Face of Aether Revolt Edition
Anyone watching the PT?
twitch dot tv/magic
Anyways, post brews, tips and whatever you want and come watch copycat and snake dominate the meta
Face of Aether Revolt Edition
Anyone watching the PT?
twitch dot tv/magic
Anyways, post brews, tips and whatever you want and come watch copycat and snake dominate the meta
Other urls found in this thread:
looks like mardu vehicles best deck
wow what afucking snorefest, it's the same match up over
and a RB Aggro is going 8-0
If someone brews a monored burn this will look like mtg again
Okay so I'm a guy who once kinda dabbed into MTG back during the Mirrodin -> Kamigawa era and saw lately the Eldritch stuff so I kinda decided to slightly get back into the play and make myself a 60-cards deck built around all of this Lovecraft-y stuff (because Lovecraft does sell).
I recently bought a few boosters alone and I'm really interested into making something very thematic. Doesn't have to be a GREAT deck, just something that encompasses the Hints from Innistrad, the Eldrazis, etc.
I still have a shitload of old cards from a lot of old sets (Ice Age, and before too) so I have no qualms about mixing old and new.
Any ideas about a build? Like I said, it's only for occasional playing, I have zero intention of going competitive. If I win, great. If I lose, too bad.
If this is the bad thread, feel free to redirect me.
Needs hardcore control still
Definitely possible with Baral, glimmer and all the counterspells, even if they're not the good one.
How do you get more hard control than UB control? It's 3 torrential gearhulks with a bunch of draw spells, kill spells, and counter spells.
Do you intend to go to standard tournament at game stores or just mess around with more casual friends?
Torrential Gearhulk is a boring win con
This made a good showing in one of the opens, and is fairly cheap. You could probably make it UR only to cut down on the price a bit.
Just mess around with friends. I have board gaming friends who play this stuff and since I got into board gaming fairly recently as well, I just wanted something to play and easy to have with me at all times.
Matches up with control's gameplan, then.
I don't even know why people want super hard control. I remember UW control matchups that had one aetherling, and would jerk off with Sphinx Rev. What a terrible mirror match.
Snakes and turtles need more luv in mtg.
Jeez, LSV isn't even wearing his ring anymore.
I feel bad for that man.
People like telling other people no. The more they can do it, the more they feel validated.
Any deck with absolutely no interaction required are usually the ones that have the most people like it play it because it literally doesn't require the other person to play with or against.
his wife is butt ugly doe
hes probably sticking fingers in gaby spartz butthole all the time
For Felidar Guardian:
>We did miss the interaction with Saheeli
>this is not the kind of deck we would intentionally take a risk with.
Definitely agree, she's atrocious. He does have a newborn baby though..
>RnD missed that interaction
That's unbelievably stupid of them
This is probably the best deck with mostly inn. stuff.
There are so many magic cards. No real way to tell you what to do unless you have a start.
I agree. Maybe one day we'll be back
RIP cat. We hardly knew ye. Hopefully Copycat doesn't completely dominate.
It did actually go 8-0, I'm amazed at how good it works
They've made this fucking combo so many times you'd think they'd have the template inked in their heads. But nope, they keep "missing" it.
I hope it does. The human deck makes it cry.
Sweet. I thought he looked out of it today, so that's why. If that cunt is unhappy, it makes my day a bit better.
>RIP cat. We hardly knew ye. Hopefully Copycat doesn't completely dominate.
It's about 30% of the meta online, and that share is probably going to rise after the protour.
Include westvale abbey
This might be the worst thing youtube has ever recommended me, and it's all your fault, Veeky Forums
Has gearseeker serpent been seeing play in improvise decks?
I thought they did not design for modern.
Eh i suppose its just speculation more then things they are going to consider with the card
EEF: I like this. Is it expensive enough that people won't counter fetch land activations with it in Modern?
That actualy sounds like it could be a cool interaction i would not be worried about it in modern to much at 2 lands already it is not that big a loss.
>SVE: This the kind of card we should be spending our "Awesome Impactful Single-Word Name" capital on.
Ricochet was not one of those cards though.
just got into magic, love the lore more than anything else, particularly anything Serra related, dunno why but her story tugs the old heartstrings, i'm already building a pure angel tribe deck based mostly around the serra type angels, but is there anywhere i can get more lore on the character and her realm?
How the hell did snek become a deck? What does it do that Hardened Scales doesn't?
Well, it's a body that you can put counters on, and there are just better counter stuff in standard right now. Outlast a shit.
When is someone going to can this fat fuck? He must be sweating even more profusely than normal given that his oversight of standard has led to the most cancerous past few years of Standard that I can remember since original Affinity
Post yfw they ban saheli instead of the cat.
She's gonna tank in price either way and that's what upsets people.
Nobody cares when they ban a $0.49 card.
MTG players are so scummy even at a pro level.
>Saying "Combat" means you skip your combat step priority
the fuck is this bullshit?
even in the ruling article the comments (by judges) contradict the rule itself
>If someone brews a monored burn this will look like mtg again
you can just play grixis madness if you want to go face with spells. thermo-alchemist, collective brutality, alms and temper. get some.
got to play it in a 3-rounder tonight.
>2-0 Mardu Aggro
>2-1 GB Snake
>1-2 UR Deep Fiend
I love Torrential Gearhulk: the Gathering! 5555
Seriously, fuck this game now.
>ESL player says Combat means already declare attackers before pre-combat
>Everyone says it's legit
Did I get that right? Does this mean everyone has to say 'pre-combat' now before actually declaring attackers?
Player name, so I can take a look at it? Bought B/R recently, thought it was fucked when Smug-Cops got banned. I'd be interested in seeing this deck.
The 'go to combat?' shortcut goes to Beginning Of Combat AND passes priority to the inactive player. If the Inactive Player then also passes, we go to Declare Attackers.
There is no reason for the Active Player to do things in the Beginning Of Combat step; it exists for the Inactive Player to do things.
Otherwise: if Active Player said "go to combat?" and inactive player responded "Cryptic, tap draw", Active Player could allow Cryptic Command to resolve, then activate their creature lands and attack with them.
>activate their creature lands and attack with them
er, wrong example
that should be "play a haste creature" since the issue is still being in Main Phase 1
Segovia, almost got fucked by a rules lawyering, which sucks cause it was a shit call but he did make a trigger fuck up as well, but proceeded to shit in his opponent the next to games straight, 8-0 beating out even GB aggro snek
Just cracked open a masterpiece Trinisphere. Should I hang on to it or sell it now? I feel like it could be worth some money some day.
>fight saheeli
>didn't even know he was playing saheeli until game 2 because I just out-aggroed him so hard with r/b zombies
>naturally draw into answers against the combo next game
>saheeli never stays on the board for more than a second
Lightning axe and fiery temper are so based.
What Budde said. I have played since Alara though rarely above FNM competitively and out of the countless of games i've played, asking 'Combat? / Combat phase?' was and still is considered as 'Let's go to the beginning of combat'.
Apparently they want you to explicitly say you are not passing priority and are not moving into declare attackers, which is absurd.
Yeah that's weird, because literally no one jump to declare attack even if they don't have anything to do in the beginning of combat phase.
>AP : Combat?
>NAP : Sure
>AP : Well, i have nothing to do. Declare attack?
>NAP : Sure
That's what usually goes when i play.
Just seeing his name fucking triggers me
How does someone this stupid even breathe?
I hope the RB Zombie standard dredge deck makes a top 8. 3/4 for players on that deck made day 2 with good match points so I'm having some hope.
>PT Stream
>Team interview
>Our team is more equal and more better.
Guys, help me out here. Is there a reason why there are almost no men represented on any of the cards? All of the good guys are women too.
Am I missing something? Is kaladesh matriarchal?
>muh representation
you are as bad as the people you complain about.
It's because you're a shitty neckbearded troglodyte looking for a reason to complain and blending it out the plenty of men that are on cards to better fit the narrative you constructed in your little brain.
But those men are mostly non-human
I don't mind more representation at all, and I'm black, if that means anything to you
I'm just wondering if there's an lore reason for the overabundance of women in this particular block
>and I'm black, if that means anything to you
Oh, I'm sure you are. And there's no overabundance. Just equal representation. Which probably feels like overabundance to neckbeards who aren't used to seeing women that aren't just window dressing appearing in fantasy products. Is it too much too sudden? Eh, not really. You had plenty of time getting used to more women appearing in Magic products. You gotta pull the band-aid at some point.
You're really misunderstanding me.
None of the good guy legendary creatures or planes walkers are male humans. I'm asking why that is.
Also it's not equal representation. I was looking through the block today and realized how incredibly few men there are on cards. Trust me, waaay less than half
You actually counted? How fucking obsessed are you with this shit? Did all this fucking /pol/ shit actually get to your head and make you feel persecuted?
I didn't count. Go look through the set, it's unavoidably obvious
I was looking through the set because I haven't played in a while and was thinking of getting back into it since the next set is apparently Egyptian themed
I've always hated sexed up women in stuff. Actually, I really like the art style and character designs in this set, I'm just wondering why there are so few men. Is it this block? Is it gonna be an ongoing theme with wizards from now on? I just wanna know.
No idea why you're getting so angry tho
>But those men are mostly non-human
Question: who gives a shit?
Hey fat/tg/uys what is the profit margin as a business on this whole card thing? Do any of you know?
Well, considering the vast majority of their player base is male, it's a strange decision from a business perspective.
I'm just wondering if there's a reason for it. Horizon Zero Dawn for example is based on matriarchal society, so it makes sense that most of the prominent good guys are female
I just wanna know if kaladesh has a reason like that
No need to be so defensive guys
Richard Garfield found it pretty high.
Last block had two female villains, if that puts you more at ease. And the heroes are all the same for every single block (which is actually awful, since most of them are terribly written, but let's not get into that). It's just that one of the women from the hero team is born on the plane this block takes place on, so her and her mom (her dad was killed) are a big focus of the card art.
Well I am talking about coming from the prospective of a commercial business. I work as an inventory analyst for an e-commerce business looking to diversify.
Yea, it's pretty cool to see a mom/daughter relationship, it's surprisingly rare in fiction. Still a waste of a cool character in Kiran tho
But it's not just her, it's all of the good guy legends. They're all female, or dwarf/blue guy
I just hope it's not a trend. I liked Inn2 and how it had a large number of females on card art, but I don't want it to be overwhelmingly female.
You know, back in the day dudes would've loved to identify with a dwarf hero. Now they feel threatened, because they think it means they're not treated equally. This entire world is going to shit.
...or maybe I'm trying to figure out an answer to my question.
It's highly likely you're trolling at this point, but I'll humor you without freaking out lime other anons have been.
Why are there so many women depicted in the Kaladesh set?
>Theory 1
There's no reason. It's just higher than usual. WotC art department just acqujred more female art than male art.
>Theory 2
WotC is branching out to appeal to women. More women in cards = more representation = more female players = higher profits--at least, in theory. Most male players either won't notice or care.
Now, please stop shitting up the thread.
>most male players won't notice or care
Except, marketing disagrees with you. People like to be represented in the things that they buy, whether it be beer or novels or whatever else.
Going by traditional wisdom/history, make players are likely to both notice and care. If they pick up more female players (an untapped but also risky market) then it'll work out for them, but it's also likely to backfire
I know I for one have little to no interest in this set since their are few cards that appeal to me mechanically or aesthetically.
I'll leave the thread since I got my answer, but you guys should really stop treating everyone frustrated with modern gender wars as retards from /pol/. Some of us just want equal representation in the mediums we like to enjoy. It's why I'm glad there are more black characters in general now.
>Some of us just want equal representation in the mediums we like to enjoy.
Kill yourself, mate. Or go join Tumblr where they give a shit about things like that.
>be new to mtg
>playing with an obnoxious cunt at my LGS
>playing my first and beloved BG Artifacts build
>testing it for the first time
>be excited because my board is almost as good as I want it, everything going great
>have 20 life, opponent has 5
>have a 4/7 Marionette master and a bunch of tiny artifacts
>opponent has only around 9 lands
>his turn, thinking to myself "I got this!"
>summons Saheeli
>summons cat
>"gg re?"
fuck this gay interaction
It really doesn't matter what gender they make as main characters, they are all terribly written.
>mfw they ban the snek instead
You should have killed your opponent faster.
I see Wizards is still butthurt about Twoo.
>Won't mention match results
>Won't even show his team's pic
>yfw they ban snek AND the saheli
How are you killing Saheeli with Lightning Axe? Plus she can +1 before you get a chance to Fiery Temper so she can def stay on the board.
... Seriously? Not him but play the cat, bounce the saheeli to start the combo, saheeli at 3 again,-2 the cat to continue, at this moment, on top of the stack lightning axe the cat and pitch temper, using tempers madness cost for r kill off the 1 loyalty saheeli, or just hard cast temper the saheeli and have a hasty cat bounce another permanent that's not dead and normal CST to deal with.
Please kys.
He din't mention the cat at all.
It's implied considering you kind of need the cat to actually go off, cmon now man, also happy as shit one of my deck concepts made a 100% conversion rate to day 2
if you had a Walking Ballista you could have used it to kill the Saheeli Rai with it's -2 ability on the stack. if you're on artifacts you need 4 of that card.
Or straight ping the guy for one, killing ur ballista and draining for the last 4 of dmg. Good thing I got the ballistas for 5$ a pop, :D
The combo has become only a part of the deck and not its only focus, Gearhulk beatdown is another aspect of the deck that can become a threat with Saheeli providing copies of Gearhulks and card quality for those flashbacked Glimmers.
I concede that FT and LA are answers to the combo but that's not what he was saying.
To say that FT and LA are answers to Saheeli means that you (as the BR zombies player) were probably facing someone who's not very good with the deck.
>Play GB delirium splashing R for some planeswalkers and UnlicensedD.
>Go to AER comes along
>Open 2 Ballistas, 3 Snakes, 1 Rishkar and finally get 4 Grim Flayers
Should I focus on the grindier BG aggro with Planeswalkers, Ishkanah and others, or go to BG counters?
Literally just said I'm not the zombi player and if you look at the match ups, even saheeli decks have trouble vs aggro since it is a control variant and control has always been the paper to aggros scissors. Why do you think their conversion rate was so poor from day one to two?
Hey, I'm putting together a Metalwork Colossus deck because it dodges a lot of the popular removal like Fatal Push, Lightning Axe, and Grasp of Darkness. Does anyone have some good or spicy tech to spruce up this list?
4 Foundry Inspector
4 Thraben Inspector
4 Hedron Crawler
4 Metalwork Colossus
4 Gearseeker Serpent
2 Cataclysmic Gearhulk
2 Corruted Grafstone
4 Cultivator's Caravan
4 Hedron Archive
4 Cogworker's Puzzleknot
Lands (24)
2 Inventors' Fair
4 Spire of Industry
9 Island
9 Plains
2 Ceremonious Rejection
4 Fragmentize
4 Negate
2 Imprisoned in the Moon
3 Fumigate
Does anyone here remember the number of viewers for the previous pro tour? It'd be interesting to compare. Presently, they're about to make the top 8 announcements, and they have about 27 k viewers. Seems a bit low, desu.
Sorry, I wanted to avoid the case where it seems like I was implying you are the original user, the internet just makes it hard to talk in the second person about a third person related to the discussion.
Yeah, BR zombies (and any other real aggro deck) is a bad matchup for the Saheeli decks, but that has to do more with the way they can flood the board and outright ignore the combo (since by itself is just two cards that do nothing against a bunch of decaying corpses mauling you to death, not to mention that you can only have 4 of each piece), FT and LA have very little to do with win% in that match.
Viewership has been on a decline since Oath's PT. The decisions WotC made with respect to removing modern PT's, making Standard PT days 3 rounds of draft +5 standard, only reporting a fraction of the results for MTGO, and finally reducing the money Pros get for showing up, all of those factors have really hurt the comunity. That's not even mentioning how boring it was to watch "tap marvel, shit out a free Emrakul now you have no way to get out of this" matches.
wtf i love brazilians now
What happened?