Air Combat

What games does Veeky Forums recommend that have good air combat? It can be standard planes, fictional flyers, or even space combat.

Other urls found in this thread: Combat - Tactics and Maneuvering.pdf


Is this the only one?

Crimson Skies originally started off as a tabletop game. Not sure if they still make it, but wouldn't hurt to look it up.

Interesting, went out of print in the 90's unfortunately, so we're unlikely to find it, but it looked like a good game nonetheless.

Twilight 2000 V2 had some okay rules for air stuff.


What game user?

Interest Seconded

I don't know, random images of planes

I got one.

Good space combat? Honestly, very fucking old game called tachyon the fringe.

Best space combat mechanic's i've ever seen, despite there being 'better' games nowadays, it still has some of the best space combat mechanics (afterburners/gliding etc) that for some reason a lot of space games do not, the space craft behave like airplanes in space, makes 0 sense.

With tachyon momentum is carried, you can for example afterburn in one direction, turn all propulsion off and turn the ship around at will to fire as it keeps gliding in one direction, then change direction of movement etc.

I enjoyed Airwar C21.
Jet age stuff with hidden maneuver choices and logarithmic ranges to deal with the range differences between missiles and guns.
Basically has stuff from ´Nam to present day.

IIRC, it´s in the Historical Wargames General folders.

das a vidjeo game, mang

we on teegee

If there isn't a game for it why not make one ourselves?

I for one would enjoy a space opera game being a knighted space fighter pilot

Airwar C21?

Bag the Hun looks good but I've never had a chance to play it. Same with most of the other options I've seen.

sure the primary mechanic for dogfighting could be based around gaining positioning on people, when you have it it means you're in a position to attack them, if you can maintain it for a certain number of rounds you destroy them. Throw in a bunch of different maneuvers with slightly different effects and we could have a barebones dogfighting system

Have you tried Battletech? There's a couple of guys over in /btg/ that do the aerospace stuff.

Air Combat C21
Crimson Skies
Mercenary Air Squadron
Aeronautica Imperialis
Attack Vector: Tactical
Birds of Prey
Check Your Six!

No, my knowledge of fighters and dogfighting is limited to watching a few playthroughs of Ace Combat.

Possibly have some environmental considerations as well going from fighting in atmosphere to fighting in space. Obviously you have a lot more to deal with if you have to dog fight inside of an asteroid field but then again nothing says you can have stationary suicide drones that liter the sky over your objective.

Then again the immediate problem I see is that some will desire ample realism when really all i want out of it is a cross between Macross, Outlaw Star and ZoE as far as technology and weapons available.

Ace of Aces is the coolest thing I've ever seen, but it's really hard to find. Each player gets a book, each page shows your view from the cockpit with a bunch of maneuvers at the bottom. Change page based on what you and your opponent do each turn, have a fight. Not like any other game suggestion that you're going to get, but really neat.

That sounds kinda awesome.


Top-shelf laugh

Air War.

And a supplement for you.

There's also Warbirds, but I can't upload that because filesize. Combat - Tactics and Maneuvering.pdf

The Birds of Prey people got Robert Shaw to commend their game, saying until he saw Birds of Prey, he didn't think it was possible to realistically represent actual aircraft motion and maneuvers in a tabletop wargame.
Unfortunately Birds of Prey's stuff is pretty obtuse in that a plane statcard will reference a missile statcard that doesn't actually exist and things like that. Plus they try to nickle and dime you with how they sell the game.
On the plus side, nomographs are cool.


I like the simplicity of Mercenary Air Squadron. Some guy from the Planes & Mercs forum has made a lot of homemade rules to add some crunch.

Traveller space and air combat rules are quite comfy

Mekton Zeta has enough rules to make a hyper realistic dogfighting RPG. Including turning speeds, fuel use, and a ton of G-Force rules.

of course there is a question of whether or not that is the best way to run a dogfight. Is it still playable with all those rules?

>using MZ
sure, if you want all your players to bring Amuro-tier twitch reflex spec pilots

reflexes as a godstat is a pain with the system