The Dark Lord has risen! And with him, all manner of dark beasts and fiends. Discuss creatures of the night, be they orc, undead or wolf. Post pictures of the evil lieutenants you'd call to your service.
Dark Minions Thread
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There are so many ways to do scary orcs
Are negroes creatures of the night?
>Post pictures of the evil lieutenants you'd call to your service.
RIP the possibility of any discussion.
technically they are like that because of the sun
English isn't my first language, I meant like pic related. Did I accidentally a double meaning?
Why is there a midget in the background?
Dear fellow dark lords, how do you feel about skeletons?
I personally like to make the beaten and bruised carcases of my enimes into broths for making bio weapons buts thats just me(pick related,my first creation)
I've actually started using the corpses of fallen sea-peoples. It's just, you know, better for the environment and I think if you give undead coastal raiders a chance they'll really kickstart your dark reign
I've found the can make tasteful decorations for any evil lair
This is my favorite type of orc. Hunch back, bow legged, ugly mug
Imma use this for a plot thread in a game.
>efficient necromancer keeps getting his shit raided by notvikings
>Starts raising notvikings as defenders for the extra level of "fuck off"
>Raids increase so they can recover their dishonored bretheren
>Everyone's pissed
>Situation escalates into outright war
What's your favorite kind of /bigunit/ tg. What giant monster rounds out your evil army?
Giants in general are pretty badass for putting in an evil army. If you've got a hoard of evil men, make two or three of them ten stories high and it'll be pretty intimidating when they rip and tear. Same with orcs. Just have one or two bigguns. Bone giants are especially bad ass
If you need a big one for any army, good or evil, a giant will do. Trolls are scary and all, but a giant that wields a huge weapon and is toting a lot of armor just blows other big guys out of the water.
post scary orcs
cool guy
shit cthulhu trash
asian orcs = fucking shit
cool nigger horde
>your opinions
I want evil minions inspired by mesoamerican cultures and costumes
orcs are cool OP, as are other typical cannon fodder. But hyena men and gnolls are the best
Evil dwarves
they're out there
Every Dark Lord needs a handful of themed Dungeon Bosses
Concept art for Orrians is easily my favorite design for Undead, they're not just corpses or skellingtons but clearly corrupted misshapen human(oids).
Too bad ingame they're generic zombies with some spikey bits.
gnolls a shit
Excellent as entertainment.
The armor sets and big setpiece bosses have a little of it, but more variety of "Unda Da Sea Necromorphs" would have been nice, yeah.
Mushroom men for my grunts. The grow in the slain and are reborn!
Also, vampire birds for aerial combat.
Carrion birds are choice additions to any evil hoard
>be vilified for cleaning up the waste of slaughter
>wearing dwarf jawbones
>with the beards still on
Goblins scalping dwarf beards is a pretty neat idea.
This guy's Tolkien bestiary changed my life. His art is fucking unique
His art is great for depictions of Warhammer Chaos but otherwise it's just too weird and out of place more often than not.
not really
These are great. I love anything based on rarely used cultures.
Personally I'm a fan of hobgoblins, bugbears and other smarter stronger goblinoids working vaguely together as a sort of murderous rampaging horde, pillaging and enslaving as they go and eventually becoming a very dark version of the mongols, where they fight amonst themselves every time their leader dies, becoming decadent over time, and then being crushed by slave revolts before the whole thing starts again.
That's most definitely not a minion, that's the evil lord himself. Or, more likely, the Jew who pays the evil lord's bills.
I didn't realize I liked this until you spelled it out so clearly, but yes. Mixed hoards are the best. Ah! Just thought of a good example. Like how Redwall's vermin hoards were
>pointles gay opinions
>but also posts dungeon synth
I could never hate you, user
Castlevania bosses make for the best hoard leaders. Hell, castlevanie enemies are under appreciated outside of the franchise. They could easily be used in any fantasy setting
I miss ye olde Tolkien style orcs.
I kinda like what they did with uruk hai in the movies though. Tolkien's orcs are brutal but cunning but have the nature of a Great War soldier about them. No care for life or death, wielding weapons beyond their understanding, locked in an infinite struggle with their enemy until the bitter end for reasons they no longer care about. Seeing orcs wearing partial plate, using crossbows, forming pike walls, etc. was cool. Using advanced weapons didn't make them seem any less uncivilized and monstrous.
Personally I'm always a fan of half-plant things. They blend into the environment, they make what people think are regular skeletons a lot tougher, and the photosynthesis takes care of the need for food! Well, that and the corpses.
>Plants that animate skeletons
that's actually the first fresh take on undead I've heard in awhile
Best minions reporting for duty my Overlord.
Lee [pic] is probably my favorite LoTR illustrator next to,
>Eeeeeeeeeee Ima fuck you up
>says one Asian orc pic is good
>says another is shit because it's an Asian orc
Make up your autistic mind, son.