Who'd have won in a fight, Merry or Pippin?
Who'd have won in a fight, Merry or Pippin?
Didn't they get in a fight over produce in that farmer's field?
Merry is taller, so him.
Do they each get their own ent to ride into battle?
Pippin's always been taller.
well we'll have to look at their most impressive accomplishments
Merry was integral to slaying the Witch King, managing to cripple the leader of the 9 and live to tell the tale.
Pippin managed to take down a mountain troll singlehandedly, though nearly perishing in the attempt.
However Merry did sneak up to the Witch King while Pippin faced the troll in actual battle and does have an advantage in terms of equipment in that his blade survived and he was outfitted with the very best Gondor could offer.
Then again Merry is older than Pippin who is still a minor by hobbit standards.
Pretty even fight
While they were interchangeable comic relief in the movies, in the books Merry was the sharper, more serious, more mature one. Pippin might have been wilder and more aggressive, but I think Merry would have won a fight.
The 1,000 degree knife.
They were like that in the movies too. You remember when Pippin groped the Palantir, and Merry told him he was a fuckwad? Pippin didn't get the problem until Merry spelled it out for him.
Die, die, die you fucking fuck!
The Longbottom Leaf
They wouldn't fight to any conclusion in favor of sharing a meal and smoking.
* would of
who'd create a stronger legacy?
Well Pippin was integral to rallying the hobbits to drive off Saruman, and is also a servant of Aragorn, and a warrior of the resurgent Gondor, which makes me think that his legacy would hold on better.
Took beats Brandybuck every time. Pippin has the Blood of the Bullroarer, while Merry is just an off-shoot of a candidate branch of the family. Pippin was also Thain of the Shire.
Pippin wins easily.
Who are you and why are you wrong?
I think he might be genuinely retarded.
Or he's just one of those people that never realized the words they were using.
>being a manlet among a race of manlets
Jesus Christ
Whoever grows the better Hobbit leaf
Merry would stomp; he fucking aced a Nazgul
You mean cadet branch.
Well for all intensive porpoises, the phrase might as well be would of. It's best use is when its right they're.