What would the tau horus heresy look like?
What would the tau horus heresy look like?
Something happens that causes Farsight to wage a war of conquest against the Tau Empire. All of his secret followers/admirers in the empire rise up to join him and throw off the yoke of Ethereal rule.
>Honourable Aun O'Malley, I question several aspects of Greater Good.
>That is perfectly understandable, my son. No one's understanding is perfect.
>Suddenly I feel my faith restored. Thank you!
>Honoraburu Aun O'malley, the drones are rebelling
>It is clear we have ignored the Kor'vessa. Their intelect is now enough to join the greatest good as full members, not as tools. From now on, the Kor'vessa will be a pillar of our Imperium
>They say it's ok, no more biocide from their part.
It would be a reverse heresy, in which it is revealed that the Ethereals have been corrupted by chaos from the very beginning. The Tau would fight a civil war between those who continue to buy the Orwellian garbage of the Tau leadership and those who see through it.
>big tau civil war
>the rebels win
>tau empire transitions from weeaboo communist to space merrica
It's like Farsight but throw in chaos
Why merrica?
They could end up going from space communist to space Imperialists, if China didn't take notice.
Space Feudal Japan.
Heavy emphasis on martial prowess, rigid caste system, spiritual exploration, etc.
The Demigure become the new Squats.
Which also works for China. Martial prowess was especially in terms of tactics and use of the bow (which is a long ranged weapon), a meritocracy that still left a little room for advancement despite classes otherwise being fixed, somewhat like how even the humblest Fire Warrior can become a commander, and there's philosophizing and spiritual exploration, while still showing deference to proper procedure and, if not an Emperor, an upper caste of scholarly nobility.
Pheromones. Lots and lots of pheromones.
Kroot uprising.
On an unrelated note, is an all-kroot army viable yet?
this is the only scenariu that would make Tau interesting for me
Tau Empire sends in a fleet of ships to the Enclaves, and open fire on the Enclaves.
Farsight Enclaves defend themselves, end up utterly destroying the Empire's fleet.
Back at home it is shown that during a reunification talk the Enclaves opened fire first, killing Aun'Shi, a well known welcomed guest in the Enclaves.
Tau Empire launches a full invasion into the Enclaves, expecting a easy fight, leaving most of their honored allies(Kroot, Vespid, etc) back in the Empire to police it.
Land on the Enclaves planets without a single shot being fired. Shadowsun demands Farsight comes out and accept his fate, and pay for his crimes against the Tau'va.
Screens through out the Enclaves come to light, radios announce loudly that the Enclaves have up and moved their selves into Tau space, and are making planet fall on planet Tau.
Enclave forces begin to broadcast across the Empire all the lies of the ethereal cast, as well as how Aun'Va is dead, and only a hologram of him is being used to lie to the people.
Tau Empire forces rush back to Empire space, while the Enclaves easily slay the "honored" races of the Tau, and lay claim to roughly half of the Empire.
As the Empire fleet meets the Enclave fleet, Empire ships begin to defect to the Enclave, infighting takes place.
Just as the Enclave forces are getting the upper hand in the fight, the Eldar show up, and beginning to back the Empire, while Farsight and his eight are attacked by a Harlequin's troupe.
It is at this time, as the Enclaves begin to get pushed back that Farsight drops the truth bomb, of how the Eldar created the Ethereals.
The utterly shocked, and horrified Tau beginning to snap, with some refusing orders, and others just switching sides.
A unknown Ethereal gives the command for his Tau to open fire on those who are refusing to take pare in the fight anymore, and when they hesitate to do so, he does so himself, the killing of Tau, by a Ethereal who were not part of the Enclaves is shown across both the Empire, and Enclaves.
The Tau break their slate, and roughly 80% now are fighting for Farsight, the Eldar seeing this begin to leave, save for one Craftworld, and the Harlequin, who have brookerd a deal with the Dark Eldar for help, knowing that the Tau are one of Cegorach's plans.
Just as the Dark Eldar fleets arrive from space, so to does another player, the Necrons.
The Necrons open fire on the arriving Eldar fleets, and keep them from making landfall.
Shadowsun loses herself to all the facts being dropped over, and over again by Farsight, the worst of all, the truth of her sisters death.
She loses herself to her emotions, and becomes empowered by the warp. Knowing what is going on Farsight engages her alone, ordering his soldiers to remain behind.
All fighting on the planet dies down, all souls still alive watch their screens as Farsight duels a chaos corrupted Shadowsun.
Portals open up across the Empire, with daemons pouring fourth, the Enclave soldiers do their best to keep it contained with their talismans, the Empire troops help cover them as they slowly begin to close portal after portal.
>Kroot uprising
Why would they rise up against the saviours of their entire race?
During the commotion the Eldar slip away, back through the way they came, while the Dark Eldar flee back to their dark city. The Necrons, without a word, vanish from Empire space.
While on Tau, Farsight and Shadowsun's dual comes to a end when the surviving members of the eight enter the fight to save Farsight from a empowered Shadowsun.
A blow, meant to kill Farsight is instead taken by Tourchstar, who saves Farsight's life. Farsight grief stricken unlocks something in the Dawnblade, and radiant light pours out, just as he brings the blade low to kill Shadowsun, she turns normal, for but a brief instant, then fades to nothingness, leaving behind naught but a shadow engraved into the ground.
Farsight, grievously injured ends up being taken away to a facility where his wounds my be healed, though some are harder to heal then others, being warp inflicted.
Farsight gives his last known order to O'Vesa, the Earth Caste soldier of the Enclaves. All Tau see Farsight tell them that this new Empire, shall not be lead by the Ethereals anymore, nor will it be lead by the Fire Caste, but by an Earth Caste, at least till such a time as either he may be fit to lead again, or the Tau agree to vote for their near leader.
Thus does the end of the Tau Empire come, and the beginning of the Tau Republic.
No, not yet.
We need to make a big pasta about farsight splitting Tau Empire in two. Or three.
I can get behind this
The only thing i don't like is all the other minor races being fucking rekt
Taxation without representation.
Seeing as Tau were bronze age savages a couple of thousand years before the current date, during the Horus Heresy they'd be barely evolved stone age tool users.
Even a race of warrior ritual flesh-eater guns for hire is not as greedy and ungrateful as 'mericans
Tau demons.
They are so subtle and powerless however, they only appear as mood swings, wet dreams, indecisivenes and bouts of diarhea.
Blue monkeys throwing rocks at each other.
Men Of Iron, Tau edition. The AIs still believe in the Greater Good, they just think they can be even more effective without all the fleshies everywhere.
>Come, join us
>We take coffee breaks that are 5 minutes longer than regulation
>Feel the raw power of Chaos
>Tau empire sanctiones some kind of "Chaos Church of the Four Elements" state religion
>Heresy level plumbers as the punk kids don't want to be associated with old folks church
Knowing Tau they'd hardcode their AIs to not harm their people.
>greedy and ungrateful
you better not be a brit or i will kick your arse back to runnymede
Spot the butthurt imperialist
Tau Demons I see as the only ones who dare to touch even the most taboo tech heresy an dark admech who is so fiercely loyal to the Ruinous powers themselves.
What they lack in the powers of he warp they compensate in bring the most horrifying inventions of the past to bear on their victims. Legions of Men of Rust serve as expendable auxillaries for the Tau Demons, weapons who sole purpose is to extiguish civilian life is unleashed.
Why not have the protag of Fire Warrior, still gibbering/possessed by Khorne, gather enough off-balance Tau off-balanced enough to question the Greater Good and get enough client states and races to move into open rebellion?
A minor disagreement which escalates rapidly out of control, eventually causing Inter-Caste Bowling Night to be cancelled 3 weeks in a row.
Doomsday devices and xenos killing machines. Tau become war of the worlds blood drinkers.
Don't forget about all that new shit demon tau would ne spewing out
>ethereal control wanes due to degrading genes
>they can't fix it in time to stop the degradation because their genes were tampered with in ways that are unfathomably nuanced
>Meanwhile, Farsight comes to the aid of the empire in its darkest hour, becomes subversive, mythical folk hero.
>Fire caste question why they must fight and die in expansionist wars when the greater good could be peaceful. (Chinese foreign policy is centered around a concept of "peaceful rise")
>Earth caste question why they can't be artists
>Water caste question why they must manipulate and how often their claims to other races are turned into lies.
>Air caste miserable in the skies crave planets once more.
>All castes question the rape camps and the suppression of natural instincts and desires like the one for love.
>Firesight General Shas'O Kais calls for reforms.
>Ethereals send conservative general after him.
>Shaos'O Kais barely survives, everything around him burned, he weeps for the other castes, for his soldiers, for the auxiliaries, for the races that joined the T'au who were massacred
>Firecast outraged a war hero would be treated in such a way.
>Earth, water and air caste outraged they were treated as necessary casualties, teachings of the greater good more and more questioned.
>Earth Caste replace dead Crisis pilots in Kais army, modify the equipment left after the battle, repair armour through scavenging
>Kroot and 'freed' vespid sign on for representation and revenge
>Gue'la sign on to find more freedom and to revenge the soft genocides against them and the suppression of their faiths
>Demiurg sign on to avenge unfair taxation and being made second class business partners
>Great Teacher Shas'O Kais pens a new manifesto; AN Agenda for Strengthening the Message of T'au
>Spreads like fire among castes and auxiliaries
>Crusade of Truth sweeps through the spheres, Kais at its front with Commander Farsight, Great Shaper Queztal Koital, Lord Commander Sun Zoo and High Queen Vezz'pid at his side.
>Kais presses on to T'au proper, with fire in his heart the T'au Revolutionary Army confront the last Ethereal, a metallic creature glowing from beneath his robe
>Kais and the Necron fight in single combat for the future of T'au
>Kais slays the ethereal, succombing to his wounds in his crisis suit, now a twisted metal tomb, he issues his last orders, outlays the future of the Democratic T'au Empire, with his final breath he says goodbye, but it's left unfinished as he dies.
>uncertain of their future, Farsight is made Party Leader, a cabinet is made of a representative of each race, but 4 for the T'au, one for water, earth, air and fire.
>Ends with build up for the drone rebellion
Well they lie thought their teeth to their "Saviours".
>No honoured Tau, we do not do mercenary work for any race other than the tau. (Prays the Tau don't look in the Kronos Expanse)
>No honoured Tau, we are simple hunters, we cannot make advanced tech, our Kroot Spheres are the left overs from when we could. (Prays the Tau don't look underneath all the mountains on Pech)
Space Three Kingdoms war.
Fuckton of Tau warlords rising up with their own ideologies and motives, all scrambling for a piece of the cake.
What's under the mountains?
Factories capable of constructing warspheres
I dont think the Kroot will uprise unless something changes. They have a good thing going with the Tau.
Kroot are super interesting and there should be more stuff about them.
Give them flying Kroot who grew wings.
Give them more weapon options.
Great Knarlocks and Knarlocks.
>That Marine helmet behind him
Dude, are marines as tall as a Crisis battlesuit? even worse, as tall as Farsight's battlesuit?
who do you think farsight is? :^)
>>No honoured Tau, we do not do mercenary work for any race other than the tau. (Prays the Tau don't look in the Kronos Expanse)
The Tau are full aware of the Kroot activities. They ignore it.
Also the Tau saved the Kroot homeworld three times. Once from the Orks, Twice from the Dark Eldar, and Thrice from the Tyranids.
The Kroot need the Tau more than Tau need the Kroot.