If a druid changes into a mice and eats a tiny bit of meat, will he be full after turning into a man?
If a druid changes into a mice and eats a tiny bit of meat, will he be full after turning into a man?
If you use a little meat to fill a little container, and then transfer it to a bigger container, is the bigger container full?
If a druid changes into an animal and gets impregnated by a different animal of the same kind, will she give birth to said animal after turning back?
Druid turns into a Dinosaur, eats a ton of food, than changes back to a human sized creature.
He does not explode. Please explain.
Fair point. I would like to imagine the food is expelled from his bowels like toothpaste from a tube.
Nobody cares
Either 1 of 2 things happened.
1) The baby is aborted due to the transformation into a form that doesn't support its' development.
2) The fact of being pregnant prevents the druid from transforming further until the baby is carried to term.
Is this some druid getting uncomfortable?
At higher levels, the Druid can do this without changing at all.
>Druid turns into a Dinosaur, eats a ton of food, than changes back to a human sized creature.
>He does not explode. Please explain.
You're playing the wrong edition.
I prefer to say that the internal organs don't change, they just get shunted dimensionally. So the mouse could chow down a three course meal, but the t-rex can't actually swallow begin to the guy he bit in half.
Actually, I think that interpretation would nerf the giant toad forms swallow whole. But I think it's worth it, to avoid the alternative crazy logic.
It's a mystery. They would like it to stay that way.
>swallow begin to
*begin to swallow
Forgive my word salad.
>I don`t understand examples.
Could a druid transport the rest of the party by changing into a whale or giant snake to swallow them, changing into a bird to travel, then changing back to spit them out again?
It's magic, so sure whatever.
>I don't understand jokes
It's okay, we have pills for that now.
I don't think they'd survive that. No the druid can't instakill an enemy by swallowing them as a giant frog and then turning into a sparrow, because fuck you Dave that's why.
Regardless of the animal, the result is always an owlbear.
No. The size change renders the food inconsequential.
Its vomited back up in the process of changing. Every druid is taught this lesson early on, and is an important lesson to remember.
As the transformation is only physical and thus lacks any of the actual essence of the creature, no, a druid cannot become pregnant. What is this jenehtiks you speak of?
T-rex sized kek
**If you're willing to take the BoEF as true, then no.**
>the actual essence of the creature
It's called sperm, it's entirely physical. Just try it out!
An animal's essence cannot mix with a human's unless under very specific and mostly unnatural means. Do you take me for a moron who doesn't know that sperm carries a portion of the essence of a creature? There are ways of mixing essence, and there are creatures which naturally do so, dragons for instance, but the magics of druidism do not allow it. Nature tends to be a rather strict mistress in this department.
But in this case the animals essence mixes with the animals essence of the human currently in animal form.
We had a that girl druid player who did just that. Had a number of animals which were her children, and assisted her in different ways.
Girls are weird, glad I never touch those.
I'd rather have the alternative crazy logic.
What if they have acid resistance?
What happens when the government and kingdoms of the world figure out that transmutation wizards and wild-shaping druids have been the cause for the owl-bear problem plaguing the kings forest for the past three years?
Theres a dimension where all the extra mass goes to and comes from
It works for marvel
Probably not. He'd probably actually very hungry after turning back into a man.
I'm imagining an Owlbear version of smokey the bear.
"Only YOU can prevent owlbears" as he offers a wand of dispel towards the viewer
No wait, make that a pack of condoms, not a wand of dispel. Don't need UMD for condoms.