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It's my first time playing a tabletop game. What do?
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>playing 4th edition
>2017 anno domini
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that they're using 4e to teach newbies. Host knows how to teach that the best.
Oh my poor poor child, I'm so sorry.
Actually, 4e is decent by itself, but it's horrible for newbies.
Whatever happens, remember that if you're not having fun, either the system, the GM, the party or yourself are to blame. In any of these cases, it can be fixed by trying a different game. D&D is not the only and is certainly not the best TRPG. If you don't like it, nothing wrong with it.
Well, 4e is a fine edition as long as you have the character builder. My only problem is it appears you rolled your stats and somehow got a 2 (you are as smart as a dog or wolf) which is impossible. Use the standard array of 16 16 13 11 10 and 8.
Hit up any 4e general threads and check out
Another thing I noticed is you chose TN as an alignment. 4e only has 5 alignments - Lawful Good, Good, Unaligned, Evil & Chaotic Evil. You also have Sehanine AND Lolth as your deities. You can't worship both, I'm afraid. Your character sheet is also quite empty and I have no clue what your second language is.
>2 int
Am I reading that right? You're dumber than a dog? You're not even sapient?
I already called him out here but an Int of 2 means he is as smart as a dog. Still would not be sapient or capable of speech though.
I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. The guy helping me out told me to roll a d20 for that stuff, looked over it and just went along with it.
Gonna change to unaligned then, going to switch to Lolth
Second language is "Demonic".
>The guy helping me out told me to roll a d20 for that stuff
He's not trying to help you, that much is clear.
Just read the fucking book. Character creation is extremely easy.
Lolth only accepts Drow followers unless your DM says otherwise.
To roll your attributes (Str thru Cha) the normal way is to roll 4 6 sided dice (4d6) and drop the lowest number rolled then tally the rest for each attribute individually (ie you roll and get a 5, 4, 4 and 2 so you drop the two, add the others and get a 13. Repeat 5 more times then assign the rolls to each attribute of your choice). If he told you to roll a d20, your GM has literally no clue what he is doing.
Is not a language. I think you mean "Abyssal".
He was chill with me choosing Lolth, gonna reroll everything
I guess. He just told me "Demonic". After I asked him if he meant Draconian, he just said Demonic again
>The guy helping me out told me to roll a d20 for that stuff
Are you sure that's what he meant?
If you roll stats, the traditional way is to roll 4d6, drop the lowest, and then do that six times, and assign the results as you see fit.
Are you playing in person or over the internet? If in person, don't trust him and try to find another, more experienced group. If over the internet, cease communication and find another group. Veeky Forums has game finder threads or you can try your luck on Roll20, enworld or other gaming sites.
In any case, this DM is not good or does not understand the rules.
In person, can't really find another group
He's not actually the DM, but he's helping everyone get set up before we actually have a real session.
jesus, the DM is going to have a shock when everyone shows up at the first game with an absolute mess on their sheet.
My thoughts exactly.
Sounds like he's trying to sabotage the game before it starts.
Jeezus, here. Read this and tell the asshat who is going to ruin everyone to fuck off.
Get the cbloader
You'll find all the material you need here:
Ask your DM for help instead of that idiot.