Tiny Orcs Edition

Tiny Orcs Edition

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks. /hwg/ doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to very specific games, so this thread isn't tied to a game, or a genre, lets talk about fun wargames.

Any scale, any genre, any company, any minis. Skirmishers welcome. Rules designers welcome.

>Examples of games that qualify
Mighty Armies, Dragon Rampant, Of Gods and Mortals, Frostgrave, Hordes of the Things, Songs of Blades and Heroes, Freebooter's Fate, Dark Age and anything that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread (gorkamundheim).

>Places to get minis

>The Novice Trove

Last Thread
Further to last thread's chat about Urban War I dug out my collection and found:

6x Viridian Marine with Rifle
2x Viridian Marine with some kind of SAW
1x Viridian Sniper
1x Special Forces Officer (Trenchcoat woman)
2x Weapon Team crew (without the weapon teams)
2x Riot Shield Guy
1x Riot Shield Officer

PLUS, a shitload of VOID:

Old Icarus Trask(?) (Two Armblade guy)
1x Old Riot Shield Officer
1x Old Riot Shield Guy
1x Old Marine Officer
5x Old Marine with Rifle
2x Old Marine with chaingun
1x Old Sniper

PLUS Syntha

2x Cyber Bikini Babe
3x Big robot with minigun arm?
1x Huge robot thing with rocket launcher?
4x Android with shotgun and shield
4x Android with rifle

(I don't know what the fuck this stuff is)

Other urls found in this thread:


Update: I identified the Syntha on Scotia Grendel's website.

It's 3 Pointmen, 4 Grape Gun Androsynths, 1 Artemis, Neo-Pi, 4 Rifle Androsynths and 1 MLRS Teratosynth

Look at this sexy muthafucka.

Please don't forget the threadname and at least try to come up with a starter topic.

Truly, OP does his family a great honor and living up the legacy that OP is a faggot.

At least he linked it in the last thread.

Recently a group for Void 1.1 was made on Facebook and it includes the writers and designers of the original game and Urban War as well. This stuff has a really fascinating history...Target Games dies, UK branch starts Void 1.1, Kev White sculpts for them, so the Void minis could pass for Warzone minis - as far as I'm concerned some of them were made specifically for Warzone, but Target dies before that could happen. Really nice minis, overall, wish I could get the starter from Scotia Grendel as a bundle instead of separate items.

Star Wars Xwing qualifies as a "light" wargame or not? any alternatives that are not fucking dead due a natualy incompetent company?

More /hwg/ related really but TANKS by GF9 is pretty light and a similar manoeuvre game to X-wing.

I see, well being honest I was still quite a bit salty overr the management Wizkids gave to D&D attack wing but from dragons to tanks I guess that's a good option too. personally I'm not much of a fan of SW. thanks

I know that feel man, I was super hype for D&D Attack Wing when it was announced.

Should have known better, Wizkids are the laziest bunch of fucks on the planet.

fuck them seriously. I kinda regret all the effort I put trying to bring people to know Dice masters now, the game now is in a healthy state but I can't bear anymore help to such an idotic company.

Neat Viridian force. Sounds pretty brutal up close with the Heavy Gauss Rifles (the saw type weapons) and Shock Marines (riot shield guys).
Wonder what happened to the actual heavy weapons?
Which greatcoated female is it, the one just standing or the one leaping around with the stocked pistol? They're both cool minis whichever.

What's void 1.1 actually like? I read through the rules ages ago and from what I can remember it's basically Urban War. But I can't imagine the UW rules really working above skirmish level...

What are those wee orcs? They're cute!


Not sure if this counts as "alternative," but Adeptus Titanicus coming back:

This is from Discord, from an user who watched the demo game they did Friday Evening

WARNING:: In coming stream of notes i gathered on Titanicus

Okay first off news that you already heard:
1 box set, enough titans for 2 players, ruleset, dice (including special dice for markers etc) and some terrain (possibly ofc)

Then they'll be booster packs released along side it. Simultaenously they plan and it will include the contents of the box.

I sense this will interlink with the force-org plan for how to play the game. The rule book (intended to accompany the set currently) has some preset force orgs, and they plan to add more in the future.

One example, which i just about manage to hear in passing conversation between FW employee and a fan was the "Myrmidon" (Myrm sometihng for sure) - from the brief glance it was 1 warlord, 2 reavers and 2 warhounds (likely as a minimum) - warhounds themselves can be in units of 1 - 3.

How this intergrates with knights I dont know. Knights are intended to either act as skirmish line/cannon fodder however they are very potent on the flank - if you let a band of Lancers hit your reavers flank you may very well be dead, similar story for Atrapos.

Handling units of Knights will likely be easier than handling Warhounds (if cohenercy is a factor) because Knights have no limitations on how they may maneuver with their arcs. Yes, moving includings rotating if you are a titan. The larger the Titan the slower the turn rate and other such.

I actually wish I brought a trio of knights instead because then I would be able to learn alot more about the game. I'll probably try to bring an aAtrapos and 2 styrix next time they do an event like this. Easier to carry for a start!

Speaking of the Styrix - Titan scale Volkite is in! This certainly means the rule is in, no idea if it will be on the true Titans (will find out sunday) but given they wish to expand on the Titan types (No info just yet but its been stated previously) we can expect to find it then. In the past (eg, July iirc) Bligh has been open to adding Volkite weapons to the main stream warhammer titans - apaprently people have asked for Phosphex too but nothing yet.

Mechanically i was not able to directly play the game but I paid as much attention as I could whilst taking photos, and I think I have a pretty good perception of it. Conceptually its clear as crystal (sans knights but its easy to imagine the game with them)

Imagine titans as something of a giant battleship. Vehicle so vast they have armour differences for each location - Legs are actually quite strong on most titans. This is done because most things a titan fight will be attacking from below and you might imagine that titan vs titan combat, gettingyour leg blown out is badnews.

(The rules are for a certain FW. They even have a similar layout (but a blueish tint instead of red) to the book. The models themselves im not sure, will likely find out sunday)

However, not as bad as getting your fucking face shot up. Which happened on at least two occasions that game.

If your void shields are down, and your hit in the face, you can expect your moderatii to die and your MIU's severed.

A reaver titan may expect to survive about 3 bad hits to the face before being destroyed if memory serves me right (it had also been beaten up bad before)
You may be fearing "oh fuck alphastrike city" but you'd be very wrong (at least if your a titan, not sure on knights as none took part). Multiple reasons for this and I will explain the conceptual part first;

Ranges matter ALOT in this game. First turn only Apoc launchers and Volcano cannons were in range.

(The titan weapons seen, turbo lasers, plasma blastgun, sunfury plasma annhiliator, laser blasters, melta cannons and inferno guns, all weapons that were not in range turn 1 (aside from one instance of for laser blaster/turbo laser i'll get to that in a moment)

Onto mechanically why: the game is done in phases like 40, however each "turn" each sides roll a D10 (yes the game uses d10s!) for initiative.

The side with the higher initiative activates a titan first.

For example (there weas a phase before this, which was not done in turn one, i;ll check my actual written notes soon) Team 1 moves a warlord titan. Team 2 moves a titan of their choice and so on.

Once all titans are moved, we enter the repair phase, where the tech priest on board will begin to repair any current damage. This can be stuff such as plasma reactors leaking etc. Then its damage control ; are these leaking system causing bad effects? what means are being used to dampen these?

I'll go back to more specifics once i've covered damage because its quite important.
We enter the combat phase after this. Naturally this where (most) the attacking happens.
Titans cannot split weapons without giving an order beforehand (more later). First you roll to hit as per usual however other factors are taken into account; dead moderatii, range (seemed to be for certain weapon types) and cover all adjust these values to hit.

Then, the enemy rolls a void save. This is dependent on how many void shields they currently have operating. Shields tend to become less effective as the game goes on due to systems being damaged and the shields being bombarded so less are operating at one time.

Once the enemy has no shields (or they fail a save iirc) you will begin hitting them.
This is where things get interesting. the old familar D6+Strength, then a bonus if you flanked (there didnt seem to be side armour for each component. Probably for the best otherwise we might have 3 values for each damn piece and there are alot of pieces)

Then your total is compared against the various thresholds for that location. Normal, Critical, Devastating

Normal, obviously, just does damage. Critical and devastating you roll on tables.
These cause additional damage as well as special effects. Devastating ones tend to be permanent - such as a plasma reactor being blown open or a crew member being heavily wounded.

Thats the essence of the game. There are of course specific for deaths of a titan.
One such result is a rather understated "silenced" - crew is dead, perforated beyond function, but stands tall and remains on the board.

Another is "laid low" the titan scatters a short distance, then you roll for the direction it falls

Of course more dramatic explosions exist.
Before all this however (im not sure it applies first turn, it may of just been to help familiaries people with the game to skip it first turn) is Orders Phase.

Each titan has a number of orders. These include: Emergency repairs (bonuses to repairing but you either move, or shoot - you'll actually do alot of moving in this game. ALOT). Stride - immiedately move (iirc) but again, you must either move or fire.

There was one more orders but alas it was not used. OH WAIT. CHARGE.
Charge; move. make immiedate attack.. you may of course make another melee attack later.

Melee combat, from what little i've seen is absolutely viable. A reaver punched another 4 times in the face, causing 2 criticals, forcing the enemy titan (which had a chainfist!) to back off like the Treasonous Legio Mortis pussycat it was
(Yeah repair was after move)

So how do you do orders?
Well if your the Princep Seniororous (no idea how to spell bullshit latin), you pass your order automatically everyone else makes d10 command checks.

Fail, and well, many guard players know what happens next; no more orders for that team.

We now also have something familar to Battletech players; heat! In this case its the plasma reactor.

You can boost certain actions by powering up your reactor.
For example movement can be exchanged for a better value that is listed in brackets, special rules of some weapons (for example laser blasters can be used to overpower a shield) can be activated ,some weapons require powering (Belicosa's for example)

Plasma weapons can be outright simply improved using reactor power, though the boosts do not work against void shields because of how these weapons work (so much like tabletop, void shields are countered by chaffire, though some strong weapon types can defeat them)

Another use is boostingyour shields. Declaring power to your void shields (it done per instance of weapon fired, so not like jinking) gives you the ability to reroll 1's.
So one believable tactic is to spook someone into keep overcharging their reactor, eventually they will overload it and bad things happen.

Bad things include the machine spirit trying to throw you off like a pissed off horse, forcing your princep to engage in a Machine-Spirit rodeo via a command check

As I mentioned earlier; titans manuervarability is limited. This includes arcs of rotation - you can charge and rotate btw
I believe thats everything besides some loose change intricasies.

This includes no premeasuring.
Yes, currently premeasuring is not allowed. No weapon uses fantasy cannonball rules currently
If you failed to hit witha blast weapon, you scatter d10 (no direct hit)

Orders that failed - unit carries on as normal.

Voiods do not work in melee - this might be expected.
Overcharging will not (at least as movement goes) cancel your action. Unless of coures your dead.

One order I forgot, that made the game very interesting; First Fire. You fire a single weapon in the order phase, you may not move.

Points cost as per usual are the basis of the game balance (in addition too force org) weapons them selves have specifiic casts
Shields can regen, just like table top.

>End of Transcript

Is it just me or do AoG minis look better with non-official paint schemes and different bases?

Honestly, anything is better than Warlord's promotional pics.

I am fairly sure the heavy weapons got lost in a move somewhere. I might just go on Scotia Grendel and buy new ones. It's the action pose officer, too.

I never played Void - I think someone gave me the minis as a gift.

They're from Pendraken 10mm. The Giant is an Age of Sigmar model.

Fair point.
I really like the beveled bases on the minis though.

Not sure how I feel about the crystals on the larger CORE models.

What happened to all the games that were supposed to become big and then disappeared suddenly? Avatars of War, Wrath of Kings, Relic Knights, Dark Age and Warpath. They have sweet, sweet minis and from what I've heard not too bad rules, so why did they die?

From what I understand, CMON is a huge pain in the ass for shops to stock. A colossal pain in the ass. Plus, it can take several weeks for the CMON shop to check and refresh stock for certain games, so if someone wants to get into a new game, and they find their essentials perpetually sold out, they probably go away with the impression that the game is dead, dying, or lacks support.

Most importantly, though, yeah the games look great, and seem to play well, but having a large userbase really does help the bigger games stay at the top. Why spend $100-200+ on a new game only to find that no one plays it near you? Why would someone with several hundred in another system want to take a risk and drop a few more hundred on a whole new system, when everyone else already plays 40k, WarmaHordes, or Malifaux? New players will want to go where the action is.

>so why did they die?
None of the games you mentioned are dead.
Not being discussed on Veeky Forums is something entirely different. Veeky Forums is by no means representative.

Avatars of War is a deathmatch game. There is really nothing much to discuss.
They also started making minis for their Warthrone line which is kind of an alternative GW thing and they also have a cooperation with mantic where some of the Minis are being used for Kings of War.
Wrath of Kings and Dark Age are both CoolMini or not games. That's the only place to get them.
At least Dark Age is replacing all the old sculpts with new sculpts and they recently introduced a new faction. A dead game would hardly get that kind of attention.
Warpath is still waiting to have it's latest Kickstarter goals fullfilled afaik.

Relic Knights is owned by Soda Pop and they managed to let Hell Dorado die. So that is the only game that might be in trouble, because Soda Pop doesn't seem... invested in longterm sustainability?

I am a bit disheartened by the big company games, without going in detail about that, and am looking for some recommendations. I would like to play a non-historical, 28-32mm wargame with medium-high model count (so no skirmishes) that isn't 40K or WMH but can still find games for in bigger lgs's. Medium-high would be about 25 models per player with variations depending on the list/faction.

Do you count Warlord as big company?
If not you could give Gates of Antares a try.
If you're in britain you should be able to find some games, and possibly also in Germany.
There is a gamefinder thingy too. You could check that out first, before making any other decisions.

I've already checked them out and the aesthetic just can't get to me. Also I live in a big city in the UK and never seen it played ones in any of the five game stores around.


I am unreasonably excited for this game. Is there any word on when it's being released?

Warpath is far from dead. It had a very successful kickstarter, which I was to poor to take advantage of. It is coming out to retail proper March/April and I'll hazard a guess they are going to push it hard to catch the ever more ex-40k players and attract those who don't like Gates of Antares!

>This includes no premeasuring.
>Yes, currently premeasuring is not allowed.
I wasn't expecting good game design, but I was still hoping they wouldn't be lazy fucks. At least it won't have TLOS cover, right...?

Saga but with fantasy. Either the official zombies, or just use the rules for orcs and shit.

What were the most recent books released for Kings of War and Warpath?

Same issue as with gates of andares. The sculpts are ugly and nobody plays it in the biggest game store this side of england.


Get out. Gripping Beast does great plastics and metals.

>The sculpts are ugly

you don't have to use any particular sculpts? even the "official zombies" you can substitute for your favourite undead

jesus, dude, try not thinking of GAME + OFFICIAL MINIATURES as an inseparable whole

>The sculpts are ugly
Yeah, you can any minis you like.
Just pic miniatures you like and go with that.

Though to be hones if you don't like the GW stuff (which i totally get btw), but you also don't want any historical games you don't have many choices left, cause most smaller companies do not push a lot of minis with their games since that would put them into direct competition with GW. Which is not a sound business decision for most of those companies.

Anyway, I assumed it would fall under 'big companies' like GW and Warlord, but what about Kings of War or Warpath and Deadzone?

I prefer round bases and bigger model count so Warpath seems quite fitting. I am just afraid that it will burn out within a few months of release like it happened to all the other hyped up kickstarter wargames. I guess I will just stick to WMH even though mk3 suck big time.

Why are the Revenants not on the Gripping Beast website? The category comes up as empty.

>The sculpts are ugly
break your conditioning, use whatever you want

>I am just afraid that it will burn out within a few months of release like it happened to all the other hyped up kickstarter wargames.
Well, I can't predict the future, but the worst case scenario is that you can still play Deadzone or another game with the minis.
Though honestly every game that isn't GW or Warlord could - in theory - die in the next few months.
I mean if everybody was so afraid of that happening that they won't get into something new the game wouldn't even have made it's kickstarter goals.

Revenants were a limited edition thing. They're not really a part of SAGA proper and are gone now.

Warpath is just in the midst of its restart, and I've still seen more games of it played with 40k minis than I have seen actual games of 40k. The First Wave shipment of minis are out now, with Vehicles due out in a month or two.

Especially with the Sigmarification of 40k looming now, people are pretty quick to do exactly what a majority of the Fantasy community has done, and jump ship to Mantic's offering.

You might want to check out Warpath: Firefight. It's the smaller scale version of the game that works right about that level. The rules are already out even if all of the miniatures aren't yet.

Got any picsof your Urban Wars stuff?

IMAGE board.
44 posts.
20 unique posters.
3 images.
Page 7.

I've got an opportunity to get the Gates of Antares starter for a third of the regular price.
That is I'd pay 10 bucks less for the rulesbook, two armies, templates and dice than if I was only buying the rulebook.

This is a pretty good deal, but not exactly a planned purchase. Wat do?

Welcome to my painting circa 2008, when primer was "I've got some black paint I guess", thinning paints was for fags and Vallejo smoke wash was detail in a pot*

*it isn't

All of it is getting stripped and redone.

26 minis for a little over 30$ ? Go for it. At least you will get some plastic minis for conversions. You could always use them for Rogue Stars or other games even if Antares won't work out.

For Anons that have played Dragon Rampant.

I'm wanting to use it for my 6mm element based gaming. I'm wondering about cohesian. The rules have a reference to multi-based units when you have several stands making up a single unit... But what if you have two or more separate units? So if I have 3 stands of 6mm orcs, all of which are separate heavy foot units, do I bunch them together, or do they follow the "Stay 3 inches away from each other" rule?

hi guys, may i ask for a favour could you list all skirmish games you know?Everything goes, i am not looking for suggestions in particual, just a list of many games to check out when i hae nothing to do. Thank you very much.
sci fi

No, because that's a fucking million of 'em. To go TMP or BGG or somewhere and browse.

You're mixing terms - try separating units from bases/models.

A unit is 6 or 12 toy soldiers. Each unit has to be 3" apart from each other unit.

Each toy soldier may be a single toy soldier on a base or a base with a bunch of smaller-scale toy soldiers or something.

If you like movement trays, you might use a tray that has, say, four toy soldiers on it. That would be four of the toy soldiers in a unit, which would require an additional 2 or 8.

However, the number of toy soldiers doesn't really matter, because they're really just wound markers.


look, if each stand is a separate unit, they stay apart. If you're using multiple stands to represent one unit, they bunch up and have to stay apart from other units.

units are basically, um. blobs of 1-12 bases, depending on how you multibase. Each base has to maintain coherency, each unit has to maintain separation. It's a lot easier to demonstrate and grok than it is to type out.

>Look, if each stand is a separate unit, they stay apart. If you're using multiple stands to represent one unit, they bunch up and have to stay apart from other units.

>It's a lot easier to demonstrate and grok

"Stand = unit" vs "Many stands = unit". I think I grok.

So I will go stand = unit. So my 3 stands of dudes are 3 units, and they have to stay apart.



Units have to stay apart, units have either 6 or 12 hit points typically represented by a single model per hit point but which are basically done however you like as long as it's clear and not dickish.

>They also started making minis for their Warthrone line which is kind of an alternative GW thing and they also have a cooperation with mantic where some of the Minis are being used for Kings of War.
Close. They scrapped Warthrone officially and are making figures for 9th Age rather than for Kings of War. Their Arena game is still supported.

>Wrath of Kings and Dark Age are both CoolMini or not games. That's the only place to get them.
They are sold at stores (Including the one near me), but you are right in that they are awful with retailers due to the Kickstarters cleaning the market early on.

>Relic Knights is owned by Soda Pop and they managed to let Hell Dorado die. So that is the only game that might be in trouble, because Soda Pop doesn't seem... invested in longterm sustainability?
Relic Knights is getting a new two player starter set, so it certainly isn't dead. And the figures and rules are less awful than they were at launch, which is a plus. Hell Dorado died of its own volition and had the range bought out by Soda Pop as far as I know.

My only exposure to Soda pop was ordering one of their minis pre-relic knights, and getting the runaround for 6 months before I finally got the mini poorly packaged and broken-in-blister.

Have they gotten over that?

thank you anyway, didn't think of looking at tmp,but what is BGG, boardgamegeek?

Maybe OP can help me.

I'm looking for 10mm or small bolt-throwers for a project. Can you recommend me any?

To an extent. They are less bad, but I can't call them good yet. Maybe the Relic Knights 2nd Edition Kickstarter at the end of this month will change that.

I think Pendraken have them in their fantasy ranges.

Are there SAGA hacks, for fantasy or just custom armies?


yo that's bretty cool
Poor undead cannot activate for shit


Here are some options.

>Page 10 bump

Do you guys play games with round, square or hex bases?
I think hex bases are kind of underused because games that have firing arcs or where model orientation is important the 30° angles come in handy. In any case I think it's better than marking the bases.
The only games that use them that I can think of are 1650 by tercio creativo, The Black Eye and battletech, which is played on a hexgrid.

In terms of aesthetics it also strikes a nice balance between round and square I think.

honestly I think that round bases are the best, and I'm thinking of re-basing all my old whfb miniatures to round (even though I play with regiments)

the miniatures look better on their own, and you can still fit them in a movement tray, so it's pretty much a win-win situation

Yeah round bases definitely look best, but I mean from a gaming perspective.
1650 has rules for attacking people from behind for example (at least from what I understand) and since the base can be used to be an indicator for the front and back 180° arc they help gameplay along.
Infinity has to rely on marking the arcs by hand or adding brass etch for example.

warzone has round bases which come with a marking which makes a middle line, so you can have facing with rounds too. I do agree that hexas look pretty good, but i feel like they make too much of a statement,they aren't normal enough and would strike me as something strange.

>"Coming at the end of summer from Ganesha Games, d20 based, highly detailed skirmish/GM-less RPG hybrid game for friendly games (based on the Rogue Stars engine but with less book-keeping. 4-16 figures per player, new magic system, hit location). 128 pages, 8,5x 8,5" full-color paperback."

Pretty interesting, looking forward to it

Less book-keeping, RS engine, 4-16 figures? I wonder if he's dunking the Stress system as it is at the moment, or making some combination of "multi figure" units (for like mobs of zombies) that act together, or what.

I'll read it, I guess.

Does anyone have (or know where I can get my paws on) a copy of early (anything from 1st to 3rd) editions of Starfire?

I got Ultra Starfire, but that shit's such an autism central, it makes Aurora4x look casual by comparison.


>tfw currently writing something similar to this

>Avatars of War
They are a company, not a game, and they switched to promoting 9th Age instead of their own game. Warpath Kickstarters just got shipped, and official production will take some time.

Also, I start a game because I like it. Noone plays it? I don't give a shit, if you aren't resourceful enough to find another guy or gal to play with, then shit man, get yourself together.

Do it, faggot.

Coming soon: an actual battle report on /awg/


He recently threw some 'redshirt' rules out for Rogue Stars.
If it's a GM-less RPG hybrid as he puts it, it stands to reason that you have a few detailed dudes and some expendable mooks.
If each of your 16 dudes is it's own character it would probably entail more bookkeeping than Rogue Stars.

I thought about writing a game system of my own but gave up cos there is just way too much competition. Theres like a hundred different skirmish systems and dozens of wargame/rpg -hybrids... Just feels like you'd really have to have something unique to stand out.

Well yeah. You either need the mathematical abilities, plus know a lot of shit about games, plus have exceptional writing skills and a little luck or you need to create a new model range and support it with your own game system.

That's why I'm not that excited for Rogue Stars. As an rpg player I've seen homebrew systems and subsystems that were executed much better than it is.

Alright lads I've been wanting to get into Warhammer (both 40k and aos) but I have no fucking clue on how to paint the minis, I bought a set of orruk bonesplitters do you guys recommend trying to copy the design s on the box or try doing it myself?

I'd recommend not getting into Warhammer.

Wrath of Kings also has a pretty small model range that can be mostly covered by getting the starter box and a few small addons, which makes for a tight game but doesn't really make stocking them worthwhile.

I really like the game and got three armies for cheap on ebay due to people dumping their pledges, but if you want to get a scene going you have to do it pretty much entirely without store help.

On the bright side I think it makes a great sort of "board game" wargame where one player has a couple of armies and you just run a pickup games.

>That's why I'm not that excited for Rogue Stars. As an rpg player I've seen homebrew systems and subsystems that were executed much better than it is.
I gotta admit that I was more excited about the game before I read the rules.
Part of that was how it was written though. It's very dry. Loads of tables and sometimes confusing, because you don't get an overview before you get into specifics.

Why not? I'd like to learn how to pain the minis anyway since I wanna make a collection for a dnd campaign I'm planning, is it a terrible decision?

This is the thread for people who are sick of warhammer, more or less. Might wanna go as in /40k/ or /aos/

For the price of those models you could have gotten like a couple dozen minis more suitable for DnD from Reaper.

For painting, take a look at /hwg/'s painting and modeling trove.

They're not terrible choices, but if you're just looking for D&D minis GW's lines are usually pretty expensive. If you have the cash and find minis of theirs you like then go for it.

As for your previous question, feel free to go with whatever sort of design you want. I would head over to /wip/ and check out some of the beginner tips there thin your paints which should help you avoid some early pitfalls. Worse case you can always strip paint from minis, so don't feel like if you fuck up they're ruined unless you do something really funky like soak plastic minis in acetone.

There's both a 40k and AoS general for opinions on official schemes vs homebrew discussion. I think you'll get more useful answers there, because sometimes GW likes to retcon the lore of their setting and that means changes to the character of the army you are playing.
There are upsides to using an official scheme too. Since the studio churns out new material it'll keep things interesting for you even if you don't have time to do any gaming yourself.

If you just want to talk about painting in general I recommend swinging by /wip/.
There used to be a pretty comprehensive mega folder in the op with the GW painting guides and how to paint books. The older ones are a really good place to start reading, the newer ones are aimed specifically at GW's new range of paints. I mention this because the paints are formulated for specific tasks.
Things you were just doing via methods of application are now substituted in the GW way of painting by using a different paint pot.

Anyway, if you like what is on the box paint that. If you got another idea you like better go with that. It's what 'the hobby' is all about after all.

Frankly you could probably condense all the information in the Rogue Stars book into half as much pages with decent formatting and rearrangement of rule parts.

More than half if the text will be targeted only at RPG players and wargamers.

Which is why I asked here, because I'll get differing and valid opinions other than muh gw is shit that happens in most threads.I spent roughly 70 euros for all the stuff required to make them except the stuff that you need to make them like the glue and the mouldline remover. Although it would have been cheaper to get them off reaper cheape but I'd like to learn to paint minisI mean I can't just buy models left and right but I enjoy the orcs they have and I don't like To make like an army of them

Fucking hell iPads are terrible, meant to say I'd like to make an army of ork boys

For learning how to paint it would have been better to by something with more models and cheaper.

Say like this

Boxed resin game soonTM, possibly plastic if it does well, maybe infantry after that.

I really, really hope they add infantry in.

As much as I'll enjoy Titan v Titan games, the possibility of recreating truly massive battles at a more sensible scale is too good to be ignored.

Imagine being able to play the Dropsite Massacre or something in 8mm, it would be absolutely fantastic.

...you could just play Epic and be done with it.

Can't be fucked trying to get a decent source for the models. I'm not going to go to some closed grognard private forum and beg and scrape for the opportunity to buy some ancient recasts. Also this way it will be supported and the techs come along a ways from when Epic was released so they'll have better detail.

Old plastics are really fucking inexpensive, also tons of alternative manufacturers - Trolls Under the Bridge, Vanguard minis, Onslaught minis, half the IG regiments can be made from 6mm historicals...

Don't be a daft cunt, m8. Epic is well supported, but not by GW who couldn't give half a shit when it comes to their good games.

For a moment, I thought they were Zaku's.

It's Heavy Gear, close enough I guess.

Update: Battle report mostly written (all the crunchy in-game stuff is done), just the story to go with it to do.

In the meantime, a photo from the other game played today.