Reminder that there is nothing weird or fetishy about playing a thrallherd. It is a perfectly legitimate and fun class.
Reminder that there is nothing weird or fetishy about playing a thrallherd. It is a perfectly legitimate and fun class
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Absolutely, there is nothing weird about it, sometimes you just want to have a completely loyal companion, they think about disagreeing but when you talk to them it's so soothing, why go to the effort, just go along with it and you'll be rewarded well, promise. And then after a while they just get used to following, it feels so relaxing to just go with the flow and not think about it, why waste mental energy worrying about why you're doing things which could be spent thinking about Master. Of course they're so happy like that it only makes sense that they'd want to help other people feel that way so they're delighted when more thralls join the group.
Thrallherd are a fun class
Excellent taste friend.
Man that was a good one.
I thought there was nothing weird or fetishy? Why did this make me feel so hot then?
It's the opposite OP. There's something weird and fetishy about literally everything if you look hard enough. The only thing that varies is how obvious it is.
I need a source!
I agree.
however, as much as I want to play a thrallherd, it would feel pretty awkward for me since that IS my fetish and that's not really a position I want to put myself in. It's a shame, since they seem pretty fun.
I think the problem is that everything is somebody's fetish, and if you go out of the way to avoid this you both kill yourself creatively and still accidentally wander down someone's fetish alley.
Absolutely. It's a problem we see all the time on Veeky Forums, obsessing over the slightest little thing as a sign of 'magical realm'.
People need to chill. It only really matters if it starts making someone uncomfortable- Although at that point, it's time to shut it the fuck down.
My Dear Maid by Takatsu.
Could you play a game where one player played a Thrallherd and another player played their thrall?
>tfw you've done tons of perfectly clean and straight-laced mind control plots and sometimes you just wanna write ONE small little weird one for yourself
isnt that the whole point? you are even 2?1? level behind so you get to be inferior to everyone else too.
If that's what you want me to think, sure.
Thank you!
Its okay user. Let go of your apprehension. Let the words flow and give yourself what YOU desire.
I've done it, was fun and hilarious.
Generally when this sort of thing comes up, I remind my players that people are well, people.
The thralls and believers serve to the best of their capacity, in the best way that they can think of.
Ever had that friend that really tries to help, but is a total clutz? Or the little brother who declares how tough you are to the bullies and picks fights for you because he's so confident in you? A significant other with some real asshole friends, who would leave them if you really really asked them to, but you don't because you know how much it would hurt them and cause drama?
With normal mind control spells and such, you're just doing a smash and grab on their mind. With Thrallherd?
You're adopting them and the entirety of who they are.
I feel like different thrallherds would probably have different "methods" based on their personality.
>Some have their thralls fall in love with them, that grows into an unstoppable emotion
>Some are more subtle, and it's a loyalty based on an unusual "friendship" type feeling
>Some simply have warriors and guardians, who's personality deteriorates slowly as they become more enthralled
In theory, there's a decent amount of room to express a character based on how a thrallherd's specific form of "gathering" works, and how that reflects who they are, if they chose that method specifically or it was just the method that came to them naturally.
I do like yours especially though, if only because I really like the "Snarky but undyingly loyal servant" character.
Or there's the "being with them is a psionic crack addiction" thing, where serving their master's commands helps them get their next fix
Dear was wasted on that little shit.
That middle one is my favorite. Where the Psion is just giving people a compulsion to feel that they are a friend and has their best interest at heart, someone that the Thrall wants to protect. Making people straight out love you seems both rapey and kind of tragic and the mental deterioration is just straight up evil.
What if the thrallherd loved them back? Loved all of them back? Doing their best to care for each and every one of them? Everyone happy, all together, a big family.
Then being a Psion who knows that the only reason people love them back is because of an unconscious mental compulsion must drive them insane.
>Entire anime folder with 100 images
>Not one of CC from Code Geass
I've dropped the ball here.
I'm doing this in my game, but it's a meme fetish ERP gane in a meme fetish setting so it's got a lot extra riding on it. Technically a lot less because the setting revolves around nullification.
I fucking love Shonen thrallherds.
Is this... fun for you?
Take a seat user, we have a lot of evolutionary psychology to cover.
Is there anything that is a thrallherd besides Magic The Gathering? Because makes me think there is.
The protag of KOTOR2 was a thrallherd.
That bug is dead nigga
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's about to become a spider snack
What if the thrall is someone who legitimately hates their thrallherd, and would wish them harm, but cannot due to their psychic link?
Like a dominate spell, but you let them think freely while adhering to your rules (ie. help my quest, dont kill me, etc).
Reminder that you can play anything in a non-fetishy way and vice versa.
I was talking about "shounen" style, where it's a friendship where people just gravitate to treating the thrallherd as the leader.
But if you wanna give a lecture I'm up for it, sounds interesting.
Close, but distinctly different. I'm thinking of a thrall KNOWS of the connection's nature, and never accepts it or derives happiness from it.
I don't know why, apart from >muh fetish, people always describe thralls like dogs or willing servants, or even being happy to be a thrall for that matter. Why not an unhappy thrall?
Why not describe them as a street gang? People drawn to a charismatic leader, some common uniform and cause belying the fact there's thrall-ing going on, pressing and bullying others into joining.
Speaking of;
>Tunnel Snakes Rule
New page. Thrallherd only finds sad, depressed, homeless, or lonely people, is kind to them, then offers them eternal happiness and lack of hard choices. Less thralls, but I could see a normal person waking up tomorrow with that power using it that way.
Free will fucking sucks, if a thrallherd like that shows up I know I'd sign the fuck on.
Honestly, I like the idea that a thrall is someone that just clicks with the thrallherder. Nothing obvious other than the thrall being naturally friendly and amicable without a thought. Until it gets to the point that the thrall is someone that just wants to be around without thought of anything else. Like a supercharged charisma but far more magnetic towards potential thralls.
Better yet, offer life as a thrall, but without brainfuckery, to the uncertain, with a chance to upgrade. Then put all the thralls and thralls in training into a community where everyone works but thrallherd, who owns the bank account and thr housing. Eventually being sround the people that are happier than them will make them swap over or go out on their own again.
What do they do with the ones who reject the deal in its entirety on the basis that they'd rather die than admit to the world that they were only fit to be puppets at best, possibly even attempting to die right in front of them?
I actually played a Thrallherd concept once where the dude had no idea he was one. In fact, his whole floating island nation was ruled by a group of royals who had no idea that there was anything unusual about absolutely all of their orders being followed. When they eventually neglected practicing the "royal arts", their people realized they were a bunch of dunces and promptly took power.
Fleeing what he had incorrectly assumed to be a bloody revolution, Devin Darks, last practitioner of the "royal magic" left to find his own fame and fortune, never questioning his growing cult of "fangirls" who loved him despite his ugly as sin appearance and general incompetence.
His Half-Orc Champion Thrall was actually his only real friend in the world who had placed herself in position to be Thrall'd because her Tribe had figured out what was happening while trading with the nobles and had been carefully isolating his people for centuries, encouraging the slow death of their sacred magic.
She had refused to kill him because she was in love with his sorry ass and he has no idea she'd been enslaved by him.
I wonder if this would fit to German, they're quite autistic in their way. IT would fit machines more, to be honest.
So maybe that's French thing? You know, the beauty of the tiles and the fact they're perverts.
Reflex saves to prevent suicide.
The Hakuoro Option.
D&D 3.5 Expanded Psionics Handbook, page 153
>A thrallherd who has just entered the class sends out a subtle psychic call for servants, and that call is answered. Essentially, the character gains something akin to the Leadership feat (see page 106 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide), but with some important differences. Those who answer a thrallherd’s call are not referred to as cohorts and followers, but rather as thralls and believers, respectively. They do not appear because they admire the
character and want to serve her, but because a hidden psychic resonance connects the thrallherd and her servants
D&D Player's handbook, page 43
>No one ever chooses to be a paladin. Becoming a paladin is answering a call, accepting one’s destiny. No one, no matter how diligent, can become a paladin through practice. The nature is either within one or not, and it is not possible to gain the paladin’s nature by any act of will.
Presented without comment.
>I have come to smite you in the name of my god
>what god do you serve?
>that guy over there
talk no jutsu stronk
Hypnosis and loss of control are a very common fetish user. welcome to the cluuuUUbb.
Ooo... Imma gonna do something with this, next gestalt game I'm in. Just need some way to grant spells....
How do you counter psions? I believe free will is sacred and I want to at least be able to protect myself and others from them, then maybe lobotomize them so they can't do that magical realmy shit ever again. Worse than watching the cruelest deed is watching it done by your own hand.
Follow me, user, I can lead you to the answer you seek.
In 3.x, you can't.
Most books don't acknowledge that psionics exist. As such, almost all abilities that protect you from mind-affecting abilities protect you from mind-affecting MAGIC and mind-affecting SPELLS. Psionics count as neither of those.
The only books that provide anti-psionic abilities are the books that are all about psionics.
Just go become an undead, you'll be immune to mind effects.
Hope you don't mind getting turned/commanded though.
Hmm, well maybe construct? Yea that sounds, oh, wait, control constructs is a thing, hmm...
Yea you might be outta luck there, guess it's just time to pump your will save and hope nobody diplomamancers you.
3.5 psionics has psionics-magic transparency to take care of this. So spells and effects that guard against magic also work on psionics.
>As such, almost all abilities that protect you from mind-affecting abilities protect you from mind-affecting MAGIC and mind-affecting SPELLS. Psionics count as neither of those.
Yes, they do. Just like wizards can protect against clerics and vice versa.
>The default rule for the interaction of psionics and magic is simple: Powers interact with spells and spells interact with powers in the same way a spell or normal spell-like ability interacts with another spell or spell-like ability. This is known as psionics-magic transparency.
D&D class.
What is the best way to kill/disable them?
Oh shit son. Yeah, doing that at some point. Not sure from which end, admittedly.
>Fucks the maid
>Fucks his mother
>Fucks his daughter
Needed more brown meido femdom, though
so sayeth the woman mind-controlled
Funnily enough in a super setting I'm slowly fleshing out any mindcontrol or brainwashing powers and super-tech are considered Big Fucking Taboo.
Mostly because there were a few big incidents of mindcontrolled heroes on bloody rampages.
There's no "magical undo" on brain rewrites - and some heroes got stabbed by people they just rescued from the villains.
It goes for the side of "good" too - Amanda Waller types would loove them some mindfuck tech to turn supervillains into tools and weapons, and heroes very strictly deny them such opportunities.
Anybody with mindpowers is on a very tight watch, if they do anything shady, they're immediately treated as top tier Justice League threat.
One NPC is a victim of cybernization and some minor mindfuck by a loose piece of supervillain tech and has some drama with heroes for refusing to even try undoing the mind effects because that would mean they would have mindfuck tech on themselves.
With one less-polite straight up telling that if one hero didn't think himself too cool for rules and didn't keep the trophy she stumbled into, she wouldn't be in her situation in the first place.
P.S. yes senpai mindfuckery IS my fetish.
Especially in a LARP.
The same way you counter Wizards, but easier. Just force them to burn their Power Points on something and/or place them under a mind-affecting spell to interrupt their mental focus, thus making it so they can't concentrate on manifesting
user no, 3dpd is bad for the soul and larp sluts are a kind of crazy you don't want to mess with.
HAHA,seggs!Benis in bagina!:D
But ,user, nobody is talking about women here.
That does not conflict with the statement made.
Benis in buttehole.
Reminds me of the bunraku parlour things from Shadowrun.
Only if it were over text, because neckbeard man-voices are not boner food, and I get to be the thrall.
>"Your thoughts are mine"
Literally me
How would a chaotic good thrallherd work?
>not "all your feelings are mine"
Controls lycantropes so they can live the life they want without going on a rampage.
What if there was a psionic class that only subtly (or not) "mind controls" their followers in combat to increase their performance?
You mean Bard?
Ok, let's remove the "subtly" part then.
The bard only inspires but this guy would be able to alter people's minds directly to make them perform better in combat, like ignoring pain, linking the senses of the combatants and maybe even making the party work like a temporary hive mind.
The way I see that would be a "Puppetmaster" type who acts similar to a battlemaster in that they give up their actions to allow allies to attack, but get more actions per turn than any other class.
>Grant a re-roll/buff to avoid the fireball
>"controlled" characters are immune to flanking effects if the puppetmaster can see them.
>Allowing telepathic communication between "controlled" characters and the puppetmaster.
>Friendly fire becomes impossible.
Uhm, I know asking Veeky Forums for anything reality-related is not a good idea, but anyway.
Have you ever seen an actual thrallherd go about his business? How does that person collect thralls and where? I've been looking, but I couldn't find anyone...
I really want to get rid of my free will.
Any particular reason?
Basically, what said. Also, there are people of all kinds, and I feel like modern ideas like everyone insisting on free will hinder me from fullfilling my purpose.
It would be more natural for me.
Its a return to childhood, when you didn't have any real responsibility. Everything is eventually the Thrallherds issue, he's where the buck stops.
Pic related?
Humans don't have free will. You're welcome.
A person willingly lending their body and mind to someone else in such a way is also really hot now that i think about it desu
>implying they don't
Do you merely intend to deny responsibility, or have you foreseen something else?
Plus you get a cool helmet!
Human decisions are theoretically as possible to determine as a physical or chemical reaction, it just happens that we can't calculate all the factors that influence it at a given time.
something something brain chemistry,
something something Nietzsche
Also quite touching. Orange Jumpsuit Ninja has some good shit to steal when it's not being about powerwank.
>this pic
I can't even take it seriously due to reading it in their voices.
>Orange Jumpsuit Ninja
Holy shit. There was a band at my highschool talent show called exactly that. Now I finally know why.
Cut out the controller and you have Sense8.