike one
>'drawing' your library with ad nauseam
strike two
>playing zero removal
strike three, you're out.
bogles is the new aggro
There's this cool card called blessed alliance and it's good against creatures that cant't be targeted and can gain you life.
You should try running it.
Never drew it. Kept a hand with 2 natural states and he never played an enchantment game two.
He went bogles into geist into new thalia and I couldn't recover after EEing his geist. I had a shit hand to deal with multiple creatures and didn't expect him to have 10 of his 15 sideboard cards to be creatures
He could also be playing Cheerios user don't be a dummy. He still gets 3 strikes though.
Either deck should run at least have one slaughter pact or something.
>vintage level
I don't think you even grasp what the fuck you're talking about.
>again vintage level
>strictly better than original moxen
I give 0 fucks about opal being banned in modern, but you legit do not even begin to understand how stupid you sound for throwing around such statements
The power of original moxes is in the fact that they are generic. Opal is extremely non-generic and legendary.
A non-generic card in vintage has to be broken enough to have a game-winning strategy around it or in itself.
Btw yes, opal is balanced, even if it might be close to broken in very specific modern decks, but outside those and even more so outside modern it is shit.
No sideboard creatures that see actual play both stop cheeri0s from killing you but not from drawing thier deck.
Can you guys have a look at this mono u wizard list for me.
wtf you're even trying to do with this list? What's the point of wizard sub-type if there's no interaction between them?
Wizards were sweet during the drazi winter
>What will happen to terminate now that fatal push is pushing shit in?
>What removal spell should see more play in modern, but doesn't.
Magma Spray.
>How does your deck play around removal?
I hope you enjoy removing 1/4 of a card.
>Why does Mardu see zero play even though it has all the best removal?
It doesn't have any great creatures like goyf/delver/snappy. It doesn't have as much burn as a full burn deck. Even Nahiri is better used in Jeskai. Removal is all its really good at, and that doesn't win games by itself.